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  1. #1021
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    Dumbest comment I heard made about the whole taken of the knee? No idea of his name. Or what party he is in. He was asked if he understood the meaning of it all. He said from what he knew they were copying a scene from a game of thrones. I kid you not. That is all he thought it was. They saw this on some TV show and decided to do it before football matches. It takes all sorts.

    But I do think there has to be an end date for it. When it began some players assumed it would only last for a short while. Not just keep going on and on. But the FA will be afraid to try and stop it. It would look bad on them.

    Italy and Spain are bad too with racists, Good old fashioned thrown bananas on the pitch. Have seen it all from those countries. Games stopped after players walked off the pitch. One player from Brazil, not even black, more just tanned. He had a banana chucked at him once. He caught it and ate it and gave a thumbs up to the person who flung it at him. Went on to score the winning goal in the game. he simply played it all down.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  2. #1022
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    Lots of people aren't wearing masks now, which I think is premature with the Delta variant floating around. There's a story of how people at an outdoor wedding in Texas, people who were vaccinated, contracted COVID. I'm keeping my mask on.

  3. #1023
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    I would ask how a wedding is even possible with masks on? Be some pictures. LOL Then you have the whole meal thing. Then drinks and music after that. Wearing a face mask would stop a person spreading it. If they cough and the likes. Won't stop anybody catching it. Only takes one person to have and it spreads quickly. Might be through a hand touch. Even brushing against another person. Much like the flu spreads. Over here the masks are only for indoor places. Shops and the likes.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  4. #1024
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    People are supposed to wear masks indoors here too, if they haven't been vaccinated. It's based on an "honor code", except what honor? There's a ton of anti-vaxxers. And vaccines don't provide a magical force field that prevents breakthrough infections. There's going to be continued COVID mutations because people aren't taking it seriously. At the wedding, apparently a couple brought the virus from India and those who caught it from them had interacted with the couple. If you want to have a wedding during a pandemic, mask up!!

  5. #1025
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Whole vaccine cert thing is going to cause queues. Line of people all holding their certs to get in places. All have to be checked. Is going to be one big nightmare. France have talked about making everybody take the vaccine. No choice for anybody. It was quickly shot down. But all their healthcare workers must get the jab. They have no choice. They wanted to extend that to the public too. In parts of Australia they are said to be knocking on doors. This is the army. Again, they can't exactly hold you down and force the vaccine on you.

    The Euro finals and the English fans was a massive cluster F. Thousands showed up who had no tickets at all. Most of them got into the stadium. Others were fighting outside of it. Social distancing was done away with. Lot of people talking about how there were far too many people squeezed in together. Then the whole BLM thing. Fans not liking it. Been a tad bit offensive when the players took the knee. Then as it worked out it was 3 of the black players who missed their spot kicks in the final. Which only made this whole us against them thing a lot worse.

    @Ironman now it happening to you. I first heard about it from a friend over in the US. Saw a picture of hundreds of dead birds. They had simply fallen out of the sky. Once they don't have anything that can pass on to humans. We are bad enough with Covid.
    It was just the one bird. I am back outside today after two days of heavy rain. There are flies around a bit more. I only see one feather left sticking out of my air conditioner. My neighbors were out filling the bird feeders. It would be sad to see so many die off if they catch the Birdrona.
    The BLM crap is Black Supremacist. Since the two main founders resigned it's been a lot harder to find information on it. There is an agenda that they are trying to get into primary schools that our country started in 1619 with slavery and not 1776. Then these unionized teachers are telling people that they will have lawyers to back up their cause. In the meantime, school boards are trying to push this crap locally and telling parents to shut up or even having them arrested for trying to speak out against having their children taught this.

    I really don't know what has crawled up people's backsides, but the Corona has brought nothing but demonic madness. Our leadership doesn't even pay attention.

  6. #1026
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    Quote Ironman View Post
    It was just the one bird. I am back outside today after two days of heavy rain. There are flies around a bit more. I only see one feather left sticking out of my air conditioner. My neighbors were out filling the bird feeders. It would be sad to see so many die off if they catch the Birdrona.
    The BLM crap is Black Supremacist. Since the two main founders resigned it's been a lot harder to find information on it. There is an agenda that they are trying to get into primary schools that our country started in 1619 with slavery and not 1776. Then these unionized teachers are telling people that they will have lawyers to back up their cause. In the meantime, school boards are trying to push this crap locally and telling parents to shut up or even having them arrested for trying to speak out against having their children taught this.

    I really don't know what has crawled up people's backsides, but the Corona has brought nothing but demonic madness. Our leadership doesn't even pay attention.
    OMG dont even get me started about the BULL the school systems are saying!!! I work for a California school district and theyre pushing this critical race theory crap, telling all white people they are inherently privileged and everything is racist!

    I grew up in rural Arkansas and we were so poor my father hunted anything he could find to feed us. Squirrels, raccoons, you name it! Then these teachers push this crap to students who get free iPads from tax payers that I?m privileged and theyre oppressed its maddening! This country has turned into a total JOKE. cant wait to leave California and retire!

  7. #1027
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    Quote agrohimula View Post
    Can I contact admin??
    It is important.
    Sent PM.

  8. #1028
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    Lot have stopped here - is still illegal to not wear masks on trains, in stores - but more not doing it lately. Threat just isnt there anymore for most people, as it was before.

    BLM stuff in the not really what's going on here with the taking the knee. Is a different situation here. Cannot really take US issues...and apply them to the situation in a country halfway across the world from you. Same as UK issues dont really work to explain what is going on over there.

    Team came out and said this is just to do with protesting racism, has nothing to do with US BLM, not interested in marxism (one of the first things that came up - footballers are some of the best paid people in the country who have successfully lobbied for that pay rate over the years), or defunding the police (Gov has successfully been doing that one for eleven years anyway, needs to be funded here if anything, people need to stop voting for the current gov if they dont want the police to be defunded). Most dont really have a clue here about the blm US, would not know what it was, first they heard of taking the knee was the English football team doing it to protest racism on European football.

    Has been a strange one the last few days, pretty much a uturn on peoples views on it - with a few gov ministers saying "yeah we screwed up with our response to this, we cant have anything to do with calls to defund the police (whilst doing that anyway), but theres nothing wrong with a gesture to stand against racism in football that there clearly is it seems". Even had a guy go onto a fairly anti-woke news taking the knee and saying "I get why they were doing it after this".

    If you think the US is bad - theres some places in Europe that are 10x worse, particularly if you stray outside of the touristy areas (Cuch mentioned Italy- are quite a few others though, some worse). Have some countries that are oddly proud of the fact. Mention the Roma and you'll get a long rant that would make the KKK blush, and its pretty much an acceptable form of racism here.

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  9. #1029
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    Just saw that they arrested a 12 year old boy in London for online racism, WTF!!! He’s 12 for Christ’s sake!!
    America has a lot of problems but at least we don’t throw 12 year olds in jail for expressing free speech on the internet!! INSANE

  10. #1030
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    Arresting is a bit far in my opinion, albeit one which is worryingly seemingly supported by quite a few people here (at the moment anyway after the cup final). I'd more support bans from the Football Association on attending games - which looks like what will happening going forward.

    Should be arresting the ones that actually physically attacked Italian fans, stormed Wembley, and trashed London.

    He is twelve and an idiot, it will go nowhere, it is likely a scare tactic from the police his parents agreed to. Will spend a few hours in a cell then be released, no charge, and told to write a letter of apology.

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  11. #1031
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    A white bloke, who was friends with a black American footballer suggested he take the knee during the anthem as a form of protest. And so it all began. It had nothing got to do with any shootings or anything like that at all. Problem was nobody had any idea what this first black person was doing. Talk about a silent protest. It was only when more black players began doing during the anthem in the US that the media began to twig that it must mean something. The fact that the whole BLM thing began over any shootings was a whole different thing. Nothing got to do with any of that to begin with. Yes it was used after the shootings. The real meaning of it is simply a form of protest. Hence it is allowed in England. Some clubs in England have supporters who always gave dog's abuse to black players playing for other teams. Not thinking they had black players playing for their side too. It did die off for a while. But a few years ago it really came back big time. Even if we look at Scotland, Rangers had a policy of no black players allowed to play for the club. Rod Wallace was the first ever black player to join the club. Brave man. You see it all over Europe. It is accepted in parts of Italy. Then we have the smaller countries in Europe who are known for it. Used to be bigger countries once. Baltic region.

