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  1. #556
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    I'm actually from Mars and I stopped on the Moon on the way here. Back off, ya Fenian!

  2. #557
    Cuchculan's Avatar
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    I don't always agree with the laws in this Country. But they want to bring in a law were anybody under the age of 18 can't have any form of cosmetic surgery done. Loads gets their lips and the likes done. Last year they banned sunbeds for anybody under the age of 18. There are times they get it right. Times I will give them credit.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #558
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    Iowa's governor Kim Reynolds vetoed a vote to expand our state's medical cannibis program so that it would actually help people. Right now it is limited so that qualifying patients can receive a maximum of 4.5 grams of cannabis every 90 days. The standard dosage for most conditions? A gram a day. Reynolds reasoned that if it were increased Iowans would become cannabis addicts and overdose on it, and referred to her personal experience as someone dependent on alcohol for years and years. She has three drunk driving charges on her record. My thought is that it's pretty clear pharmaceutical companies are lobbying hard AF to prevent the legalization of medical cannabis here while they frantically try to synthesize the chemicals in cannabis, patent that synthetic cannabis, and then profit immensely. Meanwhile Illinois, next door, has legalized recreational cannabis. Profits before people, I guess.

  4. #559
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    They always want to make money on it. That is how they roll. They come out with a new form of medication and then out price themselves. At least here that is what happens. People can't afford the new medication. Latest one out was for CF. They wanted a price that was far too high and couldn't be afforded for this medication. The public expected the government to pay for it. Lot of CF sufferers here. The price was running into the millions. That would only get you so much of the medication. A deal was finally reached with the company who make this medication. Which made it more cost effective.

    Medical Cannabis has to be gotten via license here. So far the government has only handed put a few of these. What it means is you can travel to a country were it is legal and bring it back with you. How dumb is that? Most people go to the Netherlands. Leader of our Country gave a speech just the other day about Medical Cannabis. Let us just say that people are calling for his head after that speech. After all he promised, what he all but said, was against its use. So, long way to go here before anything like that is made legal for everybody. No idea why they don't let the public vote on it. They done this for same sex marriage and the blasphemy laws and Abortion. I think they would know the outcome of this one well in advance and if that is what they don't want, there is no way they will hand it over for a public vote.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  5. #560
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    Yeah, it's pretty dumb. Pharmaceutical companies here claim they have to charge such high prices because they invest a lot of money in research and development to develop new medicine. Problem is that the US government funds the majority of that research, so the taxpayers pay for these companies to develop medicine and treatments and then pay again at the pharmacy to have access to what they already paid to develop.

    It also came out a few months ago that the major pharmaceutical companies were cooperating to rig prices super high. They would meet privately and arrange that none of them would go below a certain price for whatever, so that prices were artificially inflated. So much for competition on the free market and blah blah blah.

    I have been also thinking lately about psychiatric diagnoses in general. These are developed by the American Psychological Association, and are very subjective. For instance, major depressive disorder: the DSM will list 9 symptoms, if an individual meets however many of those symptoms, he or she is depressed. A problem with this is that the symptoms described as being indicative of depression are subjective. As in, what is a depression symptom for one person could be typical behavior indicative of no pathology in another. Another problem is that psychiatrists use a lot of subjective judgment in diagnosis, one might say a behavior is pathological and another won't. There are other issues but I am getting lazy.

    There was an experiment I read of from decades ago where several research participants presented at a mental health institution. They were all told to describe the same symptoms, which had been created by the experiment's designer beforehand and did not necessarily indicate any mental illness. The point was to see whether the participants would be admitted to the inpatient wing. All of them were, in fact, they had a great deal of difficulty explaining that they were part of a research experiment to the hospital staff and some were kept in the hospital for quite awhile against their will, even after the experiment designer contacted the hospital and corroborated what they were saying. The nurses and docs described their completely sane behavior as symptomatic of mental illness. Of course, I imagine if I were a psychiatrist and a psych patient tried telling me he or she was part of a psych experiment and didn't belong in a behavioral ward I would probably lean toward thinking they weren't part of any such experiment.

  6. #561
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    You look at a lot of those school shootings in the US. Most were highly medicated. Did they need to be? That is the big question that nobody seems to want to answer. Was it a side effect of a medication that they should never have been on that made them do what they done? By that I mean it changed their mood. We seem to hear how great these kids were until they began taken medication. Then they changed. Seems you visit a doctor and tell him something and he will put you on medication. That is how easy it all is. Do they have anything wrong with them? Years ago it would not have been medication they were given. Kick up the [BEEP] and told to stop acting up. Which falls in nicely with ADHD. Is it a real illness? Because that seems to be what they are all getting medicated for. It is always a topic for debate in this country. Most people don't believe in ADHD. I am not saying some kids don't have issues. But ADHD just came out of nowhere a few years back. For most it is an excuse to bad behaviour. He or she has ADHD. Not that they are little brats. Now they have their new label. And they over use it. If anybody is not an A level student who is well behaved, they have ADHD.

