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  1. #841
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    What if a person has not got a smart phone? I know many who don't. My own mother was handed a card to say she is fully vaccinated. Makes a bit more sense. Rather than an App. Have to take older people into consideration too. Younger people might all have these smart phones. So fair enough there.

    The North will always want to riot. They just look for excuses. This whole thing of been British is not the excuse they are using for these riots. Normal finger pointing. The DUP blamed the high number of cases in the North on Sinn Fein. Which there was nothing to back such a claim up. A major Republican figure died. They all went to his funeral. More than was allowed. That started it all off. Sinn Fein members were questioned by the PSNI. But let off with a warning. The DUP still want them charged by the PSNI. By not charging them you have riots in Loyalist areas. If you do charge them you would have riots in Republican areas. Is a no win situation. It certainly did cause all the cases in the North. It was Sinn Fein who wanted to lock the North down early doors. The DUP refused to back them. Then the case numbers began to rise. Because every thing was still opened. Finally the DUP agreed to the lockdown. About 3 months too late. Up to that point the North was a mirror image of the South. They had been both doing the same things at the same time. Working together. Not something the DUP and Loyalists were happy about at all. it was all going to kick off at some point in time. Much like we are seeing down here. People fed up with things. They found their excuse. They used it. Last night was the 4th night of riots. Good luck stopping that one.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  2. #842
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    Yeah, it's just an excuse up there. I agree, fed up with everything, they found an excuse to riot.

    Yeah, you're right about the app. Havent thought that through. My grandfather still hasnt figured out how to send a text message. He's not going to be able to use an app.

    We have cards- got a blue one with everything on. But there concern is it could be easily forged. Just a piece of card with handwritten information on it.

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  3. #843
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    Moderna started being used here. Only just got that one - order was delayed for quite a bit.

    The AstraZeneca drama is still ongoing - those who dont trust it are very low in number here, most criticism of us using it is coming from abroad. News decided to leak the other day that MHRA was going to bar its use in under-30s. Panicked all the under 30s who'd only had one dose. Now MHRA is saying it is safe, the clots are rare but treatable, seek medical help if you have these symptoms. Very frustrating having to explain that those under 30s who need a second dose in a few weeks are not healthy under 30s who have a low chance of dying from covid vs the rare clots. These are people classed as clinically extremely vulnerable who were advised not to leave the house, who will most likely die if they catch it.

    Problem is we're screwed a bit if we cant use AZ. We're not swimming in Pfizer or Moderna, AZ is the one we have a lot of because it is made here. Every other day we seem to have the EU threatening to ban exports of Pfizer because of a contractual dispute with AZ. Cannot get those from the US, because they have an export ban. Novavax is also made here and hopefully coming soon, but who knows. Hopefully will be there soon. J&J isnt going to arrive until July. Also produced in the EU who are threatening export bans. Probably by the time the healthy under 30s get there turn in a few months, we might have Novavax. Hopefully J&J if it doesn't get blocked.

    But for now? We have little alternative, these people are not low risk if they catch covid, whilst the blood clot risk is in comparison.

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  4. #844
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    The role out is still slow here. Though they like to make it sound better than it is. 1 million is not a lot of people really. Nothing to boast about. Strange how some have to wait until June for a second dose of the AZ vaccine. My Niece had her first dose about a month ago. Bad reaction to it. Today I asked her about her second dose. Not until June. No idea why. Just seems odd. I do think Ireland is also depending on the AZ vaccine a lot more. More of that we have the quicker the roll out is. If the EU have issues with it, we might be stopped from using it. But it is still in use.

    Numbers are still high. Not going down at all. Lot more people been tested though. So bound to have higher numbers. Test places set up in the worst areas. Anybody who wants a test can have one done for free. People are ignoring everything these days.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  5. #845
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    Report here is they will use alternatives for those under 30 when they get there. Chances are Novavax will be available so wont be such a huge issue. News that they were going to try and give the under30s J&J anyway (because they need to be fully vaccinated to travel). Assuming we get that. But those who've already had one jab? Get your second AZ. We dont know if mixing is safe or effective. And as said, those already done are at higher risk.

    Bit of a relief really. Me and my sister are under 30. Both been done. Sister is definatley high risk (immunocompromised). Said here they were going to vaccinate those living with someone immunocompromised now. Her housemates are thrilled about that - they get to be done earlier. Lot of younger people seen concerned they wont be able to go to the pub or travel if theyve not been done because theyve not been offered. Seems something a lot of people forget is that going on holiday isnt the main reason for the vaccine.

