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  1. #76
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Jerry Springer? Heard varying accounts.

    One person says they were an actor hired to play the part of a gay man who cheated on his wife with a gay stripper. They say they were paid to play the part, provide the entertainment, etc etc.

    Another says the show quickly flies in those who call up the "appear on the show" hotline with an interesting story, and has the contract signed and the fight filmed before the person can think or regret what they are doing. Often, such stories are supposedly played out when one, both or all people involved are angry. And for some reason, wish to have a spat on TV.

    Perhaps a mixture of the two is true.
    If you think you are an alien and are cheating on your significant other with a radio, give us a call 1-888-Go-JERRY.

  2. #77
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    Quote Ironman View Post
    Don't forget the "Jerry Beads".

    Yeah, I love the end parts. The audience getting in the act.

    His closing thought - it was something he would close news shows with here in Cincinnati (where he was also mayor in the 1970s). After he was mayor, he anchored nightly news programs for several years before leaving for his talk show in 1991.

    The main security guy, Steve Wilkos, has his own show now.
    Heard of the Steve Wilko show. Never seen it though. Probably on on one of the six million TV channels you seem to get on TV now.

    The audience questions and comments were interesting. I do sometimes wonder if they were prescripted sometimes.

    As to the end comments, sometimes they didn't s n particularly insightful. Heard one that was pretty much "Your partner will be upset if you cheat on them with another, and it may cause the end of your relationship" or something. Anyone with more than a few brain cells should have been able to work that one out.

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  3. #78
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    How many of those shows you believe are real? Think of most of them. If that was you, would you agree to go on live TV and come out with such things? I used to doubt most of the shows. As in nobody could be that bloody hard up to want to appear on such a show. Imagine your best friend said ' I am going to be on TV and I want you there '. Would you go? Or would you ask why they wanted you there? Like any normal person would. People wanted such shows. So they gave them what they wanted. Not saying all talk shows are fake. Just the thrash ones. Never believed any of them were real. Might be just how I think.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  4. #79
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    How many of those shows you believe are real? Think of most of them. If that was you, would you agree to go on live TV and come out with such things? I used to doubt most of the shows. As in nobody could be that bloody hard up to want to appear on such a show. Imagine your best friend said ' I am going to be on TV and I want you there '. Would you go? Or would you ask why they wanted you there? Like any normal person would. People wanted such shows. So they gave them what they wanted. Not saying all talk shows are fake. Just the thrash ones. Never believed any of them were real. Might be just how I think.
    Here's how I know one here operates (The Jeremy Kyle Show), and how you get onto that show.

    They actively target a certain part of society. The people they target are generally living in [BEEP] areas, who are most likely living in council housing and have been long time unemployed, claiming unemployment benefits. They're offered a chance to sort out there lives problems. A lie detector test is supposedly only 50% accurate (almost chance really whether it says truth or lie at that rate) but they inflate the success rates massively (99.9% I think) and can find out who in your household stole the money, was your husband/wife/significant other cheating on you. They'll offer this for free, plus a free trip up to the studios with a fancy hotel room, food, bar tab and any other expenses included, just so long as you appear on show and sign that contract. Essentially, a free holiday that they otherwise could not afford. They also do DNA Tests. Find out who is the father kind of thing. For someone with not a lot of money who wants to know, or who isn't certain that they're wife is being honest when they say the child is theirs...well, that chance could seem to good to be true. For someone with a long term drug issue/alchohol issue/etc, they'll get rehab and treatment at a standard they otherwise wouldn't get (supposedly), just so long as they appear on the show and get ridiculed and mocked on TV. Someone who's desperate might just take up that.

    All the anger, stuff you see on that goes on TV? The production staff will be hyping up the contestants back stage. They'll be saying things like "Don't just stand for that! Go out there and say right to his face exactly what you think!"

    And by the time its finished contracts already signed and they have ever right to put that on TV. Only occasionally does OFCOM (TV regulator here) step in and say "Hang on. You've gone way to far here."

