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  1. #886
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    If the recordings exist and are bad, can you see a vote in the Commons over Boris as leader? Is it enough to go that far? I know we will have to wait to see exactly what is on the recordings and how much gets out. Like an episode of House of Cards. People are always recording. Just to have in case you ever turn against them. Boris has two choices. He comes clean about what he might have said or he waits. A gamble both ways. Might come clean only to find out there is nothing much to the recordings. Or he plays it cool. Denies he says much and a whole lot comes out.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  2. #887
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    India hit a record high number of daily cases - over 350,000. There were over 2,800 deaths as well - both occurring on Sunday.

    The country's lockdown will have to continue; these stats are shocking!

  3. #888
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    In India they locked down for a while like everybody else. But then live just continued on as normal. Place is over populated in my parts. Slum areas. Making it much easier to spread. In India you have a lot of you tubers. Make videos for you tube. They were all still out making their videos. From the videos you could see it was life as normal. This when everybody else was still locked down. Has finally caught up with them. It was one of the countries I mentioned back a year ago. Because of the slum areas. As a nightmare waiting to happen. Case of can their neighbours stop it reaching other countries from India.

    Even watching the UFC last week. No idea if it was been held in the States? I would imagine so. As getting into other countries is hard. They had a full crowd. Some wearing face masks. No idea why they even bothered with the face masks. With a crowd that big it would just simply spread if it wanted to. No idea if crowds are been allowed back into such things in the States? Talking full house here. Thousands of fans.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  4. #889
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    If the recordings exist and are bad, can you see a vote in the Commons over Boris as leader? Is it enough to go that far? I know we will have to wait to see exactly what is on the recordings and how much gets out. Like an episode of House of Cards. People are always recording. Just to have in case you ever turn against them. Boris has two choices. He comes clean about what he might have said or he waits. A gamble both ways. Might come clean only to find out there is nothing much to the recordings. Or he plays it cool. Denies he says much and a whole lot comes out.
    If it exists and it's bad enough? The conservative party could kick him out or Boris resigns before he's pushed, they hold an internal party leadership contest, someone else will be chosen by the conservatives who will become Prime Minister. No need for another election for that. It could get to a Vote of No Confidence in the House of Commons I guess. Unlikely to get that far though.

    Quote Ironman View Post
    India hit a record high number of daily cases - over 350,000. There were over 2,800 deaths as well - both occurring on Sunday.

    The country's lockdown will have to continue; these stats are shocking!
    India's healthcare system seems to have collapsed. Stories coming out of there are terrifying. People dying outside of hospitals because there is no room in any of them, or because the hospital has run out of Oxygen to keep the critically ill breathing. Have people online desperatley trying to get hold of Oxygen/Oxygen cannisters/Plasma/Remdesivir. Now having mass cremations. Lockdown will need to get it under control.

  5. #890
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    I am wondering if Boris might have bad mouthed any fellow MPs. He would know if he did. Now he might be wondering just how much was recorded. He will be trying to remember every conversation he ever had. Trying to think if he said anything that could really get him in trouble. Some things you can survive. Other things there is no way back from.

    In India life went on. At best you had police stopping people in the streets taking their temps. Small thing they simply placed on the forehead. Took a reading. If you were fine, off you went. In other countries, at this same time, we were all in full lockdown. It was like they didn't get what was going on. Plus you had far too many people who lived rough. The slum areas. Places are bad even at the best of times. In India if people have medical problems, as a rule, they visit the local bone setters. Not exactly doctors. Bone setters are cheaper to visit. now take all these people who would run to the bone setters as a rule, and let us place running to a hospital now. That would be thousands of people. Others use healers of a different kind. They travel from villiage to villiage. In return for their healing, people fed them. There was nothing medical about these people. They used plants and other herbal things. None of that would work on Covid. So then it would be a case of making it to a hospital. Which could be a day or two away on foot. Hospitals would be swamped. If you managed to make it that far.
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  6. #891
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    Sure there is a few. Few Civil Servants hes pissed off as well. Then there's Cummings. Was sacked in December. Claims that he has recordings, emails. Says he is willing to repeat the claims under oath and answer as many questions as the MPs want in a parliamentary enquiry about all the various leaks and allegations that have come out. Really kicked the Hornets nest.

    Is a bit of a strange one. Because there was another lockdown. Did not have the stomach to not lockdown at that point. Going to interesting to see if he survives this - depends on if proof comes out, and what else comes out.

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  7. #892
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    Boris is been questioned about how he paid to have his apartment done up. Answering like a politician. By cash. Then asked who owned the cash and where did come from. His answer was ' I already answered that '. Which he did not do. That seems to be the first thing on the agenda. Trying to get a straight answer out of him as to the cash and was it his own cash or not.

