HoldTheSea I would never sleep with the lights off! Aww you're more than welcome to borrow my night light! it has tons of cool customization features it's been helping me a lot
Koalafan Aww you're more than welcome to borrow my night light! it has tons of cool customization features it's been helping me a lot I'm glad it's been helping you! What kind of features does it have?
HoldTheSea I'm glad it's been helping you! What kind of features does it have? You change the color of the light, ranging from white to orange, and you can also change the brightness of it. It's an awesome night light
Koalafan You change the color of the light, ranging from white to orange, and you can also change the brightness of it. It's an awesome night light That's so awesome
I keep looking at mess and overwelmed
Gotta wash my hands >_<
Must shower again >__<
Why is there hair everyplace >_<