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    What fictional character was your gay awakening?
    You know I can never answer this question easily. Aside from never having a moment where I had some kind of epiphany I also can't really remember the first fictional character who was male or female.

    I also guess it depends if you're counting fetish stuff or not. Because some moments in childhood were more about my interest in corruption-adj/transformation type stuff. I don't feel it was really about any specific person and more certain other themes.

    I'm going to be more creative and say Loki because he's genderfluid and the first person I read fanfiction about with various different gender expression/body types etc. Can literally shapeshift and so on.

    Do custom-made video game characters count? Because it was my Sims lol
    Yeah I've had a bunch of moments with Sims too and custom clothing I downloaded. I think at some point I also downloaded some 18+ mods as a teenager.

    YES I BELIEVE PEOPLE when they say what their sexuality is. Might as well be a requirement of being bi. But I can't help but wonder when thinking about some of my monkey-brained straight homies.. how hard is it to trick yourself? Are you sure you aren't ruling things out prematurely? Are you REALLY deriving all your attraction from "bottom up" processing of your feelings? Or is there a bit of "top down" bias that is ruling stuff out?

    Based on research straight guys have some 'response' to femboys but less than for trans women (with breasts,) which is in turn less than for cis women.

    There are guys who prefer trans women (some id as bisexual and some don't,) and they're not really bisexual (there's a sexological term for this sexuality,) since in research they don't have much of a response to more masculine guys. Probably they might be more into femboys sometimes too.

    Meh. In my experience, people who talk about liking femboys are online folks who watch a bunch of porn and hentai but not irl people. Irl, femboys are often young guys, many are teens even, and as they age, their feminine features go away. And to remain femme, if they don't actually take the steps to transition like mtf/trans femmes, they have to put in the work to stay shaved, to dress femme, to not gain too much weight or muscle mass, etc. And in my eyes, its not a real thing. If you cant like the guy unless he is putting 300℅ efforts to feminize himself, then you don't like the guy. Like, imagine the guy is sick for a few weeks and does not have time or energy for shaving his face and body, to do his make up or to wear cute outfits. Well if thats your bf, congrats, youre with a dude. Plus, femboys are never above the age of 30. So what about that? You date a guy and get rid of him when he ages because he loses his femme features? Frankly, in my eyes, as a femme man, i always dodges bi men who say they like women and femboys. No no, i want to date a bi man who likes women and MEN because I dont want to be discarded the moment i lose my feminine traits.

    I'm not very into people irl but from a distance I like a variety of guys preferably with long hair and slim. They don't have to be femboys and pass as women though, in fact it's unlikely I'll be into them if they pass that well and if they're not androgynous at all. But it might be splitting hairs a bit I dunno. I assume some guys I've been into are kind of younger looking. Just a lot of the guys who are femboys, post online trying to get male attention won't really be my type and the anime characters where they're overly cutesy.

    Though with that being said I posted photos of musicians I found attractive on another forum once and a straight guy once said 'it's weird when a guy is pretty enough that he tricks my brain into being into him.' He wasn't like a 'femboy' though which in any case wasn't a thing that existed back then.

    Actually one of those guys was this guy (but not this gif):

    ^ he was like 42 or something here I think? It's unusual for guys in their 40s and 50s to stay androgynous looking though yeah.

    The gif was taken from this music video I believe:

    I personally find him more attractive with long hair though. But when I got into him initially and his music he had shorter hair like that.

    I find the distinctions/lines kind of interesting. Because there are subtle differences between the kind of androgyny straight guys can be into and they also are more into neoteny. But then sometimes it goes out the window especially with 2D characters lol. I was surprised to hear someone's landlord assumed Sephiroth was a woman (also Cloud but I think he's more androgynous looking despite the short hair,) and then Jeff Goldblum was confused about his gender recently in an interview I watched too..

    My sexuality is super fetishistic. I'm very into nerdy looking people with glasses (again) atm. It's one of my several types.

    I also really like lots of different voices but not all voices. That's something I like about audioporn. I found this woman with a Northern English accent which was hot but I'd never found that hot before lol so that was interesting? I've liked guys with pretty low voices before but I also really like high pitched voices like:

    ^ His voice seems to be a very aquired taste with people.

    And also in general (listen to guys with high pitched voices lol.)

    I found someone on twitter recently but she was a trans woman. I say that like I was searching (I'm too lazy for that generally.) I stumbled on her account while reading some tweets lol. She was 20 though... She had many recent tweets about topping guys and getting them pregnant and being into trans men. Hmm... It's not really my thing. (Bottoming. I dunno never liked the idea.) But I think femdom is more hot conceptually then dominant guys in this stage of my life.

    I can read and enjoy romance stories more masculine guys in too but it's like the focus of the appeal will be purely the plot/romance stuff and no attraction to them as a 'object.' Often I'll even pretend they look like guys I find attractive while reading. Which actually is a problem though. On rare occasions in my life I've been attracted to more masculine guys though.

    I dunno. I'm just being honest in this post really. I'm always aware that it sounds perverted, creepy and problematic attraction etc

    I don't like the aspect of femboys that are closer to trans girls than they are to continuing to be male. Something strange hits me somewhere. It is possibly my lack of understanding about their own gender identity, as someone non-binary amab myself, I have gone through a lot of exploration to settle where I am.

    But I'll continue to chat to the people I like irl and do the vibe checks 😄 another reason I say demi sexual most of the time, I need to get to know the person more even if I do find them asthetically attractive.
    That seems presumptious though. It kind of annoys me when people keep pestering someone to come out as a trans woman just because they pass as female and look really feminine.

    I think a lot of people who identify as femboys are young but personally, as i am aging, I prefer to look at older gay men who are feminine. I get inspired by their fashion choices for example. There is no age too old to do make up, paint nails, wear dress. But there is a style thats age appropriate and fitting. I think that as I age however, the men who once said they liked me because i was feminine will not like me anymore even if I still wear womens clothes, because then, ill just look like a gay crossdresser, and they dont actually like men so :v
    I mean if the guys you are dating now are straight, then yeah you will age out of that market and it does seem like a lot of other gay guys like guys to be very masculine but perhaps not all.

    Respectfully have to push back on this just for the sake of discussion because I think there are some assumptions made here too boldly. (Warning: yapping incoming)

    Masculinity and femininity are not just presentations it is also energy. Someone who is attracted to a femboy is likely also going to be enamoured with generally a feminine guy even if they have like a moustache or something.
    I can find masculine and feminine 'energy' attractive but no I won't be attracted to someone with a moustache. Whether their body language is masculine or feminine or anything in between or anything at all (cat and rabbit guys >.>)

    A person who ends up on a relationship with a femguy is absolutely not going to lose interest if they like... don't shave for a week because most people would not do that with the women they date. If they did, being incredibly shallow would be the common denominator here, not a lack of true attraction.
    I don't care too much if they have some stubble but I really am not into moustaches. I don't think most guys attracted to women would be OK with their girlfriend having a moustache either honestly.

