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  1. #121
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Who predicted what exactly and when? @CloudMaker is this you twin sister you are not telling us about? LOL j/k
    LOL if I ever get so big I need a motorized scooter to go to a grocery store please slap me

  2. #122
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    Should read ' The End Times ' in the Bible. Religious or not is makes for interesting reading with all that is happening in the World. Not just today. But over the past few years. Natural disasters. Wars. The fall of the church. ( Think we have all but seen those three ) But God does say that nobody knows the exact time or date the world will end. Even what we are going through today is all but there. Maybe not directly mentioned as a virus. Disease is there. I am sure the over the top Christians in the Bible belt in the US are all expecting the end. Some even claim the end times began in 1914. WWI I am guessing. No other reason why that year should be the year mentioned by some. All the fighting in the Middle East is mentioned. Good to have a mother who knows all this stuff. Though a lot of strange sites out there with some even stranger predictions.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #123
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Should read ' The End Times ' in the Bible. Religious or not is makes for interesting reading with all that is happening in the World. Not just today. But over the past few years. Natural disasters. Wars. The fall of the church. ( Think we have all but seen those three ) But God does say that nobody knows the exact time or date the world will end. Even what we are going through today is all but there. Maybe not directly mentioned as a virus. Disease is there. I am sure the over the top Christians in the Bible belt in the US are all expecting the end. Some even claim the end times began in 1914. WWI I am guessing. No other reason why that year should be the year mentioned by some. All the fighting in the Middle East is mentioned. Good to have a mother who knows all this stuff. Though a lot of strange sites out there with some even stranger predictions.
    Four horseman of the apocalypse. Definitely feels like end times. Now all we need is earthquakes.

  4. #124
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    But we already had the earthquakes over the past number of years. New Zealand had a very bad one not so long ago. This is more about taken the last number of years and everything that has happened in the world. This virus only adds to it all looking like the end times if that was your sort of thing. I am sure their must be religious groups preaching about it been the end of the world? These are the sort of things they look for as proof.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  5. #125
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    TBH I’m not entirely convinced CERN didn’t already end our timeline

  6. #126
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    My state just went into mandatory stay at home orders effective tomorrow at midnight. Cruise ship headed our way with sick people and dead people on board. Now they are saying this was here during the Super Bowl. Makes sense.
    My brother has fever of 101, sore throat, all of it. He’s self isolating but he did spend the day with my 87 year old mother 2 days ago. He’s being tested on Saturday. If my mother’s temp goes to 100 then we are to call 911. I don’t live in her state nor does my other brother.
    Still no word from my daughter. I called police in nyc ( in the last known precinct she was in) and spoke to a detective. No help but who can blame them.
    It does feel like the end of the world.
    I’m sorry about my panic attack on here the other day. I’m trying not to panic bc that helps no one and only hurts me.
    Anyway, I’m sorry.

  7. #127
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    Nothing to be sorry about @JamieWAgain That is what this forum is here for. People helping other people. We can go to the shops. That is about the height of it. Is only a certain distance from your house you are allowed to go. No more than 2 people together. Shops all have new rules too. Were to stand all which way to walk around the shop. We are all trying to remain as calm as we can. Is a tough one.
    @CloudMaker we living on another time line now?
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  8. #128
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    it sure seems like it. maybe the Mayans were right and our timeline ended in 2012.

    why does CERN have a statue of shiva destroyer of worlds as it’s centerpiece?

    Many people remember things that “didn’t” happen. Mandela effect things. Now the US has a reality TV star for president. The global economy is in shambles after only 2-3 weeks of a virus. Isn’t it all a little strange?

  9. #129
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    From what I believe of the Mayans their times went in cycles. So the end of time to them would mean the end of one cycle. Their calender has never really been fully understood. How long a cycle lasted for is still the big question. What exactly did they mean vy the word ' cycle '? We are not talking like one of our calender years. Might be looking at about 50 years. So what happened every 50 years back then? I know some suggest it was another planet that orbited close to the earth. As this planet has never done the same thing in our lifetime people have all but ruled that one out. Other claim that planet broke up. More claim a cycle is longer and this planet is due any day now. Fair to say something happened that the Mayans most probably thought was the Gods punishing them. Loads probably died. Not long after they were all but wiped out. Floods were talked about. Other natural disasters too. 2012 might have been the end of another cycle.

    The economy is doomed. World trade is in a mess. Stocks and shares in most things are worthless at the moment. The longer this goes on you will see an even bigger impact. Medication and the likes? Lot of what is in medication comes from China and places like that. All flights grounded. How long before we really start to run out of some things? Talking important things. Certain people might say they can help. Certain groups. Then you have control going to these people. We shall wait and see.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #130
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    Another planet orbiting close sounds like Nibiru. Some fringe people believe the gravitational pull caused the ice age.... others say it was a magnetic pole shift, maybe that’s causing climate change as we speak. IDK

    I thought we’re already running out of important things.... no flour or toilet paper!!!

    Never trust stocks, never trust Wall Street. Wall Street doesn’t care about the little guy. Neither do banks.

