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Thread: Need Advice

  1. #1
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    Need Advice

    Anxiety/Panic attacks:

    I am currently struggling with medication dosage. I have been on several meds lately and just recently started having what I consider major side effects. I take 50mg of amitriptyline at bedtime. By 2-6pm, I am in full anxiety distress. Tightness in chest. Shallow breathing. (Feeling as though I simply cannot take a deep breath) Rapid heartbeat. I just visited a cardiologist today and his response is that I do have a form of tachycardia brought in by anxiety. I am now afraid that this is progressing and the Rx is no longer working. When the anxiety becomes too overwhelming I take .5mg of Xanax. I'm just so afraid of becoming addicted to the meds and would like to hear of others struggles and how you are overcoming generalized anxiety.

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    Quote cdwb View Post
    Anxiety/Panic attacks:

    I am currently struggling with medication dosage. I have been on several meds lately and just recently started having what I consider major side effects. I take 50mg of amitriptyline at bedtime. By 2-6pm, I am in full anxiety distress. Tightness in chest. Shallow breathing. (Feeling as though I simply cannot take a deep breath) Rapid heartbeat. I just visited a cardiologist today and his response is that I do have a form of tachycardia brought in by anxiety. I am now afraid that this is progressing and the Rx is no longer working. When the anxiety becomes too overwhelming I take .5mg of Xanax. I'm just so afraid of becoming addicted to the meds and would like to hear of others struggles and how you are overcoming generalized anxiety.
    I'm sorry that you are going through that Have you thought about talking to your doctor about increasing the Xanax? As .5mg is a low dose. It might help too, if you take the Xanax just before the afternoon anxiety.

    Also, did you have the tachycardia before going on amitriptyline?

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    Quote Jerry View Post
    I'm sorry that you are going through that Have you thought about talking to your doctor about increasing the Xanax? As .5mg is a low dose. It might help too, if you take the Xanax just before the afternoon anxiety.

    Also, did you have the tachycardia before going on amitriptyline?
    I have always had a "fast" heartbeat and low blood pressure but, the heart rate has increased with the amitriptyline. I spoke with my GP yesterday and he wants to lower that dosage and transition to something else. I struggle with the side effects of other anti-depressants/anxiety meds that his change worries me also. I guess we will see what happens. I do have a 1mg Xanax, but I break it in half when I take it because I fear the dependence issue. Also, because it is a controlled med, he will only prescribe 20 pills at a time so, that makes me feel like I have to control my use because if I run out, I am really in trouble. Hoping that things will normalize soon.

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    Quote cdwb View Post
    I have always had a "fast" heartbeat and low blood pressure but, the heart rate has increased with the amitriptyline. I spoke with my GP yesterday and he wants to lower that dosage and transition to something else.
    That might be a good idea as tachycardia can be a side effect of amitriptyline, which could make your already fast heart-rate worse.

    Quote cdwb View Post
    I struggle with the side effects of other anti-depressants/anxiety meds that his change worries me also. I guess we will see what happens.
    There is many different types of anti-depressants/anxiety meds, there should be something that will work for you. I know the process can be worrying, I did it for anxiety and pain meds, but once you find one that works you'll feel better

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    Have you looked into therapy for anxiety? CBT (Cognative Behavorial Therapy) can teach you techniques that can help you learn to manage your anxiety, other people have found Mindfulness has helped them. Maybe even talking through your anxieties with a councilor might help you.

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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Have you looked into therapy for anxiety? CBT (Cognative Behavorial Therapy) can teach you techniques that can help you learn to manage your anxiety, other people have found Mindfulness has helped them. Maybe even talking through your anxieties with a councilor might help you.
    I live in a rural area and unfortunately the closest therapist would be over an hour away. I have looked up several self help type therapies. Hoping that one day, I find the one which cures it all & I never have a need for another Rx in my life.

  7. #7
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    Hi "cdwb"!...

    It does not surprise me that you are having trouble with your anxiety during the evening hours. You are at a very low dose of Elavil, at 50 mg. so the benefits your are deriving are slim. Also, Elavil has a half-life of 12 to 24 hours, so a lot of it is out of your system by 2 to 6 pm. I'm not sure how long you have been on your 50 mg dose, but if it has been a number of weeks, it is probably time to increase your dose. A more therapeutic dose is 75 to 150 mg. The higher doses, like 75 mg, can be taken in divided doses, such as 50 mg at 9 pm, and 25 mg at 9 am. This could really help to cover your 2 to 6 pm period.

    Talk to your doctor about this, cdwb. Anti-depressants such as Elavil, are the drugs of choice to treat depressive or anxiety disorders. The Benzodiazepines, such as Xanax, are considered "dirty drugs" by many psychiatrists and MD's. They can be very addictive and can have severe side effects when trying to get off of them. They were always intended to be used short term, such as a bridge when getting on an antidepressant.

    The very best to you, cdwb, and "Merry Christmas"!... Chuck

  8. #8
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    Quote cdwb View Post
    I live in a rural area and unfortunately the closest therapist would be over an hour away. I have looked up several self help type therapies. Hoping that one day, I find the one which cures it all & I never have a need for another Rx in my life.
    If you have a smartphone, there are apps that let you talk to therapists online.

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