    I think it's probably even an aquired taste for straight women. This was a terrible example lol.

    They tried really hard in the early 2010s with the finger tattoos and hipster stuff and all but it's just never stuck imo.

    Im saying all this because a significant amount of people find out they are bi or gay by running into stuff like this online. And initially I dismissed it as some kink, I contextualized it as just something fantastical and that my immersion would be broken if I actually ran into a feminine guy in real life and the "guy" part of that ended up turning me off because I would have to come to terms with a potentially masculine voice and/or the unavoidable dick between their legs.

    But as it turns out, that was not a deal breaker for my brain when this actually happened irl. Unfortunately the tools to navigate through this are basically never going to be created. Hetero is seen as the default, and even their guidelines are a pamphlet with very vague instructions for how to navigate their sexuality. The advice given to you as a [BEEP] person is honestly that you shouldn't even be queer, and it often ends up having people discover that through fetish-y means which makes it easy for people to interpret it that way or pass it off without much introspection.

    And I...don't know how to condense the TL;DR part lol.
    I'm kind of the opposite. Because I'm genetically female and was attracted to guys in fiction and famous guys etc I assumed it would probably work out irl with guys I had crushes on as that's just 'the norm' but instead had issues with relationships with real men and started questioning if I was asexual during my second relationship. I'm not sure if it was them or in general though. I think there were numerous issues going on there including my first boyfriend moving too quickly and pushing too many boundaries I had.

    I think I'm both very picky, and also find it very easy to lose attraction irl.

    I usually just show straight people Tatianna from RPDR and then they... aren't completely straight anymore all of a sudden lol
    I'm not really attracted to drag queens typically so I assume this won't work for me.

    Let me see.

    I can see why this would work and her hair and makeup is sometimes attractive in some images and I haven't seen her in video, but it's just like in the way that women are hot you know? So I wouldn't count it for guys.

    Not my cup of tea, but that makes it all the more funny that it can be straight kryptonite and not compute for my bi [BEEP] 😂
    Not that you have to agree with me but:

    "Tatianna Lipsyncing Do It Again at Town" is the name of the youtube video if you'd rather not click the link.

    I can't find the video I usually show friends! It was hotter. Maybe the person took it down :-( I'll have to find an even better one than the one I linked for my bi awakening schemes.
    No I went to see if she'd lipsynced to a Doja song because she almost reminded me of her in one image or two, but it was just some other drag queens on the show lipsyncing to Boss [BEEP] that came up. I'm disapointed now. I had a dream.

    Doja manages to be pretty attractive to me with very short hair for a few moments in this video. That's impressive considering my obnoxious hair thing from like 1:22 to 1:41:

    This is a great track like musically lol:

    B̶u̶t̶ ̶a̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶a̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶k̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶i̶p̶ ̶t̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶o̶n̶g̶.̶

    Bruh this reminds me of my bi-cycle I've had recently where I started to question if I don't actually like girls because a woman I like I only felt attracted to her as her role but not the actress herself in her role she was more masculine so I started to think what if I don't actually like girls and I only like her because she is styled boyish?
    Was that Rosa from Brooklyn 99 lol? I mean she doesn't look masculine though, but her persona is. She actually auditioned for the part of Amy initially.

    I guess there are a bunch of others like that though. I don't watch a lot of new TV shows. I don't think there are a lot of butch or androgynous actresses either, but they should try to hire some where possible for those parts considering the lack of representation.

    The ones who do exist don't often get cast in more feminine roles... I think Kate Moennig (who is more androgynous than butch anyway,) was cast in stuff a couple of times relatively speaking but it requires too much suspension of disbelief to pretend she's straight in that one minor role I'm thinking of that I saw some scenes of. Though maybe she prefers to play sapphic roles (or roles where relationships aren't relevant,) anyway I dunno.

    This was her most feminine role lol:

    This reminds me of a TikTok series where this woman created a matrix with elf, human and dwarf on the side and prince, warrior and king across the top.

    Elf prince is essentially femme boy. She talked about how difficult it is to stay an elf as you grow up. She gave Leonardo DiCaprio as an example. I imagine Timothy Chalamet may also follow this path.

    It is creepy to think essentially 'child like' is a quality that's often attractive to large portions of society.
    Well neoteny is attractive to people who are attracted to women typically, and sometimes to others. For evolutionary reasons most likely but also because it makes it easier to have protective feelings I think connected to romantic attraction. I think a lot of people were sharing the term 'twink death' too when talking about him at one point which is pretty messed up. I mean I don't feel bad for him - he has no issues finding a never ending stream of young women to date and then break up with allegedly. (He's kind of become infamous for that and that might even be connected to why he was chosen for the other discourse.) But you know in general, for other guys who aren't rich/high status. It's pretty mean and lots of women don't care as much about physical appearence but people who are into 'elves' are pretty loud I am aware.

    It's because elves don't exist irl.

    Leonardo Dicaprio's exes have all joined the chat
    That's what I was saying haha.

    I'm trying to decide whether this or the 'puppy girl hacker polycule' group is the most peak cyberpunk very online moment of this month so far:

    twitter: puppygirls are just trying to not grow up and don't take responsibility and are apolitical and also it's a fucking disgusting fetish
    the puppygirl hacker polycule:
    there aren't enough hacks against the police, so we took matters into our own paws
    I don't think anyone accused them of being apolitical tbf. Niche subcultures on twitter with lots of trans women in tend to be infamously very political.

    Hackers leaked thousands of files from Lexipol, a Texas-based company that develops policy manuals, training bulletins, and consulting services for first responders.

    The manuals, which are crafted by Lexipol?s team of public sector attorneys, practitioners, and subject-matter experts, are customized to align with the specific needs and local legal requirements of agencies across the country.

    But the firm also faces criticism for its blanket approach to police policies and pushback on reforms.

    The data, a sample of which was given to the Daily Dot by a group referring to itself as "the puppygirl hacker polycule," includes approximately 8,543 files related to training, procedural, and policy manuals, as well as customer records that contain names, usernames, agency names, hashed passwords, physical addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers.

    Among the manuals seen by the Daily Dot, agencies include police departments, fire departments, sheriff?s offices, and narcotics units.
    "Today in the cyberpunk world."
    One thing I'll say about them is a lot manage to live their polycule puppygirl life in real life as well. So good for them.

    I dunno everything has already been said about this topic endlessly so whatever. Summarised in this video really:

    My favourite parts conceptually were:

    'generational sexualities'


    'simplistic boomer sexuality'
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  2. #6047
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    "I'm the Hulk, Jake is Iron Man."

    I dunno... When it comes to Marvel Jake seems more like Deadpool but without the perverted elements which Charles has instead (though Charles is more accidentally that way for the most part.) Actually I think if you mixed Charles and Jake together with Adrian Pimento, you'd probably get something like Deadpool.

    Nah I guess Pimento would be the Deadpool of BB99 although a bit too unhinged.

