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    My internet is being slow, so I can't play online multiplayer. Luckily I can still stream music.

    I had a dream that I was telling Putin that he was going to suffer in his next life. I kept saying "fuck Putin."
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

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    This is very inaccessible to most people. Unless theorists can disseminate their ideas to the lowest common denominator it's not really going to work. I bring this up because at this point they've expressed interest in this and other videos in challenging the anti-gender movement and that they're more interested in that than theorising at this stage:

    This is a good sentiment though:

    "There are many theories of gender and mine is just one"

    A lot of people don't trust them at all either so that can't really work well.

    Its a pity JB did not pursue a strategy to write for the masses. Instead her texts are written for people who choose as their lifes goals the pursuit of gender studies whatever that is. Understanding and sharing knowledge is not only based on a desire to read but on the generosity of writers who appreciate the busy day to day lives of the billions outside this small field. Engineering, medicine, butchers, artists bakers, actors, posties, shop keepers, drivers, gardeners, ad infinitum. I so appreciate author's who think of humanity as a whole not just a select few academics. Its simply great when academics write for us all. That way more people can digest and think while getting on with the myriad of everyday tasks that dominate outside the gender studies genre or any other genre for that matter. Reading is a joy, as is thinking, food for thought depends upon generosity and thoughtfulness, perhaps the essence of a good society, include inclusive witers. That way all our lives can be respected, whatever direction we take, we need accessible texts. This speech could have been delivered in a much more inclusive style without losing the meaning. Time is the essence of life, we are all battling it and few of us have enough time to indulge such unnecessary exclusive verbosity.
    Thanks for this. I hear you and definitely have a serious distaste/distrust for unnecessarily verbose academics. And I think at this point in Butler's life, they could definitely "mellow out" and write more accessibly. But I don't think it's a pity they haven't done that??their work in the 90s opened doors (yes for academics) that allowed for millions and millions of people to explore gender in an expansive way. I think it's always true that when philosophers dig into stuff in a substantive way it it spreads through "the masses" eventually. Especially when those philosophers are also activists as many of them are. Fred Moten one of those sorts of people talked once about how folks find his writing difficult. He responds by saying Yes it is! Because this [BEEP] is hard for me to say! And I admire that a lot; I wonder if Butler would say the same sort of thing.
    Yep but given their stated goals the approach they're using here isn't going to work. The average person has very little time, doesn't have that much interest in pursuing extensive research into the topic, might even be terrified of academics and/or change, and is drawn to charismatic speakers like Jordan Peterson, Contrapoints etc. So I suppose it will be up to video essayists to combat the anti-gender movement. Lol....

    I believe that lecture was addressing academics though so.. Going to watch the Owen Jones interview and see if it's better in that sense.

    So I think people are suggested content that is anti-gender more often so that's the first problem. People aren't making as much content. Anti-gender people put out a lot more content in general. There's also a lot more people who clip their content and stick it in some clickbait compilation thing or make shorts of their content.

    That's the online landscape though.

    On a vaguely related note (vaguely related because I just noticed a short with him ranting about Judith Butler lol,) Jordan Peterson seems to think that very aggressive boys who aren't socialised by the age of 4 are likely to go on to have antisocial personality disorder and are essentially doomed after that age. (He doesn't say this in this video it was another but I'm too lazy to try and find it.) I'm not sure what he means by that exactly it just seems like bs because my brother was pretty physically aggressive until about the start of puberty where he just chilled out completely. He hasn't engaged in any violent behaviour since and now he's 30. He wasn't just aggressive with boys he chucked bricks at girls etc. He was also really disruptive and infamous but that was less about the aggression I think.

    But it's not obvious what he's getting at. I think people who are violent with ASPD have a different cognitive profile though it's not just that they're physically aggressive it's that they're generally cold and sadistic and often have sadistic fetishes. Most ASPD killers have a kind of 'hunting' fetish thing going on. They're fascinated with bones and animal parts often. Even female killers like Katherine Knight often have a fixation with these things.

    She was diagnosed with BPD but she probably had both BPD and ASPD it's just sexism + the time period that means she wasn't diagnosed with ASPD. If you look at Joanna Dennehy since that's more recent she got diagnosed with ASPD + psychopathy + BPD (you can't escape BPD haha,) and is fairly similar if a little colder and gives less of a [BEEP] about how she comes across imo.

    Although multiple psychiatrists diagnosed Knight with both BPD and PTSD, mental health professions deemed her sane and fit to stand trial. While the judge who sentenced Knight accepted that she had BPD, he said that the diagnosis did "not explain the time and the full circumstances of the killing, which come from factors not associated with the borderline personality."
    It's kind of a no brainer having read about her and her history but not going to quote a bunch of stuff about her history. (Plus it's all obviously very graphically violent lol so yeah.) I think she had a paraphilic interest in certain things as well and lost her primary outlet after she was forced to retire due to injury.

    Then again a lot of people who go on to develop ASPD have ADHD in childhood usually with conduct disorder I guess.

    I'm not against biological explanations and evo-psych (also I get the impression he exaggerates the degree to which Judith Butler for example denies biology, and there's a lot of stuff that is probably biological that he ignores and misunderstands. He's particularly useless on the topic of transgender people. Or anything regarding the female sex but he can't be blamed too much for that because so is most of science, sexology, psychology etc. They haven't put in as much effort to research the female sex either.)

    But the problem is when people resort to biology they use it as an excuse to shut down their brain and stereotype on autopilot to an extreme which is really bad. He's particularly guilty of this. It's like how he doesn't get where this reaction is coming from:

    Fucking clickbait thumbnail again as well lol.

    It's particularly telling that I think if you strip everything back he believes women are 100% socialised but men are 100% biological. Hence women can be brainwashed en masse (I mean he doesn't say that because he cares about optics lol, but that is more or less what he believes because he thinks that if a lot of women choose not to have children something is culturally wrong,) but men are biological creatures whose fate is decided by age 4 lol. 'Oh no he's too aggressive by age 4 time to throw him in the bin this one's defective.' Lol but of course he's not arguing that. That would be very inconsistent with his overall message and yet. Women are biological when it's useful to argue that they should have kids, but social when they're being annoying and choosing not to have kids lmao.

    I'll have kids btw someone else is just going to have to give birth to them. Also nobody wants me to have kids. Be serious. That aint gonna go well lol. Maybe if we extend the Human life span a few hundred years I'll have gotten [BEEP] together by then. You know like how you can change the lifespan in The Sims 3. If there are fast and slow life history strategies I'm playing on Snail mode. 'If I live for 500,000 years maybe I'll finally stumble on enough economically viable creative ideas that I have the motivation + intelligence to do as well.' Maybe 500,000 years will do it. I'm optimistic about that time frame. If various potential apocalypses don't get in the way. Also money probably won't exist then so. But you know other than that.

    It's all 'society is collapsing because of the birth rate' until you meet me. Or any LGBT+ parents or single mothers for that matter. Conservatives have a lot of rules. 'Have kids but also find a heterosexual man you want to have a long term relationship and sex with in a traditional relationship dynamic anything else is abusive to children.' I don't know about that Jordan. I'm not attractive enough to date a guy who hopefully has long hair (never seen him,) who uploads hot erotic audio files onto reddit with femboy in his username. You know he's a catch if he uses 'darling' instead of 'mummy/daddy' I can't abide ageplay (even the mild form which is now absolutely everywhere.) He had audio files with mummy as well but I ignored those lol. You know it's either that or rock star from the 70s I find. And still stuck on the 'not wanting to be pregnant/give birth.' matter. Also I've heard that genetic males don't have wombs. I was very confused about that obviously being somewhat progressive/left wing/pro trans and all that. I had no idea.

    I feel like if he had an hour conversation with me he'd be horrified haha because that's his response to so much.

    I also like how he concludes that because most of his own video reactions are positive this reaction from women was unusual. Most people's videos attract people who agree. It's not twitter where the opposite often happens. Occasionally you'll attract people who don't agree. I often watch stuff I completely disagree with more often than stuff I agree with but this is unusual on YouTube ime. And I rarely bother to actually comment on YouTube so I'm unusual in multiple ways when it comes to that. But yeah if he spent more time looking at reuploads of his content specifically by people who wanted to critique it he'd find most of the comments on those videos would be negative. He really can't handle aggressive criticism though and I don't think he enjoys it from what he's said. That's kind of why he keeps talking about troll demons etc after all.

    And he also thinks that no women should be on the front line during war. You have to do something with psychopathic women. They do exist. They often (mostly?) kill men (and very easily tbh,) so you're only fucking things up for men ultimately. And often the authorities don't take it seriously because of sexism. War is usually used to get rid of low functioning psychopaths by recruiting from subpopulations where there are more of them. That's not the conscious purpose of that it's just a byproduct. If you instead arrange some other alternative you could theoretically reduce war and that subpopulation (and war is very destructive.) To avoid war you have to get rid of 'high functioning' psychopaths/dark triad types though.. Much harder. And you know I'm not proposing a 'final solution' for psychopaths lol. It is what it is unfortunately. I wouldn't recommend dividing solutions by sex too much though since it seems like the rate of female psychopathic and criminal behaviour is increasing but need more research on that.

    In 2011, Dutton ran a survey in the UK titled "The Great British Psychopath Survey". Boardroom chief executives, journalists, police officers, the military, surgeons and lawyers were the professions where people displayed the most psychopathic traits.

    In November 2013, Dennehy pleaded guilty to all three murders and two further attempted murders.[13][14] Her sister Maria was unsurprised by the guilty plea and said, "I think she did that to control the situation. She likes people to know she's the boss."[15]
    The trial began at the Old Bailey in London where Dennehy could be seen laughing during proceedings and pled guilty to the murders; stating "I have pleaded guilty, and that's that" when questioned about her decision. At one point during her trial, Dennehy stood up and told presiding Mr. Justice Spencer "I don't wanna be controlled by anybody. I don't want to be controlled by my lawyers, by the police, by anybody."[18].
    Most people don't resort to this extreme they just engage in edgelord behaviour etc. Maybe they write a song lol:

    What's a good response to this mentality?

    "Women aren't dangerous. They're nurturing empathetic people incapable of harm especially physical harm. They're under threat by trans women because they're just so pathetic they can't even win skateboarding competitions against genetic males for some reason ?? Even though a pro female skateboarder came 2nd in a competition with all cis men. Women need to be protected. Why don't any women agree with us about trans women? Women are scared to walk around at night. Everywhere in the West is so dangerous for women. Women are under constant threat of rape and violence. You don't let a woman ride a subway by herself at 4am. A woman isn't a truck you take on a dirt road she's a fancy car. Women shouldn't be living in vans and travelling around Europe by themselves that's dangerous."

    Keep trying that approach. It's not how past cultures have treated women from what I've noticed. They usually have the opposite impression.

    While a strong consensus has emerged in the last generation about many sociocultural aspects of witchcraft, the role of gender--why witchcraft was particularly but not exclusively associated with women--has remained problematic. This article asserts that women in early modern Europe were thought more likely to be witches because, the evidence suggests, they were in fact more likely to act like witches.
    Lol! *end credits*

    ^ it's funny because Hideo Kojima.

    Hostility and violence figured prominently in early modern village and small town life, and women resorted to witch-like behaviors ranging from premeditated poisoning and surreptitious assault through ritual malefic magic to spontaneous displays of intense anger because these were effective means of engaging in conflicts that played to their learned and innate strengths while avoiding forms of struggle they were less well equipped for. The article concludes by suggesting that the intervention of the state in the form of widespread and protracted witch prosecutions played a role in inhibiting witch-like practices and behaviors, and since these were utilized far more often by women than men, helped change the perceived "nature" of women from the Medieval notion that they were particularly violent and lustful to the modern image of women as gentle and asexual.

    I don't think either extreme is very good and I'm not sure how to transcend the dichotomy but it's a problem in both feminism and conservatism. Some subsets of goth and alternative subcultures are an instinctive backlash imo:

    Lol Halsey's music is like the full dark triad spectrum it's great.

    edit: At least according to some thinkers you now have the worst of both worlds. An entire culture of asexual witches. That'll teach you. You can [BEEP] with witches if you like but if an entire state fucks with witches then that state is doomed to die. I don't believe this but it's so fun to larp because of the people who will take that super seriously. And if you believe that then it's true.

