Don’t think evolution should be taught in school IMO just a theory and goes against the bible
Don’t think evolution should be taught in school IMO just a theory and goes against the bible
Gravity is also "just a theory" yet we don't claim it doesn't exist.
We need to go back to THE OLD SCHOOL WAY!! that is it period. I know more people have moved here in the USA and that is fine I don't mind but do not mess with the system if you want to come to America then you learn this is AMERICA and if you do not like what is being taught in the schools Move back to where you came from.. I may be wrong but I just know that schools and life sure is not going good for the children and the problem is it starts at HOME first and that can mean No Home, Foster Homes and more which has been going on for years and does need to be fixed but now so many are on drugs and then kids are on drugs and way worse than it was years ago so I believe if we teach the Kids more about Real True Beauty of the World and everything we can about having a good life and yes even if you do not believe in God you can have a good life but teaching them to NOT Believe in anything or have Moral and Values the kids are going to stay a mess. Its so sad.
I remember being taught about scary things in school over the dummy that predicted the world ending and so much more which never come true but that petrified me , we were setting in class and it was the day that the world was suppose to end and the time well the bell went off all of us hit the floor and were in tears and then it didn't happen but it messed with so many of us that to this day I still can not stand his name and I refuse to even type it out and I feel that it should have never been taught to us it is just pure stupidity to teach on False Prophets and People who Predict the Future!
I want to see so many changes in schools and My hubby works in one my daughter in law will soon be a teacher and I am scared crapless for them!! We have had several issues here in the schools but not where my Hubby works Praise God and they do now have Security Guards here in the schools which is awesome.
Prayers never hurt anyone if they want to pray fine if not fine walk out side not a problem or set there and do whatever pick your nose .... lol I am kidding but I am sure many do hahahaa .
The kids at my Hubbys school call him a Super Hero I don't know why but they love his silliness and he takes the kids serious and has seen so many kids with out both parents and so many pregnant young girls and more its so sad.. but thankfully they are following him to the church now and joining in !!
I do get off track on my post lol as you all .
Peace everyone !! God is Good all the time, God is Good.! My Daddy is now in Heaven and finally found his Peace!!!
I think one issue I have with the US and religion is that you all but start your own church up. That is something I don't believe in. You can become a preacher. Joe Soap to preacher in a day. Get people to join your made up church. Follow you. How many Pastors are rich in the US? Big houses. Big cars. Whilst other starve and scrape to get by. I would class these people as fake preachers. The only profit they are concerned with is the one they make. There should be a clamp down on them. But your country allows it under some law. Like guns are allowed under another law.
Having said what I did above, I want to make clear I am not talking about recognised religions. There are a number on them in the World. People bring their own religions to any new country they might move to. Should we not educate people about all these religions? Thus there might be less ignorance out there. You learn young why the girl next to you in the class has a red mark on her forehead. Different religion to you. Or why another girl wears a head covering. Each can share stories of their religion. Listen to prayers of the various religions.
I can only speak about Ireland. Here the church has dug its own grave. Not the religion. Just the church. They have been involved in so much that was wrong over the years. When it was all exposed they done nothing to address the problems of the past. Took out a 1 page advert in the paper saying they were sorry. I think people saw this as an even bigger insult. Those same people would still believe in their God. They would still pray. Just not in a church.
That does not mean schools should shut out religion. I think it is all the more important that they teach it now. That parents take some time to helps kids say a small prayer at night. Doesn't have to be anything big. The children will grow and have their own thoughts on prayers and religion.
The Lovable Irish Rogue
Agree with Cuch and Tye. Education probably shouldn't include some type of religious indoctrination. If a student wants to take some elective courses regarding a world religion such as the Abrahamic religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, even some form of Atheism, that's great and should be encouraged. It could possibly lead to that student better understanding the world he or she lives in and the people he or she encounters in it. I don't necessarily consider myself Jewish or Muslim or Christian, for example, because those terms can lead other people to assume certain things about an individual that I do not believe should be assumed.
The minute the US says this or that religion or belief is somehow better or worse than another, and should or should not be included in public education, it stops being about education and becomes about wanting others to believe the same things we do. Science and religion do not oppose each other. Basically they're both ways to come to a better understanding of our lives. When knowledge of one is encouraged over the knowledge of the other, the student suffers, as well as the whole society the student happens to live in.