    I don't know who Jake would be then, but he is boyish in a similar way.

    Rest in peace Andre Braugher.
    Aw man, I almost forgot :(
    I didn't. It definitely changes the experience of watching the show a bit.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

  3. #6048
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    Over this past weekend, I saw a comment on r/donorconceived that said having an unrelated adult man living in the household creates a huge risk of physical and sexual abuse for children in that household, that it's a problem that "proponents of gamete donation" never discuss it, and implying that families pursuing donor conception should be counseled by their doctor about the supposed increased risk that the social father would abuse their children. And I'll be honest, I was offended. I'm married to a trans man and I don't think I should have to listen to my doctor parrot the same bullshit conservative assholes have been spewing about my husband and people like him being dangerous to children.

    I responded to this comment with a link to a study which found that adoptive families are not more likely to abuse children than biological families, and pointed out that opponents of LGBT rights have used the myth of non-biological fathers being uniquely dangerous to children as an argument against same-sex adoption. We had a short discussion from there with no name-calling or rudeness, so imagine my surprise when I checked Reddit this morning and found a notification that my comment was removed by the mod team.

    "While non-DCP members can contribute comments when offering helpful or factual information, content that is offensive, unhelpful, or potentially upsetting to the DCP community is not permitted."

    I have to wonder whether my comment was deemed "potentially upsetting" because that person didn't like being told they were repeating a homophobic talking point, or if it was "potentially upsetting" because I asked the commenter to admit to some nuance. I never even said that they were incorrect-- just that the reality is way more complicated than "all non-related adult men are a huge risk to the kids around them." That is the reality-- a social dad is nowhere near as dangerous as Mom's New Boyfriend, and you can't treat the two situations as comparable when talking about how to keep kids safe. It only ends up hurting an already vulnerable population by reinforcing the myth we're all groomers and pedophiles.
    It's not a huge risk its a risk - involving step parents and tbf the research that exists on this topic is about cisgender men, not trans men. It's often men criticising themselves.

    I also don't think that research tends to include adopted parents. It's about step parents. Adopted children tend to have more developmental issues anyway which do lead to more negative outcomes (not sure about abuse,) this is likely genetic often though because of the kind of people who give their kids up for adoption + early life experiences with poor quality genetic parents before adoption.

    It's an opinion based on the outdated notion that a child needs a mother and a father to be successful, though. In reality, studies confirm children do best with two parents, regardless of gender.

    Studies have also consistently shown that children with same-sex parents are just as healthy and well-adjusted in terms of their emotional, social, and cognitive development. There's even some that show our children fare better than our counterparts. But you'll never hear them say two moms or two dads are the ideal. Why? Homophobia.

    So, yes. It's an opinion, but it's factually incorrect and I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who shares that line of thinking who isn't heteronormative af in their defense of it.
    Yes that's true some studies show better outcomes. Depends on what you're looking at too. I think educational outcome might be better sometimes from what I remember.

    In many cases of course samesex outcomes are better due to added screening/thought being put into the process of reproduction then say a heterosexual woman who hooks up with a criminal fuckboy and gets pregnant by accident.

    I've read a study suggesting that girls raised by two dads had better self esteem or emotional health or something like that anyway before.

    There are also some studies that MRAs like to reference suggesting that while single parent households with mums have worse outcomes, single parent households with dads don't. (Probably due to the higher bar for dads getting custody if this is true, though I haven't looked into the research due to nobody ever bothering to link studies.) I also imagine there are differences again genetically between people who are widowed (more common with single dads,) and once again the offspring of the fuckboy you accidentally got pregnant with and didn't abort.

    It's funny though because those guys are usually homophobic and trying to encourage women to form relationships with men, be traditional etc yet they often make the case instead that two dads are at least equally good. 😏

    I always tell them to find a male partner.

    Realistically though two straight dads would parent differently to two gay dads. Different personality traits on average.

    Speaking of all of this though:

    Just A Baby App - is it legit?

    After having our pockets unceremoniously lightened by Olive Fertility, we were recommended the "Just a Baby" app by another couple TTC. Has anyone used it? It feels a bit like Tinder, but has significantly more options than the fertility centers. Is this a hotbed of scammers or a viable alternative to resorting to expensive American sperm banks?
    It?s like the dating apps cishet women use - lot of sketchy dudes looking for sex, but with enough vetting you can eventually find a decent guy.

    We looked on there in case we needed a backup, but ultimately our friend choice worked out.
    Do you mind telling me how you asked your friend? I just don't know how to go about doing something like that, and it's so much more preferable.
    I forgot to respond to this! We ended up asking via email because we couldn't see him in person in a timely fashion due to COVID. We just explained that we were starting to try, why we wanted him as our donor, then what the next steps would be if he said yes. Then we gave him a couple of months to decide.
    Yes it's legit but it wasn't very functional for this purpose. Try the "GenePool App" uses scientific algorithms for Matchmaking Sperm Donors, Recipients and potential Co-parents.

    It?s horrific. 100 percent of the guys on there are over the age of 65, they have a breeding fetish (one in two profiles say "NI ONLY NI ONLY NI ONLY"), or they're serial donors. They all weirdly enjoy looking at their sperm under microscopes, too.

    I'm sure some people have had success, and I didn't feel unsafe per se. I just needed a shower afterwards. I'd try a FB group instead.
    I hesitate to ask but I'm assuming NI refers to having sex with the donor? That?s so gross.
    "Natural insemination"
    It does - it's actually not even a form of donor conception, if a p is in a v? that's your child's legal father.
    Well it's predictable for an app like that but kind of gross.

    I've used the app as a single male. Ive met lets say some interesting characters and some really genuine folks as well. I have donated to one same sex couple so far via AI and they were successful.

    Still on the app and talking with some other families to potentially helping someone else...

    You'll get some wild offers and characters on the app.. just have to keep trying and vetting folks from the get go... the pervs will out themselves fairly quickly..
    Do you think if this were to take off people will gradually evolve to be more and more ambivalent about piv as the people who want it the most will be rejected as creepy? Interesting to think about.

    Well the same thing happens anyway naturally I guess but maybe it would accelerate the process. At the very least only people who are capable of being polite and not telling people what they want will reproduce in this environment.

    I'm very interested in how this dynamic would effect evolution too:

    It all sounds good. But what about a guy looking to have a baby with someone? I mean just to co parent no need for intimacy.
    I think if it became super common we'd increasingly become a species where people don't want sex as much and also can only achieve it via sneaky covert means where they hide intent.

    The ones who can't hide and convincingly show good parental qualities die out.

    Only some high status guys seem to get a pass. Like Elon who is creepy and would be rejected by most women but Grimes is obsessed with space and has done many drugs etc.

