Yes - I hate them, I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM - I know the spiders here in Ireland will not kill me but I still hate them
...I am even afraid to kill them
life---> <---me
I'm generally afraid of anything with too many legs... spiders, centipedes, etc. They are so gross
I'm in love with the world through the eyes of a girl who's still around the morning after...
Actually, no. Bees and wasps are my fear.
Yes, I find them very frightening!
"I am the Wanderer
I've seen many a shore
But the road I long the most to go
Is closed for evermore"
No. It doesn't mean I'd be anxious to touch a tarantula, though.
No, I actually like them.
My sister is terrified of them, though, and always calls me to rescue her from them. I'll hear my cell ring, and she'll be saying, "Josh, there's a monster spider downstairs, will you please take care of it? NOW?!?!?" And I'll come down, and it'll be this tiny little baby spider, definitely not terrifying.
Even Wolf spiders don't phase me. And I have a reason to be terrified of spiders, because I was bit by one once.
I will scream as if I am being stabbed if I see a spider or just about any insect. I have a irrational, crazy fear of insects.
I have a terrible fear of insects--but for whatever reason spiders don't scare me all that much, unless they're especially large or weird looking.
If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let 'em go, because man, they're gone.
--Jack Handey
No. But if that spider happened to be sitting on the head of a snake, well, it would be history.
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
Mother, is that you?
I can't even mention the word spider around my mother. She'll start with O__O "NO. WHERE? WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME WHERE IT IS?"
Probably because you'll yell louder and I appreciate silence. I don't like them either, but I'm the one that does the killing. That is, if my dad isn't around. Bunch of wusses we are! I don't particularly like killing's cruel, but I sure don't want to carry it inside a container to put it outside because it could get out before I got to the door and clearly that would be the end of the world. Their movement makes me cringe. Too many legs. I don't know why this is such a big deal. I don't like other insects either, though.
What's odd is I had a pet mouse when I was a kid and I've never been afraid of rats or mice.
Not really