    Here we go now over the bridge of sighs
    We'll get a cross like Christ, crucified
    It's like a birth, but it is in reverse
    Never gets better, always gets worse

    I'll gnaw at anything
    New England is mine
    And it owes me a living

    Giles Corey (c. August 1611 – September 19, 1692) was an English farmer who was accused of witchcraft along with his wife Martha Corey during the Salem witch trials. After being arrested, Corey refused to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. He was subjected to pressing in an effort to force him to plead--the only example of such a sanction in American history--and died after three days of this torture. Because Corey refused to enter a plea, his estate passed on to his sons instead of being seized by the local government.

    Corey is believed to have died in the field adjacent to the prison that had held him, in what later became the Howard Street Cemetery in Salem, which opened in 1801. His exact grave location in the cemetery is unmarked and unknown. There is a memorial plaque to him in the nearby Charter Street Cemetery.
    Giles Corey was born in Northampton, England.
    It's a very witchy place tbf:


    Quote Judith Butler - Who's afraid of Gender? Video
    In Putin's view or within the syntax of his fantasy. Gender and transgender in particular but also feminism attack the spiritual and national values of Russia. And Russia is thus justified and even obligated to wage war on this Euro-American import figured as a force of destruction which therefore must be destroyed.

    Gender of course is not the reason for this war but it is part of the phantasmatic justification of war. Gender politics is threaded through new forms of fascism, nationalism and war. And so we have to learn better how to struggle against the phantasm before it swallows us.

    And for that we need a transversal collaborative mode of thought that can enter, expose and counter the phantasms that threaten to determine the shape and course of historical reality.
    ^ Even if I was inclined to read more this is apparently from a book that is not even out yet lol. The ideas seem kind of old anyway + Russia etc have been talking about this stuff for years.

    Last week, the State Duma, Russia's lower house of Parliament, drafted a law labeling feminism as "extremist." The lawmaker who drafted the proposed law blamed feminists for the "destruction of traditional values" and accused them of being "simply agents of the West."
    Russia has already silenced journalists and and expanded anti-LGBT laws. Why is the government now coming for women?

    It is not the government, exactly, but the whole political system that is afraid of women. This is easily explained. The worst thing for the system would be if women of different age groups would begin to cooperate, and act as a big, united force. There are a large number of feminists in the 35-50 year old age group. Our generation, the generation that saw the collapse of the Soviet Union and saw women creating their own capital with their own labor during perestroika -- the system has always been afraid that this target group, which identifies itself as feminists, and are able to self-organize in social networks, will suddenly begin to somehow influence the opinion of women 55 plus or older.
    He doesn't like it because it's not serving him personally.

    Russian witches unite in support of Putin with 'circle of power'
    Posted February 5, 2019

    Russian witches and seers performed a ritual called the 'circle of power' on Tuesday, to pass on their mystical energy to President Vladimir Putin.
    I can't say this was a clever approach but will be interesting to see where things go from here in the long term. Will European + Anglosphere fascists gradually team up with Islamists? I'd assume so, but they're just so bad at doing that for obvious reasons:

    This past October at the 24th World Russian People's Council, Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, parroted President Vladimir Putin's September declaration that the West had embraced a Satanic religion. The battle against them, he prophesied, could ultimately result in the Apocalypse. Going a step further, Kirill named Vladimir Putin as the world's "chief exorcist," "a fighter against the Antichrist."

    On the same day, Aleksei Pavlov, assistant secretary of the Russian Federation's Security Council, called for the "de-Satanization" of Ukraine. He pointed to an ostensible proliferation of Satanistic neo-pagan cults in Ukraine which had been "cooked in a witch's cauldron."

    Invectives against the supposed satanic practices of Ukrainians are surfacing widely among Russian leaders and in the media. They describe the purported devil-worshippers as posing an existential threat not only in the framework of Orthodox Christianity, but also in that of Islam. Razman Kadyrov, head of the Chechen Republic, using an Islamic name for devils, says "de-shaitanization" of Ukraine is necessary. Dmitrii Medvedev, former president of Russia, proclaimed that the objective of the war was to "stop the supreme ruler of Hell, whatever name he uses – Satan, Lucifer or Iblis."

    This public preoccupation with Satanism mirrors Russia's on-going calls for "de-Nazification" of Ukraine. The two charges are equally ungrounded and do similar work. Both de-Nazification and de-Satanization cast the opposition as the ultimate enemy, with whom reconciliation or compromise is impossible. In essence, the rhetoric has escalated the conflict into a civilizational struggle between East and West.
    "Do you know where you are?! It's Konotop. Here every second woman is a witch. Tomorrow you'll no longer be able to get your dick to stand."
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  3. #4998
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    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  4. #4999
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    Even if humans have the strongest form of free will possible, I still don't think they are morally responsible. In fact, I think they're less morally responsible as everything becomes arbitrary. For example (under free will), if you could put somebody in the exact same situation, with the exact same brain state, all their desires being the same, memories, etc. They would choose differently some of the time. To me that just makes choices random. How are you responsible when you really could have done the other, and it's really inexplicable why you didn't? Even if the choice comes from the person (without outside causes) it's still not fair to hold that person morally responsible. In fact, the whole notion of moral responsibility is evil if people have no control. I think in the future we will know more about the brain (and reality) that the justice system will be seen as something evil we did due to ignorance.
    "When I know that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know that I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life moves." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

  5. #5000
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    Thinking about those transphobic cis men who joined a lesbian dating app to prove a point about how many 'men' were on lesbian dating apps (I say lesbian but they actually just joined a [BEEP] dating app that wasn't exclusively for lesbians.) Later one of them posted a bunch of photos of profiles on twitter and someone responded saying 'hey you included a picture of me, I was on the app doing the same thing' LOL.

    It amuses me when some transphobic cis men are really annoyed that some trans women can date some [BEEP] women but they can't tbh. Like the envy. I enjoy seeing idiots get 'cucked.' There are people who specifically exclude just cis men too. Ohh that must hurt. Lol. Like you can just tell it hurts because they're so butthurt that they sign up to these apps like 'I am the savior of lesbians' 'this is activism.'

    No but really that is why they joined that particular app imo because they're the only group excluded from it and instead of making the case that they should be allowed on the app they pretend to be defending lesbians:

    Her, formerly Dattch, is a geosocial networking app geared towards lesbian, queer, bisexual and straight women; non-binary people; and transgender people (including trans men and trans women).[1] It is available for iOS and Android.[2][3]

    Users can join the app with their Facebook account or email address. Cisgender men are not allowed to create profiles on the platform.[4] As of May 2018, the application is available in 55 countries.[5][6]
    Set up account on HER social app for lesbians run by TRAs, I have already had likes

    This is the [BEEP] real lesbian women are dealing with, men trying to get lesbians to [BEEP] them.
    You mean the [BEEP] you're dealing with? It's an old system of gender that you still see in some parts of the world where masculine cis men are one gender and everyone else ends up in the other gender. I imagine most trans men find it annoying too although... I mean I knew a trans guy who was stealth and hated the idea of being misgendered. Insanely neurotic about things like elbow angle or something? Things most people wouldn't notice. Didn't want to be clocked. But he still changed his profile at one point on fetlife to try and get attractive women who were into butches. People do be doing shady things all the time.

    No deflection lol

    Straight men are using self identification to target lesbians and all you guys do is say their trans and lesbians should accept it

    It's truly disgusting
    I honestly don't get why this annoys people so much (besides what I said LOL.) Maybe it's because I don't find most people physically attractive it doesn't really matter what gender they are they're all just not attractive. You'd have to swipe past them all anyway and dating sites are part of the reason nobody is dating/having sex etc anymore in the first place. If I was designing a dating site I would have it filter by facial hair, hair length, genitals etc these are more important filters often. Then everyone can stop arguing and straight men can stop cringely pretending they're the defenders of lesbians.

    If I was designing a dating site I would force everyone to create a music video with their own music before signing up.

    Brb creating a dating site for only guys who look like this:

    If you don't look like a femcel serial killer (male edition) then I'm just not interested. Except maybe if you look like a femcel serial killer (female edition) I might make an exception for alcoholic therapists played by Tina Fey and Ethel Cain.

    You will be judged by your ability to make weird looking text gifs and absurdist tumblr humour.

    Everyone gets their own dating site/app. It's like the beginning of the web but for dating apps. This is now a modern art movement.

    And then I invented the website.

    People say modern art is easy and [BEEP] and anyone can do it but I've been creating [BEEP] art for years and my room is often a disaster why am I not Tracey Emin? Is it because of my eyebrows? I always thought my eyebrows were somewhat intense and help balance out the neoteny of my face but I don't think they're as intense as hers. I bet it's my eyebrows. And the part where I can't bullshit/network/would never try and convince someone that an unmade bed is art. Doing that is in itself an artform.

    Any sufficiently advanced psychopathy is indistinguishable from magic.

    I sort of get why people would though because the trolling is in itself amusing. I just prefer to weird people out with creepy stuff instead.

    How did this post get here? Well I always have to get here. Like detournement (not quite but similar.) We have to reclaim/subvert social media and dating apps like the shopping mall.

    Many experts are attributing this statistic to the rise of social media and casual dating apps, with nearly half of young adults in the U.S. reporting having used an online dating platform. Apps such as Tinder, Hinge, Bumble and OkCupid are all marketed with the promise to increase your chances of finding love. However, the numbers don?t seem to add up: Despite the high volume of individuals who use these dating sites (about 53 million in 2022), only 12% of these individuals reported eventually forming a committed relationship.

    So, why is this the case? The ultimate goal of online dating apps should be to function as a conduit in creating committed relationships, right? Wrong. The realm of online dating has become a multi-billion dollar industry -- an industry that profits primarily off of user addiction, especially by keeping its users single. The way that the industry accomplishes this is twofold, relying on qualities of gamification and what psychologist Barry Schwartz refers to as the "paradox of choice."

    The presence of the choice paradox in online dating is perhaps best understood through the analogy of online shopping. Studies have shown that as shoppers are exposed to more options for potential purchases, they are paradoxically less likely to be satisfied with their ultimate decision. As our brains become inundated with a variety of choices, we often experience choice paralysis: An anxiety-induced state that prevents us from making a resounding decision.

    On Tinder, the user's experience of choice overload has become a frequent occurrence. In the emergence of what some are calling "serial swipers," many users can be seen displaying strong hesitations to commit to a singular option due to fears of missing out on a potentially better one.

    The infiltration of the choice paradox into the realm of relationships is especially dangerous. Unlike the case of online shopping, users aren?t choosing between products, they?re choosing between people. The resulting world of online dating has become a breeding ground for objectification, sexual harassment and insecurity, as choices are increasingly influenced by abundance and appearances rather than genuine compatibility.
    Tricking people who are struggling with severe attention/motivation issues and who are very unconscientious into doing stuff (anything really,) is hard though. I would know since it's hard to trick myself. So far it seems to be helpful if I have a dream. No really like an actual dream. That's how my first relationships started (I don't think this is a coincidence my emotions are more connected + intense in dreams,) and that's also part of the reason why I started my most successful YouTube channel. I dreamt that I had a gaming channel with 2000 subscribers. OK it's morphed into something else really under the cover of a gaming channel but this was bound to happen (otherwise I probably would have given up I guess):

    felt like a mix between Pixar and a horror movie.
    this is the most lynchian thing ive ever seen
    Oh nightmare fuel
    But the other factors were that community seemed less toxic than most online and it was related to an interest I'd had since I was 10/11.

    The romantic relationship didn't work out obviously and it wasn't great. I guess you can then argue is 'kind of bad' worse than nothing at all/doing nothing/inaction in general? Are negative experiences worse than nothing? Is creating something that's relatively new and also not completely from scratch better than nothing? That's something you could debate. I mean people do debate that in a sense. Generally the idea though is 'you should be doing something else' not that 'you should be doing nothing.' But I think people are undecided. Some things are seen as worse than nothing (like sex work.) But even sex work is sometimes seen as better than creating other forms of online entertainment, though usually not. Sex is a huge taboo. Overproduced music is seen as soulless and when so many people are working on a project it becomes difficult to analyse individual contribution which many people dislike. Because they want to judge people based on competence.

