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  1. #1
    WineKitty's Avatar
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    Anxiety attack or Medication issue?

    So today I had an episode at work where my heart was beating very fast (just out of the blue, no stressors, no issues, working on the computer) I felt light headed and had a slight headache and just felt weird. I went and had a nurse take my BP and pulse. Both were elevated. I had two subsequent vital checks both revealing elevated numbers. I ultimately went to the urgent care but felt much better by then but for a headache and feeling fatigued. I am newly on levothyroxine and they tested my TSH and FT4 which both were in normal range. TSH was higher than the last test but lower than pre-medication test. T4 steady and in low normal range. Urgent care doc dismissed my TSH as "normal range" but in fact it's risen and anything over 3 can make you feel like crap.

    My anxiety from this episode was high and I was nearly in tears--AT WORK. This cannot happen again, I felt like a fool. I had NO REASON at all to have an anxiety attack which is why I am thinking it was the levothyroxine. I am also on Klonopin, which I had taken .75 mg earlier.

    I don't know what to make of this and a very similar incident happened only a few days ago.

    I know there aren't any physicians here but I am just asking if anyone has anything like this that has happened to them. It was very reminiscent of an anxiety attack but with my thyroid being all out of whack I dont know what is going on.

  2. #2
    Antidote's Avatar Rude & Shouty
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    If you've never had an episode like this before your thyroid started acting up, then I'd say it was related to your thyroid or the medication - possibly the episode was triggered by anxiety but having fluctuating thyroid hormone levels will exacerbate it. If you suspect it was primarily the medication you may want to lower the dose and titrate back up slowly so your body can adjust gently. Also make sure you are eating / sleeping well etc, because any slight thing (drop in blood sugar / mild dehydration) will be exacerbated by a thyroid condition until levels have stabilised to normal.

  3. #3
    WineKitty's Avatar
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    I have had anxiety attacks before--and this was similar to it. But generally there is some kind of trigger. No trigger on these episodes.

    Thanks for the responses though. I can't wait to see the endocrinologist. Still months out from that though.

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