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  1. #1
    lethargic nomad's Avatar
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    People refusing to do small favors

    Lately I've been thinking about people who won't help you even though it's no skin off their ass. I understand people not wanting to help with things that take up lots of time or money. But some people don't even help with really small things either because they are lazy, want to follow the rules by the book, or simply don't want to help. For the most part I try not to ask people for favors. I only ask if I really, really have to.

    One example, is my former supervisor. I needed her to sign something for me in order to get certification. It's a big deal for me and would only take 5-10 minutes of her time. It wouldn't affect her in any way in the future. She wouldn't do it, saying that my previous job did not fit the vague criteria listed on the form. I don't think she was doing this to be mean but she is just very anal retentive about details and rules. I actually left that job on a good note. I gave them plenty of notice and I trained the person that replaced me for a week.

    Another example, was my former roommate. I only lived with her for 3 months and we did not become friends. She annoyed me with various things, so I couldn't stand living with her any longer. I kept my annoyance to myself for the most part. When I was trying to rent another apartment, they said I needed a utility bill from my current apartment. I was paying her a flat fee every month and never saw the utility bills. It was near the end of the month and I had to move, so I was running out of time. So I get home and ask if I could have a copy of the electric bills. She tells me no and that she doesn't trust me. Like, WTF!! What am I going to do with a fucking electric bill?

  2. #2
    Antidote's Avatar Rude & Shouty
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    Maybe you should do this:

    Ask for small favours first then snowball it.

  3. #3
    lethargic nomad's Avatar
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    Quote Antidote View Post
    Maybe you should do this:

    Ask for small favours first then snowball it.

    That's weird. I thought people got annoyed with being asked for many favors. I suppose it does feel nice in a way to be asked for things since it makes you feel more important.

    No one ever asks me for anything, except for my sister. She asks me for money sometimes. I almost always say no since I'm living on savings. Don't feel comfortable lending money unless I'm working. Doubt she would ever pay it back.

  4. #4
    Lunaire's Avatar Consumer of Coffee
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    Quote lethargic nomad View Post
    That's weird. I thought people got annoyed with being asked for many favors. I suppose it does feel nice in a way to be asked for things since it makes you feel more important.

    No one ever asks me for anything, except for my sister. She asks me for money sometimes. I almost always say no since I'm living on savings. Don't feel comfortable lending money unless I'm working. Doubt she would ever pay it back.
    Would you do me a favor and make me some coffee?

    (I kid I kid)

    Sorry to hear that you've had sour experiences like this. Your old boss sounds like she thought it would be unethical to sign off on that for you and your old roomate sounds super paranoid!

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