    Not that it matters because even if what you're doing becomes relevant at some point in the future sometimes people don't get it in your lifespan or don't see it because there's so much 'stuff.' Humans do a lot of random crap and then some of the value is ambiguous or people disagree about it:

    Our culture obviously pushes people towards production both economic and reproductive. Inaction is always seen as evil/intolerable. But probably not just this culture it's more intense in our culture especially the economic part, but probably Humans do that anyway most of the time.

    When having nothing else to do, people will decide fighting to the death is better than doing nothing. Camille Paglia and Bronze Age Pervert both in a sense define matriarchy as being a state of boring survival. Where you don't strive for anything in particular.

    Quote Camille Paglia
    If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts.
    It's also quite the completely inconsistent narrative to claim that Eurasian hyper-capitalism and African cultures (of course an entire continent is referred to homogeneously,) are one and the same honestly:

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    In Africa, the men are utterly defeated and beholden to matriarchy in complicated ways: the women run all food production without the help of the men, who rely on them for the daily ration of bland sop mushed up from grains. At times to break this monotony they seek bushmeat, but they mostly live as farmers dependent on big-armed woman tending messy patch of roots. The entire social life in this area is managed through secret societies. The apparent political power is brittle and meaningless: interlocking secret societies, based on the manipulation of black and white magic, are the true source of all important decisions reached in the village and even in the cities.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    But where the Pythia had submitted to the solar and boyish manliness of Apollo, such a conquest of the power from under the earth never took place in Africa, nor in many other places. And so here as elsewhere there is a kind of matriarchy, but it works covertly, so that both the "left" and the "right" are fooled on this point. In the end then the "left" is more correct: the worship of the titanic powers of the earth, of the Great Mother, is connected to a kind of matriarchy, but where they're wrong is in imagining that this leads to any kind of freedom, that it represents a kind of liberation from the strictures of modern civilization, the pain of specialization, the submission to moral authority, the modern "alienation," and every other thing they like to blame. In fact everything that you hate about modern life and that makes it into an Iron Prison--and I agree it is a prison--represents a return of the endless sallow night of matriarchy.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    The dwellers of the valleys and tillers of the soil are the prototype for all the modern "bugmen," don?t be fooled otherwise. This is the "frame" or worldview that turns all matter and all things into mere utilities. It doesn?t need technology to do so, and never has. In primitive farming societies they will immediately execute any of the intelligent as a witch: this is still done in Africa and there is the famous Chinese saying about how the intelligent must be killed. This is always the case in much so called "primitive" life, life under the thumb of the empowered old matriarchs and the conceptual dildoes they use to clobber the heads of young men. What is worst about the modern world is the reimposition of this life, which is taking place for political and biological reasons. The problem of our time has never been with technology as such. There is no inner working of technology that inevitably leads to human subjection. The tendency exists merely because, by allowing an overwhelming increase in the numbers of the superfluous, it gives them and those who cater to them power when it is mixed with democracy
    Interesting focus there. Also there's nothing particularly intelligent about fetishising warrior/military cultures and muscle mass and hating nerds honestly. It's like the blog post on Nick Land's old deleted blog site xenosystems where he said this in 2014:

    "History's shaping itself into some nightmarish nerd-revenge narrative."

    Quote Nick Land
    Politics across the spectrum is being pulled apart by the socio-economic fission. From Neo-Marxists to Neoreactionaries, there is a reasonably lucid understanding that nerd competence is the only economic resource that matters much anymore, while the swelling grievance of preponderant obsolescing humanity is an irresistible pander-magnet. What to do? Win over the nerds, and run the world (from the machinic back-end)? Or demagogue the masses, and ride its tsunami of resentment to political power? Either defend the nerds against the masses, or help the masses to put the nerds in their place. That?s the dilemma. Empty ?third-way? chatter can be expected, as always, but the real agenda will be Boolean, and insultingly easy to decode.
    Quote Nick Land
    For the autistic nerds, the social relations that matter are those among themselves -- the productive networks which are their model for final-phase human culture in general -- along with the ever more intricate connections they enter into with technological machines. From pretty much everybody else -- whether psycho-sadistic girls, or extractive mobs and tyrannical politicians -- they expect nothing except social torture, parasitism, and bullying, mixed up with some menial services that the machines of tomorrow will do better. Their tendency is to find a way to flee.

    For the rest of humanity, exposed ever more clearly as a kind of needy detritus, bullying is all that's left. If they can't find a way to pocket the nerds' lunch-money, they won't be getting anything to eat. From this perspective, an escaping nerd is far more of an intolerable aggression than a policeman?s boot in the teeth. There's only one popular politics at the end of the road, and that's cage the nerds. Find a formulation for this which sounds both convincing and kinda-sorta reasonable, and the red carpet to power is rolled out before your feet.

    Which is it going to be? Starve the masses or enslave the nerds? There's no way this doesn?t get incredibly ugly.
    Quote Nick Land
    From the Outside in perspective, the fast track to realism on all this is to stop pretending that anybody other than nerds has anything much to offer the future. (Completely devoid of autistic nerd competences ourselves, the detachment from which we speak is impeccable.) This harsh-realist short-cut eliminates all the time-wasting on 'special' things non-nerds can do -- which somehow always end up being closely related to the task of governance (and that, as we have seen, reduces ultimately to intimidating nerds). "OK, you're not a nerd, but you?re special.? We?ve all heard that before.
    Always seems to come back to an argument about which group of people (generally which group of males,) are superfluous and expendable. Or 'detritus'

    The absolute incoherence of it all ideologically speaking in a desperate search for someone to blame for the lack of motivation and drive and also to be aligned with the right wing which means trying to find ways to identify with conservatives despite conservatives being the polar opposite of this creature:

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    I can imagine few fates worse than if we decided to "live closer to our means," to retrench and stop technological progress and innovation, to scale back to "small, integral communities," to bring back "traditional forms" in our circumstance. I understand the desires of those on the right who long for the great parts of the past, but understand this: any such attempt in the modern world, I mean to promote the small village, the rustic life, the modest life, will lead not to the reestablishment of the glories of past ages, but to the freezing of modern corruption, to its stabilization and permanence. You will get small communities run by the gynocracy, to suppress true manhood and youth, but this time with the benefit of whatever modern technology is already around. They will do so in the name of "traditional virtue." They will be Christian, maybe, but their Christianity will be a cover for Marxism in one way or another. It doesn't matter what ideology or religion or "ideals" you give them, they will still behave the way they?re born to. The problem of the modern world, as also of the degradation of the environment, isn?t technology or a way of life or an ideology, but the ubiquity and rule of a certain kind of human?. and until this problem is solved...........
    But 'right wing = male' oh no I get it. That's why Nick Land would probably claim to be on your side. This is still insane mental gymnastics.

    But he's spent a lot of time on 4chan, so he fetishises autism (more of that incoherence,) but the thing is. They have to be violent and dangerous!

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Paglia says the artist is an obsessive, with a mind close to that of a stalker or serial killer, and she is right: look at monomania of Newton, or character of people like Balzac or Baudelaire. Violent Spergs and obsessives. Our diddlers are diddlers because they lack all intensity and all faith in themselves and what they do. They?re not even nihilists, they lack all conviction in nihilism too: they just lack intensity, they?re pissed dry. This is why in this book I don't promote for you the life of the scientist, or artist, or writer, because in our age these degenerate to hobbies and ways to pass the time, and there?s no value in this. People who promote these things, without really having a reason to, are just doing this to make you harmless and to advertise to others in media or elsewhere that, they too, are harmless.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    But you would be a sperg to think that this problem can be solved by taking away women's voting power, "forcing" them into the home, or some such thing. The presence of women in public life is a spear with two tips, and can be turned on the enemy with some ease. Women, after all, can still, even in the most debased condition, be made to call on their deep passions by a great leader. They voted for Hitler, Mussolini, and many others, with some enthusiasm. The enemy who "freed" them= has made use of a great weapon: he has increased his power immensely and introduced a war into the house and life of every man. But this enemy also made a gamble and I believe, ultimately, a mistake?because women more than others will set their bodies on fire with passion for a savior and be willing to abandon the fear and love of comfort on which the modern state depends?them more than others, out of a wild and stupid enthusiasm.
    Your machinations are far too visible and it's hard to believe women voted for Hitler in the first place but presumably he was a better manipulator and hid certain things. That's not really possible now. Women used to be more conservative too and have have become less and less so with time. After the internet in fact there was a dramatic change and no need to wonder why. That's very obvious. Also Hitler was a failed artist who transformed his frustrations via conspiracy theories etc into a tyrannical disaster. So I suppose I can see why you identify with him because you're also frustrated with 'modernity' but:

    In his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described how, in his youth, he wanted to become a professional artist, but his dreams were ruined because he failed the entrance exam of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Hitler was rejected twice by the institute, once in 1907 and again in 1908.
    The correct response obviously isn't 'oh no I've failed at art academically' (as most of us have,) 'now I will stop creating and instead work to build a fascist state to try and resurrect the archetype of the warrior because I also failed at that.'

    Dali once described his obsession with Hitler to Andr? Parinaud as a strange homoerotic fantasy: I often dreamed of Hitler as a woman. His flesh, which I had imagined whiter than white, ravished me... There was no reason for me to stop telling one and all that to me Hitler embodied the perfect image of the great masochist who would unleash a world war solely for the pleasure of losing and burying himself beneath the rubble of an empire; the gratuitous action par excellence that should indeed have warranted the admiration of the Surrealists.
    Dali himself was of course a sadistic (though also masochistic, many such cases,) mental case closer to the kind of person you'd think Bronze Age Pervert would fetishise but it's unclear his opinion on Dali. He created some pretty great art imo.

    And Hitler failed to enter the military:

    Hitler continued his artwork after moving to Munich in May 1913, selling similar scenes of the city?s landmarks in shops and beer gardens. Though he eventually found several loyal, well-off customers who commissioned works from him, his progress came to a grinding halt in January 1914, when the Munich police tracked him down due to his failure to register for the military draft back in Linz.

    As Ullrich recorded, Hitler failed his military fitness exam and was declared by the examiners "unsuitable for combat and support duty, too weak, incapable of firing weapons." But he would enlist voluntarily that August, after the outbreak of World War I, ending his stint as a struggling young artist.

    In the decades that followed, Hitler's formative years in Vienna and his frustrated art career became part of the myth-making--by Hitler himself and by his followers--that helped drive his fateful rise to power in Germany. As Fuhrer, Hitler railed against modern art, calling it the "degenerate" product of Jews and Bolsheviks and a threat to the German national identity.
    Which is very interesting.

    They're all about violence because again that's what many bored minds reduce themselves to I think when they have nothing else to do. It's also the path of least resistance. Sort of like an intrusive thought about destroying others to destroy yourself. Murder suicide etc. L'appel du vide.

    And then because I know Dan would annoy the [BEEP] out of this guy I'm going to link his video where he talks about that:

    Scholars and scientists have vigorously studied these strange phenomena, which is better known as "the call of the void," or, l'appel du vide (as coined by the French). *Note: researchers/scientists will often (also) refer to this as the "high place phenomenon."

    You walked right into the web
    (It's the emptiness, the emptiness)
    You could never talk with silence like this
    (It's the emptiness, the emptiness)
    You could never stop the violence like this
    (When sentience is sensing it)
    It's the emptiness, the emptiness

    Love is a panopticon
    Opted out of options
    Satan hides no more
    Satan hides no more
    Death to your autonomy
    Searching for that person
    Satan hides no more
    Satan hides no more

    They've just taken it a step further really. Not just violence for the self either. Hell at some point or other Nick Land was fetishising female violence which is slightly unusual but right up my ally 'we need to remove the historical connection between masculinity and war'

    Quote Nick Land, Fanged Noumena
    Victorious Third World struggles, so long as they have been successfully localized, do not lead to realistic post-capitalist achievements, and certainly not to post-patriarchal ones, since the conservation of the form of the nation state is itself enough to guarantee the reinsertion of a society into the system of inhibited synthesis. For as long as the dynamic of guerilla war just leads to new men at the top ? with all that this entails in terms of the communication between individuated sovereignties - history will continue to look bleak. For it is only when the pervasive historical bond between masculinity and war is broken by effective feminist violence that it will become possible to envisage the uprooting of the patriarchal endogamies that orchestrate the contemporary world order. With the abolition of the inhibition of synthesis ? of Kantian thought - a sordid cowardice will be washed away, and cowardice is the engine of greed. But the only conceivable end of Kantianism is the end of modernity, and to reach this we must foster new Amazons in our midst. (FN: 1039)
    I assume he's moved on from this. Or at least he didn't seem overly thrilled by that transmasculine school shooter a few months ago. 'Accelerate but also don't. I dunno lol lmao. I did a lot of amphetamines once. If you like my work it means you're mentally ill.' - Nick Land.