    If standards are lower for high status guys - you should assume they will make worse parents outside of $$$

    It?s possible. I was looking for such a person. I got two. First one didn?t disclose all his medical history until later when I found out they had a genetic disease that can be inherited to the baby. The second one went MIA after I?d moved out of the town for a short while and asked him if he?d like to try again later in the year when I returned. So after those even I decided to take a break😂. But I?m still on the lookout for someone
    I like it though. The unfuckable guys with good parenting qualities will reproduce. Well they can be fuckable too but you know.

    It could change the incentive structure perhaps.

    (Again though since widespread abortion this selection process will have already been happening and might even partly explain why guys have less testosterone in recent generations - although people have complained in newspapers about men becoming more feminine for 140+ years. Someone on twitter collected examples at least that far back into the 1800s.)

    The only downside in my biased opinion is that If taken to an extreme it would presumably destroy Human creativity.

    Not all predatory Humans are creative but all creative Humans are predatory. Somewhat at least.

    Well except for the band Rush. I'm not sure what happened there. Maybe because they didn't have many female fans for a long time (allegedly,) which is more circumstantial than reflective of instinct in that case, but their reputation is certainly very different from most of their peers in the music industry. Somehow Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson have been married to their wives for their entire adult life ...

    But they might just be better than most at hiding things obviously and at any rate I'm not that informed about them.

    There may be others too and kind of a spectrum.

    Very parasocial but everyone will become a data point.

    "Stick them in a terrarium and hand feed him lettuce like a turtle."

    It's a very important quality.

    I'm currently rooting for whatshisname. That actor. So bad with names. Paul Dano that's it.

    Of course the death of art etc doesn't matter to conservatives. To quote Jordan Peterson - they're colourblind.

    They don't appreciate it anyway.

    So it's an easy sacrifice for them to make - not even a sacrifice definitionally - really.

    Soul gets squeezed out
    Edges get blunt
    Gives what you want

    One of the wonders of the world is going down
    It's going down, I know
    It's one of the blunders of the world that no-one cares
    No-one cares enough

    But it does come at a really great cost. I mean as a species Humans come at a really great cost and the mind controlling fungi and parasitic wasps D:

    Parasitoid wasps are vulnerable to hyperparasitoid wasps. Some parasitoid wasps change the behavior of the infected host, causing them to build a silk web around the pupae of the wasps after they emerge from its body to protect them from hyperparasitoids.[20]
    D: !


    (Also it is valentines day today lol.)

    "She knew the years of isolation had altered her behavior until she was different from others, but it wasn't her fault she'd been alone. Most of what she knew, she'd learned from the wild. Nature had nurtured, tutored, and protected her when no one else would. If consequences resulted from her behaving differently, then they too were functions of life's fundamental core."

    Her debut novel, Where the Crawdads Sing, was released in 2018. It became one of the best-selling books of all time. It was adapted into a 2022 film of the same name.

    Here is what I don't get: I knew about this because there were multiple articles about it when the book came out! It's been a thing! And yet untold dozens of people sat around conference rooms or zoom meetings in the process of buying the rights and turning it into a movie and not a single one said "this woman has a VERY questionable background and it's gonna bite us in the [BEEP] at some point"? Or did they decide they didn't care and any bad publicity would be blown off or ignored? I don't get it.
    Why would it bite them in the [BEEP] when most creative people throughout history have had fucked up backstories and personal lives?

    On March 30, 1996, the ABC news-magazine show Turning Point aired a documentary titled "Deadly Game: The Mark and Delia Owens Story", which included the filmed murder of an alleged poacher, executed while lying collapsed on the ground after having already been shot. The victim is not identified by the story's narrator, the journalist Meredith Vieira, nor is the identity of the person or persons who fired the fatal shots off-camera disclosed. The ABC script refers to the victim as a "trespasser".[22] The editor-in-chief of The Atlantic Jeffrey Goldberg subsequently interviewed Chris Everson, the ABC cameraman who filmed the killing of the alleged poacher. Everson told Goldberg that it was not a Zambian game scout but Christopher Owens who fired the fatal shots. Goldberg reported in an article called "The Hunted" in The New Yorker in 2010 that the Zambian police detective in charge of the subsequent investigation, Biemba Musole, had concluded that Mark Owens, with the help of his scouts, placed the victim's body in a cargo net, attached it to his helicopter, and then dropped it into a nearby lagoon. Musole led an effort to identify the alleged poacher, but did not succeed. The former Zambian national police commissioner, Graphael Musamba, told Goldberg that the investigation had been stymied by the absence of a body: "The bush is the perfect place to commit murder ? The animals eat the evidence."[22]

    To this day, Delia Owens denies the incident, explaining that she was not involved and there was never a case. However, her novel Where the Crawdads Sing, has aroused suspicion from those on her book tour about the parallels between the main character Kya and her case, and Delia's own alleged accusation. The Owenses have denied the accusations.[22][23]

    No charges were brought against Owens or her ex-husband Mark, or stepson Christopher.

    In June 2022, Zambian police officials told Jeffery Goldberg that they believe that Delia Owens should be interrogated as a possible witness, co-conspirator, and accessory to felony crimes. Zambia's chief prosecutor Lillian Shawa-Siyuni told Goldberg that the investigation related to the killing of the alleged poacher, as well as other possible criminal activities in North Luangwa has been hampered by the lack of an extradition treaty between Zambia and the United States, and by ABC's apparent refusal to cooperate in the investigation, saying, "There is no statute of limitations on murder in Zambia...They are all wanted for questioning in this case, including Delia Owens."[22]
    Captured prisoners were cruelly punished. One of the Owenses' former scouts recalled how detainees would sometimes be tied to stakes and left in the blistering sun all day. Another scout recounted that "Mark Owens told us that anyone with [game] meat or a weapon should have a beating."
    seriously! I read some articles and they were trying to excuse it since apparently she lived on a different compound from the husband/son at the time, wasn't present and has been divorced from the husband for a while.

    I get that it's a poacher but ? murdering someone extrajudicially is pretty goddamn awful. And then writing books with similar themes? She has major white savior vibes and a really insular/patronizing view of the countries she visited in Africa too. just not great
    Was he a poacher though? The article states that there is no proof he was a poacher and the news called him a trespasser. Poacher or not, he was shot in cold blood. He was on the ground, wounded, unable to fight back and they executed him. I agree, not great. So messed up.
    But they were poaching wildlife, so why are people so invested? Like that?s a serious crime. They didn't deserve to die but that takes a pretty shitty person to do, unless it was at some subsistence/poverty level.
    Because? a bunch of well-to-do neo-colonialists murdered a defenseless man (or at least were complicit in the murder and facilitated a cover up)? And it was a man who was very obviously almost certainly in subsistence level poverty? And IIRC according to the article they didn?t even know for sure that he was a poacher? And then they hid the body, fled the country, and escaped prosecution? As you literally said, even if the victim had committed a crime he didn?t deserve to die. And poor local poachers clearly aren?t like asshole rich dentists or Trump spawn off to a country half a world away to kill animals for fun. Murderers of other murderers get charged in court. They shouldn?t be getting away with a modern day vigilante lynching. Why would people not be upset?

