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  1. #31
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Yeah, but we do have our own problems with populists in Europe.

    You've got PIS in Poland and Orban in Hungary who's decided that the pandemic is the perfect excuse to suspend any elections - with little being done to deal with that being done by the EU. France flirts with the National Front, Germany has its issues with AFD being on the rise, similar stories in Austria, Italy. Turkey has an Erdogan problem, who is successful managing to inflate the value of Lira. We have our own problems here with Boris - who has been nicknamed "Britain Trump". Although he'll likely be knifed in the back at somepoint by his party and replaced this year, if he doesn't step down due to the fact that hes incompetent.

    Trump was mostly disliked here - if the US election was held here, it would have been an almost unanimous Biden win. But at the moment, a lot of the high-profile Brits who did like Trump and write articles in support of him - are currently backtracking quite fast and trying to erase any evidence of that before it comes back to bite them. Which is amusing to watch.
    Really, we should have delayed the election, but that is simply not done in the United States. It is a set date. Trump wanted to follow it despite people saying to delay the election. The fact that you say that Trump is mostly disliked is all the more reason for us to be concerned about the election being rigged. A lot of nefarious and very odd things happened with this election. It is coming to light that our election was being messed with more than once thought. An arrest in Italy, not even the focus of what we thought was going on is causing big concern. People kept screaming Russia and China messing with our election, but to hear things like our election data was being sent to Germany - why? - is just leaving a door open for mayhem. That's apparently how Italy hacked.

    The target was six states - in particular four - Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin (Arizona and Nevada were the other two) that had machines sending data to Germany. None of the other states had those machines. On January 5, we had an election in Georgia and the exact same behavior happened. At 11pm, they "stopped counting" saying that there were no more ballots and they were waiting for ballots to come in. The media called one of the two races and declared a winner during the downtime....there will still other votes coming in according to what we were told!

    Then, nobody even taking an interest in this odd behavior considering all of the ballot issues. Very puzzling. It's no wonder Poland and Hungary are trying to delay after seeing what happened here. The Corona has everybody not thinking straight to begin with! Depression has exploded more than the Corona has!

  2. #32
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    Thing causing issues with all these countries in Europe is immigration. Those groups want home grown people only. Their numbers are growing quickly. The more Africans and Muslims that arrive in these countries the bigger the support for these parties. Only a matter of time before one gets fully elected in some country or another. France came very close in their last election. Even surprising to see them in Germany. What with their own background. Merkil let the borders open a few years back and had to close then again when too many people began to flood into Germany. Stupid move on her part. You had a lot of terrorist attacks in France. All Muslim related. That lit the flame there. We could even say Brexit was another outcome of wanting borders closed and lit the flame in the UK.

    I always said Trump did nothing wrong when it came to running the country. It was more just his mouth. He had a bad team around him or he refused to listen to anybody in PR. That was his undoing. Ireland did let him build a golf course here. The EU wanted him to pay us more tax for the golf course. Our government said they didn't want the money. Much like with Apple. They were told to pay us millions more in taxes but our government refused the money. Did cause some uproar. As we were going against the EU on this one.

    I have heard they want the vice president to use some article, is it 52? To remove Trump from office. Though others says to leave it be. His term is all but over. Like they want him impeached again. You would imagine they would simply be happy to just get him out of the white house. Unless they have something new we don't know about.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #33
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    I said hes disliked in the UK. That's really nothing new though. I'm not sure why Trump being disliked by the majority of UK Citizens means that election rigging is more likely. America is a lot more right wing than the UK, to the point that the democratic candidate is still fairly right wing by our standards - which make it even more baffling that he considered to he a socialist. As Cuchculan said - a Trump reelection would have been disliked, but not really affected the day to day lives of the people here. Most people see the drama, the angry tweets and the rhetoric - and they don't like it. The majority won't have a clue what Bidens policies are, or what Trumps are, beyond the "Build a wall", "Ban all Muslims" and the Covfefe tweet.

    Let me be clear on what's happening with Poland and Hungary - it goes beyond election delaying/rigging. Hungary has had issues for a while - well beyond the pandemic. Both countries are currently restricting the rights of those living there. Spoken to way to many people from Hungary and Poland living here who left for a very good reason. A few have stories that don't sound out of place from those that you hear a few refugees have, were they not to have come here legally. Take PIS - under there rule, Poland currently has "LGBT free-zones", and the rhetoric currently is that they're not human. Currently passing laws penalizing domestic violence. News articles over there from the government suggest that "gay people will kidnap your children and rape them". Similar taking place in Hungary.

