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  1. #2341
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    I found out about this when it happened (I mean not literally lol on the day it was announced,) but was listening to this so RIP Taylor Hawkins.

    (Apparently that's what I do in this thread now.)

    I loved this song a lot in the 2000s. I don't think I bought the album this is from though ironically. I think what I might have done is liked this and a few other songs from a mix of albums that came on kerrang radio + music channels (which I used to listen to/watch obsessively before music on YouTube was a thing,) and bought their most recent album at the time which was In Your Honor lol.

    (Generally speaking it would be insane to buy a band's entire back catalogue but I did do that with Green Day lol when I was 14~ up until American Idiot and it was big even at that time. In fairness I listened to all of them tons with the exception of their first album. They had songs about some 18+ topics lol. One of my favourite songs is about that on the Warning album haha. There's another with a similar theme on an earlier album but I didn't care for that track as much musically was more like a joke track. Where as this one is very catchy. Though I think they actually hired someone for the song (not musically. That's probably a rumour too.) I think Warning was actually a very underrated album tbh. Mostly I just liked how post punk bands back then seemed to be having a lot of fun, they probably weren't everything's probably terrible and everyone is evil. What is this post.)

    People have a way easier time finding stuff now but tbh I appreciate it less. I remember visiting my friend and finding she had the music channel version of Kerrang and was like =O !!!! because we just had the free digital TV starting when I was about 11 (before that we had 5 channels.) So there were radio stations on the TV and 2 music channels but it was mostly mainstream pop & hiphop music (though there was more mainstream rock during this period than now thankfully,) and then since I was mostly into rock I'd try to commandeer the TV during times when they had special rock genre shows on. That's also how I found one of the best music videos of all time:

    And yeah I know.

  2. #2342
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    I like how Avril does this about once every album probably or something (tbf I only own her first two albums and have just listened to a selection of her other tracks.) An exaggeration perhaps. It seems like it though. Here was the last time I noticed:

    And everytime it's like 'old Avril is back!!!!!' I'd say it must suck for her but she's a millennial and all we seem to have and create is hauntology/nostalgia. So much so that Avril was actually replaced by a clone after the second album don't you know. It's not that she changed it's just that there's two.

    I do like the gang with the tutus that's an aesthetic.

    And I'm going to be that guy. This is more like her third album and maybe the last single of the second album. Old old is like:

    More vulnerable.

    To this day I still remember my dad reacting to her early work negatively because he thought she was ripping off Alanis Morissette. He liked Jagged Little Pill.

    (released last month.) She has scene hair lol.

    I didn't like her song Girlfriend and how catty/bratty her music started to sound later on (at least the parts/songs I listened to like the song 'Best Damn Thing.') So kind of went off her but a few are alright musically. She wasn't my favourite either at the time, but fits into the tapestry.

  3. #2343
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    I like how that first track is musically heavier though. Also Travis Barker on drums. Has led me to this lol:

    Forgot about this classic:

    Oh she did a song with Siickbrain too

    Sort of reminds me of old Deftones (or well like 90s/2000s nu metal.) That's very good. This has been a good rabbit hole trip.

    I was not prepared for how great that would be. They're going to have to form a band now. Also actually do have to point out they're kind of singing in English accents might just be my imagination (it's very subtle.) I like it though it's usually the reverse.

    edit: lol

    How does Siickbrain/Caroline still not have a wikipedia article lol? This is like Crywank but worse. Who are that other band? The ones with the ambiguous location who are purposefully mysterious and write a lot of songs about true crime? In fairness I've kind of answered the question there :') and they might have one now haven't checked back. SKYND yeah. Oh they do now cool beans. I estimate Siickbrain will get one sometime in the next 2 years. SKYND's tracks Columbine and Katherine Knight are very good but the latter one is a bit hard to listen to emotionally. Like Throbbing Gristle or Coil (I mean not really on that level emotionally though because the sound is a bit more mainstream.) I love Coil though but seriously it's doing all kinds of things:

    The first track by them I listened to probably and it's very good:

    Coil are a bit like the final product of Throbbing Gristle in a way, but some of the other spin off projects that formed from that band had good music too. But Throbbing Gristle was a lot more chaotic/experimental.

  4. #2344
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    Oh no. That's all I could say to this. Then was like 'gen z are satirising us' looked up his age 31. He's about a year older than me. No excuse. This is bleak. It's kind of self-deprecation/satire though I know...

    (Missed this but Travis Barker pops up again hahaha.)

