19 Things You Never Really Thought About Before
Pictures that will make you say “Huh… this is kinda cool… I guess?” posted on March 4, 2013 at 3:41pm EST
Tanner Ringerud BuzzFeed Staff
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1. The globe icon on Facebook is turned to the other side of the planet in Hong Kong:
Via: reddit.com
2. The flag of Guam is what it looks like to be born in Guam:
Source: en.wikipedia.org / via: theimgproject.com
3. Tic Tac containers have a built-in Tic Tac dispenser:
Via: thisisnthappiness.com
4. Traffic lights are bigger than they look:
Via: kulfoto.com
5. Fingers that can't bend don't have creases:
Source: reddit.com
6. Apple products are just Braun products from the '50s:
Via: cultofmac.com
Via: cultofmac.com
Via: cultofmac.com
Via: cultofmac.com
7. Chipped paint in NYC subway station gives a history of what that station once looked like:
Via: imgur.com
Via: images.nonexiste.net
8. These are the same font:
19 Things You Never Really Thought About Before
Pictures that will make you say “Huh… this is kinda cool… I guess?” posted on March 4, 2013 at 3:41pm EST
Tanner Ringerud BuzzFeed Staff
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1. The globe icon on Facebook is turned to the other side of the planet in Hong Kong:
Via: reddit.com
2. The flag of Guam is what it looks like to be born in Guam:
Source: en.wikipedia.org / via: theimgproject.com
3. Tic Tac containers have a built-in Tic Tac dispenser:
Via: thisisnthappiness.com
4. Traffic lights are bigger than they look:
Via: kulfoto.com
5. Fingers that can't bend don't have creases:
Source: reddit.com
6. Apple products are just Braun products from the '50s:
Via: cultofmac.com
Via: cultofmac.com
Via: cultofmac.com
Via: cultofmac.com
7. Chipped paint in NYC subway station gives a history of what that station once looked like:
Via: imgur.com
Via: images.nonexiste.net
8. These are the same font:
Via: blog.quickmeme.com
9. Take-out containers unfold into plates: