On the first day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: The strong urge that I am going to screw everything up.
On the second day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Two panic attacks during a final review.
On the third day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Three unrequited loves and obsessive tendencies.
On the fourth day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Four impulsive decisions that I'll regret for the rest of my life.
On the fifth day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Five nights of insomnia and sleep apnea.
On the sixth day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Six extreme amounts of family obligation and forced conversation.
On the seventh day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Seven too many holiday parties with family you've met once.
On the eighth day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Eight cases of body dysmorphia caused by too many Christmas cookies and societies' beauty expectations.
On the ninth day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Nine hours of running around the mall bowing down to consumerism.
On the tenth day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Ten entire days of hiding in my room, avoiding society and listening to Christmas music.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Eleven instances of disappointing everyone I know.
On the 12th day of Christmas, my anxiety gave to me: Twelve years of remembering that everything is temporary, and we are all going to die.
On the first day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuchculan
One glass of OJ with a splash of Smirnoff, which is aptly named a Screwdriver.
On the second day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuchculan
Two clonazapans and one screwdriver.
On the third day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuchculan
Three red hearts and a rubik’s
cube, two clonazapans and one screwdriver.
On the fourth day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuch
Four do-overs, three red hearts and a Rubik’s cube
Two clonazapans and one screwdriver.
On the fifth day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuch
5 Ativans. 4 do-overs, three red hearts and a rubik’s cube, two clonazapans and a screwdriver.
On the sixth day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuch
6 more screwdrivers, 5 ativans, 4 do-overs 3 red hearts and a Rubik’s cube, two clonazapans and a screwdriver.
On the seventh day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuch
One bottle of excedrin and a good playlist, 6 more screwdrivers, 5 ativans 4 do-overs, three red hearts and a Rubik’s cube two clonazapans and a screwdriver.
On the eighth day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuch
Eight full length mirrors and a good Cobb salad, one bottle of excedrin and a good playlist, 6 more screwdrivers, 5 ativans, 4 do-overs, 3 red hearts and a Rubik’s cube,2 clonazapans and a screwdriver.
On the 9th day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuch
One lottery ticket and a massaging chair, 8 full length mirrors and a good Cobb salad, one bottle of excedrin and a good playlist, 6 more screwdrivers, 5 ativans, 4 do-overs, 3 red hearts and a Rubik’s cube, 2 clonazapans and a screwdriver.
On the 10th day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuch,
One time consuming model, 1 lottery ticket and a massaging chair, 8 full length mirrors and a good Cobb salad, one bottle of excedrin and a good playlist, 6 more screwdrivers 5 ativans, 4 do-overs, 3 red hearts and a Rubik’s cube, 2 clonazapans and a screwdriver.
On the 11th day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuch
11 happy memories, 1 time consuming model, 1 lottery ticket and a massaging chair, 8 full length mirrors and a good Cobb salad, one bottle of excedrin and a good playlist, 6 more screwdrivers 5 stivans 4 do-overs 3 red hearts and a Rubik’s cube, two clonazapans and a screwdriver.