    ...And the weird thing is like... That's not how we dressed/the vibe at the same time though you can see the vague influences and pop punk stylistic elements, and that's certainly not the emo that existed which there was a whole research paper written by a teacher on that haha (and the way nobody wanted to be it, and it was often seen in the same light as a certain 3 letter slur socially.) The less cool 'goth.' And it wasn't the emo that existed in the 80s that we already weren't. His style is that 'fuckboy' alternative gen z style e-boy/e-girl thing I guess. Lil Peep ish RIP:

    Which of course they got from people in their late 20s-mid 30s now. I assume. (Die Antwoord really.) This is doing something weird to the space-time continuum. Tbh though Benji Madden prob invented this and is technically gen x but the tail end:

    It's funny though because this is like what I was thinking about recently like someone was asking about what culturally defines gen x then I was thinking about well.. Is it what they grew up listening to or what they actually made (the latter of which was most of what I listened to growing up.) Now technically millennials especially the younger ones are making a larger portion of the music and it's a mixed bag. Gen z's music is more like Zheanie and probably more interesting on average, even though you can hear influences, it's not just pure hauntology. It's mixing things together at least. Though I will say there's a lot of really half dead sounding music as well which is hit or miss and not my cup of tea. Lil Peep's had some good tracks he was gen Z/younger again.

    Like I don't relate to this particularly (that's not the right wording I mean it's not emotionally resonating or nostalgic typically.) I can listen to some of it. But this is what we sold gen Z? Also not a generational thing but everyone is going blonde lately.

    ^ Fun fact for no one but me. Someone in one of their other music videos has an IAMX tattoo. IAMX is of course gen x (he really is though.) I know. I'll be here all week.

    Too lazy in spite of all these posts to find the part and timestamp it. Also I think Jonathan Davis from Korn was involved with this and I forgot but remembered while listening still pretty obvious.

    I was pretty into the nu-goth/ninja-goth aesthetic that popped up in the early 2010s though which is what he's doing in the above video with the long black layered top. By that I mean I bought 3 or so pieces of clothing which is a lot these days I've rarely bought clothing since I was a teenager besides band t-shirts at concerts.

    Hard to even think of millennial artists I've listened to haha. These guys. Technically Evanescence/Amy Lee counts. Probably a bunch of British artists. Wolf Alice are OK. There's a lot of OK. 'Is Kaki King technically a millennial? No she is not' there are some other electronic acts I think like Mr Kitty. I was too lazy to commit to making music so I can't really complain.

    Wait I figured out where we went now this sort of thing:


    Yes this is it the defining meme (which I can't get to embed oh my god [Skrillex omg soundbyte from scary monsters]):

    'I never wanted the throne. I only wanted to be Skrillex.'

    This is a different meme but I really only need that caption tbh the image doesn't add anything it's just Loki again.

    I honestly forgot Skrillex ever existed but recently remembered.

    We ruined literature with our weird fixation on Harry Potter, and the film industry with our obsession with comic book films too. :') I mean we're not overly involved in the films and didn't write those books, but I'm fairly sure we've been a large chunk of the ongoing market. J.K.Rowling became a problematic bigot to save us from ourselves. No I need to stop.

    Also all the generational stuff is just another way to sell people more [BEEP] but #mbti anyway #Ravenclaw

  5. #2345
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    Also though speaking of Korn and Skrillex:

    I should have started this post sooner. Other one got way too long with editing.

    Old korn fans hate this song for being different than their old stuff, but fail to realize THATS what made korn so popular to begin with. nu metal was a revolution in metal. That kind of music was never done before.
    Yup was thinking more or less that exactly.

  6. #2346
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    Well I guess that clears up whether My Chemical Romance are going to make new material. How does this only have 29,422k views so far lol? (inb4 100k though.)

    My wireless headphones are out of batteries. Don't they know what time it is?

    Starts off Black Parade album, then gets more Three Cheers and gets increasingly more post hardcore 2-4 minutes in, then Black Parade again, then the ending is kinda Three Cheers/Bullets.

    It's good.

    Um someone was like 'I'll listen to anything by them even show tunes or another snowflake song'

    Yeah, that's nice, but um no. I am not here for that. I'm here for the last minute of this song:

    Among other things.

    Actually is there a musical though? Lol it seems like Black Parade would get one, and American Idiot has one. I would be more interested if it had nothing to do with that album and the music was like their first two though or something entirely new.

    Also why are there two uploads of that track? This one has no comments and 6k views and a different title. It doesn't say it's unlisted but if I go on the channel I can't see it. I reloaded the page too and it didn't change I mean it changed from 5k to 6k. Weird.

    Oh it's one of those weird 'topic' music things yeah I don't get how they work.

    Edit: Actually it's very slightly giving me Welcome Home vibes

  7. #2347
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    The above video has Helena in. I think this is still my fav though just the way he comes out of nowhere like an emo cryptid lmfao:

    Now and then I think about how a lot of emo/post-hardcore music even some of the poppy stuff is probably technically heavier than a lot of 80s metal but gets framed in a um certain way. And I don't know why but that's very entertaining to me. I like how there's some kind of heaviness/masculinity singularity there too.

