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  1. #976
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    Dom will topple that Government if he really wants to. I am sure he has a lot more. Especially if he has such pictures. 2 people having sex. Did the man hide in wardrobes or something?

    People love to waste to money. Big one here is a new hospital. Will it ever really be built? Cost has gone up by the millions. One person said they would be better off tearing down what is built and getting a cheaper contracor in to do the job. Just all wasted money.

    As for Covid? Is all about the Delta Variant. Get fed up listening to it to be honest. So I don't. I turn off the news.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  2. #977
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    The opposition is useless, so they might well still win here gone from full on socialist to useless. But they could lose the South to the a third party, the Liberal Democrats. Lot of anger here with Boris. I would put money on my seat turning lib dem next time. Not just covid. Load of other reasons. But mismangement of it was the straw that broke the camels back.

    Wasting money on a royal yacht here. No clue why. Rumours of pensions getting cut. Can only afford to give medics a pay rise of 1% apparently. And my tax money is going to buy a 200mil yacht. Royals dont even seem to want the yacht.

    Dom now seems to have sent pictures of the health secretary having sex with his aide to the front page news. Really doesnt seem to like the health secretary much. Hell hath no fury like Dominc Cummings scorned.
    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Dom will topple that Government if he really wants to. I am sure he has a lot more. Especially if he has such pictures. 2 people having sex. Did the man hide in wardrobes or something?

    People love to waste to money. Big one here is a new hospital. Will it ever really be built? Cost has gone up by the millions. One person said they would be better off tearing down what is built and getting a cheaper contracor in to do the job. Just all wasted money.

    As for Covid? Is all about the Delta Variant. Get fed up listening to it to be honest. So I don't. I turn off the news.
    Well, we have our own over here - BLUNTer Biden and his three laptops: machine names SEX, DRUGS, and ROCKNROLL. He's had pictures of him with a bong in his mouth passed out, him on a bed with two women and a dog jumping up, one apparently with M&Ms candies on his weewee - he's like 50, grow up!
    @CloudMaker - I heard Gov. Gruesome banned Kalifornians from flying to Florida. That man is so recalled, it's not even funny. The man is a total sleaze right up to his slicked-back hair.

    I got a message from my Bureau of Motor Vehicles. After the pandemic relaxed licensing a bit, as of July 1st, we can get a $150 fine if our driver's license and car license plate stickers are not up to date. I just got my 2022 sticker for my birthday when it expired last week. My new driver's license was made in August, 2020 - two months late due to Corona. I am all good. Apparently, I can fly with my new license, too *rolls eyes*

  3. #978
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    Ireland remains the only country in Europe and beyond that still has certain restrictions in place. All other countries and back open. Our government refuses to take any chances. They blame the delta variant. Hardly any cases in Ireland. They say but if we fully open up there will be loads of cases of it. Some experts have told them that keeping certain places closed will not stop any new variant spreading. In other words it will happen anyway.

    In this image we are the country in red.


    My own opinion on this? I don't think the government trust the people. Simple as that. But as you can get take away pints from pubs, you have hundreds of people gathering outside of pubs. Enough to make any variant spread very easily. In Dublin you have areas with a lot of pubs close together. Try and imagine hundreds of people all outside these pubs. No room to move. So it is not like the government is solving any problems keeping these restrictions in place. Just means instead of inside these places, the people will all be gathered outside the places. Which has also lead to fighting in the past.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  4. #979
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    My license has been expired since August last year. Keep getting letters every now and then saying it is valid until I hear otherwise, been delayed because of covid. Dont drive though, so not so a huge pain. But I can no longer use it to board a plane. Had to drag my passport along to board one up to Scotland the other week. Bit of a pain.

    Health minister Hanky Panky has resigned. His marriage is also probably over. Got to feel sorry for his wife and kids. Apparently it was picked up by a camera hidden in the smoke detector. Sure there will a lot of uncomfortable "what else did dom pick up?" people in government at the moment. Would bet more will come out.