    Then up North the DUP ganging up on their leader. Want her out. Few issues with that. Next in line is an over the top hard line DUP member. That is not good. That will cause a split up North again. New leader won't want to work with Ireland in any way, shape or form. That also includes Sinn Fein. Back to the days of snubbing each other. Though if Sinn Fein play is smartly they could come out of this looking good. The DUP looking bad. This new person tipped for the post showed their intent by failing to show for a few meetings this mornings. With Sinn Fein. One to keep an eye on. From what I know the majority of the DUP want Foster out. Now is the time for the big push.

    Quick edit as Foster has stepped down as leader. Either that or be forced out.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  8. #893
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    I have heard of that. Saw one of the DUP say they could no longer turn up to Orange marches anymore because of DUPs reputation, because the orange idiots now heckle DUP instead of the Catholics or something? Honestly, I could play the worlds smallest violin for them there. But you are right. Someone worse will be put in charge.

    That part of the Boris saga is interesting. New wife appears to have very expensive tastes and hired a very expensive designer to refurbish the flat. Costs ran up, civil service said, no, not paying that. Boris could not afford the bill, it seems. So the money came from a donor. This was not declared. They also were unable to decide for a while if that was a donation, a gift or a loan. So the taxman started to question it. Based on his income, Boris would be a higher-rate taxpayer. So he would be hit with 45% tax. It was ?50k+. I do not envy the tax bill that could come his way.

    Boris knowing about the Football European Superleague (if you heard of that in Ireland) and supposedly endorsing it might be the one that does him. It was deeply unpopular here, was protests because of the superleague plans.

    Anyway, Covid related, got blocked boarding the train to work this morning because of distancing requirements. Very strange. Said it was full. Was not full. Every other seat was empty. Did not know that could happen. Still, gave me an excuse to be late for work and to sit and drink coffee instead.

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  9. #894
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    Not sure if you are aware that Foster, before she became the head of the DUP, had another role, during which time she was handed millions to fund something or other. How to put this. She did use the money. But nothing ever came of the project. Thus it is a bit like me giving you 30 million and getting nothing at all for my money. The DUP always held that over her. To be used when they wanted her out. She knew it too. Whole thing about marching is a load of rubbish. Nobody can march in the North at the moment. Not even the Catholics. Then you have the whole thing about a border in the middle of the Irish sea. That annoyed a lot of them. To be split from the UK via a border. Makes no sense either as they were split via the Irish sea before that. Now they claim their is a border between them and the rest of the UK. Unionists hate that. Let us not pretend there is much difference between the DUP, Loyalists, Unionists. They are all the one. They felt they were been pushed further away from the UK. Have to blame somebody on that. Let us see how the next one gets on.

    Boris will have much more to answer for. That one part if the tip of the iceberg. I am sure there is a lot more to come.

    That football league never happened. Way it played out was the government told them they would take away work permits for foreign players. It was never going to happen. Never heard anything about Boris in favour of it. Prince William spoke out against it. Then the PR machine for the government spoke out against it too. Clubs were looking for help to pay staff wages, as in pandemic payment, from the government, even though they were saying they were quitting the league. It was made very clear to the clubs. Your foreign players will not get work permits in the UK. Which was a smart move. As most of the players are foreign.

    Trains here at two to a four seater. I have always stood up instead of sitting down. Trains mostly empty when I was on them. Buses are worse. If full they simply just don't stop till a person wants to get off the bus. Rush hour trains would have guards on them. Off peak are all but empty. No shops opened. So nobody heading into town to shop.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #895
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    Been a bit away from news lately - briefly saw Arlene had had a no confidence vote. Did assume it had something to do with the Brexit border, had heard that DUP votes next year might end up going to UUP. The border thing - UK has left the EU and left the single market - but NI stayed within the single market, still follows EU laws. So there is a custom border. You wont go through passport checks, won't be asked to show ID unless you board a plane - but you still go through a custom border if you travel GB -> NI. Sending a lorry full of food across the Irish sea on a boat used to be just drive on, sail, drive off - now there are checks, now you need to fill out customs paperwork, some things are not allowed to cross at all (soil is one I know of, raw meat another). Hence we had the images of empty shelves at Tesco.

    What didnt help I imagine, was Boris not being honest about it, possibly did not even admit to himself what he had signed up to. Still does not, I dont think. He said "there will not be any problems, call me up if you have to fill out any paperwork". Not really at all true.

    The superleague thing - publically, he came out against it. "I do not understand it, but I dont agree." Work permits were mentioned. No proof he knew about it or endorsed it. Another leak, will have to see if proof comes out.

