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  1. #16
    Leary's Avatar
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    He had a a wispy little white mustache and he always wore colorful Cosbyesque sweaters. Smelled a bit musty too..

  2. #17
    takethebiscuit's Avatar
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    Quote Becky View Post
    My first therapist was really good and taught me a lot about cognitive behavior therapy, which did help me somewhat. The couple therapists I had after him sucked. One of the ladies I saw just gossiped about her other patients hock:
    Gossiping about other patients with a client is not only shocking it also violates several codes of conduct and, in certain cases, is enough to get the therapist reprimanded. Glad your first therapist was really good though.

  3. #18
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    I've been to 10 over the duration of my life.

    Therapy is not the answer for me.

    The first one was a person who worked in our school in 5th grade.

    I think the issue is that therapist don't have a high enough level of education to understand certain problems. A therapist almost needs to be a specialist for certain things.

    I sort of feel like I totally slipped through the cracks in the same way that dyslexic students used to slip through the cracks before teachers started becoming more aware of learning disorders.

    Like what other people on here have also stated my last therapist also made suggestions for me that were totally unrealistic. It's like she is in a fake happy universe or something.

    She was telling me about a guy she knows who is traveling around on his bike from town to town.

    And I told her: "I'm not a man, I have no money, I'm not that athletic"

    I mean I guess it was suppose to be an inspiration or an example of what is possible FOR SOME OTHER person....but not me.

    She just doesn't get me.

    Yeah some people fly to the moon
    Some people are millionaires
    Some people are miss america
    some people blah blah blah

  4. #19
    Antidote's Avatar Rude & Shouty
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    It was a woman who tried to help but wasn't really making suggestions that were realistic for me. The 2nd one was the worst because she was judgmental. 3rd and 4th were ok but not skilled or experienced enough in the area that I need help on. I found it hard to open up to any of them so they can't really help me anyway. I'm done with therapists.

  5. #20
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    Quote Misssy View Post
    I've been to 10 over the duration of my life.

    Therapy is not the answer for me.

    The first one was a person who worked in our school in 5th grade.

    I think the issue is that therapist don't have a high enough level of education to understand certain problems. A therapist almost needs to be a specialist for certain things.

    I sort of feel like I totally slipped through the cracks in the same way that dyslexic students used to slip through the cracks before teachers started becoming more aware of learning disorders.

    Like what other people on here have also stated my last therapist also made suggestions for me that were totally unrealistic. It's like she is in a fake happy universe or something.

    She was telling me about a guy she knows who is traveling around on his bike from town to town.

    And I told her: "I'm not a man, I have no money, I'm not that athletic"

    I mean I guess it was suppose to be an inspiration or an example of what is possible FOR SOME OTHER person....but not me.

    She just doesn't get me.

    Yeah some people fly to the moon
    Some people are millionaires
    Some people are miss america
    some people blah blah blah
    You are, of course, right. A therapist almost needs to be a specialist for certain things. That's why many of us work with clients who have particular issues or disorders. I spend much of time working with people to help the overcome their fears. My colleague spends her time helping people loose weight. Being a specialist makes a difference.

    And you are also right that some people fly to the moon, some people are Miss America...lots of things are possible for lots of people but what's possible for you? I could tell you a long, inspiring story about some other person. But you're not that other person. You're you. So what's possible for you? What would you like to have happen?

  6. #21
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    My views on my first therapist are really conflicted. She was a LCSW. I had never talked to anyone ever (not even friends or family) about some trauma that had been tearing me apart for years, so it was extremely cathartic to just tell my story. But, Once I got past the spilling my guts part I really think everything about that therapist was a bad fit for me. I felt like she frequently insulted my intelligence kept bringing up hypno therapy even though I declined and pushed medication hard. I told her up front I did not want nor did I feel I needed medication. I wanted coping skills. (I've done excellent since and my OCD is in nearly complete remission and my SA is getting there all without medication. So, I kind of feel she just wanted to drug and dump me.) She talked a lot about her self and not in a way constructive or relateable to my therapy. This was in a clinic setting. She compared me to her chihuahua once. That was pretty classy.

    I've only seen one other person since who is a counselor at my college. She has like a masters in education or something like that and she is 1000 times better fit for me.

  7. #22
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    What can I tell you about Miss Jane, she was young and kind of inexperienced. But I was able to offload to her about my problems.

