You know I can never answer this question easily. Aside from never having a moment where I had some kind of epiphany I also can't really remember the first fictional character who was male or female.What fictional character was your gay awakening?
I also guess it depends if you're counting fetish stuff or not. Because some moments in childhood were more about my interest in corruption-adj/transformation type stuff. I don't feel it was really about any specific person and more certain other themes.
I'm going to be more creative and say Loki because he's genderfluid and the first person I read fanfiction about with various different gender expression/body types etc. Can literally shapeshift and so on.
Yeah I've had a bunch of moments with Sims too and custom clothing I downloaded. I think at some point I also downloaded some 18+ mods as a teenager.Do custom-made video game characters count? Because it was my Sims lol
Based on research straight guys have some 'response' to femboys but less than for trans women (with breasts,) which is in turn less than for cis women.YES I BELIEVE PEOPLE when they say what their sexuality is. Might as well be a requirement of being bi. But I can't help but wonder when thinking about some of my monkey-brained straight homies.. how hard is it to trick yourself? Are you sure you aren't ruling things out prematurely? Are you REALLY deriving all your attraction from "bottom up" processing of your feelings? Or is there a bit of "top down" bias that is ruling stuff out?
There are guys who prefer trans women (some id as bisexual and some don't,) and they're not really bisexual (there's a sexological term for this sexuality,) since in research they don't have much of a response to more masculine guys. Probably they might be more into femboys sometimes too.
Probably.Meh. In my experience, people who talk about liking femboys are online folks who watch a bunch of porn and hentai but not irl people. Irl, femboys are often young guys, many are teens even, and as they age, their feminine features go away. And to remain femme, if they don't actually take the steps to transition like mtf/trans femmes, they have to put in the work to stay shaved, to dress femme, to not gain too much weight or muscle mass, etc. And in my eyes, its not a real thing. If you cant like the guy unless he is putting 300℅ efforts to feminize himself, then you don't like the guy. Like, imagine the guy is sick for a few weeks and does not have time or energy for shaving his face and body, to do his make up or to wear cute outfits. Well if thats your bf, congrats, youre with a dude. Plus, femboys are never above the age of 30. So what about that? You date a guy and get rid of him when he ages because he loses his femme features? Frankly, in my eyes, as a femme man, i always dodges bi men who say they like women and femboys. No no, i want to date a bi man who likes women and MEN because I dont want to be discarded the moment i lose my feminine traits.
I'm not very into people irl but from a distance I like a variety of guys preferably with long hair and slim. They don't have to be femboys and pass as women though, in fact it's unlikely I'll be into them if they pass that well and if they're not androgynous at all. But it might be splitting hairs a bit I dunno. I assume some guys I've been into are kind of younger looking. Just a lot of the guys who are femboys, post online trying to get male attention won't really be my type and the anime characters where they're overly cutesy.
Though with that being said I posted photos of musicians I found attractive on another forum once and a straight guy once said 'it's weird when a guy is pretty enough that he tricks my brain into being into him.' He wasn't like a 'femboy' though which in any case wasn't a thing that existed back then.
Actually one of those guys was this guy (but not this gif):
^ he was like 42 or something here I think? It's unusual for guys in their 40s and 50s to stay androgynous looking though yeah.
The gif was taken from this music video I believe:
I personally find him more attractive with long hair though. But when I got into him initially and his music he had shorter hair like that.
I find the distinctions/lines kind of interesting. Because there are subtle differences between the kind of androgyny straight guys can be into and they also are more into neoteny. But then sometimes it goes out the window especially with 2D characters lol. I was surprised to hear someone's landlord assumed Sephiroth was a woman (also Cloud but I think he's more androgynous looking despite the short hair,) and then Jeff Goldblum was confused about his gender recently in an interview I watched too..
My sexuality is super fetishistic. I'm very into nerdy looking people with glasses (again) atm. It's one of my several types.
I also really like lots of different voices but not all voices. That's something I like about audioporn. I found this woman with a Northern English accent which was hot but I'd never found that hot before lol so that was interesting? I've liked guys with pretty low voices before but I also really like high pitched voices like:
^ His voice seems to be a very aquired taste with people.
And also in general (listen to guys with high pitched voices lol.)
I found someone on twitter recently but she was a trans woman. I say that like I was searching (I'm too lazy for that generally.) I stumbled on her account while reading some tweets lol. She was 20 though... She had many recent tweets about topping guys and getting them pregnant and being into trans men. Hmm... It's not really my thing. (Bottoming. I dunno never liked the idea.) But I think femdom is more hot conceptually then dominant guys in this stage of my life.
