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  1. #91
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    Our Governor encouraged everyone to go out and exercise, but stay away from people. And then he changed his mind Monday and closed all our parks. JEBUS.

    I don't see what the harm is if we stay away from everyone, unless this [BEEP] is something different than what they are telling us.

    People here are slowing going crazy. I woke up last night to screaming from someone close by.

    God help us all.

  2. #92
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    We are on full lockdown now. But even that is impossible. Because people need food. So can still go to the shops. And a walk if you stay a certain distance by your house. Caught a mile away from your house and you can be arrested. This is aimed at stopping the idiots gathering in the large groups. I have a mother who refuses to sit in the house. She is just so used to going out. Told my older brother that I can't exactly lock her up. She views her walk to the shops as her exercise. That is all she wants to do. Nothing more. Just get out that one time for about half an hour. Only now people her age are not meant to be going out. Something tells me she will go out.

    The thing with a vaccine is the type of flu it is. Hits your lungs badly. Harder to find a vaccine for anything like that. You would need one to protect the lungs. How can you do that? Unless you could stop it before it got to the lungs. Just as hard. I still don't think they fully understand it as the rules keep changing. What is good for you for one week, is bad for you the next week. Do this and that. Following week, don't do this or that. I don't think they know themselves. Over here they said staying in will slow the virus down. Not get rid of it. They know that won't happen. But less patients in hospitals at once. That is all they are aiming for. Which is them holding their hands up and saying ' we don't really have an answer '. All they really want to do is stop hospital over crowding. Most cases now are community based. Like a normal flu. It is no longer been passed on by people who have been away. I don't see how that is good news. But they tried to make it out as if that was great.

    Long way to go with this one yet. End of April will come and go and it will be still there. The whole 2 weeks in the house is just to see how many have it. As symptoms will show by then.

    Quick edit as I just saw the latest for today that the virus can remain on your shoes for up to 4 days. New one coming out every day of the week.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #93
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    Wonder if I had a mild version - headache, nausea, fatigue. It could also just be stress. I definitely have cabin fever. The idea of spending at least the next month mostly confined to the house is god-awful. Going for a drive would provide some relief but I read that that's even discouraged though I don't understand why. I know people who haven't left their house for a couple weeks now but at some point you got to replenish supplies. I had tried ordering grocery through delivery but that system is overrun and unavailable where I live.

    Never thought about shoes, though we always leave them by the entrance. Now I'm thinking we should leave them on the door mat - outside.

  4. #94
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    Also, did you see some Governor suggest people over 50 go back to work to save the economy? I'm completely supportive of that.

    I have no problem going back to work and giving up my ventilator if I get sick to a younger person or someone with young children at home.

    It may not come down to that, but if it does I'm completely fine.
    I've seen some horrifying videos from Italy.

    I've lived a good life! The things I've seen in California so incredible! The ancient redwoods, the ocean!

    So far I'm really healthy, but if I get sick, I don't want to take the chance of taking away healthcare from a younger person or their family.

    Really amazing times we are living in!

    I wish there was a place where over 50 people could volunteer . I'm going to sign a DKR online through Kaiser.

  5. #95
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    The mother was talked into staying in the house for 2 weeks. Good news, bad news? Only means I have to do everything outside of the house now. Shopping I don't mind at all. Whole picking up pension in post office that will be a killer. Payments are every 2 weeks now. Four in post office only at one time. Normally she gets paid on a Friday. But that would fall on good Friday next time. So won't be open. Means Thursday instead. Which is a crazy day over there. That is when single mothers get paid. Not to put them down or anything as some do work. But like most countries we have welfare mothers. You know the sort. Never intended getting a job. Just have a lot of kids and get more money off the welfare. I will need a calm mind that day. Place does be packed as a rule. Add all the pensioners to that. Lot of them too. Lord knows how long I will have to queue for. Keeping the mother safe means more risk for me. Let us only hope, that if things go bad I am strong enough. This were I touch wood? Be ironic really if I did end up in hospital. As it is nearly a year ago now that I was in the ICU for over 2 weeks and hospital for a month. I have experience. Lord, they told me I was lucky not to have died then. Just back for seconds. I shall be well wrapped up. I do cover the mouth when out. Not anything surgical. Something is better than nothing. Only time you can enter the post office with your face covered and not frighten everybody. Normal rules used to be to take off any mouth / face coverings. Now people walking in covered up. Poor staff probably wondering ' robber or normal customer '. Be a great time to rob anywhere like that. You could simple walk in face covered and people would think you were been smart and safe. Plus with the double weeks every two weeks. Lot more cash in the post office. Any roads I think my shift begins Monday. Will give daily updates of the male shopper.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  6. #96
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    Day 5 of lockdown and it all feels very weird. We can leave to go food shopping, or "once a day for exercise." Theres police checks everywhere now. Police in town asking why you're out, checkpoints on the roads asking what you're doing. Walking through town is like you're living in some apocalyptic, the world has ended movie. Everything is shut, nobody around. Signs on every shop saying the shop has been shut due to the government ordering them to do so. They're turning buildings into hospitals and morgues. I can leave once a day for exercise, but you dont want to. You could catch it if you leave. You go out to go grocery shopping.

    We all underestimated this. "Just the flu". Still get some people insisting that, as though we lockdown each winter because of seasonal flu. Lots of people are going to die because of government inaction.

  7. #97
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    No funerals here during the pandemic. Simple as that. You die, they bury you. They can do all the prayers and stuff further down the line. No marriages or anything church related. Communions and confirmations all off. Sure you lets you see how the world has changed in a few weeks. Planes in the sky all last night and this morning. Medical gear arriving from China. This has been non stop since yesterday evening. We live on the flight path.

    Still waiting to see if our police begin to do anything. As a rule we would laugh at them. That is how useless they can be at times. Not a feared police force. Maybe they need to step up to the plate. Show people they won't take no crap. People went out panic buying again yesterday. As our new stay at home rule only came into effect yesterday. You would wonder where these people who panic buy get all the money from? Not eactly a rich area we live in.

    Lord knows the days are all mixed up. Hard to tell one from the other. The clocks went forward an hour last night. If people forgot that I would not blame them. I thought yesterday was Sunday. Onward we go.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  8. #98
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    I didn't notice it had changed until today. Not sure about funerals, but weddings are off here.

    Out police force is similar. They somewhat seem to be enforcing it though. You get a fine. ?30 a first then rises. In theory if you dont pay it you could end up in prison.

    Couple of people been arrested for deliberately coughing at police or healthcare workers. There idiot parents who half the time cannot be bothered to parent also get charged. Good. Throw the book at those people. There stupid little yobbish jokes means they're stuck indoors for two weeks. And we kind of need healthcare workers to not be.

  9. #99
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    Was somebody charged here with spitting at a policeman and saying he had the virus. Lot of fools about. Judge slapped a sort of curfew on him. Telling he could go out for 1 hour a day. Which he will no doubt break.

    Police on bikes in this area. Best place they parked up was the local train station. As you are not allowed go far, why get a train? Unless work related. Normally have gangs hang about the station. Good to see the police in the area. Rare sight.

    As hotels have no customers they have become the main bases for the health board. Can be used if hospitals get too packed. Even as recovery places for those over the worst of it. Move them there and free up the beds. They said it should peak by April 17th. Guessing games. Death toll is still rising. Was in single figures each day you woke up. Now it is double figures. Like 15 died over night. Some of those dying are nurses. It was mentioned a while back that too much exposure to it could be fatal. To start having those treating it, dying from it. Not a good sign at all.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #100
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    There's stories here too about people (probably mentally ill) deliberately spitting on others or on groceries. I heard a weird story about a doctor who got arrested for not covering his mouth while coughing when he was working in a hospital. They had to close the beaches and have police monitoring the area because of the intractable stupidity. This whole thing started off badly because of the knuckleheads running this country who were in denial about the gravity of the situation, and it's going to be perpetuated for the same reason. And things are supposed to get even worse. Now the question is, how long is this shut down going to last? Wuhan was on lockdown for 2 months.

  11. #101
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    Won't be over any time soon. Even after lockdown it could still be picked up. Lockdown is simply to give the hospitals time to deal with all the daily cases. Think about it. 2 weeks? By then you will know if you have it or not. Many more will and will need hospitals. But this is just slowing things down. To give them time. Steady out the flow of cases. There will be many more. Sad to admit. More sick and more deaths. We have a long way to go yet.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #102
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    At work, there's talk of an early May return date. I suppose that all depends on how much things get under control. The last time I went to the grocery store was mainly for my parents who wanted eggs and fruit. I found out later that my mother still went out to buy more eggs even though I got her 2 dozen! Why, I asked. She just wanted to have more so she wouldn't have to out again. I have little hope.

  13. #103
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    Quote sunrise View Post
    At work, there's talk of an early May return date. I suppose that all depends on how much things get under control. The last time I went to the grocery store was mainly for my parents who wanted eggs and fruit. I found out later that my mother still went out to buy more eggs even though I got her 2 dozen! Why, I asked. She just wanted to have more so she wouldn't have to out again. I have little hope.
    Lucky.... can’t even find eggs here. As scarce as toilet paper. Anything but staples is out unless you wait in line early morning before the store opens and hope they get a shipment in.

  14. #104
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    Been reading that even though food shortages are bad here in California that it seems even worse in Canada and Britain. Can anyone here confirm?

    Empty shelves? Increased prices? Rationing?

    Wonder how bad it will get. I imagine brexit was already going to change up how food is purchased, now with this pandemic there’s another wrench in things. Scary stuff.

  15. #105
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    It was pretty bad in the UK 2 weeks back, went in and the store was pretty much empty. Now theyve started limiting how much you can buy of each item. No official government rationing scheme, the stores are just doing it themselves. Still cant get toliet roll or pasta, but seems to be other stuff on the shelves. No shortages, just cant buy pasta. Prices are pretty much the same I'd say.

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