    They are saying they will not extend restrictions here again beyond July. We will see. Not convinced that they wont. Is frustrating is what it is.

    Had discussion this weekend with a few friends - consensus from a lot is that they will walk if they have to go back full time. Work yet to announce what it will do. Rumours of more flexibility, but who knows. US office has started asking employees there if they are vaccinated. UK side so far has not, but we will see. Boss thinks that may be illegal to do though here.

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  5. #980
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    What we have here is NPHET saying there will be a 4th wave. That by September we will have over 200,000 new cases. Talk about trying to frighten those who would worry about such things. The same idiots said last we would have 2.5 million cases. They were close. Only out by about 2.3 million. That is how far off the mark they were last year. So should we listen to their new figure about later this year? Nobody really is. If a new variant takes off it will spread anyway. Not just in places you eat food and drink. Last week we saw the video of hundreds gathered in town. Why are they there all together? Because there are no places opened. Open places up and that crowd will be spread across a lot of other areas. As this seems to be their new meeting place.

    Good of your health minister to kiss and cuddle right under a CCTV camera. How dumb was he? What made me laugh was they only claimed he broke all his own rules. Not that he was cheating on his wife. Sack him for breaking his own rules.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  6. #981
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    We are being told we are in a third wave. And that there will be a fourth in the winter - they are focussing on the wrong thing by focussing solely on case numbers here. See this here - what is the difference between the UK and the others on there that are also high? Can see it with Spain as well. There is a high case rate thanks to delta, but deaths still remaining down, the hospitals are not overloaded as they were with those numbers before. Little reason or us to slide back into a lockdown.

    We had Scotland ban people travelling to and from the city of Manchester (Northwest England). Mayor was furious. Demanded compensation for all the people in Manchester who'd have to cancel Scottish holidays. Pointed out that there is not so great case numbers up in some parts of Scotland either. Asked why they hadn't bothered to call him about it first. Scottish first minister said that he could always call her up to discuss it if he wanted. All seems to have quieted down now though. How do you enforce that one though anyway? How do you police who - and who has not - come up from Manchester? No checks travelling within UK. Was an odd one.

    So heard rumours over there they're considering restricting indoor dining/pubs to those who have had both vaccines or a previous infection? Seems like a good way to encourage the young to hold chicken pox parties.

  7. #982
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    Few things called off here again. Communion and confirmation. Though in some areas they already had them. With no ill effects. But the new ban was only brought in yesterday. They are trying to keep indoor stuff closed for a few more months. Somebody call an election. Please. This lot would be out on the first count. People are fed up with them and asking who is really running the country? NPHET or them. Not like they are giving anybody any good news either. Try to lift the spirits of the country. They don't know how to do that. 4th wave with over 200,000 new cases. Just what everybody wanted to hear. There are calls for a third dose of the vaccine on top of the first two. No idea about that one. Some are saying it would protect people even more. Others are saying it would do more harm than good. Shows how much they talk to each other. When one says it is good and another says it is bad. Have had a few people on the radio who had the delta variant. But they were all from the UK. They are doing their best to frighten people. Seems only people vaccinated will be allowed do certain things. Owners of certain places do not agree with this as they want to make up for lost money and time. Some places have been closed for 11 months out of the last 12 months.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  8. #983
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    They are giving third jabs in autumn to the old people - not before seconds though, and its opened up now to all over 18. Supposedly going to let the 2 jabbed go abroad to Amber list areas without quarantining, and the egates at the border will now recognize the QR code saying you've had two. Bet you it won't though. Only for UK residents though. Not for others. Not so many tourists here. The tourists are mostly staycationers.

    Lot of places are open here. Mostly normal for now it seems. Mask + scan QR to check in for test and trace is a minor thing for me. But then I dont go to places such as nightclubs, big sporting events, festivals. Hopefully will not go backwards.