  8. #23
    JaneDoe's Avatar My So-Called Self
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    My first therapist wasn't a good fit for me. She was very judgmental and read me wrong a lot. She didn't listen to me when I told her things and came up with her own assumptions instead of listening to the words I was telling her. She rarely took my words at face value and thought I meant something different than what I was saying.

  9. #24
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    I was 13 at the time and got ta child therapist. Overall, she was good, but I don't really remember that much of her and only got given six sessions. I would have spoken to her, but I was paranoid enough of her telling my parents things I didn't want to. It wasn't her fault. I was just 13 in a child system and my parents had to be involved and had to know what was going on, whether I liked it or not. I didn't like it. I don't trust people. I'm glad I didn't tell her that because I'd probably have been dx'ed with something I don't have.

  10. #25
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    My first therapist told me to, "get a job" after she knew I had been fired from a newspaper route even though I have a degree in chemistry and biology and I had to lay on her floor because I have a herniated disk in my back and couldn't sit in a chair. She knew one of my problems was the stigma associated with being an unemployed male, but she still told me, "to get a job" like it's that easy for someone with my disabilities to just go out and get a job. Anyways, she was a christian who talked about church. She is one of the reasons, among other things why I would never become a chrisitian and instead I've chosen to be a secular humanist.

    My current therapist is a christian. Nonetheless(lol), she is great(lol)!

  11. #26
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    My first therapist was a licensed therapist and an LCDC, I was 15 and she was 24 I think. I saw her for a little over a year. I actually ended up messing around with her...we like went to third base, in her office once. Not long after that she told someone (the mgt of the clinic she worked for) and she was either fired or moved somewhere else. I never saw or talked to her again. So, ehhhh, it was a wierd experience. I lived in a really small town and somehow people found out...and not from me.
    Bereavement is a darkness impenetrable to the imagination of the unbereaved. ~Iris Murdoch

    Your girlfriend's silence might be her loudest scream.

    If you still have more dreams than regrets, congratulations. You haven't gotten old yet.

    Spend every moment like it's your last. Hug her, kiss her, hold her, like it's the last time that you ever will. Because it might be.

  12. #27
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    On my first intake appointment the psychologist accused me of being on drugs. He threatened to drug test me. I told him the truth, I wasn't on drugs, I had just finished a job where I was working 16 hours a day under extreme anxiety, with hardly any sleep. It's amazing how many, "professionals" just don't get it.

    I also told him I'm anxious around authority figures, and he said you're not anxious around me, and I told him I didn't think he was an authority figure. He didn't like that-lol.

  13. #28
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    Quote James View Post
    My first therapist was a licensed therapist and an LCDC, I was 15 and she was 24 I think. I saw her for a little over a year. I actually ended up messing around with her...we like went to third base, in her office once. Not long after that she told someone (the mgt of the clinic she worked for) and she was either fired or moved somewhere else. I never saw or talked to her again. So, ehhhh, it was a wierd experience. I lived in a really small town and somehow people found out...and not from me.
    Crazy story man. I wonder what the outcome would've been if the therapist had been a man and you were a 15 year old girl?

  14. #29
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    Yeah, I dunno, might've been a little different. I think she's maybe part of the reason I don't trust people in general, and maybe especially have a hard time with, abandonment issues with women. She really kinda screwed me up lol. I've been in therapy since I was 15 (with her), and I've seen one other female psychiatrists since her, a year later when I was 16. I kind of had a thing for her (surprise!), and she kind of had a thing for me (surprise!), although we never acted on it. Since then all my therapists have been men. Don't want to repeat the past lol.
    Bereavement is a darkness impenetrable to the imagination of the unbereaved. ~Iris Murdoch

    Your girlfriend's silence might be her loudest scream.

    If you still have more dreams than regrets, congratulations. You haven't gotten old yet.

    Spend every moment like it's your last. Hug her, kiss her, hold her, like it's the last time that you ever will. Because it might be.

  15. #30
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    My first one who did basic CBT with me was young and I didn't feel I got anyway with her maybe because I was still working and was having a tough time with my job. I went on sick leave and got referred for full CBT and my therapist was brilliant, she helped me loads, I felt more comfortable with her like talking to a friend and I am now discharged and in remission from depression and anxiety

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