    Agree the election should have been delayed for pandemic reasons, but its constitutionality not done. Would have made it difficult.

  4. #34
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    Of course Trump did a lot of horrible things. His weird canoodling with Russia meant that US wasn't taking proper measures to protect themselves and now we're dealing with a massive Russian hack that experts said will take years to sort out. Another glaring example is Trump's handling of the pandemic. He was a COVID denier and repudiated masks. Now over 375K Americans are dead. Not to mention that he attempted a coup.

    For state/local elections, I would've been fine with delaying the elections, but for the presidency, hell no. Trump had been besieging courts with bogus lawsuits and pressuring state officials to meddle with the votes. These next few days until Biden becomes president are scary enough.

  6. #36
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    Might release the Sex Pistols classic only with the USA in the title this time. Anarchy in the USA. ( Was anarchy in the UK )
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  7. #37
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    I said hes disliked in the UK. That's really nothing new though. I'm not sure why Trump being disliked by the majority of UK Citizens means that election rigging is more likely. America is a lot more right wing than the UK, to the point that the democratic candidate is still fairly right wing by our standards - which make it even more baffling that he considered to he a socialist. As Cuchculan said - a Trump reelection would have been disliked, but not really affected the day to day lives of the people here. Most people see the drama, the angry tweets and the rhetoric - and they don't like it. The majority won't have a clue what Bidens policies are, or what Trumps are, beyond the "Build a wall", "Ban all Muslims" and the Covfefe tweet.

    Let me be clear on what's happening with Poland and Hungary - it goes beyond election delaying/rigging. Hungary has had issues for a while - well beyond the pandemic. Both countries are currently restricting the rights of those living there. Spoken to way to many people from Hungary and Poland living here who left for a very good reason. A few have stories that don't sound out of place from those that you hear a few refugees have, were they not to have come here legally. Take PIS - under there rule, Poland currently has "LGBT free-zones", and the rhetoric currently is that they're not human. Currently passing laws penalizing domestic violence. News articles over there from the government suggest that "gay people will kidnap your children and rape them". Similar taking place in Hungary.

    Agree the election should have been delayed for pandemic reasons, but its constitutionality not done. Would have made it difficult.
    Sadly, the people here didn't know about Biden's policies either. He never said anything! All he said was Trump was racist and Charlottesville made him run. He did in his basement and told African-Americans that if they didn't vote for him, then "they ain't black". Rather disturbing, but he got total pass. What he did say was scripted. He has proven so far that he can't even come up with his own Cabinet. He went back to Obama's playbook which cost them 2016 to begin with. He has yet to even have a news conference. Kamala Harris hasn't been heard from at all.

    I have been going to different news sources since, as you can tell from the recent posts, there is a polarized view of the President.

    In Hungary, my wrestling show had to postpone and then cancel their big annual event. Their weekly shows since November have no audience at all as small as it was given their space. They resorted to creating a commercial to raise funds because of lost revenue. I am not sure what you are hearing but they are against bias and one of their wrestlers took a rather interesting character - he's a dude but you wonder about his sexuality in the character - "king of tastelessness" lol. They would not allow that from what you are saying. I am not sure where you are getting some of that information.

  8. #38
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    Quote sunrise View Post
    Of course Trump did a lot of horrible things. His weird canoodling with Russia meant that US wasn't taking proper measures to protect themselves and now we're dealing with a massive Russian hack that experts said will take years to sort out. Another glaring example is Trump's handling of the pandemic. He was a COVID denier and repudiated masks. Now over 375K Americans are dead. Not to mention that he attempted a coup.

    For state/local elections, I would've been fine with delaying the elections, but for the presidency, hell no. Trump had been besieging courts with bogus lawsuits and pressuring state officials to meddle with the votes. These next few days until Biden becomes president are scary enough.
    What about Inauguration Day 2017? Madonna's speech, Ashley Judd, the "hats", Kathy Griffin, Johnny Depp, the rioting, The Hamilton confrontation? Democrats aren't blameless. They started it! BLM was Obama! Ferguson, Baltimore......continued with Trump because they were called civil rights activists. Nobody wanted to do anything so Trump would look bad.

    He said there would be fraud in the election due to mail in balloting. He didn't do anything because he knew he would get blamed for that, too! It happened in six states using machines that were apparently connected to the Internet among other nefarious actions.

    And the big question many times has Trump contacted Putin in the last four years.....if he colluded?

    He and my father graduated high school in 1964 - they would have been less than three months apart in age. A very ugly event happened during their Senior year of high school involving a Soviet sympathizer. I have my dad's yearbook! Why would a President collude with a man who was a former KGB agent wanting to return Russia to Communism after what they did to us in the 1960s? That guy is going to lead Russia for 24 years or something like that.

  9. #39
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Might release the Sex Pistols classic only with the USA in the title this time. Anarchy in the USA. ( Was anarchy in the UK )
    God, I hope not. We have the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) to prevent rogue crap. That's if the Democratic Party doesn't mess with that. Hunger for power corrupts.

    You know it's getting real when India is warning people about Big Tech and censorship. Australia has actually covered our news better than we have!
    Germany and CHINA have made comments about free speech and how Fakebook and $#!773R are taking the bans to the accounts. Bizarre.

  10. #40
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    Sadly, the people here didn't know about Biden's policies either. He never said anything! All he said was Trump was racist and Charlottesville made him run. He did in his basement and told African-Americans that if they didn't vote for him, then "they ain't black". Rather disturbing, but he got total pass. What he did say was scripted. He has proven so far that he can't even come up with his own Cabinet. He went back to Obama's playbook which cost them 2016 to begin with. He has yet to even have a news conference. Kamala Harris hasn't been heard from at all.
    The "not Trump" campaign. There was a comedy sketch here back during the 2016 election joking about that one. Summed up it was that "Clinton was disliked, but running on a campaign of "I'm not Trump".

    Quote Ironman View Post
    I am not sure where you are getting some of that information.
    From the accounts of the multiple people I know who moved away from Hungary for that reason. Generally, you don't emigrate without a good reason. Plus the varying European news. They're restricted a bit at the moment what they can due to EU law, or it being signatory to the Council of Europe. Here's a brief run through of it -

  11. #41
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    The "not Trump" campaign. There was a comedy sketch here back during the 2016 election joking about that one. Summed up it was that "Clinton was disliked, but running on a campaign of "I'm not Trump".

    From the accounts of the multiple people I know who moved away from Hungary for that reason. Generally, you don't emigrate without a good reason. Plus the varying European news. They're restricted a bit at the moment what they can due to EU law, or it being signatory to the Council of Europe. Here's a brief run through of it -
    Human Rights Watch? They think everything is bad no matter what is going on.
    There's an article in there are George Soros' Central European University he founded in 1991 and how Orban's "corrupt" government is limiting expression - that people from that school go into the government. If the education is Soros-driven, given what he has been doing in other places, that's not necessarily a good thing,
    The problem is George Soros is a mess. He threw a lot of money into Log Angeles' District Attorney here. The guy is already releasing prisoners left and right. That's on top of the Corona mess.
    Orban told Soros not to try anything in his country. The billionaire "philanthropist" likes to create mayhem here in the States. He's one of those globalists.

    We have a lot of that here. With gender studies, what would someone do with a degree like that? We sent money to Pakistan in the stimulus for transgender studies. People here complained about getting a third of what Trump wanted to give.

    The legislation redefines the word “nem,” which in Hungarian can mean both “sex” and “gender,” to specifically refer to a person’s sex at birth as “biological sex based on primary sex characteristics and chromosomes.” According to Hungarian law, birth sex, once recorded, cannot be amended. This means that anyone who doesn’t identify with the sex they were assigned at birth – such as transgender people – will be denied the right to change their legal gender marker to correspond to their identity.
    They are referring to our DNA. It was always that way. I am male no matter what I would do to my body, I was born a male and will always have male DNA.
    We have issues here where transgender male-to-females are competing against females in sports. That's not fair to women; they are at a disadvantage.

  12. #42
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    Human Rights Watch? They think everything is bad no matter what is going on.
    First I could find on a google, wasnt aware of it's reputation.

    There's an article in there are George Soros' Central European University he founded in 1991 and how Orban's "corrupt" government is limiting expression - that people from that school go into the government. If the education is Soros-driven, given what he has been doing in other places, that's not necessarily a good thing,
    Right, but does it not have a right to exist, and teach as it would? You can disagree with what is being taught, and how it is founded, but, in a free society, there is that right. Barring specific topics, subjects, or talking points never ends well, nor does seizing positions and handing them over to government loyalists. We have the barring problem here although in the other direction - barring specific speakers, removing books from libraries.

