1. About Anxiety Space

      (33 Viewing)

      What's new at Anxiety Space?

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 76 threads
      • 813 posts
    2. Introductions

      (43 Viewing)

      Drop in and say hi!

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 588 threads
      • 5,653 posts
    1. Discussion of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated or excessive worry and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke it.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 235 threads
      • 1,896 posts
    2. Discussion of Social Anxiety Disorder. Social Anxiety Disorder is a fear of being embarrassed, humiliated or judged in social situations. Because of this fear, the person with Social Anxiety Disorder often experiences the physical symptoms of anxiety and thus tends to avoid or limit social interaction.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 148 threads
      • 1,567 posts
    3. Discussion of Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. Panic attacks are sudden episodes of overwhelming anxiety or fear. Agoraphobia occurs when the person is anxious about being in a place or situation where they might have a panic attack and be unable to escape

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 71 threads
      • 705 posts
    4. Specific Phobias

      (26 Viewing)

      Discussion of Phobias. A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object (spiders, snakes, etc) or situation (crowds, open spaces, etc). Accompanying this fear is a strong desire to avoid the object or situation.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 40 threads
      • 284 posts
    5. Discussion of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disorder that often develops after exposure to a life-impacting event in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened. Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD include violent assaults (ie; rape), natural disasters, accidents, spousal or childhood abuse, the death of a pet/friend/relative or military combat.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 56 threads
      • 521 posts
    6. Discussion of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a disorder characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Repetitive behaviors such as hand washing, counting, checking, or cleaning are often performed with the hope of preventing obsessive thoughts or making them go away. Performing these so-called "rituals," however, provides only temporary relief, and not performing them markedly increases anxiety.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 37 threads
      • 218 posts
    7. Body Dysmorphic

      (10 Viewing)

      Anxiety about a perceived defect in one's appearance.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 26 threads
      • 143 posts
    8. Discussion of Hypochondria also known as "health anxiety". Hypochondria is a belief that real or imagined physical symptoms are signs of a serious illness, despite medical reassurance and other evidence to the contrary. Such a person may repeatedly look up symptoms on the internet and become convinced that they have at least some (or all) of them ("Cyberchondria").

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 59 threads
      • 286 posts
    9. Not diagnosed or not sure what you are dealing with. Or have other issues other than anxiety?

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 91 threads
      • 927 posts
    1. Share your successes, favorite quotes or let someone know you care about them.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 255 threads
      • 4,666 posts
    2. Vent frustrations and share your struggles.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 440 threads
      • 9,344 posts
    3. Medication

      (477 Viewing)

      What worked for you?

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 139 threads
      • 819 posts
    4. Questions and stories about therapy (whether one-on-one, in a group, in-person, or online). Have any books helped you? Or web links?

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 124 threads
      • 744 posts
    5. Alternative methods for combating anxiety.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 114 threads
      • 1,246 posts
    6. Make friends and organise meetups.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 45 threads
      • 309 posts

      Last Post:

    7. Discuss how anxiety and mental health is portrayed in the media and viewed by the public.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 64 threads
      • 307 posts
    1. It's a cycle of emotions to loose someone

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 20 threads
      • 161 posts

      Last Post:

    2. It can hurt....

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 9 threads
      • 85 posts

      Last Post:

    3. Do you suffer from drug, nicotine or alcohol addiction?. People suffering from anxiety disorders, depression or other related conditions often self-medicate and find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle of addiction.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 4 threads
      • 17 posts

      Last Post:

    4. It is not okay.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 5 threads
      • 14 posts

      Last Post:

    1. General Health

      (36 Viewing)

      What is bothering you?

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 84 threads
      • 643 posts
    2. Spiritual support and discussion, not for debate.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 58 threads
      • 606 posts
    3. Did you get the memo?

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 83 threads
      • 658 posts
    4. Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Questioning, Intersex and Asexual.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 35 threads
      • 306 posts

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    5. We love them, we hate them...

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 68 threads
      • 547 posts

      Last Post:

    6. Relationships, it's complicated...

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 103 threads
      • 1,114 posts

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    1. Chit Chat

      (147 Viewing)

      Off-topic. Stop thinking about problems and relax!

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 1,025 threads
      • 18,110 posts
    2. Forum Games

      (118 Viewing)

      Who will be the last one standing...

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 180 threads
      • 53,251 posts
    3. Survey Says...

      (38 Viewing)

      Mind answering a few questions?

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 149 threads
      • 2,703 posts
    4. Say cheese!

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 70 threads
      • 3,646 posts

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    5. Entertainment World

      (45 Viewing)

      Movies, music, books, video games, and other forms of entertainment.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 354 threads
      • 6,100 posts
    6. Share your writings and visual art.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 68 threads
      • 661 posts

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    7. Sports

      (36 Viewing)

      Everything about sports.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 43 threads
      • 863 posts
    8. Science and Technology

      (46 Viewing)

      For the Bill Nye in all of us.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 1,109 threads
      • 2,031 posts
    1. Philosophy and Debate

      (76 Viewing)

      Ideas worth debating

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 311 threads
      • 5,328 posts
    2. A section for adults to discuss mature content.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 112 threads
      • 2,284 posts

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    1. No matter how small the problem or the suggestion, please let us know what's on your mind. This is a community, and everyone here is an important block in building this website.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • 183 threads
      • 1,477 posts

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There are currently 4691 users online and 1 chatting. 2 members and 4689 guests

  1. Kesky

Total members that have visited in the last day: 7

  1. cedarwaxwing,
  2. DanielBlueSky,
  3. Heelsbythebridge,
  4. Kesky,
  5. megatheriidae,
  6. Nyctophilia,
  7. Relle

Most chatters ever online was 23, 29 Dec 2012 at 11:03pm.

  1. Relle

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  1. nysnlovlylady (75),
  2. mablevxzh1989 (35),
  3. KK_420_2112 (34)

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Welcome to our newest member, HoraceTapse

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Anxiety Space is not a replacement for a fully qualified doctor.