I don't know if the people who were reading one of my threads on SAS are stupid or trolling, but I emphasized so many times on that site that I didn't care about not being able to do this or that, but it's my moms unnecessary attitudes I get all the time.
I sent my mom an email going to Niagara falls as a bike trip, and mentioning how I found it to be a much cheaper alternative than australia(not going there obviously I can't afford it, I wasn't going anyways, its just something I always wanted to do and it's something I would like to save up for one day), and how my mom ends up replying "if you can afford a trip to australia you would be able to afford a car, lets get our priorities straight" and she's talking about the past, before I got in an accident...not present. but i found it unnecessary. Again it's not about the car, the trip to Niagara Falls or Australia(I didn't plan to go I can't afford), but it's just when she gives me an attitude for no reason.
And then people keep on turning it around saying stuff like talk about first world problems and how I shouldn't be complaining because there are kids with much worse. when I'm older I can go on a trip to australia.
I emphasized so many times it's not about the trip, it wasn't even about the trip in the first place, it wasn't about a trip to australia (because I wasnt asking her if I can go there) it wasnt about the bike trip to Niagara falls, and it's not about the car. I mean, it's somewhat about the car to be honest. I got mad because she gives me an attitude all the time when ever I try to talk about a 2nd car and then she says some like before like if i had the money, we would get a car anyways. Yet when I am willing to take out a loan or something, she gets all mad.
I just hate it when she gives me an attitude, that's what it's mainly about, her attitudes and I wish I could talk to her about some things without getting one back.
This may not be a very good example of her attitude, I have a better one.
I would love to learn how to fly. before I got in an accident, my mom told me I should go to her college and try taking flying lessons at the college she goes too because it's offered there. a few months later I ask her how much does it cost to get flying lessons there, she says "I don't know, but seeing how you drive, I don't think you should be taking flying lessons."
Like that's what I am talking about, her attitudes, like that last comment wasn't necessary. The response before wasn't necessary either, I was simply stating it to be a cheaper alternative, and she says that. I know why she did it.
And yeah I know my mom isn't that bad, but her attitudes really get to me.
Yet people on SAS start turning things around like I'm complaining that I can't go to Australia when I didn't even mention about going there in the first place, besides when I said it is a cheaper alternative when I wanted to go in the past. That's the only time it was ever brought up.
I made a draft on SAS asking if they think I should send it.
but i guess MAYBE, if I were to give any of them the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was confusing and hard to understand.
and they didn't get why i was mad.
I cant see why because i was indirectly fighting her back. i complained about the car, yes, which is why I don't think it's a good example, because I think that is more understandable. But i still find her attitudes unnecessary.
Maybe all I should really say is
"I just want to let you know I am getting sick of your attitudes. Maybe this time it was understandable, but many times in the past, it wasn't, and it really isn't necessary. You know when you said you didn't think I should get a pilots license judging by the way I drive, yeah well I didn't find that funny at all. It actually really hurt my feelings and pissed me off most of the day."