Hello, I found this website by searching for cures for my current anxiety condition. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
Hello, I found this website by searching for cures for my current anxiety condition. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
Welcome, broken!
Welcome to Anxiety Space, Broken.
"Hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?"
Yo, welcome to the forums!
Welcome, Paul![]()
Glad to have you with us, Broken!![]()
Hi this is my first time here too, I know a few if not yet all of the users on this forum from our previous forum, I was invited here by Ventura (that was your user name Kay lol) I was like what's her user name again. Anyways yeah I'm happy to have a fresh start in a nice safe environment and I hope you will find this environment safe too, I feel comfortable with the familiar faces. I see we have Winter Tale here, Wine Kitty, Cam. Ventura so good to know I'm home in good company.
Friends Together Together Forever
Welcome to the forum!!
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
Thank you all for your kind welcome. It means a lot to me that there is a lot of nice people here on AS.