Hey AS, I wanted to hear some feedback on a topic I?ve been thinking about. As the title says, did anyone here find they cared less about having friends after a certain age or after bad experiences? I know we?re not supposed to look at everyone as having bad intentions but I find myself being very wary of people as a whole now. A couple of months ago, an old ?friend? of mine pretty much took advantage of me but I really should be angry at myself for allowing it. This same guy borrowed money from me and when it came time for him to pay me back, he blocked me on Facebook and stopped answering my phone calls. With most of my other friendships, I got tired of initiating contact.
For those of you that don?t have many friends, how do you help yourself feel connected without being lonely? I stopped using all social media so unless someone has my number or email, I don?t really hear from anyone anymore. I?ve never had much of a social life and now that I?m 26, I?m trying to find ways to be happier with my own company because I don?t feel anything is going to change for me in the friend department.