    Oh yes and there is a song obviously (no really this song is literally about Nick Land and the accelerationist philosophy lol):

    In this quote below BAP does become somewhat Christian though (you can never really get away from that completely,) because they share a kind of 'how dare you steal God's power for yourself your creation is unworthy!' Kind of fear/viewpoint.

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    but there?s no one farther from the philosopher than the unmanly nerd, and there's no enemy more implacable of the human race and of the genius of the species, than just this nerd and everything he represents. The attempt to "mimic" life through algorithms, through the brute-force of trial-and-error, will never create either life or "consciousness"--just what would such a machine be "conscious" of?--but just that, a mimicry or parody of the middling human intellect. A mirror and exaltation of the false intellect of the nerd, that never leaves the stream of words, syllogisms, motives and desire, that is always forced and contrived, because it?s under pressure of some petty need. And it?s really grotesque. It's as if you have a girl you desire, she dies but using Big Magic you reanimate her corpse, put makeup on her, re-teach this zombi to speak, force her to copy all of her old habits, condition her like you would a pigeon to act in ways you remember and that you liked. But in the end she?s just a reanimated live-action doll, and this is grotesque. This is just what "AI" is.
    And it goes into that kind of gnostic reality about Sophia and the demiurge and whatever as well.

    After cataclysmically falling from the Pleroma, Sophia's fear and anguish of losing her life (just as she lost the light of the One) causes confusion and longing to return to it. Because of these longings, matter (Greek: hylē, ὕλη) and soul (Greek: psychē, ψυχή) accidentally come into existence. The creation of the Demiurge (also known as Yaldabaoth, "Son of Chaos") is also a mistake made during this exile. The Demiurge proceeds to create the physical world in which we live, ignorant of Sophia, who nevertheless manages to infuse some spiritual spark or pneuma into his creation.

    In the Pistis Sophia, Christ is sent from the Godhead in order to bring Sophia back into the fullness (Pleroma). Christ enables her to again see the light, bringing her knowledge of the spirit (Greek: pneuma, πνευμα). Christ is then sent to earth in the form of the man Jesus to give men the Gnosis needed to rescue themselves from the physical world and return to the spiritual world. In Gnosticism, the Gospel story of Jesus is itself allegorical: it is the Outer Mystery, used as an introduction to Gnosis, rather than it being literally true in a historical context. For the Gnostics, the drama of the redemption of the Sophia through Christ or the Logos is the central drama of the universe. The Sophia resides in all humans as the Divine Spark.[3]
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    What past ages understood by leisure is very different from what we understand. Should robots relieve mankind of labor, there won't be any flowering of the intellect or the arts or sciences. It's not enough not be free from work, because the retired and the NEET's are like this, as well as most academics and many others, but all do nothing that?s worthwhile. They?ve been reduced to a constrained and dependent state, and this is the problem.
    Striving for a sense of objectivity again something has to be objectively good art etc, and in lieu of that this manifesto just offers violence mostly. 'Go be a pirate/criminal.' 'Join the military.'

    After that point about avoiding Christian gynocracy he descends into 'they live among us' conspiracy theories about who is in control (I still haven't finished analysing all the crazy in this text lol so I get distracted everytime I go back):

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    I once knew a woman of Rockefeller branch--and let me say, this is exactly what I don?t mean by these hidden powers I?m talking about,
    you don?t know their names--but she went to vegetable shops or on subway without anyone knowing who she was, without jewelry, and had only contempt for the known rich who have to walk with retinues and bodyguards and are under constant surveillance by media and others. What could they want, then, you ask, if not to enjoy and show wealth? Just that, freedom and power, that everyone else lacks. They live outside all law and constraint, we are but the material and fodder for their hunger. Their schemes are demented: the movie Mulholland Drive revealed some of what they do, indirectly and with metaphor. They have learned how to harness various kinds of energy, for example, the kind of energy bestowed by human attention in large numbers, and to power certain kinds of machines with it. The attention that Hollywood gets is received and absorbed by a machine of great power, that amplifies it and serves some use. They founded this rite with human sacrifice and human blood, and that is what this movie is about. They know how to harness sexual energy, which is why they persecuted Wilhelm Reich but stole his technology.
    Petersonian rambling about how the right has to journey into the underworld while being least equipped to do so:

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    I give you an example of what I mean: many of the intelligence agencies are populated with Mormons. These men are chosen for their upright moral character, the fact that they pass lie detector tests, that they?re not easily compromised, and so on?all qualities that make for bad spies. To be effective in this world you must be very well acquainted with the underworld, with criminal life, with junkies, dealers, prostitutes, gamblers, with the perviest of pervs. And this is what I mean by the great down-going. To gain a true hold on the foundations of this trash-world, a certain group among the right will have to descend in this inferno. I am firmly convinced that this is the key to overturning everything that is corrupt, and the path to the great purgation.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Know that the Leviathan sustains itself not by the promotion of vice, but by its normalization. But in every normalization, a great deal must be edited out; this is its great weakness. This order of knights will keep vice true to itself. From underneath comes all the Satanic power of the Babylon we are fighting. Some men, whose bond between each other must be made of titanium, will surely come around who can descend in that world?who have the mental and spiritual resources to descend to the underworld and come back with the prize. I am sure this covenant, this brotherhood of the damned, when they are first taking steps to descend? will feel like the great mystery of things will reveal itself in its fullness to them?not the answer, ungraspable by the mind, but just this X, the madness inherent behind things will show itself as they are about to descend ?
    You can't invade the underworld and take anything from it. Only Persephone can transcend the underworld. Others just get trapped there:

    Fairy foodstuffs are mysterious. Eating or drinking within fairyland is widely accepted to be a way of ensuring that you cannot escape back to your home: you take fairy nature within yourself- and therefore you must abstain from meals whilst visiting.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Yes, to ensnare, to compromise, to corrupt, and above all to observe and to know their secrets. To descend into a floating world of complete vice, and even to engage in it--as you must if you are to thrive in this world--while keeping your head and keeping in focus the fire of your aim?isn't this a great and very difficult achievement? This path must be only for very few, very few are suited to it. But these few are to be among the greatest of the coming generation. This brotherhood will work instead to intensify vice, to stir up demonic passions, to sow total confusion in the heart of the beast.
    Quote Bronze Age
    imagine even a world where the people, under relentless assault of contradictory and wild claims, would lose all faith in the media and government and doctors and believe nothing they hear through official channels anymore. This would be an order of knights of the spirit such as exists at most every thousand years.
    Anyway Curtis Yarvin is doing exactly the same thing but if Grimes doesn't like BAP than he's doomed. He was always ultimately doomed because he'll never win over women. Because (among other reasons) right wing = male now and nobody wants to lose.

    'The only right government is military government':

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Life appears at its peak not in the grass hut village ruled by nutso mammies, but in the military state.
    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    I am concerned with the subjection of life and the suffocation of vitality. I hope to show you that things don't need to be this way, and that you don?t need to limit yourself to small things. Above all you must reach for the great aim, physical and military independence. Only the warrior is a free man. The only right government is military government, and every other form is both hypocritical and destructive of true freedom.
    I don't see how fighting/killing is really better though. That imo is actually slightly worse. Now you're not even just surviving you're just dying and destroying lol. But that's what low status/un-contentious men are driven towards if they don't find some way to sublimate their urges into something prosocial. Action is seen as better than inaction. This is important actually:

    Quote Umberto Eco, Ur Fascism
    Irrationalism also depends on the cult of action for action's sake. Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation. Therefore culture is suspect insofar as it is identified with critical attitudes. Distrust of the intellectual world has always been a symptom of Ur-Fascism, from Goering's alleged statement ("When I hear talk of culture I reach for my gun") to the frequent use of such expressions as "degenerate intellectuals," "eggheads," "effete snobs," "universities are a nest of reds." The official Fascist intellectuals were mainly engaged in attacking modern culture and the liberal intelligentsia for having betrayed traditional values.
    Also just reminded me of another Porcupine Tree song (obviously everything does so):

    A body is washed up on a Norfolk beach
    He was a friend that I could not reach
    He thought I was cold but I understand
    But for the grace of god goes another man

    And I may
    Just waste away
    From doing nothing
    But you're a martyr
    For even less
    For even less

    He switched up the lyrics live and consequently the meaning is changed:

    And I may just waste away
    From doing nothing
    but I'm a martyr
    to even less
    to even less

    But speaking of destruction. I think he's kind of asking for it here:

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    Women never loved the shopkeeper, the timid merchant with the nasal voice, and no, not even the clockmaker or craftsman. They have always loved the knight, the sailor in love with wild ideas of the sea, the adventurer and pirate. And it is right that they loved these men, and that, with the coming of the rule of the bugman, they would try to seek their "liberation" from unworthy men and the boring society they were building. That this resentment was manipulated itself by the Satanic power that rules our time, and that through this very drive for freedom woman became enslaved more than she had been before?is beside the point. You won't be able to make women "see reason" and love a "beta civilization" -- a fabrication of the HBD cuckold crowd of our time. Women will love you if you are a warrior. And they will help, through the entirely retarded mechanism of democracy, to elect men of glamor and charisma who are our only immediate hope against the machine that runs our garbage world. Trump, for all his hesitations, is only the beginning. He has shown the path insofar as woman is concerned. The mob also is a woman. Now imagine a man of Trump's charisma, but who is not merely beholden to the generals, but one of them, and able to rule and intimidate them as well as seduce the many. So far we have only had Gracchi ?but Caesars and Napoleons are sure to follow.
    Oh but I forgot you get off on being destroyed by maenads, and that's the whole reason you wrote this. It's not maenads who will destroy him though.

    And then again this guy is literally just that annoying daydrunk guy I encountered once while trying to walk to uni so lmfao:

    Quote Bronze Age Pervert
    My favorite thing is to walk around the city during the day completely plastered, on very crowded streets or on boardwalk by sea or river, with container maybe it looks like iced tea or water but is full of alcohol. At night I don?t enjoy as much, but during the day to walk around in a state of great enthusiasm and energy powered by liquor or, best of all, some kind of wine that energizes you to a great and holy rage. I don't mean really rage, because I'm laughing on the inside, but I love to walk around like this, to see the people, to accost strangers in all kinds of ways, nothing is more entertaining.
    And gosh Humans are just really neurotic about sex, I mean obviously std's are an issue but no other animal is like this. I guess because they're not capable of thinking about things to the same degree.

    I feel like Grimes is this decade's (era? Epoch?) Billy Corgan.

    We will grudgingly ignore your suck deep comments in every press release if you continue to gift us with awesome music.

    The moment the awesome music stops, we just watch the train wreck for the next 20 years.
    Lol yeah somewhat but Corgan's given up on it now lol. He's looking to inspire people more I think. Or something.

    That's how I feel about creation in general 'I'm allowed to be a trainwreck but only if some people like something I've made' even then we have so much contempt for 'consumers' that sharing anything is seen as evil in a sense 'what could that person be doing if they weren't 'consuming?' But especially if your creation doesn't fit into objective frameworks of worth/talent.

    There's also this:

    Quote Grimes
    I don't want to talk about this too much. But take the trans thing. After that, we had a big, long conversation. I was like, "I want to dissect why you're so stressed about this." Getting to the heart of what Elon says helps me get to the heart of what other people's issues are, because it's this uber guy situation. And it came down to pretty much every way that you transition can cause fertility issues. I was like, OK, you don?t hate trans people, you hate woke culture. I get that it can be annoying, and you have concerns about the fertility thing. So let's figure it out, because there?s a lot of fertility tech that could be innovated that would help trans people have kids, which would be great and would solve a lot of problems. He?s just on Twitter, and he?s unhappy with woke people, and the arguments happened.
    Grimes I have 0 faith in you after you failed to transform Elon into a catgirl and your general machiavellianism means you can't be trusted at all, but:

    Prove me wrong I guess.