  5. #80
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    You would gather they must be offered something. If you look at the like of Jerry Springer, you have these women who want to simply undress on stage. I know the UK tried him out for a while. It was a flop. So they turned to Kyle and his crap show. Sort of a tamed down version of what Springer was doing in the US. But when Springer went to the UK they gave his bouncer a show. All just drama. Reality TV is crap. Full stop. Yet so many people love it. A look at a group of people stuck in a house or in a jungle. Never saw anything good about any such shows at all. Used to like Cops from the US. Film crew with the police. Heck it would take about 10 days of footage to make a good half hour show. Most of what they filmed was just boring. Only showed the good parts. If we go back a few years though, the cameraman ran in behind a cop into a service station and got shot dead. It was called in as a fight. But it was really a hold up. Not sure if they scrapped it after that. The UK tried their own version as well. Never as good. In the US we had all the gangs. Added to the buzz. It was the only one I ever watched.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  6. #81
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    I'd understand more if it was money they were offered. "WE PAY MONEY TO AIR YOUR DIRTY LAUNDRY" But then I suppose, you run the risk of having a "You've Been Framed" Situation where half the situations are fake, and they just want the monetary reward offered.

    You see the odd Cop shows here on the bizarre channels. Immigration Force at Heathrow Airport. Border Force at Calais. There's even one relating the day to day life of somebody in Customs postal ofice. For a while they were filming the air cabin crew and checkin staff's life of Easyjet in action and putting that on TV. For some reason that was pretty popular here.

    It's also the only stuff you ever find on TV between the hours of 9-5 on a weekday, unless you want to end up watching something thrilling such as "Homes Under the Hammer!" (A show that is literaly about selling houses) or "Location Location!" (A show about a family moving house and finding a house for them). Personally I only ever end up watching this when I'm off sick.

    Actually, come to think of it, if that Location Location show offers to pay for the house, I'm applying. Nobody watches the damn thing and houses aren't cheap.

  7. #82
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    My mother likes watching ' Escape to the country '. Has it almost daily. Is the one thing I know she loves to watch. What I found funny was that show were friends got to do up the houses of each other. Was one were the wife hated the new look. She was going crazy. Wanted it put back the way it was. I was surprised they aired that episode. It was reality for you. As a rule they hug each other and jump about with joy at what their friends do with their house. Not this one. She was pissed off big time. To the point were it actually made it better viewing. All you could do was laugh. When asked what she thought of the new look she seriously said ' I hate it '. Priceless. I think they wanted to show that it doesn't always go to plan. Then the garden make over show. All the blokes loved it because Charlie wore low cut tops whilst doing her gardening. She even got her own show out of it. Not seriously watched the TV in years. Not my thing.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  8. #83
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    Weed should be legal everyplace
    Beating anxiety this year

  9. #84
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    I don't understand when a person catches their boyfriend or girlfriend cheating, they attack the other person first and not their boyfriend or girlfriend (if that makes sense)

  10. #85
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    FWIW, I went after my gf. Or, wife. I completely, and totally, held her responsible.

    In fact, her kids, all three of my kids, know exactly what she did. And with whom. The really, really sad thing is, they knew the person my ex-wife slept with.

    It is 100%, totally, and completely her fault.

    She is to blame. Not me.

    You cannot fix immoral, you can fix "wrong"

    You can't fix "that"

    You can't fix someone that's that f'ed up.
    You're going to lose people in your life, and realize that no matter how much time you spent with them or how often you told them you loved them, it will never seem like it was enough.

    Hug the ones you love.

  11. #86
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    What's the whole deal with people wearing ripped clothes? Costs more to buy a pair of ripped jeans than it does to buy a pair without rips. Then I see ripped hooded tops as well on clothes sites. Gone are the days when a person wore normal things until they ripped themselves. Was watching something on TV yesterday. Person been interviewed had more holes in her trousers than you would see on a golf course. Used to be in the early 90's and late 80's as well. Can't say I ever walked into a shop and bought a pair of ripped jeans. They look silly.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #87
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    Quote InvisibleGuy View Post
    FWIW, I went after my gf. Or, wife. I completely, and totally, held her responsible.

    In fact, her kids, all three of my kids, know exactly what she did. And with whom. The really, really sad thing is, they knew the person my ex-wife slept with.

