Which is more important in the world: intelligence or knowledge?
Without intelligence, knowledge would never be discovered, but knowledge is what determines social status and lets people have fun so they don't have to be intelligent.
I remember growing up being called stupid a lot by actual idiots who were just born into insider social status. They were people who simply refused to think in themselves, and enjoyed calling me stupid behind the excuse that I made them feel stupid in the first place. In reality, they didn't feel stupid, but they simply enjoyed making fun of me for having to think in order to compensate for a lack of cultural sophistication.
As I got older, the provocation for lack of sophistication got worse and worse. People told me it would get better, but instead, people's attitudes got nastier and nastier and the gap between the culturally sophisticated and unsophisticated widened.
I see many people today who are very unsophisticated, and made the choice to endure suffering by performing menial labor jobs, volunteering, or joining the military in order to compensate. These are people who are now revered because they "paid their dues" to their country, and are better than those who insisted on having pride in who they are.
In turn, these people have also accumulated physical experiences, and are treated as knowledgeably practical instead of intellectual idealists.
Even today in America, people constantly complain about how our education system is so broken, how people have no manners, and that American people are so stupid. You even see the last complaint made around the world in how Americans are so intellectually pathetic.
Our debt, service, consumer economy doesn't alleviate this at all either. It encourages people to be stupid by consuming mindless pop culture, and being so materialistically knowledgeable instead.
I fear that while knowledge is power, intelligence is its source, and those who are powerful in society are making a living at the expense of destroying that source to no end just because they can.
Information is more comprehensible with a greater degree of intelligence
That being said, I feel like intelligence is a more, valuable asset; however, knowledge will take you farther in 'today's' world. Not to sound vain, but I consider myself to be of higher intelligence, than my peers; however, my closest friends ended up going to better colleges than me. Why? Because they pursued the knowledge necessary to take them there (extrinsic motivation), despite self-interest. I, conversely, spent my time doing things that would help me pursue intrinsic interests; thus, this resulted in me getting average grades. Many people would say that I lack intelligence because I "didn't apply myself", or didn't have the "mental capacity to learn". However, what I find most unintelligent, is, conforming. In high school, I either did the work that I liked, and performed well, or took a 0; my friends just studied their asses off. I have no regrets.