    Edit: forgot to mention, and she's being feted for a book inspired by the situation, and making crazy money off it.

    I hope you're not trolling. I'm replying to you in good faith so I hope you'll extend me the same courtesy.
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    My friend shared this band with me:

    They're from Mexico apparently which kind of makes sense. I've noticed there's a much bigger surviving fanbase for rock music in Latin America.

    They also remind me of someone else but not sure who. The singer sounds familiar I think? Unless I just heard them before at some point without realising lol. That's going to bug me lol. It's the chorus it's reminding me of something.

    (Reading YT commments)

    Maybe we're seeing the rise of the biggest female rock band...
    All female they mean I guess? There aren't many to compare to tbf. There were a few around in the 90s. A few before too. Can hear more of a metal influence here as well.

    Hmm. Most of the Riot grrrl bands were all female I guess. Jack off Jill had all female members at some points - they only released two albums but I liked them a lot. Hole almost did but not quite. Some others.

    Biggest in terms of fame is presumably The Runaways though:

    Seriously, This might be the best live act going in all of rock right now.
    Hmmm, there are a lot of good rock bands right now so I'm not ready to hand them the crown so easily. I think they can definitely compete on show(wo)manship though.
    No I don't agree either:

    Tool aren't at their peak but still pretty great.

    This band are good though, their performance is good (the energy.) I just think some musicians still touring have better music, but maybe if you limited it to bands that formed post 2010.

    Although Jess and the Ancient Ones are also pretty good live (formed in 2010):

    This band who were supporting Tool (saw them in 2024,) were also pretty good live too. The drummer was quite gymnastic and jumping up and down on the drumkit lol:

    A lot of rock bands and rock muscians will be retiring in the coming decades and there aren't many replacements which is sad.
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    I haven't really been on Tumblr for a few months I think (well my last reblog was in November and I can't remember when I last browsed the site.) Still amusing.

    my offline brother just learned what rationalism is from the news and i tried to explain that they don't believe in a priori knowledge and he's like "why are they calling themselves rationalists then"
    'my offline brother' haha

    Also what was the news about? Is it just that recent cult murder thing or?

    A philosophy thing?

    How many degrees of seperation are there between the news story and Eliezer Yudkowsky?

    Which of the 4542563525 hypothetical insane things is it about?


    When you got no valentine so you're spending Valentine's Day by simping over men at least double your age
    More like triple...
    *thinks* no it's definitely double or closer to double for me. I'm getting old myself (by internet and 90s sitcom standards.) Tbf I find them attractive as they were when they were my age or younger so it doesn't really count in those cases... The oldest as themselves was probably 40s/early 50s.

    I think I was playing The Sims? A while back in The Sims 3 I made the mistake of making a Sim that's loosely inspired by Geddy Lee (heavily inspired actually but I sometimes change some details. One time he was a fairy too,) and this red headed female Sim with glasses and various lengths of short/long hair who usually ends up being a scientist but she started off being a scuba diver (I guess she's inspired by the never ending list of red haired OC's and video game characters I've made for some reason since childhood,) and now I'm mostly playing with/hooking those Sims up in different save files and it's not even like I'm really playing at that point is it? I think that explains a lot about our planet if God exists. He's only playing a few of his Sims.

    Actually... I could have read Star Trek fanfiction on valentines day but I don't think I did? Maybe I did I can't remember. I have been reading a bunch recently but in recent days don't think I did. What a wasted opportunity.

    Yeah I'm just performing myself as a meme now.

    "There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction."

    Can you imagine a version of this film with some like 'tumblr person?' Oh right that's just a yandere anime nevermind. (Not really though. Seems like a fanservice genre.)

    (I hate that there isn't a better way of putting this at this stage of culture that doesn't just refer to a website. Even replacing it with tiktok if that's the 'new tumblr' doesn't solve that. Hell even before tumblr there was just livejournal/deviantart.)

    More importantly though. Why is Geddy Lee feeding a racoon?

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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Biggest in terms of fame is presumably The Runaways though:

    When I listen to the above song, I keep expecting it to go into the chorus of this song lol:


    Kim Wilde (born Kim Smith, 18 November 1960)[3] is an English pop singer. She first gained success in 1981 with her debut single "Kids in America", which peaked at No. 2 in the UK. In 1983, she received the Brit Award for Best British Female solo artist.[4
    OK well. I didn't know that. That was somewhat misleading wasn't it?

    Though in hindsight the guys singing with clearly English accents prob should have been a clue.

    Reminds me of this:

    The group found no success with their first two albums, but after a lineup change into what became their classic lineup, their third album, Crime of the Century (1974), was their breakthrough.[7][8] Initially a more experimental prog-rock group, they began moving towards a more pop-oriented sound with the album.[5] The band reached their commercial peak with 1979's Breakfast in America, which yielded the international top 10 singles "The Logical Song", "Breakfast in America", "Goodbye Stranger" and "Take the Long Way Home". Their other top 40 hits included "Dreamer" (1974), "Give a Little Bit" (1977) and "It's Raining Again" (1982).
    Apparently singing about America is a great way to get famous here.

    LOL thinking about it:

    Born in Brynmawr and raised near Abergavenny, Diamandis later moved to London to become a professional singer, despite having little formal musical experience. In 2009, she came to prominence upon placing second in the BBC's Sound of 2010. Her debut studio album, The Family Jewels (2010), incorporated indie pop and new wave musical styles. It entered the UK Albums Chart at number five and was certified gold by the British Phonographic Industry. The album's second single, "Hollywood", peaked at number 12 on the UK singles chart. Diamandis' second studio album, Electra Heart (2012), was a concept album about a character of the same name. The album explored electropop and dance-pop and became her first number one album in the United Kingdom. It was certified gold in the US and UK, and respectively produced the successful singles "Primadonna" and "How to Be a Heartbreaker".
    But I guess these songs were bigger in the US:

    ^ I like this because it's in the desert.


    Not the official music video LOL. That song is always going to be associated with this random fanvideo I made now lol.....

    It only works in reverse if you're Ministry:

    True story: Ministry finally played this song live in 2023, after nearly 40 years! :D
    I can't believe this song never blew up and became hugely successful, it's an awesome song with a potentially wide audience.
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    When The Cocaine Was Pure, White People Had Rhythm
    Nah this is still mostly white people (tm) dancing. I'm white so I can say that.

    In general it's deeply self-conscious and/or lacking in sensuality. Sometimes robotic or haughty instead.

    The music isn't helping there either. Here are two of the whitest moments ever:


    Ron Swanson did his best here but the lead singer and most of the crowd were just having none of it.

    im glad Anakin found his peace with singing.
    And Ron Swanson on keys.

    Grimes had to hire Charlie XCX here for her cover of Eminem's classic Mum's Spaghetti:

    (No I just remembered this and had to fit it into this post.)

