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    Rape in modern society

    Just this week, I've seen two stories in the about a group of men who gangraped a girl in India, and another about the Stubenville rapists (those two teens that raped that drunk underaged girl.) So, what is your opinion on these crimes? Do you feel that the Stubenville rapists got off lightly, or too harshly?

  2. #2
    Chopin12's Avatar
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    its a real problem, especially in this day and age. nowadays you can even get raped with a penis. it wasnt like that when i was growing up.
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  3. #3
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    I haven't read extensively about the rape in Steuebenville but it's always more complicated when it comes to teenage offenders. I think their punishment was relatively light but it can still be extended if they haven't shown improvement in their behaviour and haven't been rehabilitated adequately. Of course this brings up other issues within the criminal justice system of whether rehabilitation is emphasised enough. I'm not exactly sure why their names were released (aren't they still juveniles?) but their football careers have been effectively destroyed so that's something. I'm concerned that her peers didn't bother taking it seriously and just circulated photos and everything.

    I am guessing (I haven't looked the stats up) that the rates of rape are relatively stable and have been throughout the years, but now it is getting more publicity. After the gang rape in Delhi a while back (not the most recent one) it seems as though the reports of rape have increased substantially. I think that's more of a good thing than a bad thing. It might make more female AND male victims more comfortable in speaking out and getting help. Hopefully it will decrease victim blaming and shaming and educate wider audiences on the ignorance of statements such as "s/he was asking for it".

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    What bothers me (and I agree with you, Coffee) is that CNN, MSNBC, and Fox were all sympathetic towards the rapists. Like they actually didn't commit a crime.

    I'm sorry, but if you force yourself on someone who is passed out, and can't give consent, you are a rapist. If you argue that you aren't, you are a sexist pig.

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    Quote WintersTale View Post
    What bothers me (and I agree with you, Coffee) is that CNN, MSNBC, and Fox were all sympathetic towards the rapists. Like they actually didn't commit a crime.

    I'm sorry, but if you force yourself on someone who is passed out, and can't give consent, you are a rapist. If you argue that you aren't, you are a sexist pig.
    I just edited my post a little bit to add in the coverage of rapes on the news. I think this one (the Steubenville one) is seen as 'different' because it was digital penetration instead of penile-vaginal penetration (I think? but something I read said there was actual penetration too - I'm not sure), but rape is rape. Forced digital penetration is still rape. It should be taken more seriously.

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    What is digital penetration?

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    Quote WintersTale View Post
    What is digital penetration?
    basically vaginal fingering

    I dont know if that was the full extent of the crime though because a news source I read said something about penile-vaginal penetration too. Either way it's horrible and still serious.

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    One news source I read said that one rapist tried to force his penis into her mouth, but it kept on slipping out.

    It's just sick what they did, and I don't understand it. As a man, I don't understand it.

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    Quote Coffee View Post
    basically vaginal fingering

    I dont know if that was the full extent of the crime though because a news source I read said something about penile-vaginal penetration too. Either way it's horrible and still serious.
    If you watch the video that anonymous leaked of them talking and laughing about it later they clearly said something about sticking a stick in her rear as well. That and apparently they showed a picture with semen on her stomach in court. Either way they covered it up at the start and then let them off with a slap on the wrist when they even recorded them selves talking and laughing about it afterwards so why should anyone believe anything they have to say.

    Rape should be a death sentence along with murder at the very least chop their cock and balls off so that every one knows their a rapist.

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    Rape should be a death sentence along with murder at the very least chop their cock and balls off so that every one knows their a rapist.
    I agree with this.

  11. #11
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    I seen both of these crimes on the news, and I am disappointed that those reporters showed sympathy towards the offenders. I think the Studenville rapists' punishments weren't harsh enough.

    Quote Monotony View Post
    Rape should be a death sentence along with murder at the very least chop their cock and balls off so that every one knows their a rapist.
    I know rape is horrible, physically and psychologically, but that's probably going too far. Here in USA, I believe that is unconstitutional, anyway.
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    Quote Monotony View Post
    Rape should be a death sentence along with murder at the very least chop their cock and balls off so that every one knows their a rapist.
    I think they were planning on doing something like that in India at one point after the girl was raped on the bus over there.

  13. #13
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    Well this topic came up on a similar forum ::cough::. There were a bunch of complete imbeciles saying "just shoot em", thinking of ways to torture them, suggesting life in prison etc. I was called a sociopath, and told i lacked empathy for not jumping on this bandwagon. Quite frankly, if one agrees any of those are appropriate punishments, you're a psychopath. Then again there's a possibility you're just extremely naive.

    Teenagers/adolescents are fully aware of their actions, sure. But they are still at an impressionable age and i believe they can be rehabilitated. I also believe the sentence they received was light, but execution, mutilation, and life in prison? Get real ya know. Lock em up for about 5 years in an institution with some good programs they can use to learn about human emotion and consequences, get an education etc. Have some other rape victims come in a tell their stories about how the event has effected their lives and whatnot. Might sound like corny method to you guys but like i said, they're still at an impressionable age.

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    Quote GoatHorned View Post
    Well this topic came up on a similar forum ::cough::. There were a bunch of complete imbeciles saying "just shoot em", thinking of ways to torture them, suggesting life in prison etc. I was called a sociopath, and told i lacked empathy for not jumping on this bandwagon. Quite frankly, if one agrees any of those are appropriate punishments, you're a psychopath. Then again there's a possibility you're just extremely stupid and naive.

    Teenagers/adolescents are fully aware of their actions, sure. But they are still at an impressionable age and i believe they can be rehabilitated. I also believe the sentence they received was light, but execution, mutilation, and life in prison? Get real ya know. Lock em up for about 5 years in an institution with some good programs they can use to learn about human emotion and consequences, get an education etc. Have some other rape victims come in a tell their stories about how the event has effected their lives and whatnot. Might sound like corny method to you guys but like i said, they're still at an impressionable age.
    I agree here. They're still young and can probably be rehabilitated.

    Quote Monotony View Post
    If you watch the video that anonymous leaked of them talking and laughing about it later they clearly said something about sticking a stick in her rear as well. That and apparently they showed a picture with semen on her stomach in court. Either way they covered it up at the start and then let them off with a slap on the wrist when they even recorded them selves talking and laughing about it afterwards so why should anyone believe anything they have to say.

    Rape should be a death sentence along with murder at the very least chop their cock and balls off so that every one knows their a rapist.
    That's horrible. In this case, their sentences should be increased. Not death though. Or chopping off their dick. But longer jail time.

  15. #15
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    Quote Coffee View Post
    I agree here. They're still young and can probably be rehabilitated.

    That's horrible. In this case, their sentences should be increased. Not death though. Or chopping off their dick. But longer jail time.
    I'm still for cutting off their Dick they aren't worthy enough to own a Penis.

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