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    Britain ?Racial Hatred? Incidents

    OMG get your [BEEP] together Britain!!
    @Otherside @Cuchculan thought you would enjoy this one

    A man has been landed with a police record for ‘racial hatred’ for whistling the Bob The Builder theme tune at his neighbour.

    Officers in Bedfordshire recorded the incident as a non-crime hate incident, which will remain on file for six years and could be disclosed to prospective employers.
    Few other details about the ‘crime’ are known, but it is just one of the bizarre cases unearthed by an investigation into the controversial practice of recording ‘hate incidents’ even if no law has been broken.

    Others include a swimming teacher in West Yorkshire given a police record after a child’s mother claimed her son had been allowed to bang his head against the side of the pool ‘due to his ethnicity’, and a gay man who alleged he had been ripped off by a drug dealer because of his sexuality.

    In Norfolk, a Portuguese national said an unknown person had deliberately left a burger bun on their driveway ‘due to their ethnicity’.

    Under the Hate Crime Operational Guidelines, adopted in 2014, forces are required to record any actions deemed to be motivated by an element of hate, even if there is no evidence to prove them.

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    This is the daily mail. So I imagine there is a lot more to it. Take what they write with a pinch of salt. Usually is exaggerated bull. Take any story they can get, hand over the money to the person reporting it, exaggerate it x10. Sell the outrage. Dont know what the US example would be.

    But yes, as a country, like many, we do need to get are [BEEP] together. What exactly so you want me to do about it?

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  3. #3
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    This is the daily mail. So I imagine there is a lot more to it. Take what they write with a pinch of salt. Usually is exaggerated bull. Take any story they can get, hand over the money to the person reporting it, exaggerate it x10. Sell the outrage. Dont know what the US example would be.

    But yes, as a country, like many, we do need to get are [BEEP] together. What exactly so you want me to do about it?

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    oh sorry “get your [BEEP] together” is an expression I don’t expect you as an individual to be able to do anything about it
    I’ve just been reading ridiculous things in that part of the world lately like arresting a 12 year old for bad internet words and now this where employers can see these reports. I even read there are some parts where you can get fined for not wearing a mask while driving in your car alone with the windows up!!!
    seems like your government is pretty tyrannical IMO and I’m surprised there aren’t more protests or issues over it

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    I'm Irish. We are not in the UK. I will agree that the sun newspaper tends to write crap. They are called the red tops. Are a few other red top papers. How to put this. Is the same as reading a gossip mag. What they write about is not what is really going on in the world. At least not the real world. I once saw a picture of a man sitting on a chimney taking a dump. Headline ' who crapped down my chimney '. That is their type of reporting. Another one of a woman talking about marrying her stalker. Grade A reporting or what? Those types of stories are more important to the red top rags. Only a certain class of people would be bothered buying these newspapers.

    I do know that in the UK there is talk of doing away with face masks. Only need for them there and here in Ireland was in shops and on trains and the likes. People in their own cars are fine. Though some, for reasons I have never worked out, do wear them. Same as wearing a seat belt whilst walking around the streets. Masks are for indoor use only. The UK are meant to be doing away with on July 19th. Though with the new strain they might do a U turn and keep them.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  5. #5
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    Quote CloudMaker View Post
    oh sorry ?get your [BEEP] together? is an expression I don?t expect you as an individual to be able to do anything about it
    I?ve just been reading ridiculous things in that part of the world lately like arresting a 12 year old for bad internet words and now this where employers can see these reports. I even read there are some parts where you can get fined for not wearing a mask while driving in your car alone with the windows up!!!
    seems like your government is pretty tyrannical IMO and I?m surprised there aren?t more protests or issues over it
    Is all good.

    Now the media here - they have a habit of exaggerating things. Need to do that in order to sell, in order to get clicks on a website to get ad revenue. Dull stories about what is actually happening dont sell so much. Seems to be happening to both left and right media. Daily Mail is particularly awful for it. Is famous for declaring that things cause cancer in order to do this. All media here though has been particularly awful throughout the pandemic. Exaggerating what has been said by a government minister, for example, and causing a panic.

    Now employers seeing reports - depending on what job you get, they can ask for something called a DBS check. Similar in US for some things? This checks for criminal records. Things like teachers/anyone working with children have to do it(for obvious reasons). Other employers can do a basic check if they want, but do not have to. Cannot do it cannot permission though, Data protection laws being a lot stricter than in the US (in reality though, if you refuse to give consent - employer will likely think you are hiding something). Not everything shows up on that. Expiration date on a lot of criminal records, minor stuff that didnt result in a prison sentence (or a long one) often wont come up, in general any crime comitted underage likely wont appear on a basic one (unless it it something very serious).

    Masks - were a few cases of police handing out fines when they shouldnt have in some areas. Different rules for each region though, but in general womerent needed outdoors/alone/when with sane household. Were a lot of cases of those fines being struck down when they were inevitably appealed. Whether it was a case of police not understanding the rules (often changed at short notice, very little guidance being given out), or a jobsworth officer on a power trip, who knows. Likely a bit of both.

    Protesting? Not a country that protests so much here. Not so much our culture. Would take something very extreme for that to happen in a major way.

    Government? A lot more authoritarian than I would like. Making decisions I'm not so much a fan of (banning "noisy" protests, for example. Whatever that means.) Were elected in though. Was a choice between this government, and the opposition which was led by someone from the far left though who supposedly thought Hamas was a good idea, for example. Far left guy panicked people here, so they voted against him. Was a choice between a populist, and a populist. So chose the best of the worst kind of thing. Will see if they get elected next time in a few years. Far left guy has gone now. Opposition party replaced him with a dull guy who seems a bit useless, so we'll see.

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