I can read and enjoy romance stories more masculine guys in too but it's like the focus of the appeal will be purely the plot/romance stuff and no attraction to them as a 'object.' Often I'll even pretend they look like guys I find attractive while reading. Which actually is a problem though. On rare occasions in my life I've been attracted to more masculine guys though.
I dunno. I'm just being honest in this post really. I'm always aware that it sounds perverted, creepy and problematic attraction etc
That seems presumptious though. It kind of annoys me when people keep pestering someone to come out as a trans woman just because they pass as female and look really feminine.I don't like the aspect of femboys that are closer to trans girls than they are to continuing to be male. Something strange hits me somewhere. It is possibly my lack of understanding about their own gender identity, as someone non-binary amab myself, I have gone through a lot of exploration to settle where I am.
But I'll continue to chat to the people I like irl and do the vibe checks 😄 another reason I say demi sexual most of the time, I need to get to know the person more even if I do find them asthetically attractive.
I mean if the guys you are dating now are straight, then yeah you will age out of that market and it does seem like a lot of other gay guys like guys to be very masculine but perhaps not all.I think a lot of people who identify as femboys are young but personally, as i am aging, I prefer to look at older gay men who are feminine. I get inspired by their fashion choices for example. There is no age too old to do make up, paint nails, wear dress. But there is a style thats age appropriate and fitting. I think that as I age however, the men who once said they liked me because i was feminine will not like me anymore even if I still wear womens clothes, because then, ill just look like a gay crossdresser, and they dont actually like men so :v
I can find masculine and feminine 'energy' attractive but no I won't be attracted to someone with a moustache. Whether their body language is masculine or feminine or anything in between or anything at all (cat and rabbit guys >.>)Respectfully have to push back on this just for the sake of discussion because I think there are some assumptions made here too boldly. (Warning: yapping incoming)
Masculinity and femininity are not just presentations it is also energy. Someone who is attracted to a femboy is likely also going to be enamoured with generally a feminine guy even if they have like a moustache or something.
I don't care too much if they have some stubble but I really am not into moustaches. I don't think most guys attracted to women would be OK with their girlfriend having a moustache either honestly.A person who ends up on a relationship with a femguy is absolutely not going to lose interest if they like... don't shave for a week because most people would not do that with the women they date. If they did, being incredibly shallow would be the common denominator here, not a lack of true attraction.
I think it's probably even an aquired taste for straight women. This was a terrible example lol.
They tried really hard in the early 2010s with the finger tattoos and hipster stuff and all but it's just never stuck imo.
I'm kind of the opposite. Because I'm genetically female and was attracted to guys in fiction and famous guys etc I assumed it would probably work out irl with guys I had crushes on as that's just 'the norm' but instead had issues with relationships with real men and started questioning if I was asexual during my second relationship. I'm not sure if it was them or in general though. I think there were numerous issues going on there including my first boyfriend moving too quickly and pushing too many boundaries I had.Im saying all this because a significant amount of people find out they are bi or gay by running into stuff like this online. And initially I dismissed it as some kink, I contextualized it as just something fantastical and that my immersion would be broken if I actually ran into a feminine guy in real life and the "guy" part of that ended up turning me off because I would have to come to terms with a potentially masculine voice and/or the unavoidable dick between their legs.
But as it turns out, that was not a deal breaker for my brain when this actually happened irl. Unfortunately the tools to navigate through this are basically never going to be created. Hetero is seen as the default, and even their guidelines are a pamphlet with very vague instructions for how to navigate their sexuality. The advice given to you as a [BEEP] person is honestly that you shouldn't even be queer, and it often ends up having people discover that through fetish-y means which makes it easy for people to interpret it that way or pass it off without much introspection.
And I...don't know how to condense the TL;DR part lol.
I think I'm both very picky, and also find it very easy to lose attraction irl.
I'm not really attracted to drag queens typically so I assume this won't work for me.I usually just show straight people Tatianna from RPDR and then they... aren't completely straight anymore all of a sudden lol
Let me see.
I can see why this would work and her hair and makeup is sometimes attractive in some images and I haven't seen her in video, but it's just like in the way that women are hot you know? So I wouldn't count it for guys.
