Ugh. I don't even like using that word "triggers", it doesn't even mean what it used to. Anyway....I'm struggling with this right now, and I always have, but it's really frustrating me lately.
I think my anxiety is somewhat, kind of under control. Sometimes lol. But there are times when it just comes out of nowhere. Sorry if this has been posted here before, but....I can't figure out what my triggers are.
I can be fine going to the grocery store one night, make eye contact, feel totally comfortable, even make small talk with someone in line, and then the next day really struggle, have to make myself go out. Idk what it is. I recognize some of my triggers....the obvious ones...but I can't figure out what sets my anxiety off sometimes.
Has anyone figured out all their triggers, how did you do it, how'd you learn to recognize what it is, or why?? Did you recognize triggers through therapy (my therapist hasn't been much help with this for me), did you just pick up on a certain time or place where it happens? The thing is, it's not always the same time or place for me.....