Explain your situation if you want to!
Explain your situation if you want to!
""'Totally insane (Its really getting on my nerves) ""
Moderate I suppose. I've improved a lot in controlling it and stepping out of my comfort zone. I like communicating people and such. But there are days where my SA goes through the roof for w/e reason. But I try to take it easy..
Somewhere between moderate and insane. I can control it at times, and can't at other times.
Mine is fairly mild most of the time nowadays, but then again I don't go into a lot of situations that I know will set it off. I may be going back to study again soon and that would really set it off - sitting in a classroom or lecture hall is one of the worst things for me. I can still feel very uncomfortable just walking around a mall or sitting eating in a food court. ( it seems to be worse on my own). Other areas are better though.
Moderate.. it changes depending on how depressed I am.
Id say SA is moderate, but OCD pushes it to insane/severe.
"Moderate", more or less; not that I can "control it if I want", but I don't get super severe attacks any more.
Recently, 7.5 out of 10, with ten being the highest/worst