    Testing here...they are encouraging everyone to get a test every few days now. I'm 5 days time, things will reopening, with restrictions. They are free the tests. Can even pick up a box of tests from a chemist. Local area has just been LFT testing anyone who walks in off the street though. Hopefully combination of number of vaccines + people actually testing regularly will mean we can stay open.

    Honestly hope Ireland and the EU manages to sort things soon. Situation does not look good over there. France going back into lockdown. Germany will likely have to. Central Europe is on fire. B117 seems to spread like mad. The wave they are having is what UK had in December. Q2 vaccine numbers coming from Germany at least seem good.

    At least I guess we dont have the Brazillian P1 widespread here. Brazil is in a frighteningly bad situation.

    Edit - June would be 12 weeks maybe? You may be following our 1 shot, longer wait plan. Few places are now they're getting data from us that it works.

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  6. #846
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    One issue that arose here that is worrying is post covid complications. As in a person who has had Covid already and gotten fully better. We have a few back in the ICU in a bad way. No idea what exactly is going on. Heck 1 is only a young kid. Fighting for her live now. But seemed to sail through Covid when she did have it. That was one thing they were unsure about. Would people who had Covid be damaged in any way in the long term. Now we are seen a few been rushed back to hospital, months after they have recovered.

    Is a mess here. No other way of putting it. I won't blame the EU. Our government had many chances to order doses and failed to do so. They have an order in for a vaccine that is not approved as of yet. Looks like they banked on that getting approved a lot quicker. That was a botch up. Plus they did order some from the US. But the US are doing their own first. That was another botch up. Instead of ordering what was available, they went for things they would have to wait months for and things that were not approved.

    Saw a video from South Africa last night. Copper with a stick hitting anybody who had no face mask on. He was laying into them. Seemed to be in a shopping complex. Talk about no putting up with any crap at all. Should see can you find the video. It did make me laugh. The way we are doing things and then that video. Worlds apart.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  7. #847
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    We have long covid here. Young people who seem to recover, then be sick after for quite a long time. Seems to be more with the B117 British Strain.

    The vaccine passport idea they had does not look like it will pass. Enough in Boris's party who will not back it. Opposition won't. All have said no. Too much like an ID card they say. And ID cards are very un-British. He needs the Scottish National Party to vote for it. This being the lot that really wants another Independence Referendum as soon as. Seem to be alternating between we might vote aye and we might vote noe. The cynical part of me wonders if they've demanded a referendum in return for there votes yet.

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  8. #848
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    I would love to know were the WHO are getting their facts from. 0.1% of all cases are community based. That figure was through the roof at one stage. When you think of the countries who stil have it bad and are still in lockdown, you can tell me that is an acurate figure? Which countries are going to take that figure on board and use it? If it was true you may as well end all lockdowns. But I don't believe it to be true of every country. I would be amazed if were true in even one country. Maybe some tiny little Island country with hardly any cases at all.

    Our government are best off just keeping their mouths shut. Telling people pubs and shops might be opening soon. They have not even began vaccinating the over 60's. They will be lucky if that happens by the end of May. To get them all done. So to use words ' opening soon ' means when a certain amount of people are vaccinated. It will have to keep going until the over 50's and younger are done. By then we might be in June. They give people false hope. Which is why people get fed up. Pubs will not be opening any time soon. Neither will most shops. They should just shut up saying it. Is only causing more problems.

    Can the vaccine passport be challenged in court? Talking civil and human rights? On the plus side for Boris there is no EU courts any more. here we could challenge it all the way to an EU court of appeal. But it does look like those who are vaccinated will get to do a lot more than those who are not vaccinated. Fair in some ways. But think of younger people. When will they be vaccinated in some countries? Talking 5 months or longer away. So those older people vaccinated might be allowed do things that younger people can't do. Be interesting to see it all play out.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  9. #849
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    I dont know. I'm sure someone will try. Whether it has a chance of succeeding - I'm not a lawyer, so wouldnt want to guess.

    They have said that it could be legal for an employer to request a vaccine for any new hires they make. Could put it any new employment contract. But not to request it for current hires. But then you have people on these things called zero hour contracts. Employers legally do not have to offer hours to people on those. It could be done by stealth.

