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  1. #166
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    So lots more people are conducting business on video platforms like Zoom. And sure enough, the horror stories over this are coming out. I saw one about a work meeting conducted on Zoom and one of the attendees carried her laptop to her bathroom to do her business, not realizing that her co-workers could see everything! I only felt bad for her and saw a lot people commenting feeling the same way. Holy shit, how do you come back from that? I was trying to wrap my head around that question. Does she go back to work and just live with that embarrassment? And then there's the whole other question of who the f*** among her co-workers posted the video in the first place? Who would do that?

    Lesson learned.

  2. #167
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    @Otherside are you out burning down mobile phone masts? We shall allow our UK rep to have her say on this one. As I have no idea what you are on about. Heard you mention 5G and chips in the brain or something. I assume it is all connected?
    Oh God, dont start.

    So supposedly the 5G masts cause your skin pores to open which means that you are more likely to catch covid, and the evidence for this is on the new ?20 notes issued out last month, which has a tower on it in the hologram. I think. I dont know, I've tried to understand it.

  3. #168
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    Think it has more to do with paranoia and the time it was rolled out at. Some said to wait. Do more studies on it. It might cause illness worldwide. Then comes along the corona virus and causes illness worldwide. What do you blame? Let us all blame the 5G. Just people have to blame all this on something. Anything will do. Burn down a tower or two. For years there have been claims of what mobile phones can do to people. Even Stphen King cashed in on these fears with the book ' Cell '.

    China is now making a killing off of this virus. When all countries will be broke, China will be richer than ever. Did watch a good video about people in China trying to warn the world about the virus. They all either vanished or died. But the WHO praised China for been open about the virus. I found that one odd. They kept it a secret for long enough. Until it was leaked. Then they had no choice at all but to come clean about it.

    Is a hard one to call. Because where it came from keeps on changing. Shell fish was the first thing we were told. Think we had a few other ones after that. Now it came from a person eating a bat. Will the real answer please stand up.

    Here in Ireland it was made clear that face masks do nothing to stop a person catching the virus. I am guessing that is based on those who are already infected. Lot of them probably wore face masks. They still ended up with it. While Americans are been told to wear anything to cover their mouths, we are been told not to waste out time, that it won't make any difference at all. Conflicting views from different countries. All adds to the confusion.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  4. #169
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    Worried about my job. How long until they decide they don't need us? We are not like Teachers, and even Teachers can be replaced.

    I do worry about everyone and everything. A service based economy with major outsourcing and HB1 employees and illegal immigrant slave labor and unavoidable health care for many, many years now...???.. What could possibly go wrong?

    Don't get me wrong, I know I'm very blessed compared to most other people.

    Jebus. This seems like 1930 depression on steroids.

    so sad this is happening,

  5. #170
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    @Cuchculan I think the main the point of the mask is not to protect the wearer, but to protect other people in case the wearer is a carrier of the virus. Now that they think breathing and talking can release virus particles in the air, the idea is that even a homemade mask would catch a lot of those particles. But this idea only works if everyone wears a mask. I do think this is a good idea because I've seen strangers talking and laughing loudly in close proximity with each other at the check out lines. An N95 mask would also protect you from catching diseases.

  6. #171
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    Sure soon everywhere will be a danger to go. For now a few places are still OK. The shops will be the easiest place to pick the virus up before long. Only place were you have large numbers of people. Our local shop, which is big enough, is slowing down everything. Queue outside. Every few minutes another person is allowed in the shop. By then a few others would have left the shop. Like today, by the time I was done shopping there was nobody waiting to check out only me. They seemed to have worked it out in a good way. No queues in the shop.

    Certain jobs will be safe. Thing older people are giving out over here about been told they are well enough to work longer and when this virus hit they were too old to leave their houses. I know the older you are they higher the risk. But to hear them talk on radio phone in shows is funny. They are all fed up in the house. As they might have younger people at home they argue that the younger person might catch it and they will still bloody get it. My own mother says the exact same thing. Me doing all the shopping. Her bored in the house. That if I caught it, she would still get it anyway. They would debate anything over here. Just to get out of the bloody house. Bless them.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  7. #172
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    They're only a certain number of people in the supermarkets here as well. Queue outside, they let you in one-by-one. My parents have said that the Tescos where they live has adopted a one-way system. You follow a queue round the supermarkets whilst stadnign behind the person in front of you at an appropriate distance and pick up what you need.

