Liked - maths Disliked - Art
Liked - maths Disliked - Art
Liked - History
Disliked - Maths
A lot of people assume that I would've liked Music, but I quite disliked it. I am an untrained savage when it comes to music. Learned to do what I can do through trial and error. Formal instruction always just felt like it sucked the instinct and the heart out of it, at least it did for me. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate work by people who know what they are doing in the formal, instructed sense of the artform, but that just wasn't for me.
Good at maths and history and things like that. Crap at practical subjects. Woodwork and the likes.
The Lovable Irish Rogue
Liked - English
Disliked - Math
I was actually very good at math, but I spent a lot of time studying it. I wasn't naturally good at it, like other people were.
Music was awful for me. My mom made me take band and I hated it. One time, the band instructor made me play the cymbals. I couldn't follow the piece at all. She literally took it from my hands and showed me how to ring them (clash them? not sure what the correct word is) at the right time. I still couldn't do it properly, including when we performed in front of an audience. I ended up ringing them as quietly as I could and hoping it didn't sound too terrible.
It is the light she longs to find,
When she delights in learning more.
Her world is learning; it defines
The destiny she?s reaching for
- Marie Curie
I liked math and didn’t like reading and analyzing fiction.
I don?t like being around or interacting with other people, this is my personality. I am a jerk - I don?t mean to be, but whenever I speak up I say something rude. It?s just the way that I am. Don?t bother me.