Yes/ no. Can you hide your anxiety?
Yes/ no. Can you hide your anxiety?
With me it is a need to know basis. Most people don't need to know. Not like I mix with a lot of people these days. Why broadcast it?
The Lovable Irish Rogue
Yes, depending on the setting. I doubt anyone at work even suspects I have anxiety. I have experienced panic attacks in front of family members, though. It didn't go well.
It is the light she longs to find,
When she delights in learning more.
Her world is learning; it defines
The destiny she?s reaching for
- Marie Curie
For decades! Practically my whole life. Outwardly witty and funny, while dying inside. That's how I survived. The contrast between my real self and the caricature I projected couldn't have been bigger. The tension this generated was immense. There was nowhere it could go but inside. Is it any wonder I became suicidal? I've gotten worse in hiding my anxiety and thank God the urge for that isn't very often there anymore. It seems to me now that the essence of the journey out of anxiety is becoming comfortable with who you are. Self acceptance. I guess there's a place for some hiding, especially in work situations and such.
I've hidden it a lot over many years, in many situations. As for whether I can, it really depends on how bad it is at that time and the circumstance I'm facing.
Hiding it is merely a survival technique.
I often wonder if the only reason I can't overcome it, is that I continue to deny that it actually exits.
I try to. But its pretty much impossible during a panic attack. Thankfully, those dont happen so regularly anymore.
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When you realise you can no longer hide it, SA often morphs into AvPD
I hide it all the time and no one sees the pain I am in.