    Also cause I learnt about this recently:

    Mom's Spaghetti is a restaurant in Detroit, Michigan. It serves spaghetti-related items and is known for being opened by rapper Eminem in his hometown. The restaurant's name and premise are inspired by a line from his song "Lose Yourself" from the soundtrack to the 2002 movie 8 Mile, in which he says "There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti." The restaurant also contains a merchandise shop, The Trailer, that houses the Robin suit from the music video of the single "Without Me".[2][3]
    Lol I'm just learning about this but that's great.
    Probably mostly from coming from colder climates or ones with more rain/shit weather. You also notice such cultures are less touchy/feely in general.

    Here's Sabrina hoping you don't notice she's just sitting in a chair:

    Sabrina mysteriously learnt how to dance 2 minutes into this video:

    Sometimes it loops back around to being ironic self ownership of the awkward dancing:

    It's OK spiderman's gonna put the cocaine back in coca cola:

    Why does this video continue to give me so much serotonin years later?
    I go to watch it once in a while, but like a rat on cocaine i hit it anywhere from 3-14 times once i start 🤣
    Well that's enough references to cocaine for the next 24 hours probably.

    Yes by white in this context, everyone means Northern and Eastern European. Not Southern European.

    Comment from the first video in this post:

    Yes we danced like we were bored...
    Yes. Exactly.

    And yeah I'm kinda shitposting but it's kinda true lol.
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    Wtf are they psychic? Did YOU WRITE KANYE? Oh my God I found the creators guys:

    I remember them from Sex with Ducks (and some of their other songs) but never saw this video.

    (Yes I know other people have done similar jokes before because it can be hard to tell people apart.)

    [interview with Kanye on a podcast.]

    Lex provides Kanye the space to communicate his views, but also pushes back and keeps him accountable for his words. Lex is on his way to becoming an all-time great interviewer
    These podcasts mysteriously never give a platform to the guy yelling about Talos on a street corner near you:

    Why do they do this with people who have sold a bunch of records or something like that? Why do people act like because someone is a billionaire or something that everything they say on every topic is equally important?

    "it doesn't matter what you say, it only matters that you say. We don't discriminate here between what is true or false, or even downright dangerous."

    It's actually worse than that though. It only matters who you are. This isn't Louis Theroux after all.
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    The party that?s been mad at black men for being absent fathers for decades btw
    I know and I'm never going to let them live this down.

    He is one of the biggest fuckboys of my life time. I don't care if he's a billionaire. And he uses his kid X as a Human shield/prop.

    Their absolute hypocrisy about things like this piss me off.

    Where is your evidence that he's an absent father?
    Besides his trans daughter who won't stop live tweeting (posting whatever, she's on some other social media site,) about how much she hates him? (And she was one of the earlier children just imagine how bad it's going to get with the younger ones.) How could he possibly be juggling all these different households all over the place on top of tweeting all day and his hypothetical career(s) (mostly delegating I assume, but he's given credit for it so let's play along.)

    Using the same "Phineas and Ferb" quote, Wilson changed the ending saying "I'd have a few nickels- which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened SIX SEPARATE TIMES."
    Remember the time this happened?

    She deletes a lot of her tweets lol. I think at least some of this is still up though. Not all of it either. We're not paying attention to the same info here clearly.

    He's surrounded by overly agreeable pod people who occasionally freak out because of his [BEEP] behaviour, but then as though in some kind of mind control movie/story/book/whatever calm back down again and just ignore all his issues.

    Except for his trans daughter who doesn't give a shit.

    I don't know his fans are delusional lol.

    Your just mad that we can get beautiful women and you cannot
    I'm very annoyed that Elon used a time machine to go back in time to have sex with a librarian who looks like Geddy Lee.

    Oh wait that hasn't happened yet. Let me know when he does (or the next guy I'm using as a basis for a fictional + parasocial character.) It's impossible to find him annyoing for any other reason.

    I can't believe Elon had sex with the trans woman from twitter with the long hair and glasses I found the other day who I thought was kind of cute.

    He's just easy to hate because he's being shoved in your face constantly as this symbol of bad boyfriend/dad(s) who can just get away with [BEEP] over and over again. In reality there are obviously millions of men like this.

    You know before posting this I didn't watch the video and now I'm a few minutes in and like....... Are these bots that are defending him.

    This is a giant trainwreck just look what the current babymama is tweeting at Elon.

    "Right now the mother of Elon's latest child is publically duking it out with him on twitter wtf is happening."

    I mean he knows/met Grimes so I'm sure he knows this isn't the first time this has happened on twitter publically:

    Also the best part of this is "Why are you so buff? Is it necessary?"

    If you wanted to be conspiratorial about it you could even say he's paying them to act this out/it's all staged. As he owns the platform.

    Maybe they're not even his kids lol.

    I can't tell if that's realistic or just cope because I don't get how people are still doing this haha.

    I need everyone to get more self respect too. I'm linking the song again:

    None of you n---as is wife material
    None of you n---as was worth all the drama
    None of you n---as was hitting it raw and mad
    I'm not one of yo baby mamas

    Such a versatile verse.

    Edit: Oh yeah she's just a huge fangirl this time lol. Would have to be at this stage I guess. He can't date movie stars anymore.

    She's tweeted about him a lot tbh. She's spent a lot of time defending him for years.

    Also apparently Milo's involved himself hahaha. I just realised that's who Elon was responding to. It would have been better if he stayed dead but whatever.

    Do you think this is really news to him? I'm starting to think he's just as stupid.

    This amused me too honestly:

    I think she doesn't like people knowing she's a groupie.

    The responses...

    On EVERYBODY?S souls this is the type of love we ALL want. 🙏

    God if you?re listening please bless us ALL with this type of love AMEN! 😇🙌
    im convinced this is rage bait

    pray for yourself bud, don?t include us on your bs 🦭
    Probably. If not sarcasm.

    I see far too many self-righteous and tired individuals pouncing on
    for having a child out of wedlock instead of COMMENDING her for choosing life.

    Is the conservative position not that every life is a blessing regardless of how it?s conceived?
    Lol no it never was. At least when non-white people were concerned... They've been shitting on single mum's in general forever so... Is his money supposed to change things? (Apparently yes.)

    I'd prefer to attack Elon but she also seems like a shitty person based on her tweets.

    I hope they all destroy each other.

    Milo retweeted Pearl Davis saying this with 'she has her moments':

    Getting creampied by a billionaire is not honorable
    I was curious because people are claiming his account was suspended or something but it's still there but maybe he's just blocked from tweeting I dunno. It's probably just bs though.

    Getting pregnant from one of the most Intelligent man on earth is many women's dream..
    These genes need to be saved..
    And on the women's side:
    They are perfect in their way and also high inteligente
    I can't believe this guy found a way to tweet something worse than Pearl. And I'm going to throw up.

    I'm 100% sure this is all a psyop to promote himbos.