    I do not think it will pass. Enough in parliment against it. To much like ID cards, and we really are against those here. They have already backed down on what they will be used for quite a lot. Initially they'd be needed for pubs and restaurants. Now they won't be. Backed down, be needed for less and less. But it still will not pass as it is. Seems to now be for nightclubs and festivals. Can you imagine pensioners going to a nightclub or Glastonbury? Yeah, no. Wont happen.

    I think it'll either be scrapped before it goes to vote or it will fail if it does get to that stage. We all know it'll be needed to travel abroad for a while. Nothing much that can be done about that. I suspect that will be the extent of a vaccine passport here though.

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  10. #850
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    I would love to know were the WHO are getting their facts from. 0.1% of all cases are community based. That figure was through the roof at one stage. When you think of the countries who stil have it bad and are still in lockdown, you can tell me that is an acurate figure? Which countries are going to take that figure on board and use it? If it was true you may as well end all lockdowns. But I don't believe it to be true of every country. I would be amazed if were true in even one country. Maybe some tiny little Island country with hardly any cases at all.

    Our government are best off just keeping their mouths shut. Telling people pubs and shops might be opening soon. They have not even began vaccinating the over 60's. They will be lucky if that happens by the end of May. To get them all done. So to use words ' opening soon ' means when a certain amount of people are vaccinated. It will have to keep going until the over 50's and younger are done. By then we might be in June. They give people false hope. Which is why people get fed up. Pubs will not be opening any time soon. Neither will most shops. They should just shut up saying it. Is only causing more problems.

    Can the vaccine passport be challenged in court? Talking civil and human rights? On the plus side for Boris there is no EU courts any more. here we could challenge it all the way to an EU court of appeal. But it does look like those who are vaccinated will get to do a lot more than those who are not vaccinated. Fair in some ways. But think of younger people. When will they be vaccinated in some countries? Talking 5 months or longer away. So those older people vaccinated might be allowed do things that younger people can't do. Be interesting to see it all play out.
    Quote Otherside View Post
    I dont know. I'm sure someone will try. Whether it has a chance of succeeding - I'm not a lawyer, so wouldnt want to guess.

    They have said that it could be legal for an employer to request a vaccine for any new hires they make. Could put it any new employment contract. But not to request it for current hires. But then you have people on these things called zero hour contracts. Employers legally do not have to offer hours to people on those. It could be done by stealth.

    I do not think it will pass. Enough in parliment against it. To much like ID cards, and we really are against those here. They have already backed down on what they will be used for quite a lot. Initially they'd be needed for pubs and restaurants. Now they won't be. Backed down, be needed for less and less. But it still will not pass as it is. Seems to now be for nightclubs and festivals. Can you imagine pensioners going to a nightclub or Glastonbury? Yeah, no. Wont happen.

    I think it'll either be scrapped before it goes to vote or it will fail if it does get to that stage. We all know it'll be needed to travel abroad for a while. Nothing much that can be done about that. I suspect that will be the extent of a vaccine passport here though.

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    Here, we would just keep wearing a mask as if we weren't vaccinated. That's what we are doing in the men's group I am in. A couple of guys had Corona and others were vaccinated. We still wear masks for now so you can't tell the difference. When a significant enough population has been vaccinated, then we'd stop wearing them.

    If there are issues with the "Mark of the Beast" part of the vaccine, ask a local Christian We know what to look out for.

  11. #851
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    Quote Ironman View Post
    Here, we would just keep wearing a mask as if we weren't vaccinated. That's what we are doing in the men's group I am in. A couple of guys had Corona and others were vaccinated. We still wear masks for now so you can't tell the difference. When a significant enough population has been vaccinated, then we'd stop wearing them.

    If there are issues with the "Mark of the Beast" part of the vaccine, ask a local Christian We know what to look out for.
    It is not a big thing to most of to wear masks here. Most would accept it for a short while if needed I think until enough have been vaccinated. We have a few anti maskers. Small numbers though. They mostly just go to London every now and then with a megaphone and some placards and yell. Most dont even have the guts to not wear a mask where they legally have to unless they're with a large group.

    Then you had the covid deniers. Would film themselves in hospitals to prove it didnt exist. Worst one was the guy who went into a covid ward and started to remove the guys oxygen. Filmed himself doing that. Started insisting to doctors that they needed to replace the oxygen with vitamin c, d and zinc. Got dragged out by security in the end. Posted the video on Twitter somehow thinking people would side with him. Nobody did. Very lucky that noone died. What a moron.

