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  1. #46
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    I was out today. Long walk to a shopping complex. Place was almost empty. It was eerie. Any workers I saw had surgical masks on. Was only going to one shop. On and out. Was happy to see the caf? over there closed. It was still open last week. People have to be smarter. But we are not exactly stopping it. Just slowing it down. That is what the government just wants. Because they can't handle too many cases all at once. They still expect high numbers. They will get them too. But over a longer period of time. But still some people will act like nothing is happening. Just look for the video of the British tourists in Spain. Police wanting the streets cleared and them drinking and lapping it all up. Like the holiday was still going on as normal. Idiots. These will be the carriers. Ignorant people. I could get to where I was going and back with the only real contact been the woman who served me in the shop. Even that was not contact. We can still go out if we are smart about it. That is were some people are lacking.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  2. #47
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Just look for the video of the British tourists in Spain. Police wanting the streets cleared and them drinking and lapping it all up. Like the holiday was still going on as normal. Idiots. These will be the carriers. Ignorant people.
    Twats, the lot of them. Gonna see quite a few whines in a few days when the planes stop going, I suspect. Women on the TV complaining that she wouldnt have gone, but Ryanair refused to refund her so she thought she might as well, and why did they not warn her this would happen?

    You seriously go to Spain because you wouldn't get a refund on a ?15/€20 flight ticket? For real?

  3. #48
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    The police were telling them all to move along and go back to their hotels. Mixture of drinking and taken in the sun. Only people from Spain were the police. I am sure the rest were hiding away. Who doesn't know that Spain got hit bad? You wonder if these fools thing it won't get them. Only others. Like some people think. Even watching people over here in t-shirts and jeans. It is far from warm here. These people will probably come down with normal colds and coughs and start wanting to get tested. Thus testing places will be overrun because of them. I say testing places because that is what is happening here now. Biggest stadium in Ireland is now opened for testing people out. The navy has agreed to dock the few ships it has in key areas around the country to use for testing people. Only have 3 ships in the Irish navy. Private hospitals have said they will make room for patients as well. Only takes a few idiots and all this can go to ruin. People who won't go by the rules. Lines in shops on the floor now. To put distance between people. They are ignoring the lines. All new things in place they think they don't have to use. Unlike others who are all going by the new rules. Like I said earlier, you can still go out and be safe if you just remain smart. Nothing stupid.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  4. #49
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    I just wanna know when there will be toilet paper again ?????

  5. #50
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    The police were telling them all to move along and go back to their hotels. Mixture of drinking and taken in the sun. Only people from Spain were the police. I am sure the rest were hiding away. Who doesn't know that Spain got hit bad? You wonder if these fools thing it won't get them
    They know, they just don't care. Just the flu isn't it? Bit overdramactic. Still plenty of people thinking that. Morons will fly back and won't isolate. If there flight is still going, of course. Otherwise they'll start complaining soon that they can't get back home and Boris must send out the army to airlift back home now or something.

  6. #51
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    I was out today. Long walk to a shopping complex. Place was almost empty. It was eerie. Any workers I saw had surgical masks on. Was only going to one shop. On and out. Was happy to see the caf? over there closed. It was still open last week. People have to be smarter. But we are not exactly stopping it. Just slowing it down. That is what the government just wants. Because they can't handle too many cases all at once. They still expect high numbers. They will get them too. But over a longer period of time. But still some people will act like nothing is happening. Just look for the video of the British tourists in Spain. Police wanting the streets cleared and them drinking and lapping it all up. Like the holiday was still going on as normal. Idiots. These will be the carriers. Ignorant people. I could get to where I was going and back with the only real contact been the woman who served me in the shop. Even that was not contact. We can still go out if we are smart about it. That is were some people are lacking.
    Wow why were you out today you’re NUTS I don’t want to leave my home unless absolutely necessary

  7. #52
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    You can still go out. Just keep a safe distance from people. Shops were empty here. Lucky I went yesterday as it now seems that all non essential shops are closing. Something I said should have happened from the off. Do we need new clothes to face this? I think not. All of the biggest clothes shops in Dublin have shut up shop. Other non essential places need to do the same thing. Things we don't need. I was in a non essential shop yesterday. Buying jigsaws. I know the owner from buying my jigsaws. It was empty. Had it of been full you might of had second thoughts about entering the place. Streets empty. Shops empty. That is a good thing. Because this is a contact virus. If there is nobody about there is no contact needed. Jigsaws on counter. Cash on top of boxes. It is not seen as rude. I always done that, even before the virus. They place the change back on the counter.
    @Otherside that is the main problem. Self isolation and those who won't do it. Police have the powers here now to arrest such people. But would they want to do that? Then catch it themselves? Brazil now has it and it is a bit of joke. The President is an odd bloke. Talk was he tested positive. Then showed up at a rally and began shaking hands with his supporters. Worthing noting that the government in Brazil has 3 main parties. This is no lie. 1 of the 3 seriously believe the Earth is flat. Yes. Another of the parties is a religious party. So, as you can imagine things are not working out very well over there. They assume the heat, as they are still in their Summer, will help them out. Plus the age of the population. It shows how some people are still thinking. Italy does have a lot of old people. I will admit that. Plus it was Winter there when the worst damage was done. Spain? They have a lot of old people too. I think the Winter theory kind of ends there. As Spain can still be hot this time of year. So let us see what it does in South America.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  8. #53
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    Bill's going through parliment today that means they might be able to do that soon. They need to be doing more here. Lot of the actions being taken are now being taken by individual stores/devolved governments. Wales has begun ignoring Boris thank God. Shut off all the schools before he did.

    Shops are starting to stop taking notes here. Card only so they dont have to touch you. Sensible idea. Supermarkets now starting restricting how much of each item you can now buy thank God. Hopefully mean that I can actually buy pasta. Or rice. Or anything tinned. or fruit juice. Not going out at the moment unless I absolutley have to at the moment. Can't avoid buying food.

  9. #54
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    191 new cases here in past 24 hours. Does anything really work to stop this? That is the biggest jump so far. Think about that figure. Those 191 people would have been contact with others. Say at least 2 per person. That is been nice and keeping it low. I will say by next week we will be nearing the thousand mark. People might begin to see more clearly now. As much as a lot of places were empty, you would still have had people out and about in groups. That needs to stop. Even if it means a curfew. They said they wanted to slow it down. Before that 54 cases was the highest in 1 day. That is nearly 4 times as many in 1 day. People who listen might stand a chance. Mother's day coming up. My mother is telling people not to come near the house. Granted I live here. One of us gets it, we both get it. Inviting more people into the house increases the risk. I can tell you the number from today has hit home with loads of people. Social media is hopping.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #55
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    I went in to Public Library yesterday to help process all the new stuff coming in before the new library opens. While I was there everyone got the order to go home. The libraries are already closed to the Public, but full-time staff and some of us part timers still got to work at some locations.

    No longer.

    Our Governor has declared the entire state under lock down except for "essential" services. I went to SaveMart to pick up some stuff, most of everything gone except junk food and soda! LOL

    I saw signs with limit 1 per customer, like eggs, water, can goods, tortillas, but by the time I got there at 2:15 PM there was nothing left anyway.
    Of course toilet paper was not there.

    They still had food, but bad food. Not storable items that would last. It looked more like a 7/11 than a normal grocery store.

    People around here are already getting cabin fever. The schools have been out for a week now and I keep seeing people letting their kids run around wild like nothing will ever hurt them.

    The Governor here called out the National Guard.

    I got a form letter from a PG &E workman in my mailbox saying he has authority to "travel" to our area through Fema and the DOD!

    One of my coworkers just texted me, and said she was thinking about me, because I told her 2 months ago to prepare! OMG She told me it was nothing "Just the flu".
    It's too late now!
    Hope her and her family don't try to come here for help!


  11. #56
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    Hope you get lucky. Because it will all be about luck. Numbers are jumping up here by the hundreds every day. They said we will be at our worst in 3 weeks time. Lot of places have opened their doors to allow testing. Football and Gaelic football stadiums. I have still been out and about. But no near anybody. Trying to tell my mother to stay in. But she won't listen. Calls it her exercise. In her 80's. So far so good. In her words ' if it is God's will '. In other words if it goes bad for her or me it was meant to be. I seriously don't think people know how to react. Because nothing like this has ever happened before. Off school. off work. So what do they all do? Go the beach. Few of them packed the other day. All had the same idea. Great place for isolation. Which meant to were not isolated. Can only wait and see who makes it out untouched and who doesn't.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #57
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    I still feel ?immune? to this virus. Like it could never happen to me? kind of thing. Even though my store and seemingly all other stores are closed, restaurants and bars are closed...
    it seems as if the world has come to a standstill. So I shouldn?t feel like this can?t happen to me. Today is the last day of beaches being open as my pool is closed. I?m going to the beach to enjoy the sunshine and swim in the ocean and feel lucky that I can, for today anyway.
    I?m extremely worried about our economic infrastructure. We ( The US) can?t withstand this for more than two weeks. (IMO). I also think most of us are in shock. Denial maybe for me.

  13. #58
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    I have been just talking about all this with the mother. Explaining high risk means more chance of dying. That she could sit in and do nothing at all for months. I could out and do all the shopping. But I could catch the virus. Not know I have it. She could pick it up off of me. Thus she stayed in the house doing nothing and still got the virus. In other words it is a level playing field when it comes to catching it. Once one of us catches it, the other will get it too, from the one who caught it first. Only near fool proof way is if both of us were to stay in the house and have no contact with anybody at all. But then who does the shopping? Who pays the bills? They are telling people not to go out. But they are not handing us any alternatives. That would be impossible. The government to arrange our shopping done for us? To pay our bills too? That is were their great plan falls apart. Even Italy and China had to keep food shops open. No alternative offered. So people still had to go out.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  14. #59
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    UK is shutting off. Bars shut here, cafes shut here, restaurants shut, schools shut off Friday. Supermarkets mostly been stripped bare. Most of the universities shut early. I live in a remote part of the country, but it's a popular place to go for a seaside holiday - or a day at the beach. So they've all come here. Idiots. This is how it spreads. Now all the caravan parks have shut off here, they've been told to go back home. Quite a few people in denial still. Ironically, from a lot of people who are high risk it seems ("Well if we don't do things we're giving it to it" or "We didn't not go to pubs and hide from everything in World War 2 so we won't do it now!") My parents in there 60s are thankfully now taking this more seriously.

    It's been very, very badly mismanaged here and UK's looking like it's going to become the next Italy.

    I?m extremely worried about our economic infrastructure. We ( The US) can?t withstand this for more than two weeks. (IMO). I also think most of us are in shock. Denial maybe for
    We're in for a rough year, probably two. Economically, we're all headed for a pretty bad recession. Entire worlds beginning to shut off. It's not going to be good.

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    Thing is it is nothing something anybody can just stop. It is here for the long haul. So many come down with it. So many die from it. People get better. But it will still be out there. They need a vaccine. And I don't see any talk of one coming any day soon. This is the super bug that people spoke about many years ago. One that nothing will work on. No modern medication. Unless something is found it could be around for years. This is just the start of it. Part 1. Find an answer by way of a vaccine or life has changed as we know it.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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