I used the internet to socialise, mainly this site, and I also talk with my family who I live with. I can't handle any more social interaction than that.
I am married so I do see him in the evenings not a lot because he is in a Christian band and then church and practice and gigs to play so its me and my furbaby but he is 14 now and his health is failing so I am scared he will die with me here by myself. I play on pogo a lot and I talk on facebook and on the phone I try to help others out more than myself. I do like artsy stuff but I am not real good and I like shopping online I would love to be able to sing but I am a horrible singer and I have tried learning to play the keyboard the guitar the dulcimer but I am just bad lol .. so I watch a lot of movies and tv shows and just cruise online. I also eat lol