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  9. #984
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    What I think they are trying to do here is put the fear of God into people, to make them get the vaccine. All the talk is when this delta variant will spread and how much more deadly it will be. At the same time they are trying to push their vaccine. They have moved down to an age group that might say no to it. How to make them take it? Doom and gloom about what is to come. Only thing that might save them is the vaccine. Lot of food places have come out and said they will let anybofy in their places. Not just those with vaccines. I figured this would happen. They have lost so much money already. But there is talk of keeping certain places shut till September. This will cause a lot of trouble. Lot of places will have to close for good. They have spent a lot of money getting their places ready to open, only to be told they can't open. This has happened a few times now. We saw our health minister talking about the dangers of the virus, whilst using his face mask to clean his glasses. This live on TV.

    Quck eidt to add in that they offering young people 150 Euro to take the vaccine.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #985
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    During lockdowns 1 and 3 we had the scare stuff to keep people indoors. Did work - Up until the point that Mr Cummings decided he needed to get in a car and drive four hours up the motorway with his wife and child whilst he was actually infected in order to "test his eyesight."

    Had Stuff like this pop up all over - on TV, on any online ads, where ads would be on the streets -

    Don't think I've seen any vaccine related though.

    Quck eidt to add in that they offering young people 150 Euro to take the vaccine.
    Are young people even eligible over there at the moment?

    They did a lot of "we encourage young people to get the vaccines" when the bookings portal was still only open to those 40 and above, made it seem as though they weren't getting it by choice. Then when they opened up the bookings to younger people, the site crashed because of how many people tried to get on at once, and they had huge queues at the drop in centres.

    But unlike a lot of the rest of the world, the scare stuff isn't really needed here. Not so many who won't. And a few who decided that they'd take it once they realized that there week on the Costa Del Sol might be at risk (not even a UK policy there).

    When they were debating the vaccine passport here - never was going to pass, don't think it even went to a parlimentary vote - lot of places said they wouldn't check. To much of a problem for them. And the idea of having them in nightclubs gave everyone a good laugh. Were they going to fill those places with pensioners? Not usually pensioners who go to nightclubs. It is the young who do that.

  11. #986
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    At first we had certain places only you had to go to get the jab. Now nearly all Chemists are doing them. Mainly the J&j vaccine. I do believe we just heard more BS this morning. That the J&j vaccine is 85% effective against the delta variant. Love to know how they arrived at that answer. Just so happens that is the vaccine they want to everybody to get.

    Youngest people will in a few weeks. Sort of no pecking order now. If you want it quicker you go to the normal places they are giving it out. If you want to wait, you simply get it at your chemist. All bloody doom and gloom. About the thousands who will die. At the same time they are urging people to head outside. So frighten them first and then tell them to leave their houses. Makes a lot of sense that. I am sure some people would be frightened. Afraid to leave their houses. Be it older or those who have health problems. Their whole approach is wrong.

    I can't see the whole vaccine ID card here either. Too much trouble. Owners of places have said NO to the whole idea. Even had one refuse people who had been vaccinated. I kid you not. Was just a shop. Made me smile. The sign in the window. Vaccinated people not allowed in this shop.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #987
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    Piece of paper arrived today that is apparently proof of status that I can use to travel abroad. No idea if it's UV'ed or not, and apprently the barcode on it shows something, but it does look as though it'd be very easy to fake if you just opened up Microsoft Word. Wonder if we'll see news stories about people detained at the border for faking proof of vaccination.

    I don't think we are using the one jab J&J here. Is Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca here. Few people got the Indian Covishield, but apparently the same as AZ, just made in India. All 2 jabs. They are saying 8 weeks minimum between the two. They increased the wait period because of the British Variant running rampant in January to get more first jabs done. Some places have been giving out 2nd ones less than 8 weeks and getting told off for it. Same time, we are being told that we need second jabs done to defend against delta. Rumours been that they will let those of us with 2 jabs who get contact traced not isolate. Just test each day instead.

    This is the delta data we are seeing here - cases definatley up, hospitalizations rising but still considerably lower than British Variant, but deaths still staying down. Have a few keep telling us we should go back in lockdown over it. Always been told lockdowns were a tool when things got close to overload to prevent that from happening. Swear a few of these people seem to actually enjoy lockdowns.

