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  1. #511
    Cuchculan's Avatar
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    Come off it. Who makes these terms up? The list seems to be getting longer every bloody year. Does somebody sit down and have a think about a new term they can use to confuse people?

    Romantic Orientation- Who you are romantically attracted to meaning wanting to be in a romantic relationship with and is unrelated to sexual attraction.
    Sexual Orientation- Who you are sexually attracted to meaning who you get turned on by or who you would want to engage in sexual behaviors with.
    Heterosexual- The attraction to a gender different from their own (commonly used to describe someone who is gender binary [female or male] attracted to the other binary gender).
    Homosexual- The attraction to a gender the same as their own (commonly used to describe someone who is gender binary [female or male] attracted to the same binary gender). Sometimess referred to as gay.
    Lesbian- Women who are attracted only to other women
    Bisexual- When you are attracted to two or more genders. This term is generally used to describe being attracted to men and women, but can apply to being attracted to any two or more genders. Note that you do not have to be equally attracted to each gender.
    Pansexual- When you are attracted to all genders and/or do not concern gender when you are attracted towards someone
    Bicurious- People who are open to experiment with genders that are not only their own, but do not know if they are open to forming any sort of relationship with multiple genders.
    Polysexual- When you are attracted to many genders
    Monosexual- Being attracted to only one gender
    Allosexual- When you are not asexual (attracted to at least one gender)
    Androsexual- Being attracted to masculine gender presentation
    Gynosexual- Being attracted to feminine gender presentation
    Questioning- People who are debating their own sexuality/gender
    Asexual- Not experiencing sexual attraction (note that you can also be aromantic and you do not necessarily have to be asexual and aromantic at the same time). Sometimes the term, ace, is used to describe asexuals.
    Demisexual- When you only experience sexual attraction after forming a strong emotional bond first or a romantic bond
    Grey Asexual- When you only experience attraction rarely, on a very low scale, or only under certain circumstances
    Perioriented- When your sexual and romantic orientation targets the same gender (for example being heteromantic and heterosexual or being biromantic and bisexual)
    Varioriented- When your sexual and romantic orientations do not target the same set of genders (for example being heteromantic and bisexual or being homoromantic and pansexual)
    Heteronormative- The belief that hetersexuality is the norm and that sex, gender, sexuality, and gender roles all align
    Erasure- Ignoring the existance of genders and sexualities in the middle of the spectrum
    Cishet- Someone who is both cisgendered and heterosexual. This is sometimes used as a slur.
    Polyamorous- An umbrella term referring to people who have or are open to have consensually have relationships with multiple people at the same time
    Monoamorous- People who have or or open to have relationships with only one other person at a time. The term, monogamous, is also sometimes used.
    Queer- A reclaimed slur for anybody in the LGBT+ community or who do not identify as cisgender and/or hetersexual/heteromantic
    Ally- A supporter of the LGBT+ community that does not identify as LGBT+
    Sex- Your assigned gender at birth and/or the gender of your reproductive organs
    Gender- Where you feel that you personally fall on the spectrum between male and female. Commonly people identify as male or female, but some fall in the middle or move throughout the spectrum.
    Cisgender- When you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth
    Transgender- When you identify with a gender different than that you were assigned at birth
    Transsexual- When you have had Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS) to change the sexual organs you were born with to that of a different gender.
    Male to Female (MtF)- When somebody that is assigned as a male at birth identifies as a female
    Female to Male (FtM)- When somebody that is assigned as a female at birth identifies as a male