    Those trains would usually be packed. Have had one or two before at pre-covid commuter times that it is impossible to board because there is literally no room. Not so many people commuting to work these days, most working at home. Train lines complained about that last year, didnt have the money coming in. As did the big name chain coffee shops. Turns out that you dont get so many people buying overpriced rubbish coffee when they're not dragging themselves out at stupid o clock to board a train, or buying stupidly priced cheese sandwich for lunch because they couldnt be bothered to make one that morning.

    Edit - ?800 per roll of wallpaper. Who the heck spends ?800 a roll on wallpaper? It is made of solid gold or something?

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  11. #896
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    The want a border in the Irish sea. Have no idea how that will work. An invisible border. Might have a boat parked up there. Check out boats / ships going to the North or coming from the North. Paperwork and all of that. Other option is the hard border. I remember the last hard border. Place used to get shot up and have rockets fired at it on a regular basis. North is a place we all went here to shop. Coaches used to be held up because the border was under attack. You would reach it and you could see the damage. Which is why the Irish don't want that again. This is were Boris said and agreed to one thing and then changed his mind. The DUP were never going to be happy. Foster was never going to win with anything. Boris didn't need her or her party. If you remember they help prop up the government for May. Thus got themselves a few deals for doing so. All was great for them back then. Then they were no longer needed. The North was going nowhere quickly at all. Back to the old deadlock. That won't change if hardliners take over. They will demand more from the UK and ignore the Irish. Going backwards instead of forwards.

    The super league could have ruined football in England. Millions make there way down to small clubs from the bigger teams. Remove them from the league and those smaller would lose out. Some might have to fold. It was never thought out at all. Was the owners only. Never discussed with the players. Head of world football made it clear that anybody playing in the super league could no longer play for their country. Players love playing for their country. Work permits not allowed about blew it to pieces. Be curious to hear what Boris really said about it to begin with.

    The more that opens, the more people will use the trains. Less opened, less trains are needed. Times of them were all changed here. I was approached on one by the police. Said I had no mask on. I had a snood on. I said the police always wear them, so why can't I? Covers more of my face than a mask would. Copper had no real answer for that one. I wear it shopping and in the post office and chemist. When it begins getting warmer it will be back to face mask.

    That is very dear wallpaper. Reminds me of the printer our government got. Cost? 1/4 of a million. Had to have walls knocked down. Doors put in. Other work done too. Added up, the cost of getting this new printer came in at quater of million Euro. What a waste of money.
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  12. #897
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    There has to be a border somewhere. That is what some people did not get. The options were that there was a border on the Island of Ireland (bad), UK remaining in the EU Single Market (they chose not to) or border in the Irish sea. They chose the last option. NI Protocol has issues with it that need to be resolved. Do believe that EU and UK are sitting down to try and come to a solution because of the PUL protests. Thankfully not on the Brexit team at work. Shipping stuff over the NI is apparently, a nightmare at the moment. Youd be surprised how little advise we were given by Gov. The hardliners will no doubt demand more, but not be listened to by the UK end.

    Spoke for a while about having to wear N95 grade masks on the London Underground. A million problems there though. Very deep tunnels, very bad ventilation, not really much room to socially distance on those things. Dont know if the plan went through or not. Have been able to board with cloth or paper masks.

    Apparently he said "shes buying gold wallpaper!". Was only joking about the gold, but could well be gold. I just thought it was some overpriced rich people thing. I dont know why he didnt just say "no" if he couldnt afford it. Most people would. Does say a lot about his finances though. He is apparently broke - rich people broke rather than normal broke, of course. But then he has divorce payments and however many child support payments coming out of his earnings.

    Must be quite the printer to go through all that effort.

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    You would imagine by past mistakes they would learn about border issues. Loads of places to cross North to South. Not just the one place. Is more goods arriving in the North from the UK and beyond. They could be checked before leaving the UK. Or checked in the Republic if they take that route. But Boris does not want that. That is far too easy an answer. Let us make it more complicated. He did a U turn over the whole issue. Kind of like his last stand. He has gotten better than expected with everything else. Use the North to try and gain even more.

    This amazing printer. It was a big printer. Could not fit in the door of the room. So knock the wall down. Then build the wall back up. Does not look right with other walls. Do some work on them too. Oh I think we need new doors. The carpet is kind of ruined. Get a new one. All for a printer? Our government know how to waste money. One thing they are great at.

    As for face masks? Over here they simply said ' anything is better than nothing '. Which I agree with. Snoods are been used by a lot of people. I see nothing wrong with them. Had to laugh at a hooded top I saw with a built in face mask. I kid you not. Talk about cashing in on the virus.

    We all await to see what comes out next about Boris. I am sure he has a lot hidden. He was always one that lived on the edge. Said dumb things. Done dumb things. Hard to imagine there is nothing else on him waiting to come out. He is just one of those idiot types. That you know does and says idiot things.
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    Caught loads of people out with this one. They all thought I was losing the plot posting it. Had to tell them to read it again more slowly.

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