On the 12th day of Christmas Jamie gave to Cuch
One cemetery plot and a wreath of flowers 11 happy memories 1 time consuming model, 1 lottery ticket and a massaging chair 8 full length mirrors and a good Cobb salad, 1 bottle of excedrin and a good playlist, 6 more screwdrivers, 5 ativans, 4 do-overs 3 red hearts and a Rubik’s cube, 2 clonazapans and a screwdriver
On the 1st day of Christmas my small dog gave to me a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 2nd day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 2 squeaky toys and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 3rd day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 3 milkbones, 2 squeaky toys and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 4th day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 4 tennis balls, 3 milkbones, 2 squeaky toys and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 5th day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 5 harnesses, 4 tennis balls 3 milkbones, 2 squeaky toys and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 6th day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 6 frisbees flying, 5 harnesses, 4 tennis balls, 3 milkbones, 2 squeaky toys, and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 7th day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 7 cats for chasing, 6 frisbees flying, 5 harnesses, 4 tennis balls, 3 milkbones, 2 squeaky toys and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 8th day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 8 pooper scoopers, 7 cats for chasing, 6 frisbees flying, 5 harnesses, 4 tennis balls, 3 milkbones, 2 squeaky toys and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 9th day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 9 pugs a-prancing, 8 pooper scoopers, 7 cats for chasing, 6 frisbees flying, 5 harnesses, 4 tennis balls, 3 milkbones, 2 squeaky toys and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 10th day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 10 labs a-leaping, 9 pugs a-prancing, 8 pooper scoopers, 7 cats for chasing, 6 frisbees flying, 5 harnesses, 4 tennis balls, 3 milkbones, 2 squeaky toys, and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 11th day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 11 fleas for scratching, 10 labs a-leaping, 9 pugs a-prancing, 8 pooper scoopers, 7 cats for chasing, 6 frisbees flying, 5 harnesses, 4 tennis balls, 3 milkbones, 2 squeaky toys and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the 12th day of Christmas my small dog gave to me 12 wrapped gifts for shredding, 11 fleas for scratching, 10 labs a-leaping, 9 pugs a-prancing, 8 pooper scoopers, 7 cats for chasing, 6 frisbees flying, 5 harnesses, 4 tennis balls, 3 milkbones, 2 squeaky toys and a Wulfy in a pear tree.
On the first day of Christmas the barman brought to me
A large Long Island iced tea
On the second day of Christmas the barman brought to me
Two margaritas
And a large Long Island iced tea
On the third day of Christmas the barman brought to me
Three vodka Red Bulls
Two margaritas.. hic!
And a larsh Long Island iced tea
On the fourth day of Christmas the barman brought to me
Four Tequila slammers
Free vokka rebbuls
Two margaritash
And a larsh Long Island Ishe Tea
On the fiff day of Chrishmas the barman brought to me
Five G and Ts
Four Tequila slammers
Three vodka bedruls
Two maggaritas
An a larsh lonilanishe Tea
On the Sicksh day of Chrishmas the barman brought to me
Six Harvey Wallbangers
Five G an' Ts
Forty quila slammers
Three rodka vedbuls
Two maguerites
And Allah's longilandicetea
On the seventh day of Chrishmas the barman brought to me
Seven gin martinis
Six Warvey Hallbangers
Five T and Gs
Four Tequila shlammers
Three vodka redbulls
Tomb aga ritas
An a large tong island ice lea
On the eighth day of Chrishmas the barman brought to me
Eight Bacardi breezers
Seven djinn martinis
Six Heavy bangers
Five Giant 'E's
Four Sequila Tammers
Vree todka redbulls
To mar guerillas
And a large long island ticed ea.
On the ninth day of Chrishmash the braman bought to me
Nine Black Russians
Eight Bacardi thingies
Seven mingatinis
Six wavy headbanges
Five Geeantees
Four Tacky slimmers
Free vodka redbulls
Two macaronis
An a large long island eyesh..HiC!
On zzhe tenf day of Chrishmash the barman brought to me
Ten pina coladas
Nine Rack blussians
Eight breecardi barzers
Seven gin tarminis
Six Harvey Ballwangers
Five G and Tease
Forty killer's lambers
Bree rodka vedfulls
Two senoritas
An a long larsh island eyeshtee
Onalevenf dayachrish mush the barman broughtamee
'Leven double visions
Ten pinka ladadas
Nine Rush Blackans
Eight Big mardi geezers
Seven gym art teenies
Six Warvy Hurlbangers
Five Geeunteesh
Four tuck eel us lamb us
Free rodkul vedpas
Two garmoritas
And an eye long large Iceland tea
Onna shwelf dayak rishmusha barman brought to me
Zhe bill.... thasha fur kurralorra money
Hopee tayksha shek forra:
Twenny pina coladas
Twennysheven black russkis
Furrytoo bacardi whatsish
Furryfife Grandma teenies
Furtyshix Heavy Wallbingers
Furtyfive Gin and Its
Turtythoo Sick iller tammers
Twenysheven Vodbul Redkas
Twenny garmartiras
And eleven long Island Iced Teas