    "You got all that from stumbling on those straight guys complaining about [BEEP] dating apps again?"

    Yeah it's a problem right?
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  6. #5001
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    Bronze Age Pervert is a Romanian graduate (Ph.D.) of political science from Yale btw. I knew just from reading his manifesto and tweets that he was Eastern European that was obvious, but yeah he also graduated from Yale.

    Alamariu was born in Romania in 1980 and immigrated to the U.S. with his family.[2] He attended Newton South High School near Boston, majored in mathematics at MIT, and in philosophy at Columbia University.[2] He graduated with a Ph.D. in political science at Yale, with a 2015 dissertation titled "The Problem of Tyranny and Philosophy in the Thought of Plato and Nietzsche".[2] At the universities he attended, he was active in criticizing the perceived left-wing bias of academia.[2]
    Oh look more weird [BEEP] from a subreddit I just stumbled on.

    It's pride month and colorful flags are waving across our fair land. People are celebrating acceptance, open-mindedness and love, but there's something evil percolating beneath the surface: it's Peter Thiel and his coterie of gay nazis. It's Dave Rubin trying to kill more innocent people in the Middle East. It's Costin Alamariu aka Bronze Age Pervert grooming naive boys online. It's Yuval Noah Harari trying to end humanity because he's mad that he aged out of twinkhood.
    Yes I see your point (except the last one who I don't recognise,) have done for several years now, but I disown them.

    Also they can't all be compared some are psychopaths but Dave Rubin just seems like a spineless idiot to me trying to suck up to people to save his own ass. He won't even defend his family from conservative criticism lol.

    Gay men who adore women and want to be like them are fine. Gay nazis who hate women are pure scum. Get your [I'm just going to have to remove this part] [BEEP] out of here. Nobody cares about your dumb racial theories. Stop trying to convince young straight guys that girls are wicked and grooming them with your creepy Graeco-Roman pederasty.
    If gay trans men can be ... I don't know ... Not that then gay cis men can be not that as well without 'wanting to be like women.' That type of guy has just been really fucked up generally speaking and taught to hate anything feminine from a young age, which instead of rebelling against they internalise deeply so they go from being relatively feminine at younger ages to a complete mess (and they also don't attempt to create any kind of compromise so it's just like extreme.) I mean just consider Jack Donovan:

    Donovan was born in 1974 and grew up in a blue-collar household in rural Pennsylvania.[6]: 243  He moved to New York in the 1990s to study fine art. During this period, he says that he attended and worked as a dancer at gay clubs, marched in gay pride parades, and associated with drag queens.[5][7] He later dropped out of college and became a manual laborer.[5] Donovan has also lived in California and Portland, Oregon. He has worked as a club dancer, truck driver, and tattoo artist.[6]: 243 

    Donovan is a former Satanist,[8]: 173  and became an ordained priest of the Church of Satan in 2007.[7] He left the church in 2009.[6]: 243 

    Donovan has been described as gay,[4] though he does not use the label for himself and has criticized gay culture as effeminate.[8]: 173  He has described himself as an "androphile", a term he uses to describe romance and sex between masculine men.[8]: 113  In his 2006 book Androphilia: A Manifesto, he wrote, "I am not gay because the word gay connotes so much more than same-sex desire... The word gay describes a whole cultural and political movement that promotes anti-male feminism, victim mentality, and leftist politics."[5] He removed the book from print in 2017, and has said he has "transcended both that identity and that sexuality".[9]
    But maybe sometimes they just fetishise those things too. I mean gay trans men rarely do they mostly fetishise male femininity and androgyny but obviously there's a bunch of gay cis men who fetishise hyper masculinity.

    Also think even he disowned the alt-right:

    Jack Donovan (born 1974) is an American far-right writer and activist. A self-described masculinist, Donovan was an influential figure in the alt-right until he disavowed the movement in 2017. He has at various time advocated male supremacy,[1][2] white nationalism,[3][4] fascism,[1][5] and the political disenfranchisement of women.[4] He led a chapter of the Wolves of Vinland, a Norse neopagan organization and SPLC-designated hate group, from 2014 to 2018.[1]
    Some people are gay because they're born that way, some became gay after an illicit rendezvous in their youth and some are gay because they really, really hate the female of the species. Peter Thiel and his [redacted] fellow travelers belong to the third category and are no more worthy of respect than the incel mass shooters whom they inspire.
    I don't think it's quite that simple. It makes sense that people sometimes hate people they're in competition with. Even incels (straight ones that is,) mostly shoot men. People can be both gay and misogynistic without it being why they're gay and besides that in the case of BAP he's technically denying that anyway lol.

    Also bisexuals are another matter (and more likely to hate themselves/struggle with their sexuality ime,) and Thiel is another matter. He's just living his best American Psycho life I guess. I mean there are fairly regular guys like Simon Amstell. Who you could argue falls into this category a bit (he jokes about dating a guy who had just turned 18 etc,) but speaking as someone who also likes long haired androgynous skinny guys I for one think BAP still needs to [BEEP] off. I know there's this theory that the only legit gay guys are the really feminine ones who are into very masculine guys (which I think they are referencing here) I think that's crap. It's also hypocritical considering straight guys are usually into young women. People also sometimes have a double standard here with women dating younger guys too it's weird. I mean younger adults with an age gap but at this point I think we've reached a point where everyone is demonised for age gap relationships. Besides possibly lesbian women. I haven't seen that as much. Though I can think of one anecdote where someone was being harassed for a relationship with a 30 year old by some terf but they're all batshit insane anyway.

    I guess since I'm bigender and afab you could argue that were I a cis guy I'd fall into 'wants to be a woman' but then you also have to consider my feminisation fetishes and straight > gay conversion fetish with guys, plus all the masculine competitive bs so I'm definitely part evil but I also identify as a woman partly and have that experience 😇, and then since I'm afab I'm sort of bisexual (well maybe not, but I'm sure it helps,) and I have had people believe I am a lesbian multiple times and been sexually harassed on that basis. What a mindfuck of existence this has been for me. But that's why I just say I'm non-binary instead of one or the other (among other reasons.)

    Also I think witches are based.

    Also again most of them are still straight. No I don't care that Andrew Tate said he'd maybe [BEEP] a trans woman if she looked like Megan Fox. I'm not letting you stretch the definition of 'gay' to the point of meaning 'dark triad [BEEP] boy and/or chaser. (tm)' It's like the one drop rule of male sexuality. You just notice the gay/bi ones more often because they stand out from the sexuality norm.

    You make some very good points. The Bronze Age Pervert Wikipedia is a total whitewash,however, it's worse than you can imagine. Dude is a hardcore racial supremacist and a violent misogynist and a Russian spy. He needs deporting back to [what?] and he needs it bad.

    The irony is that the Trumptards are in moral panic over "groomers" at the moment, but the call is coming from inside the house. BAP is the groomer. We found him boys, it's Costin Alamariu and he's grooming adolescent boys like it's 1300 BC.
    Yeah so it's important not to indulge in conspiracy theories lol he's pro Russia but that doesn't mean he's some kind of spy, and I'm not seeing evidence of violent misogyny (he's not that stupid,) more just misogyny in general. The race thing is also less of a focus (though he definitely seems to have hierarchical viewpoints about race but I don't think he has a superiority complex in regards to that per se.) He's an extreme nihilist with terrible taste in men (except Dionysus and Elagabalus obviously, but also including them because everyone and every God was a bit off the rails in ancient Greece,) who is probably frustrated by his own lack of masculinity and clearly lots of stuff about his life.

    Technically he's less misogynistic than Thiel or differently misogynistic since Thiel has suggested before we should strip the vote from women but BAP doesn't really believe that would be useful but he argues that's because women will en masse support guys like Hitler, Mussolini, Trump etc. Why bring these guys up unless you think they're good? They're all trash lol.

    Don't really see evidence that his content is especially targeted at teenage boys but wouldn't surprise me if they drifted towards this kind of content for the same reason they follow Andrew Tate. He's still more niche though and doesn't come in video or tiktok form so I doubt he's really reached that demo. Also he's a lot more gay than Andrew Tate so no I still don't see it (Andrew Tate talks about women and how to 'get them' a lot which is more appealing to teenage straight boys.) In fact I see a lot more shitposting:

    Oh and he's definitely bisexual not gay.

    This comment lol:

    Interpreting BAM as [BEEP] proves BAP right about entire book. You are gay and project gayness on others so you dont feel alone and weird
    No it's because he said that he had an orgasm while staring at a male statue for 3 hours this in light of everything else he does on twitter is a bit... I'll accept he 'has an extreme statue fetish that overrides base sexual orientation' but no other explanation. Either way it might not be homosexual but it's very queer.

    I always loved the statues of the kouroi. I can safely say that upon viewing such statue by myself for three hours (someone let me in to look alone in museum), I was able to ejaculate without touching myself. But I had no dirty or untoward thoughts the entire time. This experience made me wonder?if it is possible to ejaculate without touching yourself, is it possible also to will yourself to death just the same, without doing anything?
    What a healthy sounding paragraph of thoughts.

    Also it's hard to say what's going on with people like this like if you consider Camille Paglia who he keeps quoting and it's a similar kind of vibe you know although she's really closer to Jordan Peterson in some ways as well. I guess like if BAP and Jordan Peterson had an ideological child it would Paglia probably I dunno. Seems like that from what I've heard.

    They kind of overreach because they're anxious about something. In Paglia's case I think it's that she doesn't want to be overpowered or controlled by men. Possibly she feels guilty so she spends a lot of time doing the opposite and defending men like Freud's idea of reaction formation:

    In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, reaction formation (German: Reaktionsbildung) is a defense mechanism in which emotions and impulses which are anxiety-producing or perceived to be unacceptable are mastered by exaggeration of the directly opposing tendency.[1][2] The reaction formations belong to Level 3 of neurotic defense mechanisms, which also include dissociation, displacement, intellectualization, and repression.
    Lol me right now:

    OK well apparently that's disabled from embedding lol.

    1:06 in this video (they cut off the end though when she says 'can I go now?'):

    She once described men as creatures she can't stand. I guess when young, but it's not just when young she doesn't want them to have power over her and talks about being confrontational with men:

    Quote Camille Paglia
    Here's the problem. I grew up in the Fifties which was a highly conformist era and I had, there's no doubt, a massive gender dysfunction. My particular aggressive personality was completely out of sync with what was expected of a young girl at that time. I thought I was probably a boy. I was also attracted to women when I was very tiny. Then when puberty hit, suddenly my body changed. Boom] I found myself attracted to creatures I couldn't stand.

    I still don't get along with men as erotic partners, but the point is my body became attracted to male bodies. I've dated men, I just haven't had relationships with them. My problem with men I guess would have to be called a political problem.I can mate perfectly well with men on a physical level; I'm very attracted on a physical level. But I don't fall in love with them; I'm not involved with them emotionally. I'm one of the strangest mutant creatures on the face of the earth.

    I'm honest enough to admit that mother nature wants my body to mate with men. I resisted it. To me, that's the rebellion of feminism. But just because we don't want to be under the power of men, does not mean that we have to continue to say penises are silly, penises are ugly.

    "That's why sex with men is so hot. You get the best sex from men. Actually, if you pretend you're not so dominant. It's so easy to make men wilt - if feminists don't realise that, they are stupid. What I see is a worldwide conspiracy by women to protect men from the knowledge of their own limitations. Men are very, very simple beings. They just want approval and attention. You pat them on the head and they go and conquer the North Pole. But they are desperate. They are exiles from the world of intimacy. Their confidence is utterly frail . They need daily maintenance".

    Professor Camille Paglia is shrieking this at me and having ignored the male photographer in the room, acknowledges him for the first time. "The life of men is one of anxiety" she continues. She never stops talking. I catch his eye. He fiddles with his equipment.

    Its 1992 and I am in Professor Camille Paglia's office which is wall to wall pictures of Madonna and stickers that say things like "I don't have PMS -- I am a Natural Bitch" while she machine guns me with her philosophy. She talks faster than Scorsese. She remains one of the rudest, crudest ,scariest and hilarious people I have ever interviewed.
    On David Bowie:

    He had been a "staggering influence" on her, a living embodiment of her interest in androgyny in art and literature.

