When I'm with my cousin and only him I don't feel as anxious in public.
When I'm with my cousin and only him I don't feel as anxious in public.
Walking dogs. They are great company.
The Lovable Irish Rogue
It varies. Quite a lot. Sometimes I have no issues at all with SA, sometimes it's quite severe all of a sudden. The situation can be the same. In general I do better dealing with one or two people at a time. It's no exception to have little or no anxiety in those situations anymore, luckily.
The best book I read about trauma since '97 is Pete Walker's Complex PTSD: From Surviving To Thriving
I don’t feel as much online and in this resin because in person u have consequences
I honestly don't think so. I feel on guard with every other person.
Playing card games with my boyfriend and his friends.