  11. #131
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    Ironically, in some ways we've been preparing for having supply chains interrupted. We werent preparing for covid in particular, but we had preparations for how to manage food and medication shortages in the event of a no-deal Brexit. So those are now being put into play here.

    There is, however, one massive problem with regards to our food supply. Every year, a large number of workers come from Eastern Europe to pick fruit for the farmers here for a few months, then fly back home. Now they can't. They're faced with there countries shutting there borders and grounding flights, or with airlines deciding not to fly. So then you wonder why you can't get the British who dont have jobs to do these jobs. Good bloody question. They're starting a campaign to get the British to sign up, and they only managed to get 10k out of the required 90k or whatever. British not taking up those jobs. Same story elsewhere in Europe - Germany is having the same problem I've heard.

    So then we had a massively ironic headline the other day - "British government needs to charter flights to fly in workers from Bulgaria to pick fruit on farms because the British won't do it" or something along those lines. I dont think anyone thought about this during Brexit. (Guess which way the majority of farmers voted...)

  12. #132
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    Today I had to shop. Talking loads of messages. I hate shopping. Only real break came when I was looking at the queues and wondering the best place to stand. Chap on the express checkout was empty and I nodded at him and he gave me a yes back. I had a pull along basket. That saved me the long queues.

    The UK were getting ready for one thing and got a bit extra tossed in on top of that. Home grown people hate those sort of jobs. Unless they are in warmer countries. Good way to travel around Europe. Picking fruit.
    @CloudMaker look for the book Gods of the new Millennium. That was the book I once read many years ago. It is your type of book.

    Just reading about a woman caught out posting letters in the South of Ireland. What is wrong with that I hear you say. She had already tested positive for the virus. What kind of fool is this person?
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  13. #133
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    Yeah, it's what people do on long trips in Australia. Earn some money working on a farm, have money to be in Australia for a few years. Or spend a couple of months in the meditarian doing it. Do it in England though? Nah.

    Still have shortages of PPE, ventilators, so on. We need 30000. We were told there would be a huge amount coming our way, produced by British companies that have switched production. As of yesterday, we had mansge to make 30 extra. We needed an extra 30000 probably last Friday.

    Couple of people in the news recently saying we should lift the lockdown. Idiots. "Young people must be getting fed up staying indoors and having the econony trashed once again to save the lives of a few old people who will die soon anyway." Lockdown needs to stay in place for now.

    Built a few temporary hospitals and morgues here. They're huge. Britain has mishandled this really, really badly with its initial, stupid herd-immunity plan. They're expecting a large number to die now, and we do not have anywhere near enough ventilators to go around. As a country, we're screwed.

    Its telling how finally, just today, the majority of the pro-conservative (the party in charge of the UK atm) newspapers are now criticising the government for mishandling testing and not providing medics with PPE.

  14. #134
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    We the WHO praise those in charge here for their honesty with the public. Not holding anything back at all. Good or bad. We all hear about it. No lies. We seem to be trying to follow how South Korea handled things. Just be honest with the public. Let them know how bad it is and the fact it won't be going away any time soon. The WHO like that approach. Though we should have went on full lockdown from the off. Not waited a week or two.

    I think this is something new to everybody. Leaders included. They have never seen anything like it. Wondering what is the right and the wrong things to do. Can they keep people indoors for months if need be? That is going to be the hardest one of all. People simply get fed up in the house. That would include my own mother. Should have been a bit more honest about the time they would have to spend in the house. Over here they said nothing will change before the end of April. Maybe not for a month or two after that. That is what everybody knows.

    Even having to go out is a pain when you know what could be out there. The ICU wards are filling up quickly over here. That is not going to ease any time soon either. They are nearly stretched to capacity already. Plus expecting more cases by the hundreds. The UK is bigger and more populated. The maths would have been easy to do if it had of been believed from day one. That was the main problem. It was in the UK and horse racing and football was still taken place. They got a quick wake up call. But were still not ready for it. Now they are still playing catch up. Probably always will be.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  15. #135
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    We have a populist leader. The way it seems to be is they're doing more campaigning than managing the crisis. There needs to be a lot, lot more honesty than were getting. Throw in the fact that he hired a couple of a nutjobs as aides. One of them came up with this herd immunity policy (no background in anything medical, hes a history major.) Last week had someone saying he said something along the lines of "herd immunity, protect the economy at all costs and if a couple of pensioners have to die, then so be it.". Soon as this is done, I'm looking at moving somewhere that actually gives a damn about the people who live there, and doesnt try some herd immunity experiment. Or put some idiotic, hard-Brexit and [BEEP] the EU ideology over getting hold of ventilators to save lives.

    The impression we've gotten from Ireland here is that they're treating it a lot better. Certainly, Varadkar is handling it a lot better than Boris.

    Were 1 and half weeks into a lockdown here. Can still go out for food and "once a day for exercise on your own or with those you live with." Police apparently getting calls from people rattling on there neighbours for exercising twice a day. Going a bit stir crazy though to be honest. I live alone in a studio apartment. Great fun this.

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