    He loved her work too, naming Sexual Personae as one of his favourite books. He tried to get in touch with her but it did not work out. She is not sad about that "With artists of such towering stature, it's best to keep a respectful distance."
    She has this kind of insecurity that pops up despite her general aggressive self confidence on certain topics. Like she wouldn't want to have met David Bowie, and she also doesn't think she's attractive to women (she now stalks them mostly from a distance):

    "Well," says Paglia, looking a bit surprised, "I just want to look passable."

    But "passable" surely isn't the point. It might be for me, or for any number of us, but for the woman who wrote Sexual Personae, and Sex, Art and American Culture, and Vamps and Tramps, the woman, in fact, whose entire body of work suggests that history, culture and the whole of "civilisation" is based around the sexual allure of women, "passable" can never be the point. She is, after all, in London to talk about Hitchcock's "dazzling" women", and the "agonised complexity" of the response they provoke. So what, I ask, about her looks in relation to the sexual marketplace?

    "I feel," says Paglia, with a laugh that sounds just a little bit nervous, "completely outside the arena". She was, she reminds me, with the artist Alison Maddex for 14 years. They had a child (Maddex's child) and they're now "harmonious co-parents" who live two miles apart. "My romantic life," she says "is non-existent. Except," she adds, in the way that maybe only she could add, "that, for the past four years, I've had a kind of cult for a Brazilian superstar." The "superstar" is the singer Daniela Mercury. Paglia went to Brazil to give a lecture and fell in love with the music, and the star. Mercury is happily married, and the relationship is platonic. And, says Paglia, "voyeuristic". Fans post phone footage of their idol on the web, so she can, she says, "follow exactly what she's doing every day".

    Before Paglia met Maddex, and before she started stalking Brazilian superstars, she used to get regular applications for the post of her girlfriend. Maddex applied and got it. Is she still getting applications? For a moment, she is actually tongue-tied. "I, er, there's absolutely no one I can remotely imagine being interested in me." What? The woman who has said she sees herself as the heir to Oscar Wilde and Dorothy Parker can't imagine anyone being "interested" in her? "My problem," she says, "is that I do not get along with lesbians at all. They don't like me, and I don't like them."
    On Google for that other page I was quoting it says this but it's not on this page so I guess the author of that post removed that later? It's confusing:

    She told me that she was now bisexual because she couldn't find anyone to sleep with. She screamed this at the photographer too.
    Like she talked a lot about being bisexual but she also had or has weird ideological beliefs about bisexuality:

    Bisexuality is our best hope of escape from the animosities and false polarities of the current sex wars. Whether or not we can put it into practice, bisexuality is a great pagan ideal. (p. 94)

    The real revolution will come when we are free of the false dichotomy of gay/straight and when bisexual responsiveness is accepted as the universal norm. (p. 105)
    My experience (I've said this over and over now lol,) is that people who don't neatly fall into the category of straight or gay tend to be struggling a lot more in life and that's backed up by statistics so I wouldn't really romanticise it.

    I get the idealism though 'What if I'm not broken and I have a purpose?' Non-binary/genderqueer people do the same thing. Well that's more a thing of the the 90s I guess, since now we just mostly have endless debates about whether you can be bigender and use the label lesbian if you're exclusively attracted to women and things like that. "Men are dangerous." And whatever is happening here lol:

    #mood #if u thought my bigender [BEEP] wouldve ever submitted. i must laugh
    #isolate trans men all you want the second inner me is on my side on this one lmao. she'd come out if she wanted to deal w yall
    [... there were a lot of tags]
    #ig you can keep believing i divorced myself from my fem half but really she just finds many other fems typically rancid
    #she also! thinks that yall treat men like [BEEP] and need to fix it and wont reveal herself ever till you do
    #so keep that in mind terfs. you ever wanna see me 'act like a girl' again ya gotta respect men and respect me e
    #existing and then maybe she'll come out if she thinks you're not just respecting men and me just to see her
    #not that id ever become a girl again just incase you wanted to misinterpret my words
    #just that both me is going to exist equally but one of me will go invisible if you dont respect the other
    [...many more tags]
    🤣 the fucking bolded part.

    No but they should.

    What do they even think boy means? Why would you call yourself 'boygirl' if you weren't a guy? Personally also don't like the words boy and girl since I'm 32 but yeah.

    Also I don't give a [BEEP] about getting into lesbian spaces myself I'm not a lesbian (seems like a bit of a hypothetical since bisexual women are going to get in most of the time regardless.) But they extend this to female spaces. So if you identify as a man you're not allowed in female spaces. OK then what if men take the same approach and you're bigender. Non-binary people who aren't bigender can be in all these spaces according to this logic but bigender people can't go in any. OK. It's funny how that worked out. Tbh... Single sex spaces that are female only make me a bit uncomfortable anyway usually if an environment is mostly female vs mostly male then I'd prefer the latter though I'm OK with women one on one. But I do need to use public toilets sometimes you know and given my physical appearance it's easier to use the female one without question.

    It doesn't matter though since this is all bs lol. It's annoying sometimes if you want to find something about bigender people which isn't just some version of that debate. But depends when you look.

    see, you're proving what i said in the post. i am 100% a man, a boy, a male, a masc aligned person, whatever. i am also 100% a woman and fem aligned person. i shouldn't be allowed into a community of women? i AM a woman. i AM a fem aligned person. why are nonbinary people who are neither accepted, but not nonbinary people who are both?
    i noticed you said that the entire point of having a "safe space" is to get away from men. so many people in the [BEEP] community see men as inherently unsafe, violent, aggressive, etc. this is gender essentialism - radfem rhetoric. men are the enemy, and out to get you, just because they're a man. not based on their behavior, or the choices they make, just being a man (which they cannot control) makes them the enemy. simply the act of being a man makes them unsafe to be allowed in "women's spaces", even if they themselves are a woman. but even if they aren't women, manhood is not inherently evil.

    but this doesnt just apply to the whole "men can't be lesbians" discourse. why are we separating "spaces" based on gender to begin with? transgender people have been hurt by this for a long time. why are we trying to force nonbinary people to conform to what we think nonbinary people SHOULD look like?

    the [BEEP] community tries to separate gender into three neat little boxes: masc, fem, and neither. you've said it yourself, people who are neither are welcome in lesbian spaces, or whatever other gendered spaces. but people who are both AREN'T. that's what my original post was about. being nonbinary isn't just a Third Gender. some people are genuinely just agender, but there are so many other ways to be nonbinary. this idea of "fem aligned people" vs "masc aligned people", with masc aligned people being the enemy and unsafe and not allowed in the girls only club- uh i mean fem aligned people club- just sounds like gender roles and gender essentialism with a "progressive" label on top of it.
    Also lol (not the above person):

    as a bisexual with a complicated gender identity, i just think that's so sexy and intellectual of me actually. if you are also a bisexual with a complicated gender identity just know we should be sharing a nomination for a nobel prize rn.
    Camille Paglia? Is that you?

    Anyway there's a lot of contradictory elements with her thought process. Some of what she says is relatable to me of course because I also hate women being infantilised/controlled. I don't agree with the misogynistic stuff she says or many of her other weird opinions about sexuality.

    Also though if you haven't come across this type of personality. I could see why you might think someone claiming they're gay is just a way to insult them or something.

    Everyone is just saying the same [BEEP] over and over so even when you read something new it's really often the same AHHHHHHH lol. Omg. OK.
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    Something about this is clowns with knives.
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    He signed that 'declaration for women's rights' thing that included a section which stated a commitment to blocking research into male gestation etc which I thought was a very shitty thing to do. Not very 'scientific' either. Not that I was a fan of his or really had any particularly high opinion of him before that.

    Nobody who brings up sex in this argument is debating/arguing in good faith so I just dismiss anyone who makes the claim that trans people are talking about sex when they say man or woman. People who do that aren't actually arguing against anything trans people are saying. They've been arguing against that strawman for years.

    Also he's obnoxiously pompous. It's a really annoying personality type + his class and there's lots of figures like this in the UK but it's worse when they're also just wrong and biased.

    Oh god now Helen Joyce is talking about heteronormativity lol.

    'One of the things that's happening is a long run maybe 2-3 century move'
    Oh good so you know some reactionary bs is coming.

    towards seeing categories and classification as inherently oppressive.
    No I don't think so. We actually have far more classifications now then we did even 40 years ago.

    What's happening here is that you don't like the classifications and there's disagreement about classifications lol.

    The whole argument here is literally just this:

    Should society be segregated by sex and when? Some people think nothing should be, some people think basically everything should be segregated by sex and lots of people are somewhere in between.

    So people think heteronormative is a bad thing. Or they think that the traditional family is constraining and they miss the point that these things often when I say evolved I don't mean evolutionary biology I mean they came to be over a significant amount of time for a reason and they're supportive as well as constraining.
    OK so just to be clear this is the definition on wikipedia:

    Heteronormativity is the concept that heterosexuality is the preferred or normal mode of sexual orientation.[1] It assumes the gender binary (i.e., that there are only two distinct, opposite genders) and that sexual and marital relations are most fitting between people of opposite sex.

    Heteronormativity creates and upholds a social hierarchy based on sexual orientation with the practice and belief that heterosexuality is deemed as the societal norm.[2]

    A heteronormative view, therefore, involves alignment of biological sex, sexuality, gender identity and gender roles. Heteronormativity has been linked to heterosexism and homophobia,[1][3] and the effects of societal heteronormativity on lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals have been described as heterosexual or "straight" privilege.[4]
    Yeah I disagree with this hierarchy. Cope I guess lol.
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    LOL 'No one checks Tahiti' though I randomly decided to watch I Was a Male War Bride a month or two ago and the main female character in that wasn't like that.

    There aren't many short clips on YouTube. This one is near the beginning so not really spoilers:

    It isn't that old though - 1949. What I find amusing about it is that if this film was made today I'm fairly sure someone would describe it as woke and there would be a lot of discourse and criticism about the lead female character.

    "I've been accused of promoting Women's Lib, and I've denied it, emphatically. It just happens that that kind of a woman is attractive to me."

    Apparently it's a type:

    In film theory, the "Hawksian woman" is a character archetype of the tough-talking woman, popularized in film by director Howard Hawks through his use of actresses such as Katharine Hepburn,[1] Ann Dvorak, Rosalind Russell,[2] Barbara Stanwyck,[3] and Angie Dickinson.[4] The best known Hawksian woman is probably Lauren Bacall, who iconically played the type opposite Humphrey Bogart in To Have and Have Not and The Big Sleep.[5][6] The archetype was first identified by film critic Naomi Wise in 1971.[7][8]
    I generally don't enjoy older films (before maybe the 1970s,) because I find it difficult to watch black and white films and just a general disinterest.
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    I like the way the world looks without glasses. It's fuzzy and I don't have to see the ugly details. I especially like that I don't see people's eyes looking at me. For years (most of my life actually lol), I only wore my glasses to watch TV. I'm only wearing them daily now because I have to or my eyesight will get worse from squinting. It's weird seeing the world so detailed. The moon and stars look cool.
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    The kids who posted this probably never thought they would be the literal definition of 2000's nostalgia ten years later.
    No this is really weird/too soon etc.

    if you were a teenager during this era, I'm EXTREMELY jealous of you.
    Well barely since I was 19 in 2010.


    Why was I suggested this?

    The fact that YouTube recommended this to everyone 12 years later.

    They really wanted to show the new generation what it looked like to be a teen back in the day..
    April 2011 was not a good hair era for me.. And I have a serial killer expression in this one photo I found lol.

    I think this digital overpainting I did of a photo is probably the most 'scene' I ever looked with one possible exception. I was never part of that subculture or had any interest in it though. This was sometime around 2010-2012 I would say so probably about 20-21 years old then anyway:


    Might have to remove that later...

    The one time I actually had an emo haircut in August 2009 I wasn't actually dying my hair lol. It looked cool after it was cut and then it was significantly less cool after I next washed it lol because I didn't really know how to maintain that. Actually might have had a sort of emo cut before then not sure but I have a video of then so remember (I was in someone's YouTube collab video lol.. Nothing about this was something to do with the Japanese language.) It was similar to this cut but a bit longer and brown because I didn't dye my hair then:

    That was the last time I went to get my haircut professionally I think. After that I just started cutting my hair myself. I started dying my hair myself because I initially went to get it done professionally and the people who worked at the place I went to tried to talk me out of getting it dyed unnatural colours because they said they liked my natural hair because it 'had red highlights in certain lighting' or something like that and they thought it would probably grow back a different colour so I ended up not getting it dyed there and just later started dyeing it myself and then a bit after that bleaching + dying. It's also cheaper to do it yourself anyway. My hair is still basically the same dark colour that some people think is black and it still has red highlights in bright sunlight. As a child my hair was blond but it's pretty much been the same colour throughout my teen years onwards.