    With gender studies, what would someone do with a degree like that?
    Aye, personally I'm not sure what the point of a degree in that is. Near useless when it comes to actually being able to use it get a job- short of continuing studying it in academia. But, if someones willing to pay for it, whatever. They are free to do so.

    They are referring to our DNA. It was always that way. I am male no matter what I would do to my body, I was born a male and will always have male DNA.
    Yep, sex refers to the biological DNA. Part of the problem with the legislation is that it can't be changed on ID. Lot of the other European countries have an ID Cards with the same info you'd have on a passport if you have one of those, you need to use those on a regular basis. Can cause quite a few problems if you have a "M" marker whilst appearing to be an "F" if you try and travel with that ID, try and use it to open a bank account, get a job or housing with it, etc etc - ranging from embarresment to being pulled over when you try and cross an international border becuse the ID doesn't match-up. You can change the marker here, but not on a whim. Needs a diagnosis of gender dysphoria I think in order to get the ID change.

    We have issues here where transgender male-to-females are competing against females in sports. That's not fair to women; they are at a disadvantage.
    True there. There are other ways of resolving that than refusing toallow the M or F marker to be changed on government ID.

  13. #43
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    Quote Ironman View Post
    What about Inauguration Day 2017? Madonna's speech, Ashley Judd, the "hats", Kathy Griffin, Johnny Depp, the rioting, The Hamilton confrontation? Democrats aren't blameless. They started it!.
    What does this have to do with the attempted coup that just happened? White supremacists are the number one domestic terror threat per law enforcement. To try to both-sides this is right out of the white supremacist playbook. And by the way, they're still threatening violence openly and everyone is predicting more bloodshed. There's no arguing with you because you mine information from sources that peddle conspiracy theories, not sure exactly where. One of the biggest fallout of Trump's presidency - the assault on truth. Now half the country lives in an alternate reality.

  14. #44
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    Quote sunrise View Post
    What does this have to do with the attempted coup that just happened? White supremacists are the number one domestic terror threat per law enforcement. To try to both-sides this is right out of the white supremacist playbook. And by the way, they're still threatening violence openly and everyone is predicting more bloodshed. There's no arguing with you because you mine information from sources that peddle conspiracy theories, not sure exactly where. One of the biggest fallout of Trump's presidency - the assault on truth. Now half the country lives in an alternate reality.
    ….and the boldfaced statement is why there is no much division. If the roles were reversed, you'd have a different viewpoint, too. Just because there isn't agreement, doesn't mean it isn't true.

    How do you know they are conspiracy theories? That is the ultimate question. The media is too lazy or inept to look into things, which is thei rjob, not constantly delivering opinion as news. This election was NOT like 2016 and people can't even admit it. It's as plain as the nose on our face. And you are saying the incident at the Capitol had white supremacists? Trump was proven over and over again that he wasn't racist - I'd be tired of have to say it all the time, too!

    Something similar happened in 2017. Madonna threatened the White House. Johnny Depp referenced John Wilkes Booth. A whole play was written about killing a President. Kathy Griffin had a bloody head of the President, BLM tearing down statues and defacing monuments. Four years of dehumanizing comments of people who didn't vote for Hillary, and not being taken seriously.

    Just sayin' there is hypocrisy. President Trump said nothing about violence. That's on video. The people doing the damage and the threats are NOT Trump supporters. The only assault on truth we are seeing is outright censorship and outside countries are seeing it more than we are - that's the sickest part of all. Not only are our complaints not being taken seriously, but we are being outright censored in the name of threats. The next two years are going to be the worst this country has ever seen - there will be no peace especially after today. The left is going to let it all go thinking they have the support. By then enough of America will have finally realized that there was something not quite right about the 2020 elections. Hopefully, we will recover. It'll take a red wave that will outdo 2010. The impeachment was the first of many Obamacare-caliber things they will pull. One fiasco after another. The healthcare bubble they are trying to create will destroy what is left of our economy as if the Corona wasn't bad enough.

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    BTW here?s more PROOF of election fraud. Just because it?s a conspiracy doesn?t mean it?s WRONG!

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