I'm posting here finally. I absolutely hate introducing myself at least I don't have to wear a weird name bag. I used to skip first days of school just to avoid the "tell us all about yourself." Anyway I'm really shy and really don't remember not being that way.
Lately I've had more anxiety than usual. I usually handle it better. I had a cancer scare last year and surgery last spring and since then I've felt like I've regressed to maybe more like my teenager years. It could be all hormonal as I'm in my forties.
About 8 years ago, my middle daughter was discovered to have anterior mylomenigeocele, tethered cord and anal stenosis and a malformed sacrum. Basically it's an extremely rare form of spina bifida. She needed 6 surgeries within two years. I kind of held it all together until all that was over and she was as good as she was going to be and went into a major depression.
The counselor I saw he said I had post traumatic stress which caused me to be very paranoid about things and on edge. He was really mad when at went off the antidepressant he prescribed and I stopped seeing him.
My daughter had no external signs of SB in form of a mark on her back. It was missed until 18 months when she got very sick and almost died. I felt so guilty because I knew that something was wrong and I tried many times to get the doctor to listen, but felt I wasn't aggressive enough.
She is ok now. By ok she has bowel and bladder problems. She is on a bowel maintenance program of taking a laxative to have a b.m. daily. She has low sensation on when to void her bladder and just has to void on a schedule. She is almost 11 now. She goes to a SB clinic once a year to make sure her spinal cord isn't re-tethered.
I'm married with 3 kids, one dog, one cat and four blunt nosed minnows. I'm extremely shy, sometimes I have had it under better control. I tend to be a loner and sometimes prefer it that way, not always because I would like friends which I think is hard when you are a Mom, you wind up attempting to be friendly with the Mom's of your children's friends and some of them can be people you have nothing in common with other than a child of the same age and then I wind up thinking they all hate me.
A few of my one daughter's friend's parents I actually like, but sometimes get intimidated by, because they are way wealthier, one is a superintendent of a local school district!! The other is a retired state trooper with a gigantic house at the lake.
I lied in a post because I mainly just wanted the advice and I was worried??? I work in retail no longer a factory.