What are some things you don't like, but everyone else does?
For me, it's definitely Nutella. [BEEP] is super overrated imo. I like peanut butter better as a spread.
Sorry if this thread has been done already lol.
What are some things you don't like, but everyone else does?
For me, it's definitely Nutella. [BEEP] is super overrated imo. I like peanut butter better as a spread.
Sorry if this thread has been done already lol.
I'm in love with the world through the eyes of a girl who's still around the morning after...
What is TMZ
I don't like peanut butter
I don't like tomatoes
I don't like cheese
-Definitely FB.
-Vanilla flavored anything, the only exception being ice cream, but it has to have a topping.
-Tea. Hot, cold... it's not for me!
Seafood. A lot of people seem to love it..I can't stand it
"I am the Wanderer
I've seen many a shore
But the road I long the most to go
Is closed for evermore"
newspapers, media in general
people in general
competitive televised sport
stalking/invading people's privacy
red meat
public radio
low bitrate mp3s
Amen on those last two. My friend made some spiny knettles (or something lol) tea for me the other day... It tasted like heated urine. I'm good on tea haha.
Amen to this, too. Probably the only thing I eat is tuna fish and that doesn't even count.
This is an interesting list. I had to laugh at "low bitrate mp3s." I agree with the bolded, and completely agree with the bold/underlined.
Nice quote! I agree with this too (even though I am guilty of falling into the celebrity gossip thing). I really don't get when people go so hard defending/arguing for a celebrity like they're being paid for it or something.
I'm in love with the world through the eyes of a girl who's still around the morning after...
cell phones
rap/hip hop
The Big Bang Theory
stupid sci fi action movies
Pepsi products
Grumpy cat memes
Flavoured yogurt
Batman and Spiderman
Lana Del Rey
I don't like Nutella, either. The main ones for me:
Celebrity gossip
Babies / children
Soft drinks
Cats, sorry they are no cute, they are evil...