    Binary- The genders at each end of the gender spectrum (male and female)
    Non-Binary- An umbrella term for genders that fall somewhere in the middle of the gender spectrum and are neither strictly male or female. This can be used as a gender identification without further explanation. Sometimes the term, genderqueer, is used.
    Genderfluid- Moving between genders or having a fluctuating gender identity
    Agender- Not identifying with any gender. Sometimes referred to as being genderless or gendervoid
    Bigender- Identifying as two genders, commonly (but not exclusively) male and female. Sometimes you feel like both genders at the same time and sometimes you fluctuate.
    Polygender- When you identify with multiple genders at once. Sometimes referred to as multigender.
    Neutrois- When you identify as agender, neither male nor female, and/or genderless
    Gender Apathetic- When you really do not identify nor care about any particular gender. You are fine passing off as whatever and you really do not have an opinion towards your own gender.
    Androgyne- This term overlaps a lot between gender identification and presentation. It can be used to describe others and as an identification. This term is used to describe people who are neither male nor female or are both male and female. Basically anyone who does not fit into a binary gender category.
    Intergender- Somebody who's gender is somewhere between male and female
    Demigender- When you feel as if you are one part a defined gender and one or more parts an undefined gender. Terms can include demigirl, demiboy, demiagender, ect.
    Greygender- Somebody with a weak gender identification of themselves
    Aporagender- Somebody with a strong gender identification of themselves that is non-binary
    Maverique- A non-binary gender that exists outside of the orthodox social bounds of gender
    Novigender- A gender that is super complex and impossible to describe in a single term
    Designated gender- A gender assigned at birth based on an individuals sex and/or what gender society percieves a person to be
    AFAB- Assigned Female At Birth
    AMAB- Assigned Male At Birth
    Gender roles- Certain behaviors an activities expected/considered acceptable of people in a particular society based upon their designated gender
    Gender Presentation- The gender you present yourself to others. This is sometimes referred to as gender expression
    Transitioning- The process of using medical means to change your sex
    Intersex- A biological difference in sex that is when people are born with genitals, gonads, and/or chromosomes that do not match up exactly with male or female. Intersex individuals can have any romantic/sexual orientation and can have any gender identification. Intersex individuals are about as common as redheads.
    Dyadic- Someone who is not intersex and when their gentinals, gonads, and chromosomes can all match into either a male or female category
    Trans Woman- Someone who is assigned as a male at birth, but identifies as a woman
    Trans Man- Someone who is assigned as a female at birth, but identifies as a man
    Trans Feminine- Someone who identifies as feminine, but identifies as neither a man nor a woman. They must also be assigned male at birth.
    Trans Masculine- Someone who identifies as masculine, but identifies as neither a man nor a woman. They must also be assigned female at birth.
    Social Dysphoria- Discomfort experienced when acting in ways socially different than your gender or being addressed in ways different to your gender
    Body Dysphoria- Discomfort experienced because of the difference between gender and your sex, role, or gender expression
    Butch- A term used to describe someone who's gender expression is more masculine than feminine. This is commonly used in describing women or lesbians.
    Femme (Fem)- A term used to describe someone who's gender expression is more feminine than masculine. This is commonly used in describing women or lesbians.
    Binarism- Putting gender strictly into two categories (male and female) and refusing to acknowledge genders outside of male and female.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  2. #512
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    I agree the music,movies and tv shows were the only thing I like from the 90s, everything else (especially in school) sucked for me.

