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  1. #1
    Sagan's Avatar Carl Sagan
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    The global crackdown on parents who refuse vaccines for their kids has begun

    Countries like Italy and Australia are tired of measles outbreaks ? so they're moving to fine anti-vaccine parents.

    There?s a school of thought that refusing vaccines on behalf of your children amounts to child abuse, and that parents should be punished for their decision. We know vaccines are overwhelmingly safe and effective at preventing the spread of disease. And yet failing to immunize children can put them (and vulnerable people around them) at tremendous risk of illness or even death when outbreaks get rolling.

    Now it seems Australia and a number of countries in Europe are fed up enough with vaccine-refusing parents that they?re experimenting with punitive measures. We haven?t quite reached the level of child abuse charges, but moms and dads in these countries may face fines if they fail to give their kids the recommended shots. In Australia, schools that let the unvaccinated kids in would be fined too. This marks a pretty aggressive shift in how we manage vaccine refusers and the costly, deadly outbreaks of diseases like measles and whooping cough they help spark.

    Here?s a quick roundup of the global crackdown on vaccine-refusing parents:

    Italy?s parliament recently passed a law that makes 10 childhood vaccinations mandatory for kids up to age 16, and requires parents to prove their children are immunized before entering school or else face a ?500 (about $600 USD) noncompliance fine.

    Germany is also cracking down on vaccine-refusing parents, considering fines of up to ?2,500 (about $3,000 USD) for parents who refuse counseling from their doctors about vaccines.

    In France, the health ministry is making 11 vaccines ? up from the current three (diphtheria, tetanus, and polio) ? mandatory for children by 2018, though there?s no talk of a fine there yet.

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  2. #2
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    Interesting. The fear some parents have of getting immunizations for their children is very real here in the US also. When I was married my ex and I knew a couple that refused to immunize their children. There is a lot of paranoia, resistance for all kinds of reasons....the one that comes to mind first is the (false) belief that vaccines can cause everything from autism to paralysis to death. All three of my kids got all their vaccines, as soon as they were old enough.

    It's called "protection from the herd" and the line of thinking is that if everyone else gets their kids immunized, then I won't have to immunize my kids, and they'll be protected because the rest of the herd has been vaccinated. Of course it makes no sense and it's a very dangerous way to think, imo.
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  3. #3
    Otherside's Avatar
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    I've known people who've died from diseases for which vaccines are now routinely offered, but weren't when they died.

    I watched one person die within forty-eight hours of beginning to feel ill. The first symptoms of the illness (In this case, it was Men-B) were similar to that of the common cold. She thought nothing of it. Nobody thought anything of it. Because nobody thinks that sneezing a lot and a headache in December is anything other than the cold. There was never even a rash to hint that the illness was something nasty.

    By the time it was evident that it was not the common cold, she'd had a seizure, and it was too late to do much.

    [BEEP] the "But my child may get autism!" mentality. Bitch, even if your child can "get autism" from a vaccine, autism still sounds a hell of a lot better than death.

  4. #4
    Sagan's Avatar Carl Sagan
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    Without adding further, I agree with you both on this subject.

    "A still more glorious dawn awaits
    Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise
    A morning filled with 400 billion suns
    The rising of the milky way"

    "The sky calls to us
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  5. #5
    CloudMaker's Avatar
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    Sorry but this is BAD if you want to get vaccines filled w/ aluminum, mercury, and whatever else the government puts in it then good for you but don't FORCE people to take it

  6. #6
    Cuchculan's Avatar
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    There is a lot of misinformation been given out about the vaccines. Lot of lies been told. Scare mongering. This is putting people off having their kids vaccinated. if you took one thousand kids, and gave them nothing, I am sure you would find that some of those same kids grew up to have something wrong with them. Because they were given nothing you would have nothing to blame it on. Vaccinate them and you would still have the same amount of kids who grow up and have something wrong with them. Blame it on the vaccine why don't you. Also there are such things as growing pains. Everybody has them when growing up. Some worse than others. These growing pains are all been blamed on the vaccine these days. Seems anybody has a problem, the first question they are asked is ' did you have this vaccine?' Just got to read the post above this one by a person who has a conspiracy theory for everything out there to see exactly what I am talking about.
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  7. #7
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    Vaccines used in children/babies today no longer contain the mercury containing substance (Thimerosal). Even when they did, the amount used was a safe amount. There is such a thing as a safe amount. All studies have shown that there is no link between thimerosal and the development of Autism.

    Vaccines do contain aluminium, which in large quantities is toxic. However the amount used in a vaccine is so miniscule that it does absolutely no harm.

    That's from my country, but there's links to statements from WHO on there, and other organizations.

    Yes, I'm gonna have an issue when people do not use vaccines based on the study of a guy who wasn't even antivax in the first place (he was pretty much big pharm in action. He falsified studies and results and mistreated children with the aim of selling the MMR combined vaccine as three different vaccines, and selling a bogus diagnosis kit), and who is currently facing, and has been avoiding by hiding out in the US, fraud charges in the UK. Why?

    A) Vaccines take in 9 out of 10 people. Or so. The amount that is covered by the vaccine is large enough that the disease does not spread. There are also those who cannot be vaccinated. They are allergic to the ingredients in them. Those who are immunosuppressed. They also benefit from the herd immunity, preventing the spread of disease. I've seen antivaxxers claim that "they're fine so they dont need vaccines". Well guess what? You're fine because of the people who went and got there shots.

    B) The NHS works on preventative medicine, saving money in the long run by attempting to prevent long, expensive hospital stays. Them paying out for a kid to get his shots saves the cost of a hospital stay if the kid were to be exposed to measles. If vaccines did not work, the NHS would cut its vaccination program in a heartbeat and the money redirected to fund something else that needs money, especially in the current "We have no money" climate that it's in. When the state pays, things that are unnecessary and useless does not get paid for. They recently did a cull of things that would no longer be prescribed through the NHS because they showed no or little effectiveness.

    C) As I said I know someone who died from MenB but, now offered as a vaccine. It happened quickly, and I am still shocked when I think about just how quick she went from fine, to extremely ill and in hospital, to dead. Nobody has ever told me how "autism" is worse than "dead". Why? Because it isn't. Autism is not the big boggyman that will wreck yours and your child's life. Death is.

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