    Pro jock propaganda. 😂

    Then Grimes was tweeting about Disney princesses:

    Why did everyone get so down on Disney princesses to the point that now Disney won't make romances anymore. The classic Disney princesses repeatedly risk everything for true love, but also always adventure.

    In beauty and the beast they constantly emphasize that belle is an avid reader and the town eccentric. She literally ends up in an abusive relationship to heroically save her father, but refuses to believe any soul is lost and basically uses the power of love to help the beast recover from ptsd and self hatred and loves him despite him being a furry

    She's the hero of the story too like - and they're all kinda like this
    This isn't a political statement. Everyone seems to be taking it as such, someone just called me a Disney princess the other day and I couldn't tell if it was an insult or a compliment cuz I took it as a compliment but later realized it was perhaps not. So just clarifying i think hopeless romantics that go on adventures are good and I'd like more of them
    It was 100% an insult.

    Also as others pointed out they changed the story with a lot of these. Often the actual fairytail story was more that pursuing romance was doomed. Sometimes because the author was [BEEP] (like in The Little Mermaid.)

    Aladin was socially maladjusted. The Beast too. The last positive male figure and socially adjusted might have been the Prince in Snow White (original).

    IMO Disney always portrayed contemporary women's narratives, informed by them, not driving them.

    Reinforcing indoctrination
    I don't like any of them and never found them attractive. I think Studio Ghibli is a bit better for both male and female characters. At the very least - even with flawed chracters - the androgyny of the art style is more attractive imo.

    But this idea being pushed that women are supposed to just 'put up with various things' without 'emasculating' or ignoring men like in this video is dumb imo:

    "Maleficent did nothing wrong actually." No but lol.

    Grimes I don't know if you've been asleep but romance is very dead. Now there are just transactional situationships and friendships sometimes if you're lucky.

    And fanfiction and romance novels which is where you're going to have to go for wish fulfilment.

    I mean she wrote this lol:

    ^ I felt this fit in somewhere lol.

    My only request is that you don't turn your kids against their father. Be a classy mother. I remember the scene from the movie The Vikings where King Ragnar thanks Queen Aslaug Sigurdsdottir for not turning their kids against him after he had an affair with another woman.
    I think Elon should beg her instead. I don't think she'll need to though. I think the best he can hope for is a complicated relationship. He once described his own father as evil and seems to have flipflopped a lot.

    Errol Musk says Tesla billionaire is a bad dad: 'If Elon hears this, he's going to shoot me'
    Well you did teach him to be a bad dad. Also this might be projection a bit - you're the one that shoots people lol.

    I've never seen a feminist bring up the fact that there's never been a disney or animated story about the princess saving the prince. Odd how they screech at gender roles unless it benefits them.
    I'm not a feminist but yeah there has been like Mulan (not a princess but Disney calls all it's animated characters princesses for some reason,) although it would be cool if it was a bigger part/there were more. I came up with a story like that in my head though and started making a YouTube thing based on some of my ideas from a couple of different stories with this fairy boy (later adult) using a video game but the first part took so long to make for what it was, and I wasn't satisfied with the end result, that I didn't make a second part. It wasn't popular anyway along with most of my older content.

    I guess they just prefer stories about a playboy being punished by several women and an inventor with a time machine (I'm trying to be a bit vague here,) and other horror/creepy stuff haha that's more incidental though I think because those games were more popular with my audience and also because people like weird stuff.

    I mean that makes sense actually cause a recent best selling book of all time (not #1 but on the list,) was like that too lol. I mean it wasn't just revenge for being a fuckboy but....

    If you look outside the West there's more animated rolereversal stuff though.

    My favourite thing about Mulan though is the concept of like "it's dangerous for women to be in the army so if you're caught we're going to kill you." Of course that's because they care about gender roles more than women's safety. Always remember that.

    Also I'm fundamentally against the concept of armies but I liked it as a kid.
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    Yet another depressing thread of young people who find modern politics a compelling reason to not have kids

    I remember deciding with my husband that it was time to get pregnant, and feeling so incredibly hopeful and excited about the future. It really made us feel future oriented, not only for the next 5 years, or twenty, but for potential grandchildren and great grandchildren.

    Now I see these threads with people feeling frightened, cut off, abandoned by the current political choices and it makes me sad.

    I want to be around more babies. What's preventing us from choosing policies that help people to feel safe and secure?
    You realize [BEEP] couples are now afraid what the govenment will terminate their parental rights for example?
    I'm entirely aware and trying to make it more generally obvious to all that being LGBTQ+ supportive should be important to pronatalists.
    Sexual minorities are a minority so they don't really care. It would be nice if they didn't demonise and legislate against LGBT+ people but they wont stop and realistically it has minimal impact on their fertility agenda to do that.

    Most are conservative too so they are often against samesex parents, trans parents, gender nonconformity, ivf, surrogacy, abortion and various future reproductive technologies that don't quite exist yet but will in coming decades like ivg (and I think artificial wombs are further off but they will be against that too.)

    This general conservatism to anything atypical and technological (when combined with sexuality or reproduction at least,) obviously has far reaching impacts but the LGBT aspect isn't going to make a huge dent in anything except in the sense that younger women are becoming more progressive and refusing to date guys who signal outgroup beliefs (like being anti LGBT.) Hard to say how much of an impact that will really have too.

    There are also a lot of pronatalists who are basically IQ/intelligence elitists (the ones I keep posting about,) and in the long run don't really want people who are less intelligent to exist as far as I can tell. They're not very empathetic either and sometimes like the idea of there being no support for people who are not economically productive- not just young people but the elderly. If they don't have family to support them they think the only thing that should be funded for them is euthanasia. They're fixated on worth being aligned with economic productivity.

    I suppose you could say they are the true 'pronatalist ideology' - all 20 of them (they are in fairly powerful positions though. But just to put into perspective their numbers vs influence they have.)

    They want more bisexual men (samesex attracted really,) to have kids with women and I hear them talking about it.

    I doubt this comes up in the above video but I believe part of this for some is an intelligence thing. Like when Milo (famous ex-gay contrarian not part of the above couple,) argued gay men should go back in the closet because of the historical influence of gay men (which he appears to be trying to do now.) He's such a narcissist lol.

    I said this before though - the available research is pretty weak (and nothing to do with gay men anyway honestly. I bet he's pissed that he's obviously not a 'polysexual' Roman emperor like his online handle Nero.)

    Sporus*(died 69 AD) was a young slave boy whom the Roman emperor*Nero*had*castrated*and married as his empress during his tour of Greece in 66-67 AD, allegedly in order for him to play the role of his wife,*Poppaea Sabina, who had died the previous year.[1][2][3][4]
    Milo seems more like the guy who gets castrated and forced to larp as a dead wife but whatever. Historically speaking I'm a witch who would have been burnt alive so we all have to cope lol.