    This will be gentle/easy listening in 20 years time:

    Already kind of is. I just wanted to post Arch Enemy. Damn they're so good. It's consumed hip hop too kinda (trap metal)

    (I'm not posting that because it's emo, but because of the heavy music singularity. Actually Arch Enemy has gotten less heavy and she's including more clean vocals in the stuff I've seen from their new album but this actually got to trending and so it drags along other mainstream music or something gradually. And it's heavier than Lacuna Coil et al's vocals in the 2000s.)

    You know sometimes bands have a male and female vocalist and then the male vocalist will do scream vocals (like Lacuna Coil, or just heavier stuff because a lot of women in metal bands in the 2000s used to be operatic. I'm sorry but that was a thing yeah.)

    She's doing it all lol.

    Something like this though maybe:

    Not the singing parts of a lot of songs particularly obviously but yeah since it's melodic hardcore punk basically you get hard rock/metal and then screaming vocals interspersed too. Yeah this is pushing it into metalcore etc but oh well.

    Botchla is such a good track.

  8. #2348
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    This is now emo hour. Emo hour being actually several hours. Yeah Billy Talent's first album in particular was great very angsty teen and edgy.


    I said this before but when people are like 'why are millennials' I would just point them mostly to that album. Actually it's not a great why, but it is a great reflection.

    This actually encapsulates emo perfectly:

    Mm tasty horror punk. I'm including it though.

  9. #2349
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    In light of the allegations about Die Antwoord by their kids just thinking about Zheanie's diss track called The Question about them prob shouldn't post the video though lol.

  10. #2350
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Well I guess that clears up whether My Chemical Romance are going to make new material. How does this only have 29,422k views so far lol? (inb4 100k though.)

    My wireless headphones are out of batteries. Don't they know what time it is?

    Starts off Black Parade album, then gets more Three Cheers and gets increasingly more post hardcore 2-4 minutes in, then Black Parade again, then the ending is kinda Three Cheers/Bullets.

    It's good.
    Oh no:

    Damn bru. I thought it was a decent entry. (Better with headphones though.) Can see where he's coming from about the mix/production though, but I believe it is a stylistic choice.

    Someone posted this lol:

  11. #2351
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    The Penguins/Rangers game.

  12. #2352
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    The opening lyrics to Hooker with a Penis by Tool kind of reminds me of the bridge in Author Unknown by Jack off Jill. It's just a similar pace and then the lyrics 'I met a boy' and 'I met a man' is similar.

    I point this out everytime I post this song but the Jack off Jill song is actually about Marilyn Manson lol (also point out how underrated the album is haha.) And Jessicka wrote it because he wrote about her being a groupie in his autobiography. So they're also both angry diatribes about the same sort of thing actually and now I'm wondering... But I'm sure it's probably a coincidence. Although if Billy Howerdel follows IAMX and worked on ?nima as a guitar technician... It's not inconceivable. (There's some logic here but too lazy to explain.)

    I think this is better posting about things on social media tbh.

    Pretty random comparison but I was listening to a couple of tracks off ?nima. Also ?nima is a great track too.

    Also related:

    But yeah about Jack off Jill that's partly because they disappeared after their second album and before they could potentially peak commercially enough to get more fans. Similar would have happened to MCR if they disappeared before Black Parade. The only Scarling song I listened to really and ended up liking was Crispin Glover. It is very good though:

    I also like that it's supposedly about how Jessicka was suffering from insomnia while watching movies with Crispin Glover in and then started hallucinating. Yeah it's actually a comment on this video lol I don't know if this is true though:

    he wasn't her ex. she used to watch his movies and not sleep for days and began to hallucinate. his movies is what kept her sane basically. she came through some tough times sometimes hallucinating about him or watching his films and dedicated a song to him as she says at the end..''save us all''

  13. #2353
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    I need something like that but new. It won't work though because of the nostalgia/emotional connection thing. I guess this is a start:

  14. #2354
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    Recently, Dying to Know by Tegan and Sara. Sort of reflects my state of mind on some things these days.

  15. #2355
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    The simulacrum/inhuman thing that seems to be the theme of multiple videos now.

    Oh I see. When King Princess is affectionate with a mannequin it's "hot" and "artistic" and "a beautifully-crafted metaphore", but when I do it it's "concerning" and "we didn't know you were like this, Raquel" and suddenly I need "therapy to figure out my feelings". Sounds kinda unfair.

    I posted this before in a deleted post and the beginning of this I found a bit boring (a lot of her music is kind of a style I need to be in the right mood/year to listen to since I often prefer heavier music,) but it starts to pick up after about 2:30 minutes in and then after 4 minutes in with the extra instruments and screaming and stuff it gets really good (also the screams):

    Also I like the music video because it has that nightwalking/liminal vibe.

    Also lol:


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