I hope this is the right place for this... I'm new here. I, as a part of my OCD, have really bad picking problems. I think it's officially called Trichotillomania or something similar. I have really obsessive problems with picking at scabs or scratches or zits on my face, not to mention healthy skin or my cuticles. I tend to make myself bleed by picking at mosquito bites or zits over and over. I have a lot of scars from it. I think it has a lot to do with my inability to sit still and my OCD. I was wondering if anyone has any tips to stop me picking at my skin. It's getting so bad that my sores never heal, because I pick so much. And I'm allergic to latex and the adhesive in bandages, so it's hard for me to cover them all the time without just feeling awful and itchy. Thanks.