The rules are simple, you "ban" the person above you for any silly reason you can think of.
for example: <insert username> is banned for having bad breath.
ok go..
The rules are simple, you "ban" the person above you for any silly reason you can think of.
for example: <insert username> is banned for having bad breath.
ok go..
Misty is banned for not having an avatar
Banned for being the first to ban
life---> <---me
Banned because I'm sleepy
Banned for having as many game trophies as me lol
Banned for having more trophies than me.
Hey wait! Where did my trophy go???!!!!
Ok, it's back.
Momentary lapse in reading ability.
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
Banned for being a martian.
"Hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?"
Banned for having a long signature
^ LOL! Banned for liking confetti too much.
Banned for losing your trident.
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
Banned for being too optimistic.
That is all.
Banned for using text speak to ban. l8r g8r
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
Once upon a time, there was a ban.