    Intelligence is associated with being non-
    binary and with unusual sexuality: Rare
    sexual orientation, gender non-conformism
    and intelligence in a large dating sample
    Some studies have indicated that there may be intelligence differences between different sexual
    orientations or gender identifications. We investigated whether intelligence was predicted by sexual
    orientation and gender identity in a large sample of dating site users from OKCupid (N = ~36,866). In
    our regression model, we found that homosexuals were slightly below heterosexuals in intelligence, β
    = -0.07 (corrected -0.09), while bisexuals were slightly higher, β = 0.17 (cor. 0.22), and people with
    less common orientations were much higher, β = 0.73 (cor. 0.93). There was no interaction between
    orientation and gender. Furthermore, women obtained lower scores than men, β = -0.14 (cor. -0.18, -
    2.67 IQ), and individuals who adopted non-binary gender identity had about average intelligence, β =
    0.03 (cor. 0.03). It was found that non-binary gender identity predicts substantially higher
    intelligence when analysed alone, but this was mediated by its statistical association with rare sexual
    orientations. Results were discussed in the light of a development of Kanazawa?s Savanna-IQ
    Interaction hypothesis and the Cultural Mediation hypothesis
    I don't even know why the title mentions non-binary people because the abstract says it's mediated by 'rare (non homosexual or heterosexual) sexual orientations' still. Its just non-binary people are more likely to have one, I guess.

    Bear in mind Edward Dutton was involved in this particular paper which is sus. There are others suggesting opposite sex (natal sex) trans people have higher IQ. I think it's just the weirder you are, the weirder you are. Pretty sure many have lower than average IQ too. If you did enough studies I'm sure you'd find that in different samples. Would explain why I've failed at life honestly lol.

    Lol you can tell he's not pleased about this:

    The race differences in intelligence found in this dataset are smaller than those seen in representative
    samples (see Lynn, 2006). This is probably due to the use of self-selected samples.
    After adjustment
    for imperfect reliability, the gaps were still somewhat smaller than representative samples, e.g. the
    Black-White gap was 0.66 d versus about 1.00 d (IQ 15) typically found (Roth et al., 2001, Frisby &
    Beaujean, 2015, Fuerst et al 2021, Lasker et al., 2019, Kirkegaard et al., 2019).
    First, we relied on self-reports of gender and sexual orientation. These are both to some extent
    fallible as indicators of actual behaviour, e.g. some men who report being heterosexual have sex with
    other men (e.g. for pay), some men who report being women do so in order to enter female prisons
    and rape women (e.g. Howes, 15th January 1922). Future research would benefit from employing
    objective assessments of sexual orientation, such as by measuring levels of arousal in response to
    specific sexual stimuli.
    Second, our intelligence measure was crude with a reliability of only 0.62. This presents relatively few
    problems for our results because it is easy to adjust for imperfect reliability of the outcome variable in
    a regression model. Still, given the sampling of items, and people?s ability to skip items if they
    suspected they got them wrong, the measure is still suboptimal. Accordingly, it would be useful to re-
    conduct this study with a instrument that has higher reliability. Third, our dataset was large, but
    mostly limited to Western, English speaking populations. Because it was sampled from a dating site,
    it is also somewhat limited in age towards the younger side, and of course, is necessarily limited to
    people who spent their time on a dating site. There is however no particular reason to think these
    selection factors impacted our results much, aside from the smaller than usual race/ethnic gaps
    Nevertheless, any future study would benefit from employing a more clearly representative
    Frankly it gets creepy if they 'support' you. This couple also dislikes trans people. They always do because its the most difficult group to encourage to reproduce because medically transitioning damages fertility on top of dysphoria with reproductive role eg: I don't want to be pregnant or do PIV really. Even though I havent medically transitioned. Technically this applies also to non-conforming homosexuals but I suppose that couple would consider them 'true trans' if people like that transistion anyway because of their specific belief system. And not a 'social contagion.'

    You are delaying or preventing yourself from having a baby due to politics? And I thought climate change was the strangest reason. Now it?s a toss up.
    Personally, I had three pregnancies and now I'm menopausal. I'm exceedingly proud of raising my kids (now teenagers) to feel very comfortable herding toddlers and to see that as joyful.

    So it pains me to see the youth feeling that they cannot afford it, children won't be supported in schools, trying to cut CHIP and Medicaid coverage for children's health, etc.

    I do see climate change as a real issue. I've scubad and snorkeled over the past three decades and it's just not the same. The reefs are suffering.

    We bought the America is Beautiful pass this past summer and drove 5k miles to take the kids through more than a dozen of the national parks this past summer, now their funding is frozen and if this administration pulls another maneuver like Bear Ears - my future grandkids may not get to see the beautiful protected land that we did.
    Here in the UK we really can't afford it - and this is belittled by the 'just move countries bro' crowd (how hard it is to do especially at the bottom of the economic ladder and if you dont want to live in a hyper conservative bigoted country that's cheap.) Well the UK is now part of the US's green card lottery program over the past two years for the first time ever but the political situation there is fucked like in the UK + no healthcare safety net - bad country to be poor in. Poor public transportation in most areas and cheaper areas probably are much less ideal in that respect too - but there are cheaper areas. The UK and most of Western Europe is insanely expensive by comparison, (I do think democrat areas have a better culture for trans and non-binary people than the UK though but this relies on federal law being uninvolved so the next decade will be illuminating in that regard. Unfortunately such states are once again the expensive ones but perhaps they have cheaper areas I dunno.) Absolutely miserable weather in the UK is actually a serious issue I believe. For mental health.

    Because I still want to have kids eventually and I want a reason to.

    But everytime I see someone talk about how it's feminism's fault we have less kids (even on this subreddit) I remember why I've made the decision to not do so.

    For as long as women's rights are being eroded I'm holding off. It's one thing to have a son, but I couldn't risk a daughter.
    Having too many men causes issues. China has this imbalance now due to sex selective abortion favouring men.

    Good thing you weren?t born pre-1900 or in Afghanistan. Read a history book if you think women have it so bad. You never had rights before now. Glad you were born when you were and where you were so you can make that choice.
    I personally think things were [BEEP] for most people throughout history who weren't rich and powerful but if I adopted the lens he's going with why the [BEEP] would I be grateful about the bear minimum when (he implies,) men didn't deal with that.

    But as I said I don't subscribe to that ideological lens.

    Yes I am very grateful that I wasnt born in 1900s and Afghanistan.

    But you know, just because people have it worse doesn't mean things aren't bad.

    Who gives a [BEEP] if you're poor and starving! At least you weren't born a slave!

    Be grateful I'm making you get married at 18 instead of making you get married at 12!

    Be grateful I'm giving you a choice of three men to marry instead of none!

    Just because people have it worse doesn't mean what we have isn't bad
    Lol yeah that's what he sounds like.
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference

    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence

    A tired mind become a shape-shifter
    Everybody need a mood lifter
    Everybody need reverse polarity

    Everybody got mixed feelings
    About the function and the form
    Everybody got to deviate
    From the norm

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Anxiety Space is not a replacement for a fully qualified doctor.