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  1. #1
    SAgirl's Avatar
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    How much faith do you have in humanity?

    How much faith do you have in humanity?

  2. #2
    Flavor's Avatar
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    I have more faith in animals than I do humans.

  3. #3
    Lunaire's Avatar Consumer of Coffee
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    I have more faith in animals than I do humans.
    Animals are fairly predictable. Humans not so much.

  4. #4
    Shredder's Avatar
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    I don't have a lot of faith in humanity but it's something I'm working on.

    Majority of people cant really be trusted but you have to find some sense of faith in order to be part of society. It means finding some sort of inner strength in order to achieve it.

    I find very few people are actually honest. Most are self-serving and have their own person agenda and delude themselves into believing whatever they need in order to achieve some sense of personal contentment.
    Even altruism can be seen as an illusion because essentially people help others to make themselves feel better.

    The problem is when thinking like this, it is easy to fall into a nihilistic spiral of doom and there comes a point where you have to latch onto alternative perspectives in order to 'pull out' of that nose-dive thinking.

    In my opinion we need to get back to a sense of 'real' community. Hard to do when society revolves around manipulation, money, power and greed. It's hard these days because even a sense of 'community' is being twisted. E.g. The new Facebook metaverse is supposed to enrich our lives but its just a re-wrapping of the same old bullshit and is just people doing what people do: commodify individuals under the guise of helping humanity.

    But there are good people out there that aren't greedy and don't want to manipulate, dominate and control others. They are the ones that I want to connect with. They give me hope and keep me wanting to try and get 'out there' into the world.

    There is a risk though... yes... we might get hurt in the process. But that's life. There is good and bad in everything.

    I don't think I can fully trust animals either.... but I like to try convince myself I can, especially when I'm feeling disillusioned by humans. Animals give me 'something' to believe in.
    My snake will bite me when I least expect it. My cat would scratch and bite me when it was in a shitty mood.
    My dog would never harm me but she extremely passive and gentle. It worries me because she is vulnerable and sometimes I feel she might get attacked by an aggressive dog when we walk. We can stay safe at home but she loves to walk so we have to find a sense of trust in other dogs in order go out do the things she loves in life... like sniffing where other dogs have been and she also loves pooing on sidewalks right where humans walk!

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