Hello, I'm new! My one and only New Years Resolution this year is to get a grip on my lifelong anxiety--23 years and counting.
Also, how do I upload a profile pic?
Anyway, hello and goodbye!
Hello, I'm new! My one and only New Years Resolution this year is to get a grip on my lifelong anxiety--23 years and counting.
Also, how do I upload a profile pic?
Anyway, hello and goodbye!
Welcome to AxS Kiki!
You can edit your profile by clicking the Settings on the top right of the page. Your avatar can be changed at Edit Avatar and profile picture at Edit Profile Picture
Glad to have you with us, Kiki!
Welcome to the forum kiki!
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
Welcome to the forums, Kiki! =]
Nice to meet you, Kiki!
Where's yr profile pic? I'm not saying HI mom until she has a profile pic! Mom, stop it! Mom!
“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” -Albert Einstein
Welcome Kierstin