    Talk here of getting rid of the once a day exerise period. Bunch of idiots using it to go sunbathing in the park. Had a few quite-prominent, controversial figures tell people to "ignore the lockdown and go out." One got told off today by the police for doing that. Not helping things. Gonna get that oncee a day removed from us.

    Our Prime Minister is now in Intensive Care. I think he's a moron, but it's going to be absolute chaos if we end up with a dead Prime Minister. (And I don't generally wish death from covid on people.)

  8. #173
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    They're only a certain number of people in the supermarkets here as well. Queue outside, they let you in one-by-one. My parents have said that the Tescos where they live has adopted a one-way system. You follow a queue round the supermarkets whilst stadnign behind the person in front of you at an appropriate distance and pick up what you need.

    Talk here of getting rid of the once a day exerise period. Bunch of idiots using it to go sunbathing in the park. Had a few quite-prominent, controversial figures tell people to "ignore the lockdown and go out." One got told off today by the police for doing that. Not helping things. Gonna get that oncee a day removed from us.

    Our Prime Minister is now in Intensive Care. I think he's a moron, but it's going to be absolute chaos if we end up with a dead Prime Minister. (And I don't generally wish death from covid on people.)
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  9. #174
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    We have the one way system in the local shop. But it kind of ends once you are in the shop. As in it begins as a one way system. But if you have to turn right, there is no arrows to follow. Kind of goes out the window at that point. They are looking at the TB waccine all around the world. Countries were you have to have it as babies have a lower death rate and less cases. TB would effect the lungs and your breathing as well. They have tested it on nurses in the Netherlands. See if it helps in any way at all. Kind of pinning all their hopes on this one thing. There is no plan B. Should this not work, it will be a long time before there is a vaccine. Ironic that Ireland done away with this as madatory only this year. They are hoping that with adults a booster shot might help. They never said it would stop people getting the virus. We shall know more over the coming weeks. It is all on one page on the WHO site. Different countries reporting their findings.

    Nothing can be really said about Boris. He is his own man. Be that good or bad. Kind of puts his foot in it a lot of the time. Didn't think much of the virus at first. His tune would have changed by now.

    I think anybody who tells people to ignore the new rules should be brought before a court. For endangering lives. We all know people are fed up at home. Until there is an answer it will remain that way for some time. Kind of laughed when I heard a tiger in a zoo in New York had picked up the virus. That will certainly stop me wanting to get closes to tigers.

    Another thing I have heard from many people, non anxiety people, is phantom symptoms. Be it a cough that is not really a cough. Sore throat that is not real. They know the real symptoms of the virus and have had many of them. Though not really. I would put myself in there too. Cough wise. Only to have it gone the next day. This is not unusual. I remember once in the US they done a mock news report. Person going around pinching female bottoms. Never said where in the US. They had hundreds of reports from women claiming it had happened to them. But the reports where from all over the US. Case of put something out there and people will think it is happening to them. Think we all know the mind is a powerful thing. At one stage here in Ireland, of those tested for the virus, only 6 percent had it. But the others had symptoms enough to be tested. Or so they assumed. Hence the change, have to be all but dying now before they test you.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #175
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    woke up this morning with a helicopter circling around the Mobile Home Park.
    I still don't know what the heck they were looking for, and it just added to the "you're going to die soon" vibe.

    Rained heavy yesterday, so I decided to stay indoors. Today I may try to venture out to Safeway and see what's going on there now.

    I've got plenty of food still left, but no fresh produce.

  11. #176
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    This was me heading out earlier. Blending in with my surroundings. Made it to the shops and back unseen. Then chatted with my neighbour for a good while. Had taken a parcel in for her. Safe distance of course. Why do we get warn weather and a pandemic? Is normally cold this time of year. Never thought I'd see the day were you could walk into a shop dressed like that and security says ' hello ' to you.

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    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #177
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    This was me heading out earlier. Blending in with my surroundings. Made it to the shops and back unseen. Then chatted with my neighbour for a good while. Had taken a parcel in for her. Safe distance of course. Why do we get warn weather and a pandemic? Is normally cold this time of year. Never thought I'd see the day were you could walk into a shop dressed like that and security says ' hello ' to you.

    Attachment 4671
    Nice carona gear but it looks a little weak.