    Edit - kids have apparently discovered that if you squirt lemon juice on a lateral flow test strip, it comes back positive and it's literally illegal for them to go to school for the new few days until a PCR comes back negative. So, they're squirting lemon juice on lateral flows to skip school

  13. #988
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    The whole think about Ireland is they are trying to frighten people about the new strain and them coming out with the J&J is the best vaccine to fight the new strain. Simply because it is the J&J they are handing out. If they were handing the AZ vaccine I am sure they would tell us the AZ was the best againt the delta strain. If you get what I mean. I seriously don't believe they know the real answer to that question. But to try and make you get the vaccine, they are making stuff up. Bit like saying the other vaccines are no good against the delta strain. this is the one you need. In India I am almost certain they used the AZ vaccine. Know that from forums. Few Indians on the forums. All they talk about is the AZ vaccine.

    Have a few neighbours from foreign countries who are going back home for a holiday. Crazy if you ask me. One to Romania and the other to Turkey. Not something I think I would do at a time like this. Each to their own. Then we have the people locals have not seen in a long time. All wondering if they are sick. You see them every day. Then no sign of them for over a month.

    Laughing at the school kids. Very smart of them. School has just ended here for the Summer. They did keep them in a lot longer than normal this year because they only just went back. Some wanted them to stay in school without any break for the Summer. It was the teachers who moaned. Even though they had been off work for months too.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  14. #989
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    They are worried that the lefties are going to scream about the Delta Variant after our Independence Day weekend (July 4th - our country is 245).
    People are going to wear masks, and kids will have to wear masks and put themselves into Carbon Dioxide danger. Teens passing out while wearing masks during a race. I know I would pass out while running the streets if I had a mask.
    The thing would be heavy on my face and I would end up with DIAPER RASH ON MY FACE.

    ?.I got vaccinated - I got my shots. Leave me alone, lefties!

  15. #990
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    The whole think about Ireland is they are trying to frighten people about the new strain and them coming out with the J&J is the best vaccine to fight the new strain. Simply because it is the J&J they are handing out. If they were handing the AZ vaccine I am sure they would tell us the AZ was the best againt the delta strain. If you get what I mean. I seriously don't believe they know the real answer to that question. But to try and make you get the vaccine, they are making stuff up. Bit like saying the other vaccines are no good against the delta strain. this is the one you need. In India I am almost certain they used the AZ vaccine. Know that from forums. Few Indians on the forums. All they talk about is the AZ vaccine.
    Covishield, yes. Indian made AZ. But it might not be accepted by some countries as proof of vaccination, because the Indian one has not been approved. Is the discussion here. Lot of people crying murder, why were they given this when other countries won't accept it, why did the UK use those vaccines because they won't be able to travel with them. You'd think that we were only vaccinating so they can go to a Greek Island from the sounds of some of them. Selfish idiots. Were in a bad place a few months back. Thats why we used them.

    Laughing at the school kids. Very smart of them. School has just ended here for the Summer. They did keep them in a lot longer than normal this year because they only just went back. Some wanted them to stay in school without any break for the Summer. It was the teachers who moaned. Even though they had been off work for months too.
    I will admit, probably would have done it when I was 13.

    Given it a go, and sure enough, squirt lemon juice on the test strip and it shows positive.

    Quote Ironman View Post
    They are worried that the lefties are going to scream about the Delta Variant after our Independence Day weekend (July 4th - our country is 245).
    People are going to wear masks, and kids will have to wear masks and put themselves into Carbon Dioxide danger. Teens passing out while wearing masks during a race. I know I would pass out while running the streets if I had a mask.
    The thing would be heavy on my face and I would end up with DIAPER RASH ON MY FACE.

    ?.I got vaccinated - I got my shots. Leave me alone, lefties!
    Masks never been needed outdoors here - risk of spreading outdoors isn't such a huge problem. Its only indoors.

    They are supposedly going to get rid of that requirement in a few weeks time. We will see. They are lot more cautious here it seems than over with you.

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