    They are going to review what happened the other night. Who was to blame. This should be good. The police have to take a lot of the blame for not been there. It was obvious it would all kick off by about 2PM. That gave the police 6 hours to get things in order. They done nothing at all. The FA has a deal with the police. Pay costs and all of that. So the FA will have questions to answer to. They could have rang the police and said we need help now. They actually denied anything was going on in a statement to Canadian TV.

    We all know about political point scoring. The right time to jump in. When to stay back. That is all politicians are doing.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #1032
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    If the vaccines work …. Then why is the UK seeing more new cases than this time last year with so many people vaccinated ?????


  13. #1033
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    Pandemic is driving erratic behavior worldwide imo.Nothing new if you've read a few history books.People are hurting and are under pressure.

  14. #1034
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    When you have thousands of people gathering in one place. None of whom are vaccinated or wear masks, the numbers will go up. We have it here too in Ireland. People throwing raves on beaches. House parties. Gatherings in parks. They are all against the vaccine and masks and lockdowns. But come the end of the day they will cause another lockdown.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  15. #1035
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    Texas - The Democrat Congresspeople in the State decided to boycott voting for a voting bill and went to Washington, D.C. to schmooze with KamaKamaleon.
    Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak lol. There were some positive test results from the flight to DC lol.

    Really, guys, our country isn't this screwed up very often...…

    I am still working from home - JOEjanHorse has officially cause my gasoline to jump 60% in price in six months. Actually, my car is in need of work - I might as well tell you the story as it might be Corona related.

    July 3rd - I was trimming my shrubs (6 ft tall) and my electric trimmer was loud and obnoxious - I tried to lubricate it, but I think the thing was just failing outright. So....I buy a new one. Well, I get to the store and my car starts moaning when I turn into the parking space. I thought it was weird, but knew I would make it home.
    Anyway, that evening I visit my mom and I take her shopping for a new wristwatch. More moaning when I turn the wheel in either direction. She notices. I notice. I tell her I need to have it looked at. Reserve a timeslot - 11am Monday July 5.

    July 4 - Independence Day and a Sunday. Do you think anyone is open? They shouldn't be - GO USA! Fireworks are awesome in my city. Blue circle with white eyes and a red smile....what a cute highlight!

    July 5 - holiday from work due to July 4 being on Sunday. I am awakened at 8:30am (planned to get up at 9:15) by a call by the dealer. They can't see me until 9am July 12 - the following Monday.

    July 6 - by mere luck, I get a rental car....but I have to drive my car up to the rental place and leave it there because they couldn't pick me up. I ended up getting a Ford Expedition for the price of a sedan ($103 - prices are exorbitant here too). The catch - I had to return it the next day (despite asking for three days) and get another car. All so I could attend my men's group that I was leading that night.

    July 7 - I return the SUV and decide not to continue since I won't be going anywhere anyway (pandemic lack of travel)

    July 10 - grocery shopping 2.4km - not a big deal to stress out my car.

    July 12 - 9am - I show up. Two hours of waiting. I have a leak in my power steering and pump (the car is 15 years old with 472,000km/294,000mi on it) and a serpentine belt cracking up. $800. They had to order the parts and I had to go back home with my car as the dealer had no rental cars and neither did anyone within a 50mi/80km radius! $140 for the diagnosis. (Euro would be a slightly lower number). *I was to receive a call when the parts arrived July 13.

    July 13 - 2pm call to dealer since I had not heard anything. I was told that a message would be left with the staff to call me when they arrived. July 13 - men's group night - couldn't attend unless I wanted to further damage my car!

    July 14 - 10am call to the dealer. The parts came in the previous afternoon (after I called!). **They could not see me to actually do the repair until Wednesday, July 21! I told her that isn't acceptable as there are no rental cars and I have no transportation. Sooooo…..she said I could do one of two things. I could bring it in Friday, July 16 in the morning for the half-day job, but the mechanics had other obligations and wouldn't get to it until Saturday...or I could bring it in Monday, July 19 at 9am - they could shuttle me home....and I could have the car by the end of business Monday. I chose the latter because I needed my car to go grocery shopping on Saturday July 17 (today!).

    For someone with anxiety - I am beginning to have to get used to being assertive. That's a key component of overcoming this crap.

    I have a "To Be Continued...…"

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