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  12. #852
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    We had the doctor struck off the medical list here because he refused to give his patients the vaccine. Kept telling them all it was a hoax. Did not really exist. One thing the average person on the street lacking in brain cells. But a doctor? Then he even challenged him been struck off the list in court. Lost that case in a matter of minutes.

    I have a neighbour who refuses to believe in the whole Covid thing. Or so she says. Thing was she did have to get tested. After she herself thought she had Covid. She also quit work because of Covid. How she can claim she does not believe in it after getting tested and quitting her job is the mystery. Only a few months away from retirement too. By quitting her job she has lost a lot.

    Now let us speak vaccine. If these vaccines are so great, why are some people been taken to these hotels for 12 days when they arrive in the various countries? Does this show the real faith they have in the vaccines? Are a number of vaccinated people in hotels here. Have to stay there for the normal 12 days. Plus we do have a case of a blood clot after the AZ vaccine. Waiting to hear what the medical experts make of that. They will play it down. Like the WHO are playing it down. By claiming it is just a small amount of people out of millions. I accept that. But if there is a danger of blood clots is that not a big risk to be putting people in?
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  13. #853
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    The have said variants here. Not so sure how well the vaccines work against the Brazillian or South African one.

    They are being very cautious here reopening. The roadmap for reopening is slow. Could possibly go faster. But they screwed up after promising everyone they could have six days to spend with there family over Christmas, then uturning on that at the very last moment. Think they know they cannot have another lockdown because they mishandle the pandemic like that.

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  14. #854
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    It is not a big thing to most of to wear masks here. Most would accept it for a short while if needed I think until enough have been vaccinated. We have a few anti maskers. Small numbers though. They mostly just go to London every now and then with a megaphone and some placards and yell. Most dont even have the guts to not wear a mask where they legally have to unless they're with a large group.

    Then you had the covid deniers. Would film themselves in hospitals to prove it didnt exist. Worst one was the guy who went into a covid ward and started to remove the guys oxygen. Filmed himself doing that. Started insisting to doctors that they needed to replace the oxygen with vitamin c, d and zinc. Got dragged out by security in the end. Posted the video on Twitter somehow thinking people would side with him. Nobody did. Very lucky that noone died. What a moron.

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    We didn't have the plug puller kind of thing. That would have gotten somebody arrested or sued. Total mess. We had the hydroxychloroquine idea squashed because it "came from Trump" - that medicine was normally used for malaria and the symptoms were similar. I have still been taking vitamin D despite working from home outside in the sun. I took advantage of a warm spell, hitting near 26c/81F - four hours....and most of my back burned! In early April at 39 degrees north latitude! Overproducing vitamin D.

    Quote Otherside View Post
    The have said variants here. Not so sure how well the vaccines work against the Brazillian or South African one.

    They are being very cautious here reopening. The roadmap for reopening is slow. Could possibly go faster. But they screwed up after promising everyone they could have six days to spend with there family over Christmas, then uturning on that at the very last moment. Think they know they cannot have another lockdown because they mishandle the pandemic like that.

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    We keep hearing about the "UK variant" here for some reason.

  15. #855
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    Quote Ironman View Post
    We didn't have the plug puller kind of thing. That would have gotten somebody arrested or sued. Total mess. We had the hydroxychloroquine idea squashed because it "came from Trump" - that medicine was normally used for malaria and the symptoms were similar. I have still been taking vitamin D despite working from home outside in the sun. I took advantage of a warm spell, hitting near 26c/81F - four hours....and most of my back burned! In early April at 39 degrees north latitude! Overproducing vitamin D.

    We keep hearing about the "UK variant" here for some reason.
    Yeah, heard you had a few cases of the UK Variant over there. Absolute nightmare back in December/January/February when we had it. Spread a lot more rapidly than the normal one. Werent able to figure out for a while why there was such a high case number, what was causing it to spread so fast. Its what's causing havoc on mainland Europe at the moment. But the vaccines seem to work against that one. US is managing to vaccinate fast. Getting to the point where your vulnerable have mostly been able to get one, right? Does not have a supply issue like some other places. So hopefully, you will avoid the worst of it.

    He was arrested after security dragged him out. I imagine he has a court date coming up, if hes not been got one already.

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