I am new here, so let me first say hello. I hope you can offer some insight, and perhaps some peace of mind. I am having a tough go of things lately. Can anxiety really manifest itself physically?
If I listed all of my symptoms, I would be here all night, so let me just name a few: weight loss and can't gain weight no matter how much I eat, hair loss, joint pain, bone pain, stomach upset that comes and goes, fatigue, night sweats... The list goes on and on. I have been to every kind of specialist there is (GI, hematologist, oncologist, endocrinologist, etc...). In fact, I have been to several of the same kind of specialist because I am convinced there is something physically wrong with me.Why else would I be able to eat whatever I want and lose weight? All of my medical tests have come back completely normal. Several doctors have suggested mental health, and while I've talked with a professional, I don't think that's the answer. I keep circling back to believing that there is something physically wrong. I worry constantly. So my question is: can anxiety really cause all of these physical symptoms? I'd love to get your thoughts. I appreciate your help and wish you all good health and happiness.
Have you been tested for Lyme disease? It's difficult to diagnose and can cause all kinds of problems. I know some symptoms can include joint and bone pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, etc... I've never heard of it causing hair loss though.