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  1. #1
    cerulean's Avatar
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    How often do you wear the same clothes as the previous day?

    This thread idea came out of a question a member asked in a forum games. I don't know why this trivial thing stresses me out. I don't have a job or a crush I want to impress. Self care has been hard for me, and I have heard people talk and laugh about how my hair looks sometimes (I don't take care of it well). I think this paranoia of looking bad, smelling, etc. is the only reason why I bother with self care 90% of the time. I have been wearing the same clothing for several days and don't really care. It's gross but I don't desire to change or shower. I feel so pathetic typing this out. I don't know why it's such a big deal to me.

  2. #2
    CeltAngel's Avatar
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    As an agoraphobe, I don't go out much and as a result, have little motivation to do all the things we tend to need to do to seem "normal" when braving the outside world. I frequently wear the same clothes for days on end, I shower every couple of days.... I probably stink, I dunno.... But I do make the effort to look and smell nice when I have to go out, and you know what? No-one comments or seems to notice. I still get hit on by guys (for all the use that is to me, being taken and gay. ) and I don't notice any real difference from the times in my life when I was fastidious about my personal care.

    I think what I'm saying is that a lot of it may be in your own head. I used to feel that way.... But then in the aftermath of one of my breakdowns I think I just stopped caring. It's made things a lot easier. These days my agoraphobia is pretty strongly connected to a traumatic incident I suffered a few years ago, rather than the early cases I had which were more anchored in paranoia. I guess my mind found it was a comfort zone I could easily slip into when what happened, happened.

    As for the hair.... I think you just need to either embrace it or do something with it. Have fun with it! Don't worry about them. While I never did it myself, I've had friends who had unconventional hairstyles that got them mocked, less than conventional hygiene standards.... they received trash talk from idiots in the general public, but they just let it slide off them, because at the end of the day, what did the opinion of another of society's mindless drones matter to them? I've never been able to attain that level of calm in the face of negativity, but I did try to learn from their reactions, try to understand where they drew that strength from.

    I believe a big part of what we need to do, many of us here is learn not to let the foolish negativity of the mentally short-sighted get to us. It's a hard trick, especially if you're a personality type that is sensitive, that craves acceptance.... But it is something worth trying to achieve. Our lives are not worth letting go to waste because others have cruelty in their hearts that they can't seem to keep off their lips.

    I hope this little screed has been of assistance. I'm feeling a bit cloudy in the head right now, so I'm not sure if I've stuck to the topic well... But I feel like I've said something useful here. If not, feel free to ignore.

  3. #3
    rabidfoxes's Avatar
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    Often. I have never really understood the appeal of changing clothes all the time. It's time consuming and the constant washing damages the fabric. Once I pick out an outfit I wear it for two days in a row. I make an exception for wool sweaters. I hardly ever wash them and so letting them "rest" every other day allows the wool to kill off any bacteria so the fabric remains fresh. T-shirts go in the wash after a two-day stint of wear. Trousers get sniffed and placed back in the wardrobe if they smell fine. If I'm feeling down I might wear the same clothes for more days than two, but then it's less about choice and more about declining mental health.

    I wouldn't worry about not changing clothes every day, I think a lot of it hinges on the fast fashion culture, where everything needs to be fresh, new, shiny! Whatever makes you feel good is fine.

  4. #4
    Shredder's Avatar
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    Things have really dropped of for me.
    Last time I went to gym I had animal fur all over me and tomato sauce spilt down my top. I just didn't give a shit. I thought at that moment I need to lift my game but that's as far as I got with it.
    I wish I cared more. Working from home doesn't help much.

  5. #5
    firestar's Avatar
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    I won't wear shirts for more than one day, but I'll wear pants two days in a row (max). My mother was a bit germaphobic, and it probably has more to do with that than anything else. I hate the idea of picking up dirt or insects from outside and having them in my clothes (which I know is irrational).

    I don't care much about my hair, either. And it's good that my work doesn't care too much about what we wear. My standard outfit is slacks, button-down shirt, and a light fleece jacket, which looks reasonably professional but isn't too hard to put together. My mom always wore a full pantsuit to work, but I wouldn't be able to handle the endless drycleaning.
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  6. #6
    Ironman's Avatar
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    Even if I am in the house (Corona), I have to change clothes,

  7. #7
    Cuchculan's Avatar
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    Outer clothes? More often than not. Under clothes would be changed.
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