Its all fake news
Didnt happen
So funny how “they” said one of the hijackers passports was found completely intact at the scene after the plan supposedly hit a building and exploded
Look up building 3
Thats the real story behind 9/11
Its all fake news
Didnt happen
So funny how “they” said one of the hijackers passports was found completely intact at the scene after the plan supposedly hit a building and exploded
Look up building 3
Thats the real story behind 9/11
I dont usually go for cconspiracy theories, and do think 911 happened - but I will admit, the passports surving the blast is an interesting one. Those things are flimsy.
They claim that this somehow made its way off of the plane from the cockpit that hit the building and landed onto the sidewalk to be found and was completely intact without being damaged or destroyed by the collapsing building or rubble
LOL!!! How can this be real ????
With me it is more about how the building came down. Implosion more than explosion. We had the news interview were you could hear a number of bangs. It was clearly said on that report that they were explosions going off. A series of them. And the reporter thought they were coming from the base of the building. Before long the building was coming down. Not in an outwards sort of way. Like if a bomb went out it would push everything outwards. This was like the building folded in on itself. Same happened with the second building. Experts at first thought it was done like a demolition job. With little or no damage to other buildings around it or near it. That is the one thing that people do debate. Would planed hitting two buildings cause this same effect?
The Lovable Irish Rogue
Well the old BBC news report video seems to have vanished. In it they reported that building 7 had collasped. But behind them building 7 was still standing. It would collaspe a while later. That was an odd news report. It was like reportong on something ahead of time.
The Lovable Irish Rogue