    It is 100%, totally, and completely her fault.

    She is to blame. Not me.

    You cannot fix immoral, you can fix "wrong"

    You can't fix "that"

    You can't fix someone that's that f'ed up.
    You cannot 'fix' anyone. I've learned the long and hard way that I can only 'fix' myself. And that's ok. Actually, that's the best thing for me. To 'fix' myself.
    And for what it's worth, I grew up with a very, very 'fked up' mother AND father. What I learned and am still learning is that I'm scarred. I have triggers. But I'll do everything possible to fight my triggers and to heal my scars. For me. So that I can be the best person I can be.
    I don't blame my mother. (Anymore) I'm sad for the person she became and the person I could have been.
    I don't blame my father. (Anymore) I'm sad for the person he always was and the person I could have been.

    So, I work on that sadness. I work to not repeat patterns. I work and I work and I work and I work.
    So everytime you blame someone else, you're also not looking in the mirror.

  13. #88
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    My daughter has to go back to the hospital (they are letting her do this as an out patient) and have feeding tubes inserted in her nose 3 X a week. And supplements. The good news is she will do it. She is also continuing to be clean from drugs. Heroin.
    Today we talked about triggers.
    How she has to look forward and not back. (She's 37). She's so sorry she wasted her life and will never have kids because she can't trust herself to never relapse. I told her I respect her for that. I didn't wash over it. It's a big deal.
    My daughter has to have feeding tubes inserted into her nostrils 3X a week. Last month it was twice a week.
    That is bothering me.
    But I can only change how I react. I can't fix her and I can't change her and I can't go back in time and stop at that playscape on that car ride when she begged me to stop. She was 4 and I was too busy going someplace. To my mother's actually. Irony.
    So, I can only fix me.
    And that sucks.

  14. #89
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    Quote JamieWAgain View Post
    You cannot 'fix' anyone. I've learned the long and hard way that I can only 'fix' myself. And that's ok. Actually, that's the best thing for me. To 'fix' myself.
    And for what it's worth, I grew up with a very, very 'fked up' mother AND father. What I learned and am still learning is that I'm scarred. I have triggers. But I'll do everything possible to fight my triggers and to heal my scars. For me. So that I can be the best person I can be.
    I don't blame my mother. (Anymore) I'm sad for the person she became and the person I could have been.
    I don't blame my father. (Anymore) I'm sad for the person he always was and the person I could have been.

    So, I work on that sadness. I work to not repeat patterns. I work and I work and I work and I work.
    So everytime you blame someone else, you're also not looking in the mirror.

    I understand. I also understand that there's a fine line sometimes between forgetting and forgiving. I don't forget. I have a pretty good memory when it comes to the years of abuse I went through when I was four, five, six years old....a remarkably good memory. I remember things my mom, my abuser, has long, long since forgotten.

    I remember things my ex-wife said, and did, that she has long since forgotten. Maybe I remember too much. Maybe that's part of my problem lol.

    I remember those things and I bring them into relationships I have now, and I realize that's part of my problem. I can't not forget the past. Maybe it's easy for you, and if it is....I wish nothing but the best for you, I really do, I wish nothing but happiness, and if that means forgetting the past then that means.....forgetting the past. I just can't do it. I have spent, literally, thousands, and thousands of hours....weeks at a time in psychiatric hospitals, trying to forget the past. I can't do it. It's a part of me, it's a part of who I am. The fact miserable and depressing as it is....I am a survivor of abuse, and I've also witnessed a suicide, I watched a loved one die, right in front of me.....and those things sort of define who I am. I can try to pretend they didn't happen....but they did, and they formed who I am, those things are a part of me, a part of who I am.

    Those things influence who I am. They're a part of who I am, they're a part of what I feel and react to and deal with on a daily basis, every single fucking day. The things my abuser did to me 43 years ago....that's still something I deal with, every day, even today. The fact that I watched my girlfriend take her last breath....yes, it happened five years and two months and two weeks and two days and 12 hours ago.......but it still affects me, very, very much, to this day.

