Forum Addiction:
What would be a good first step?
I been thinking about saying "hi" to people in class or to random people I walk by on campus, but I just get to nervous, so I think I need to start a little easier and work my way up.
Forum Addiction:
You could maybe try eye contact and smiling at someone that you would see regularly maybe!
Forum Addiction:
lol thats a good idea
what if my smile comes out weird? sometimes i feel like i might as well say hi lol.
Forum Addiction:
Be sure to report back on how you get on - When do you plan to start?
Forum Addiction:
I don't know lol
I would say Monday, but I never follow through with it...
Forum Addiction:
Forum Addiction:
I don't have school
It's something I would want to do in my class.
I can easily do it with people at work or customers haha
Forum Addiction:
Okay fair enough - well set it for Monday then - I'll be asking how you get on lol
Forum Addiction:
lol ill try to keep you updated
ill try to keep a journal, and note what ever i experience with who ever, and any impressions, feelings, or thoughts.
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