    Maybe try something like this:

    Attachment 4672

  13. #178
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    Not a bag man. Problem is the heat. That mouth / nose covering is roasting. Happy to get there and back as quickly as possible. Without melting. Amount of water I drink when I get home. That is the cooler option too. So I thought. Had a parka on yesterday. That coat is warmer. Thought it would be cooler. Have the post office to do the next two days. No idea what the queues will be like. Only so many in at any one time. Hoping they all go over early in the morning. I will leave it till afternoon. Walking into a post office with the face covered. That will be a first. Think how easy it would be for a robber. If one wanted to hold anywhere up. As nobody is stopping us these days with the face covering. Food for thought.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  14. #179
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    We have the one way system in the local shop. But it kind of ends once you are in the shop. As in it begins as a one way system. But if you have to turn right, there is no arrows to follow. Kind of goes out the window at that point. They are looking at the TB waccine all around the world. Countries were you have to have it as babies have a lower death rate and less cases. TB would effect the lungs and your breathing as well. They have tested it on nurses in the Netherlands. See if it helps in any way at all. Kind of pinning all their hopes on this one thing. There is no plan B. Should this not work, it will be a long time before there is a vaccine. Ironic that Ireland done away with this as madatory only this year. They are hoping that with adults a booster shot might help. They never said it would stop people getting the virus. We shall know more over the coming weeks. It is all on one page on the WHO site. Different countries reporting their findings.

    Nothing can be really said about Boris. He is his own man. Be that good or bad. Kind of puts his foot in it a lot of the time. Didn't think much of the virus at first. His tune would have changed by now.

    I think anybody who tells people to ignore the new rules should be brought before a court. For endangering lives. We all know people are fed up at home. Until there is an answer it will remain that way for some time. Kind of laughed when I heard a tiger in a zoo in New York had picked up the virus. That will certainly stop me wanting to get closes to tigers.

    Another thing I have heard from many people, non anxiety people, is phantom symptoms. Be it a cough that is not really a cough. Sore throat that is not real. They know the real symptoms of the virus and have had many of them. Though not really. I would put myself in there too. Cough wise. Only to have it gone the next day. This is not unusual. I remember once in the US they done a mock news report. Person going around pinching female bottoms. Never said where in the US. They had hundreds of reports from women claiming it had happened to them. But the reports where from all over the US. Case of put something out there and people will think it is happening to them. Think we all know the mind is a powerful thing. At one stage here in Ireland, of those tested for the virus, only 6 percent had it. But the others had symptoms enough to be tested. Or so they assumed. Hence the change, have to be all but dying now before they test you.
    That's why our case count is so high - we are testing like crazy. Over 2,000,000 tests have been done and there are tests yet to be processed! We were told that it is actually 1 in 10 tests here and that was before testing took off. THey emphasized that, yeah, symptoms overlap, but there are other health issues that are present. The Corona isn't the only thing out there.

    The WHO is going to get nailed - our President is the original; Boris Johnson is the UK version. He is considering cutting off all funding. The United States pays big bucks into the WHO every year and what do we get? An organization that took China's data as truth, downplayed it, and didn't declare it a pandemic until months after it left China when it should not have. China refused to allow anyone in to help them contain the virus. Tens of thousands of people dead and China's data is underreported. I am surprised other countries are just now jumping on the bandwagon.

    We are reverting to plasma donation from recovered and healthy victims. And thanks to French investigation, the anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin antibiotic combo is wiping out the symptoms of the virus and saving lives - getting people off the ventilators!!!!

    I have actually been on the Azithromycin on two different occasions for "pre-bronchitis". Six pills! You take two the first day, and then one each of the next four and you are done. That stuff is awesome!

    Even people in China noticed an awful lot of activity at the local funeral parlors. All those bodies and then urns.....too many for the 7,000 dead they reported nationwide. A minimum estimate of the true death count in Wuhan alone was about 40,000. That's a disgusting lie, President Xi and the WHO have a lot of explaining to do.

  15. #180
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    But if you see the early news footage, Trump is praising China and their leader for all he is doing. Telling the world that China has it under control. When the rest of us were saying China was lying. Trump backed China big time. Now he is doing a turn around. Sees the full scale of things. He is well known for doing this. Changing his mind and then claiming he never said the first thing. Trump has only himself to blame for not thinking it was much. Much like the UK PM. Two of them thought it was nothing bad.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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