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  1. #1
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    Will Buspar help me sleep?

    Hi! I've unfortunately been dealing with pretty severe insomnia since the age of 13. I'm seeing a new psychiatrist who is recommending Buspar 5 mg twice a day. I have filled the prescription but it's just sitting in my cabinet. I?m really afraid of the possibility of it making my anxiety & sleep even worse. Right now I am getting about 6 hours of fragmented sleep per night, waking up every 1-2 hours

  2. #2
    Ironman's Avatar
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    Quote ChanceOfMeatballs View Post
    Hi! I've unfortunately been dealing with pretty severe insomnia since the age of 13. I'm seeing a new psychiatrist who is recommending Buspar 5 mg twice a day. I have filled the prescription but it's just sitting in my cabinet. I?m really afraid of the possibility of it making my anxiety & sleep even worse. Right now I am getting about 6 hours of fragmented sleep per night, waking up every 1-2 hours
    I would take the meds as prescribed. Each med is different, but adjustments can be made. That is likely why you are starting out at 5mg each time. Talk to your doctor and he/she can make the adjustments.

  3. #3
    Ironman's Avatar
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    Quote ChanceOfMeatballs View Post
    Hi! I've unfortunately been dealing with pretty severe insomnia since the age of 13. I'm seeing a new psychiatrist who is recommending Buspar 5 mg twice a day. I have filled the prescription but it's just sitting in my cabinet. I?m really afraid of the possibility of it making my anxiety & sleep even worse. Right now I am getting about 6 hours of fragmented sleep per night, waking up every 1-2 hours
    I would take the meds as prescribed. Each med is different, but adjustments can be made. That is likely why you are starting out at 5mg each time. Talk to your doctor and he/she can make the adjustments.

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