Not my cup of tea, but that makes it all the more funny that it can be straight kryptonite and not compute for my bi [BEEP] 😂No I went to see if she'd lipsynced to a Doja song because she almost reminded me of her in one image or two, but it was just some other drag queens on the show lipsyncing to Boss [BEEP] that came up. I'm disapointed now. I had a dream.Not that you have to agree with me but:
"Tatianna Lipsyncing Do It Again at Town" is the name of the youtube video if you'd rather not click the link.
I can't find the video I usually show friends! It was hotter. Maybe the person took it down :-( I'll have to find an even better one than the one I linked for my bi awakening schemes.
Doja manages to be pretty attractive to me with very short hair for a few moments in this video. That's impressive considering my obnoxious hair thing from like 1:22 to 1:41:
This is a great track like musically lol:
B̶u̶t̶ ̶a̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶a̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶k̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶i̶p̶ ̶t̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶o̶n̶g̶.̶
Was that Rosa from Brooklyn 99 lol? I mean she doesn't look masculine though, but her persona is. She actually auditioned for the part of Amy initially.Bruh this reminds me of my bi-cycle I've had recently where I started to question if I don't actually like girls because a woman I like I only felt attracted to her as her role but not the actress herself in her role she was more masculine so I started to think what if I don't actually like girls and I only like her because she is styled boyish?
I guess there are a bunch of others like that though. I don't watch a lot of new TV shows. I don't think there are a lot of butch or androgynous actresses either, but they should try to hire some where possible for those parts considering the lack of representation.
The ones who do exist don't often get cast in more feminine roles... I think Kate Moennig (who is more androgynous than butch anyway,) was cast in stuff a couple of times relatively speaking but it requires too much suspension of disbelief to pretend she's straight in that one minor role I'm thinking of that I saw some scenes of. Though maybe she prefers to play sapphic roles (or roles where relationships aren't relevant,) anyway I dunno.
This was her most feminine role lol:
Well neoteny is attractive to people who are attracted to women typically, and sometimes to others. For evolutionary reasons most likely but also because it makes it easier to have protective feelings I think connected to romantic attraction. I think a lot of people were sharing the term 'twink death' too when talking about him at one point which is pretty messed up. I mean I don't feel bad for him - he has no issues finding a never ending stream of young women to date and then break up with allegedly. (He's kind of become infamous for that and that might even be connected to why he was chosen for the other discourse.) But you know in general, for other guys who aren't rich/high status. It's pretty mean and lots of women don't care as much about physical appearence but people who are into 'elves' are pretty loud I am aware.This reminds me of a TikTok series where this woman created a matrix with elf, human and dwarf on the side and prince, warrior and king across the top.
Elf prince is essentially femme boy. She talked about how difficult it is to stay an elf as you grow up. She gave Leonardo DiCaprio as an example. I imagine Timothy Chalamet may also follow this path.
It is creepy to think essentially 'child like' is a quality that's often attractive to large portions of society.
It's because elves don't exist irl.
That's what I was saying haha.Leonardo Dicaprio's exes have all joined the chat
I'm trying to decide whether this or the 'puppy girl hacker polycule' group is the most peak cyberpunk very online moment of this month so far:
One thing I'll say about them is a lot manage to live their polycule puppygirl life in real life as well. So good for them.I don't think anyone accused them of being apolitical tbf. Niche subcultures on twitter with lots of trans women in tend to be infamously very political.twitter: puppygirls are just trying to not grow up and don't take responsibility and are apolitical and also it's a fucking disgusting fetish
the puppygirl hacker polycule:
there aren't enough hacks against the police, so we took matters into our own paws
"Today in the cyberpunk world."Hackers leaked thousands of files from Lexipol, a Texas-based company that develops policy manuals, training bulletins, and consulting services for first responders.
The manuals, which are crafted by Lexipol?s team of public sector attorneys, practitioners, and subject-matter experts, are customized to align with the specific needs and local legal requirements of agencies across the country.
But the firm also faces criticism for its blanket approach to police policies and pushback on reforms.
The data, a sample of which was given to the Daily Dot by a group referring to itself as "the puppygirl hacker polycule," includes approximately 8,543 files related to training, procedural, and policy manuals, as well as customer records that contain names, usernames, agency names, hashed passwords, physical addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers.
Among the manuals seen by the Daily Dot, agencies include police departments, fire departments, sheriff?s offices, and narcotics units.
I dunno everything has already been said about this topic endlessly so whatever. Summarised in this video really:
My favourite parts conceptually were:
'generational sexualities'
'simplistic boomer sexuality'