So, for the past 8 years, I've had the hardest time concentrating. I've never really brought it up to my doctor or therapist because i thought that, maybe, some people just have these kind of issues and they are probably from losing braincells or something. It's not just the focus part. It's trying to get out what I'm thinking too. Even now I've been typing this and it's taken me almost 20 minutes. It makes it hard to have a conversation with my family and friends. It also makes me feel even more inadequate talking to my son's teachers. I'm pretty sure they both think I don't understand. Which is probably true because I've already started spacing out on the one word that I didn't understand. And in doing so, I have already missed 3 or 4 sentences of whatever they were talking about as well as whatever they were saying prior. Even when I'm by myself and I'm trying to think through a problem I'm having, my thoughts are so jumbled that it makes it mostly impossible. So with that said, If there is anyone that also has this going on with them, or has in the past, could you give me a couple pointers and share ways to make it better? i would really love to return to my clear mindedness.