    Money is the name of the game for the companies who make the medication. It always was and it always will be. They say research. If they found a cure for cancer tomorrow only the elite / very rich would be able to afford it. They claim it is the one thing they want to find a cure for. They would never just hand it over for everybody to use. People can dream on about that one. The medication for CF was a game changer for those with CF. But it overpriced and nobody could afford it. So nobody could use this new wonder drug. Took a good while to get it at a price that was anything near normal. By that time many CF sufferers had died waiting for this new wonder drug. False hope and promises to begin with. Bit like saying ' we have this and your not getting it '. The same will happen with any future finds too. Unless you give them a ridiculously large sum of money.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  7. #562
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    Medical Cannabis has been pretty problematic here. Fun fact, heroin is avaibille on prescription (in very, very limited circumstances). Cannabis? Up until recently, nope. Absolute insanity.

    Epilepsy, for example, is one of the things its supposedly good at treating. Theres kids here who see no success on the usual anti-convulsants. Cannabis Oil has supposedly been a wonder drug for these people. So you get parents going over to Holland, getting the prescription and filling it over there, and then smuggling the stuff across the UK border. Every now and then somebody gets caught doing it, the oil gets confiscated.

    A while back, this happened to one of the parents, ended up as a major news story, kid ended up in hospital and from all accounts, was on the verge of death. Big public outcry as a result, the government ends up handing over the oil to the hospital. Kid recovers. Soon after, cannabis oil becomes availibille on prescription. In theory, anyway. By all accounts though, its next to impossible to get a prescription for it. And so you still get parents flying off to Holland every few months to fill a prescription for the oil, and then try and smuggle the stuff back into the UK. Most of who would never even dream of doing this in the first place, but who are stuck in the desperate situation where the oil is the only thing that will keep there child alive.

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  8. #563
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    Here you can apply for a license from the Government to go to Holland and get the drug. So far they have only handed out a few of these for select cases. The public were coming down hard on the Government. Cases were all over the news and on in the newspapers. Dare I say ' they had no choice at all '. Once you have your license you go to Holland, get your drug, bring it back. Even had the leader of the Country meet one woman at the airport. Talk about wanting your picture in the newspaper and on the news. Was like a big welcome home thing. Is there anything they wouldn't milk?
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  9. #564
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    I wish they wouldn't ban people with a mental illness from getting a gun. We need protection too!

  10. #565
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    You mean owning a gun no doubt? I know of somebody who has over the top mental illness and has a gun or two. If he got them, anybody can get them.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  11. #566
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    You mean owning a gun no doubt? I know of somebody who has over the top mental illness and has a gun or two. If he got them, anybody can get them.
    Its harder to get one here in America especially if you have a mental illness.

  12. #567
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    Quote fetisha View Post
    Its harder to get one here in America especially if you have a mental illness.
    This bloke has a good few of them and he has a serious mental illness. To the point were he can see things that are not really there. If he can get one, you would imagine anybody can.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  13. #568
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    It varies by state. Even county, city, I believe. I don't understand the ignoring of the second amendment part that specifies firearms are necessary for militias, which were pretty much the only way to defend the colonies back then.

    Which brings me to another part of the Constitution: it is considered a living document, meaning it was foreseen by its authors and signatories that it would potentially have to be amended or changed as times changed, and that process is explicitly outlined in those documents. Some like to appeal to tradition, history, basically an immutable past to justify a belief about something that is vastly different today. Slavery was abolished, nonwhite non-landowners given suffrage, alcohol prohibited then deprohibited...

    My newest unpopular opinion I would like to share is that politics are fun to discuss and doing so is a great way to relax and make friends.

  14. #569
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    Depends on the Country and the politics in that Country. If we were to take Ireland. Many people have died over the political situation in the North of Ireland. Say the wrong thing to the wrong person and it may lead to trouble. Or you may be classed as supporting a terrorist group just because you have certain views. To me, you can have your views and not be in favour of anybody been killed or dying. Others would not share that view. They would see you as been on one side or the other. I call these people narrow minded. A person can want a United Ireland and not want any fighting. The simply support the whole idea of a United Ireland. But they want it gained through politics or a vote.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  15. #570
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    I don't always agree with the laws in this Country. But they want to bring in a law were anybody under the age of 18 can't have any form of cosmetic surgery done. Loads gets their lips and the likes done. Last year they banned sunbeds for anybody under the age of 18. There are times they get it right. Times I will give them credit.
    Really? What about young kids with facial deformities like cleft palates or kids who were involved in accidents? I hope they make exceptions.
    *Fart noises*

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