    It doesn't benefit me to not get over these things. It hurts me, it holds me back. It hurts me in my personal life, I can't......I can't even date anymore ffs. It hurts me in my professional life, it holds me back in my career. It hurts me in every way possible. If it were easy to move on....everyone would be able to do it.
    You're going to lose people in your life, and realize that no matter how much time you spent with them or how often you told them you loved them, it will never seem like it was enough.

    Hug the ones you love.

  15. #90
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    Quote InvisibleGuy View Post
    I understand. I also understand that there's a fine line sometimes between forgetting and forgiving. I don't forget. I have a pretty good memory when it comes to the years of abuse I went through when I was four, five, six years old....a remarkably good memory. I remember things my mom, my abuser, has long, long since forgotten.

    I remember things my ex-wife said, and did, that she has long since forgotten. Maybe I remember too much. Maybe that's part of my problem lol.

    I remember those things and I bring them into relationships I have now, and I realize that's part of my problem. I can't not forget the past. Maybe it's easy for you, and if it is....I wish nothing but the best for you, I really do, I wish nothing but happiness, and if that means forgetting the past then that means.....forgetting the past. I just can't do it. I have spent, literally, thousands, and thousands of hours....weeks at a time in psychiatric hospitals, trying to forget the past. I can't do it. It's a part of me, it's a part of who I am. The fact miserable and depressing as it is....I am a survivor of abuse, and I've also witnessed a suicide, I watched a loved one die, right in front of me.....and those things sort of define who I am. I can try to pretend they didn't happen....but they did, and they formed who I am, those things are a part of me, a part of who I am.

    Those things influence who I am. They're a part of who I am, they're a part of what I feel and react to and deal with on a daily basis, every single fucking day. The things my abuser did to me 43 years ago....that's still something I deal with, every day, even today. The fact that I watched my girlfriend take her last breath....yes, it happened five years and two months and two weeks and two days and 12 hours ago.......but it still affects me, very, very much, to this day.

    It doesn't benefit me to not get over these things. It hurts me, it holds me back. It hurts me in my personal life, I can't......I can't even date anymore ffs. It hurts me in my professional life, it holds me back in my career. It hurts me in every way possible. If it were easy to move on....everyone would be able to do it.
    I didn't say to move on, InvisibleGuy, and I'm sorry that you may have taken my words that way. I understand what you've been through and it is part of the tapestry of your life. Those threads of abuse run deeply through you and make you who you are. The thread of losing someone, someone you loved, right in front of you, when you were helpless to prevent or stop it, are part of the air you breathe.
    You can't change your past.
    But you can learn to live with it and you can learn to help yourself.
    Or rather...
    I have learned and am still learning to live with my past every day. Every minute of every day. Triggers pop up all the time. All the time. The worst times for me are when they are least expected. Today I was driving by myself and remembering a time in my childhood in a different part of the state I live in today, which if Fl.
    There's nothing I can do to prevent triggers but I can learn and am learning to breathe through them and change my thought patterns.
    I don't forget either. I have suppressed many memories, but they come out in dreams, in reactions, random moments, in flashbacks, in car rides....I've never forgotten. I just didn't want to remember.
    I too was in psychiatric hospitals and I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want to trigger you but I too have tried to commit suicide several times. For real.
    It wasn't your fault what your girlfriend did. It wasn't. It wasn't her fault either. She was very, very sick. I was very, very sick. The only way I knew to help myself was to end my life.
    Now I've learned that I CAN help myself. Blaming others doesn't help me. Finding compassion for others always helps me and I don't know why, but it really does help me.
    So, please don't take my words the wrong way.
    Blaming causes bitterness. Compassion allows you to move forward. (Or it allows ME to move forward)
    Maybe not to a place where I might have been in my life, but too a place where I can function and find happiness where I can.
    My daughter is stuck in the past and it's a horrible place for her. She wishes she were young again and she wishes she never took drugs and she wishes she didn't have and eating disorder.
    That's what I mean by 'moving forward'. I encourage her to examine her past so that she CAN move forward. To see where people failed her. (ME most of all)
    But she can't seem to do that. I think when she finally can get angry she may be able drive forward instead of stuck in neutral.
    Does any of this even make a bit of sense to you?

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