    Someone who knew me at the time just described my general look as rainbow punk (this image isn't particularly representative of it.)

    It is nostalgia, i love the y2k style screw the new stuff
    Do they know y2k was like 2000 not 2010 lol? omg. Like this:

    Actually Hackers came out in 1995 lol but I watched it in about 2001 and it's so iconic.


    Honestly everyone has been dying their hair for about 20+ years not much has changed in that sense.

    Whats crazy is that this was back when emo bands were still around, but not as popular as they were in 2005 / 2006.
    Emo wasn't big in the late 2000s/early 2010s at all (also I prefer stuff from like the 90s-2004 really but some stuff later than that was decent,) and most of the people in that video wouldn't really be described as emo stylistically (most of those photos are 'scene.') There was that Blood on the Dance Floor band who were absolutely awful as I've said before. I started clubbing a lot from 2009-2011~ and aside from rock/metal clubs mostly it was stuff like this. She warned us all:

    Lady Gaga obviously:

    2009 is when I discovered The Birthday Massacre so I was listening to them a lot in my first year of uni and thought they were pretty great at the time. This was the first song I listened to and this exact video:

    This is really great:

    They're still pretty great but I saw them live in I think 2016 and they were OK I guess but not the best band I've seen live by far.

    Uni was fun but that era doesn't really make me that nostalgic now. Mostly I think of some time around 2002-2006~ even though I was dealing with a lot of [BEEP] in school. It's further removed from the social media era since by the time I was in uni Facebook had taken off so everyone would post and take photos of everyone in bars/clubs etc and it was fairly similar to now. Also the music I listened to in the 90s and early 2000s is the most nostalgic. Speaking of that I was eating with some of my family at this place recently (just being super vague lol,) and this song came on and it was the first time I'd heard it in a really long time. I used to hear it a lot as a kid:

    There was a Radiohead song playing too lol I don't remember which one but it doesn't really matter because you know what the mood is going to be if I say Radiohead lol.

    Crowded House had some great songs that I somehow listened to from a variety of albums in the 90s. I guess either my dad had a greatest hits CD (I might have heard some of their music elsewhere too like at a disco or something but I don't think so,) or he just listened to the singles or those are the only ones that stuck in my mind.

    You eventually run out of personal nostalgia though if you listen to the music often enough like with Nirvana for example. That doesn't really matter these days though because everyone just develops false nostalgia.

    So I wonder to what extent reactionary politics are inspired by loneliness because nostalgia is in general.

    Shut up , I was born in 2013 😭😭😭😭😭 life sucks , I wish I was born in 2000
    It's just weird to see someone as young as 10 posting on YouTube videos lol.

    Actually no it's not just weird. This is incredibly depressing. I can't imagine ever having a thought like this as young as 10. I wasn't really online at 10 so will have to skip ahead slightly lol to when I was 11 and joining mafias in habbo hotel etc. Omg there's a video essay now lol:

    You know when your online game has reached peak realism when a mafia forms and there's corporate corruption

    Tbf a lot of that was larping back when I used it and I don't remember scamming anyone (lots of people did though.) Got banned many times for 'flooding' in trade rooms, circumventing swear filters, and I used to break another rule about 'cloning' (think that was a rule) it was incredibly easy to make any room I wanted go to the top of the popular list I found. Oh I did do or almost did something else really messed up once on habbo but won't go into that and isn't related to the video topic anyway.

    This game is a fucking incredible representation of life in a way. You can take kids with no knowledge of anything bad and they will develop everything including a mafia, scams, politics, power, currency, gambling, and everything else. This is incredible
    It was never really a game it was a 3D chatroom. People created games though like maze rooms and falling furni' etc.

    Kids these days whining about generations instead of joining online criminal enterprises.

    Anyway even people who were miserable or edgy weren't really thinking about the past.

    Oh yeah and Americans have to wait till they're 21 to legally drink. That's insane to me lol. In the UK we also mostly have 3 year undergraduate degrees (some degrees are 4 years I think rarely or have work placements that mean they go on 4 years but mostly 3.) So like you'd be finished by the time you can legally drink lol.
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  12. #5007
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    Flying to the Carribean to fulfil your lifetime dream of "giving birth on a beach", is one of the stupidest dreams I have ever heard of. Personally, I'd rather give birth I'm a hospital, or at least where an ambulance could get to me rather than on a boat in the middle of the ocean, given that childbirth can end up being dangerous.

    Bit of research on Google would have told them that -

    a) You need a witness outside of the parents to get a birth certificate in that carribean island.
    b) What is needed to prove that UK nationality has been passed down to the child born abroad (and if both parents were born outside the UK, they're in for a shock, the child is not a UK citizen, but let's assume at least one of them was.)
    c) That flights booked at short notice during the school holiday season are going to cost a lot more than the flight you booked to get to St Lucia.
    d) That a passport is needed to travel between countries and enter the UK. Actually, the last one shouldn't have needed to be researched, because it's one of those things that is obvious. (Well, apparently not.)

    It's also very funny that they've gone to pretty much every single newspaper in the UK to moan about how it is everybody else's fault and they've been "abandoned" by the UK Embassy during a crisis of there own making, and pretty much everyone is slamming them for it. So, maybe it will sink for them.

    And I'm fairly sure the UK Embassy's hands are kind of tied here. I mean, I don't doubt they're generally useless in a crisis, but, they can't issue out passports to people who they don't know for certain are citizens? Not to mention I'm sure there is a million laws regarding child abduction that mean they can't just issue a passport to a baby on a say so. And they're not going to give you funds to bail you out of a situation of your own making, and nor should they.

    Edit - and to make matters worse they abandoned the eight year old kid they already had so they could fulfil the odd dream.

  13. #5008
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Actually no it's not just weird. This is incredibly depressing. I can't imagine ever having a thought like this as young as 10. I wasn't really online at 10 so will have to skip ahead slightly lol to when I was 11 and joining mafias in habbo hotel etc. Omg there's a video essay now lol:

    This channel is incredibly niche lol. There are only 4 videos all from 3-4 years ago and the theme is like: crime and capitalism in video games and Habbo Hotel:

    Upload some damn videos bro, man made like $10000 in one video and decided to duck out, strike while the iron is hot
    I... Don't think they have a realistic view of how much money you make per view on YouTube lol. Unless they said they made that much I'd doubt it.

    30,000~ views is somewhere between about 50-100 pounds ime for a 30-40 minute video.

    It's somewhat inconsistent you can have a video with 24-25k~ views that's worth about 50 pounds while having another that's worth about 18k because it also depends on how many ads you place on the video. I'm using actual examples from my channel comparing low + high number of ads.

    Also depends on what genre of video you make I think how much advertisers pay. This varies over time and if you look at different lists they'll have different stuff ranked in different orders. So here's a list I just found quickly from June 2023:

    Gaming is 10th (his channel is prob listed as gaming for advertising purposes,) also this infographic is sort of misleading cpm isn't how much you get per 1k views. This is how much advertisers are willing to pay and it also seems a little low:

    Cost per mille (CPM) refers to the money an advertiser pays for every 1,000 times their ad is displayed. Whereas revenue per mille (RPM) measures the revenue that every 1,000 ad impressions generate. Both CPM and RPM provide publishers important insights into advertising revenue and shape their publishing strategies.
    My rpm atm (revenue for 1k views,) is about 2.52 pounds not dollars. So $3.20. A video I found listing stuff from 2022 has the rpm for gaming at $5. It's been about 5-6 pounds before I think on my channel, so like $6.35 - $7.62 not sure what the high end is really though since I'm not looking at that all the time.

    So anyway if you have a gaming video that's about a million views that might be approx. 1650 - 3300 pounds. In dollars something like: $2,094 - $4,189. I wouldn't trust me on that though because I'm bad at maths. (No I don't have any videos with a million views lol. My brother has a video with like 2 million views in the gaming niche but that's from like 10 years ago back when people still joined networks often etc and you would earn less back then and he lost partnership ages ago because they introduced a watch time requirement.)

    10k seems a bit much though generally speaking.

    Even when I was on it as a 13 year old (and never spending any real money), something felt very dark about this game. The weirdest story I have is when I entered a room and started speaking old English, so people started listening to me and thinking I was like some religious figure or something and then this 18-year-old started messaging me for advice about whether he should convert to Islam in order to marry his long-term girlfriend 😂I freaked out a little and told him I was just a 13-year-old kid so the conversation ended pretty quickly after that.
    Very few people who ever used Habbo don't have at least one fucked up story either involving themself or others it seems.

    Does anyone remember dressing like a baby and getting 'adopted' and then your adoptive parents would give your furniture
    Why did i do this lmaoo
    Yeah I adopted multiple people at one point but then would just abandon them later lol like probably the next time I was online even because I'd be bored/finished with the game. Also this is related to the messed up thing I mentioned since I decided to roleplay being abusive at one point and pretended to rape someone as well I think (I can't remember if they left the room before then or not.) I don't even know why (I like tricked them into coming to this one room like it was this creepy premeditated thing. Like serial killer instincts. Freaks me out knowing that's inside me somewhere,) and I actually blocked that out and randomly remembered a few years ago. But because it's virtual and 3D you kind of get tricked into thinking of it like a game (or it exists in this kind of inbetween state where rules are more lax in your brain,) while it's actually sort of real because there's someone on the other side. I did this as a young teenager with other young teenagers but I'm not surprised by those news reports talking about all the pedos because it would be very easy for them to blend in.

    Oh I see I wasn't alone:

    i remember being adopted, them getting abusive and ultimately they made me become a dog? Habbo was wild.
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  14. #5009
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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Even when I was on it as a 13 year old (and never spending any real money), something felt very dark about this game. The weirdest story I have is when I entered a room and started speaking old English, so people started listening to me and thinking I was like some religious figure or something and then this 18-year-old started messaging me for advice about whether he should convert to Islam in order to marry his long-term girlfriend 😂I freaked out a little and told him I was just a 13-year-old kid so the conversation ended pretty quickly after that.
    Very few people who ever used Habbo don't have at least one fucked up story either involving themself or others it seems.

    Does anyone remember dressing like a baby and getting 'adopted' and then your adoptive parents would give your furniture
    Why did i do this lmaoo
    Yeah I adopted multiple people at one point but then would just abandon them later lol like probably the next time I was online even because I'd be bored/finished with the game. Also this is related to the messed up thing I mentioned since I decided to roleplay being abusive at one point and pretended to rape someone as well I think (I can't remember if they left the room before then or not.) I don't even know why (I like tricked them into coming to this one room like it was this creepy premeditated thing. Like serial killer instincts. Freaks me out knowing that's inside me somewhere,) and I actually blocked that out and randomly remembered a few years ago. But because it's virtual and 3D you kind of get tricked into thinking of it like a game (or it exists in this kind of inbetween state where rules are more lax in your brain,) while it's actually sort of real because there's someone on the other side. I did this as a young teenager with other young teenagers but I'm not surprised by those news reports talking about all the pedos because it would be very easy for them to blend in.

    Oh I see I wasn't alone:

    i remember being adopted, them getting abusive and ultimately they made me become a dog? Habbo was wild.
    This news report was some years after I stopped using it. I think probably one of the last times I logged in I was 18 or something in 2009~ and even then it was mostly just for nostalgia purposes and very rarely.

    Lol I love how there's even a debate/question as to whether some of the people interacting sexually are teenagers? Of course some of the sexual stuff is teenagers with other teenagers. That being said if they're asking for like off site cam videos etc that's sus.