  3. #513
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    Your post is mind boggling! My mind is boggled. Un frigging believable. Shocking really.
    On another note I’m hearing as I type a big scandal RE :hi profile parents cheating to get their kids into college.
    Really really sick and and it makes me mad.
    Also, a man that for all intents and purposes was my stepfather, or surrogate father, he’s been in my life since I was in HS, he died today at 102 years old. I was prepared, and still I’m shocked and can’t stop crying. All my mother does is talk about his will, which makes me sick. But I try to have empathy and compassion.
    As Jack Johnson says, the world is upside down.

  4. #514
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    Quote fetisha View Post
    I was only a baby and a toddler in the 80s so I wouldn't know :-P
    I was only alive for 3 1/2 months of the 80's. Haha. I actually think I prefer music from the 00's and 10's to the 90's, but that's just me.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  5. #515
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    Quote Doseone View Post
    I was only alive for 3 1/2 months of the 80's. Haha. I actually think I prefer music from the 00's and 10's to the 90's, but that's just me.
    The early 2000s was a horrible time along with the crappy music, the music from the 2010s I like the most is kpop. (Idgaf judge me lol)

  6. #516
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    Quote fetisha View Post
    The early 2000s was a horrible time along with the crappy music, the music from the 2010s I like the most is kpop. (Idgaf judge me lol)
    Nah, that's fine, but I guess it depends on what kind of music you listen to. I think there was a lot of good electronic/experimental music released in that era. But tbh, I listen to tons of music from nearly every decade, I just noticed that I prefer that type of music.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  7. #517
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    Quote Doseone View Post
    Nah, that's fine, but I guess it depends on what kind of music you listen to. I think there was a lot of good electronic/experimental music released in that era. But tbh, I listen to tons of music from nearly every decade, I just noticed that I prefer that type of music.
    I like techno music too, I usually like the stuff that isnt so popular. First I got grief with liking rock music now its kpop ugh!

  8. #518
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    I like GD&TOP. I haven't ventured further into kpop than that.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  9. #519
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    Quote Doseone View Post
    I like GD&TOP. I haven't ventured further into kpop than that.
    They are both rappers and also in boy band called big bang. Now bts is a popular kpop boy band now. I like so many now.

  10. #520
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    @JamieWAgain Facebook gives you 71 gender options. 71? What happened to male, female, gay and Bi? The world is changing and people are making up a load of BS genders.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  11. #521
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    On another note I?m hearing as I type a big scandal RE :hi profile parents cheating to get their kids into college.
    Really really sick and and it makes me mad. .
    I've heard of this, and I agree. As someone whose had to work hard to get where they are with uni, it pisses me off beyond belief that the children of rich celebrities can simply hand over a large sum of money and be handed an acceptance letter.

    And one of the children has even been quoted saying that she doesn't give a damn about the college, she is there to party. Nothing more.

    Shes gone to a top university, committed academic fraud to get there, stolen a place from a more deserving student, and shes there too party. Nothing more.

    In all honesty, I hope she gets kicked.

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  12. #522
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    I agree. I feel helplessly outraged over the college admissions scandal if that makes sense. I think most of us do. I’m a rule follower almost to a fault. These entitled lying cheating parents are who I am most outraged. Their motive was simple. Break all rules, no matter the example I am setting, lie and cheat and spend 1/2 million dollars to make sure my kid is in the ‘right’ school. Shame shame shame on them. At least the other liars and cheaters were in it for the money. Which is just as bad however I’m most outraged that the parents would go to such extremes to assure their kids ‘success’.
    I hope the kids are expelled and other kids on the waitlists are accepted. Call me judgmental but it’s how I feel.

    On birth certificates now in certain states in the US there are 3 choices- male, female and gender neutral. Ahhhh. Yes, that’s me screaming. Why don’t they just add a box for ‘zebra’. It makes as much sense.
    As Justin Timberlake sings, ‘where is the love?’ or, where is common sense ?

    Ok, I’ll climb down off my high horse now.
    Have a lovely evening. Or morning, depending where you live. 78 and breezy today, no humidity. Gorgeous day.

  13. #523
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    Sunrise, exactly! Ironic that these parents are hurting, not helping their kids.

  14. #524
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    Tell you what pisses me off about some of these big wig parents. The names they give their kids. I doubt the kids will be thanking them in years to come. Looks like they are opening a book of silly names and putting a blindfold on and sticking a pin on the page. Were the pin ends up shall be the kids name. Thank the good Lord I was not born in an age of silly names. Been named after a planet. Or some stupid stuff like that. Will add a link to the most ridiculous names these people have called their kids.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  15. #525
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    Watching movies more than once (for the most part) is pointless. I never understood why people watch movies 100 times. There are only a select few that I've rewatched and will rewatch.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

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