    Ftr my first 'sexual experiment' wasn't on Habbo it was with a boy who was in the year below me at school when I was 8. I didn't really know what I was doing then though and I didn't learn any definition of what sex was until I was 10 (initially I learnt about anal sex because some girl learnt that from her brother and spoke about it, then later piv and sexual reproduction in a clinical sense and that kind of grossed me out. My mum made me and my brother watch these video tapes since at that point I kept asking questions about reproduction etc.) So with that boy I was kind of playing around and just basically gave him a sort of lap dance I guess with no underwear but I quickly became uncomfortable a bit later when he asked me to do it again and tried to block that out. I always prefer having control I guess. Listening to people's anecdotes it seems a lot of kids do something like this in childhood like I was watching a video with this lesbian couple and this one woman said in primary school she'd shove socks down her trousers and pretend to hump people. I think it's easy to develop a lot of self disgust about sexuality because of the way culture is and because it demonises even teenagers from experimenting.

    People talk a lot about why Millennials and even more so gen Z just don't have sex as adults or have kids etc and I think it was a weird time to grow up where there was a lot of alarm about everything because of the internet. This was also a time of general overprotective parenting in the 90s and 2000s following on from all the serial killer stories etc I think (and this fear got worse in the 2010s due to stuff I discuss later in the post.) Sometimes this overprotectivenss came from parents who had had unpleasant experiences or had been on the receiving end of sexual abuse themselves. We were taught that sex and sexual desires are dangerous and wrong and should be avoided. And that's just being relatively normal and vanilla potentially. If you're kind of weird like I obviously was/am with various fetishes, then you're going to internalise the idea that you're evil even more because you learn at a very young age not to talk to people about those topics and just keep it to yourself. Obviously teenagers are reading/watching porn etc as well online. Whether that's porn videos, gifs, fanart, fanfiction, original erotic stories, recreating stuff in The Sims, etc.

    This video feels like it was made 07-10 yet it was was made in 2012. 2012 feels the same to me and not that long ago at all yet when you look back it you realise no one dresses like those kids anymore.
    The stylistic change you're thinking about happened in about 2015/2016 so yes they would do. But also this is the UK (I don't know where commenter is from.)

    Kids do a lot worse on Instagram these days. Hoeing themselves out. Habbo was innocent and perfectly safe with minor exceptions!!
    Tbh I wouldn't say so for the reasons outlined in that other guy's videos it's just a different kind of unhealthy viewpoint it pushed. Like it encourages gambling and exploiting people in general but it's interesting to note that that wasn't really top down it's just how people behave without rules and guidance. It's true that you don't post images/videos etc of yourself and you were always anonymous. At least that was true for most people and during the 2000s people were constantly warning kids to be careful of people online in a way that I doubt they are as much now since people just post photos everywhere. That would have been advised against when I was younger. Although I did post some photos of myself on a fashion livejournal community when I was 16. But also I wasn't on Habbo during it's peak if 2012 was it's peak.

    Actually I talked to people I met irl on Habbo too. I had this long distance friendship with this boy I met in France who I'd talk to on Habbo for a few years. That was complicated romantically at times too. He wasn't from France but we lived significantly far away in England (97 miles,) that we never met and it's this image again:

    "The difference between America and England is that Americans think 100 years is a long time, while the English think 100 miles is a long way."

    Comments are all like the ones below lol. I have no idea what happened because wasn't paying attention to this at the time + they deleted my account around that time anyway because I wasn't checking an old email account and they delete inactive accounts after a while. Sucks because I had a lot of furni etc and a virtual pet cat lol.

    The media ruins everything.
    June 2012 - The month channel 4 news destroyed Habbo Hotel. R.I.P.
    You killed Habbo Channel 4. It was safe, you just muted or reported players and got them banned. Thanks for ruining our childhood, this hotel was amazing
    I'll never forgive you for this. Killed almost the entire fanbase, most switched to retro. It'll never be the same again..
    Thank you for ruining habbo
    I'll forever hold a grudge against C4 for this
    Olowe07 was an idiot. The girl was saying that Habbo has sufficient facilities to simply block and delete people that made you feel uncomfortable and he went on to say that they could use pictures against you. If you were to block them straight away how would they get any revealing pictures?
    That emo kid does my absolute head in!
    same, the way he was so against it yet he played since 2007, clown
    Honestly I was trying to be sympathetic/understanding but he's irritatingly cop brained lol.

    This is around the time gamergate happened and there was an increasing puritan backlash about sexualised characters in video games and situations happening in video games (like pretending to rape people etc.) As this Shoeonhead video shows with 'eerily realistic' I do think stating it was realistic was going a bit far at the time lol:

    This was happening before then but the focus was more on violence than sexuality before and it was also mostly traditional religious conservatives behind it while in the early 2010s feminists and progressives took over.

    Puritans always ultimately win though so it's difficult to navigate the topic without seeming evil and deeply taboo. I was told to kill myself over and over for a solid month and to go and do porn merely for posting a study without comment that the issue with porn addiction for most guys was their own guilt about it rather than genuine addiction. You're not really allowed to talk about this sort of thing with some people without being Satan himself (but she was a terf troll and had personal issues with me anyway lol.) Obviously it's not OK for adults to be trying to get images/videos of underaged people and shouldn't be trying to interract with underaged teenagers in this context anyway but I feel that people get really hysterical about this topic. 'Shouldn't you be innocent and desexualised until you magically hit 18?' No that's not how Humans work.

    Quote Jon Snow the interviewer
    Do you think perhaps in a virtual sense you were sexualised before you ever would have been irl?
    Quote Jon Snow the interviewer
    You say there's lots of places like this on the web and you can't regulate it anyway isn't this stealing your innocence? You're having experiences in the Habbo Hotel which me at 15 I mean I can't imagine.
    Quote that 'emo' boy/Olowe07
    Young people being sexualised I think is a very big part of this and whether it's right to have two young people even of the same age engaging over an avatar to try and- [he gets cut off then]
    I just don't think it's very realistic with biology to expect teenagers not to experiment at all? You know considering the increase of sex drive during these years.

    Also there's a kind of weird gendered thing going on here in this interview like I don't remember anyone sexualising me in Habbo and I often had a female avatar. I was the problematic one as described (I mean this wasn't something I did all the time it was a couple of occasions,) despite being genetically female too. In fact even my first experience with 'experimenting' irl was initiated by me. Any discomfort that came later was really my own fault. The only person irl who initiated sexual stuff or made harassing comments in that vein + groped me before university was this girl who bullied me for most of my childhood trying to 'prove I was a lesbian' etc. Any harassing comments I got weren't sexual more of the 'you worship Satan because you look alternative' variety lol. There were only 2 guys throughout my entire teen years (well before 18/before I went to uni,) who were into me as well. One of them was autistic and kept touching my leg at one point when I was 16 I think? Which made me uncomfortable.

    Definitely there were girls at my school who were obviously getting a lot of sexual attention and wore thongs to school etc that they showed off, but I wasn't ever doing that because I didn't want attention. I'm not saying it can't happen otherwise for example if you seem gender non-conforming girls might sexually harass you instead. Also girls will do really weird [BEEP] like at one point in secondary school this girl was going around try to ping people's bra straps through the back of their t-shirts to see who was wearing a bra. After that I had to start wearing bras to P.E. because it was seen as a huge deal and I didn't like wearing them at that age. Imagine if that was a guy and how inappropriate that would be viewed. Plus guys sexually harass gender non-conforming people to try and 'correct' them and because it's a kind of powerplay but I was lucky in that regard.

    Also if you're in the care system you're more likely to be sexually abused and there were several scandals of rape gangs and pedophiles in the UK which imo was a much bigger issue that was just being covered up at this time honestly in favour of talking about.. Video games? I think some of this period overlapped as well though and kind of increased the attitudes I'm talking about and fear. But it's ironic because most of this was not happening in games it was happening and organised irl, being covered up by authorities. Video games have just always been something people displace their fear and anger onto. Perhaps because it feels easier to control I don't know.

    Unfortunately in response to this you just have increasing fascism like I say.
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  15. #5010
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    Honestly weather wise this has been the worst summer I can recall in living memory. At least I went to that Porcupine Tree concert at the end of June and the weather was decent but after that it's been [BEEP] most of the time aside from like 1-2 days. I'm hoping it picks up soon so I can go to a beach/sea. It's supposed to but the weather is really unreliable. At this point I might just go anyway one day and say [BEEP] it as long as the temperature isn't too bad and there isn't a thunderstorm I'll just go in the sea anyway.

    At least we're not dealing with this in the UK atm:

    Apparently 1000+ people are missing.

    Les Munn went outside to take out the trash. He chatted with his neighbours about the "strange wind", the gusts growing so fast and so loud they could barely hear each other speak.

    They speculated, incorrectly, that the dust and ash in the air was due to construction. The group separated, peeling off into their separate units in the apartment block.

    Suddenly, the building's smoke alarms began ringing. Residents emptied out of their apartments. Outside, embers had begun igniting the brush around them.

    "At that point everybody started to panic," Munn said.

    Munn ran back inside and tried to grab his wallet, but the heat and smoke forced him to flee with nothing but the clothes on his back. Everything went black. Choking on smoke, he fled to the only thing he could see, the blue lights of a police car, and dove into its back seat.

    Munn hadn't heard a siren alerting him to the fire, and he hadn't received official notice to evacuate. Of the more than two dozen Lahaina evacuees who spoke to the BBC, no one did.
    Tenison watched as a friend's large home was incinerated. "His house went up in 10 minutes. Two-storey house, eight bedrooms? poof," he said. "It just levelled the whole town."

    As he ran to safety in the town's Safeway grocery store, Tenison saw three bodies. "People were already dead," he said.

    For Tee Dang, a tourist from Kansas, the first clue that her vacation had taken a deadly turn came in the form of an Airbnb host barrelling past her door and telling her family to run.

    As the fire intensified, Dang sat in traffic on Front Street with her husband and three children. "It was only 3:30pm or 4:00pm and everything was pitch black," she said. "Everywhere was exploding."
    Tee Dang was in a rental car with her three children and husband on Lahaina's Front Street when she saw the flames inching closer and closer towards them.

    But when the vehicles around them began catching fire they decided to grab their food, water and phones and run for the waves.

    They had already watched others trying to flee the rapidly moving flames do the same, including an elderly woman who was helped into the ocean.

    "We have to get to the ocean," the Kansas mother told BBC News on Thursday. "There was nothing else because we were cornered in."

    With their children - ages five, 13 and 20 - they at first stayed close to shore. But as evening approached, and the tide rose, the water started smashing her into the rock wall of the harbour, severely cutting her leg.

    When the line of cars on Front Street - "at least 50" of them - started exploding, they were forced to move into deeper water to seek shelter from the "shooting debris".

    They were in the water for nearly four hours, she said.

    It was a Tuesday afternoon, but the sky behind them was pitch black from the wildfire smoke.

    There have been increasing news reports in the UK over the past few years about wildfires here because they've become relatively speaking more of a problem but honestly not really a thing here and it just feels ironic talking about it. Like some news reports a couple of months ago even lol. The UK media is always freaking out about heat and snow etc but the real issue is mostly flooding here from all the rain. There are people who have had to rebuild their houses and businesses etc 3+ times due to flood damage and living in areas particularly prone to flooding.

    Also people really need to stop with this bs:

    It is more to do with the pole shift which is why this has occurred and that is why our climate is changing as Magnetic north is currently on the move alot faster than anticipated. Also earth is being battered as our Schumann resonance protecting earth from cosmic radiation is weakened due do the solar cycle being at the minimum and our Schumann resonance has reached an all time 200 year low and it is reacting with our atmosphere causing these abnormal weather anomalies as our sun.

    Has sod all to do with man made climate change yeah it doesn't help but it doesn't cause a 4000 mile long jet stream reaching from Florida to Scandinavia I think you will find and it has more to do with what's going on outside our planet.
    The pole shift is causing the jet stream to move and slow down. We may see the beginning of the next ice age! Ooh but don?t mention co2! Lol

    it didn't seem like a train was actually coming and the toddler wasn't terrified just more aware than the others about the possibility that they might get run over by a train if they continue to stand where they are, but it's pretty stupid to just decide to hang about there in the first place. There's plenty of other places to be it's like deciding to just hang out in the middle of a road for no reason, and then to just stand there texting instead of paying attention to your surroundings is also a stupid example to set when you're in the middle of a trainline.

    Also one of the kids is just walking on the actual tracks which I think is trespassing.

    Also those kids at the end who are just putting rocks on the track. Not smart but they probably know that.

    I wonder if there is a special Darwin Award for those who encourage their kids to do stupid things.
    Yes it's called your kids die.
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